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Monday, February 26, 2007
OU$D BOND Watch 2008
a Special News Analysis series by Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Can a Laguna Beach liberal blogger who boycotts Wal-mart and endorses sites like “Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O’Reilly” be a successful community smoozer for OUSD in the conservative
Greater Orange
Who is OUSD’s new Director of Community Development?
A central part of Orange Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley’s Three Year Strategic Plan for OUSD, was the hiring of a Director Community Development. The new administrative position was created as a classified staff management position. In January, Blake Chism left his position as a Migrant Education Reading Volunteer Program Assistant with the San Diego County Office of Education to become OUSD’s first Director of Community Development. The assignment is basically to be a very public face of OUSD in the business and philanthropy community.
A close look at Chism’s very vocal public record reveals a person with strong liberal convictions. Those convictions lead to the question is Chism the right person for the job of smoozing the major conservative players in the Greater Orange Communities business and community foundations? Chism strong convictions led him to share publicly that he boycotts Wal-Mart (a donor to OUSD schools and part of the Greater Orange business community) and also buys music he doesn’t like to protest the boycott against the Dixie Chicks.
Politics and convictions aside, the stated goal of the OUSD Director of Community Development is to work with community foundations to further the district’s goals of increasing community partnerships. The new position falls under the Partnership section of OUSD’s new Three Year Strategic Plan. The Partnerships section has four subgroups devoted to the “educating” and public relations campaign “Ready to Sell”: Public Relations Campaign; Revamp the District’s use of Foundations; Director of Community Development; and Stakeholder Committee. Another of the four sections outlined in the OUSD Three Year Strategic Plan is geared toward passing a 2008 OUSD Bond is called Facilities. Two of the five Facilities subgroups are geared toward passing a 2008 OUSD Bond: Promote passing a facilities bond; and Promote Community Partnerships to adopt schools. Chrism’s new position falls under both sections.
Blake Chism: Blogger and Community Commentator
The first part of OU$D BOND Watch 2008 that reported on the Three Year Strategic Plan was apparently the subject of a tit-for-tat at the February 8th Orange Unified between Trustees Steve Rocco and Melissa Smith. Rocco criticizing the Board majority for pursuing a new third OUSD Bond which he said he read on the “blogs”. OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith then criticized the “blogs” for reporting that the OUSD Board had approved another bond effort, which she stated was in fact not true. The “blog bond” issue appears to stem the OU$D BOND Watch 2008 series. The series January 5th debut appeared on the OCS news blog, the Greater Orange News Service. The story states that the OUSD Board approved the OUSD Administration’s three-year strategic plan that includes a blueprint for a Bond Campaign. Blogs can be so annoying for elected officials.
The new media of citizen journalism can sometimes be challenging for officials and organizations that want to manage the news. Perhaps hiring someone with blogger experience may be helpful. Web based journalism can also sometimes be revealing about people who establish personal blogs-like the new Director of Community Development Blake Chism has done.
Before being hired at OUSD, Blake Chism worked for the San Diego County Department of Education in San Marcos (Northern San Diego County) at the regional Migrant Education Program. He was a Reading Volunteer Program Assistant (CLICK ON
The Migrant Education website states the goal of the program:
The mission of Migrant Education Region IX is to work collaboratively with school districts to meet the needs of migrant children through quality services, effective and efficient use of resources and innovative leadership. (
For more information CLICK ON
From San Marcos, Chism wrote Letters to the Editor on various topics to the San Diego Union Tribune and the North County Times. Some were published, others not. Chism did post them on his blog called: Blake Chism: My Thoughts, Observations, and Meanderings. As of the publishing of this article, the blog is still available on line with the last post dated is June 9, 2006. Chism wrote in two letters (2/20/06 and 3/9/06) to the Tribune about the 50th Congressional special election necessitated by the resignation of Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham after corruption charges. In his Letter to the Editor published 3/9/06, Blake Chism calls for community support of Democrat Francine Busby (for more information on Democrat Francine Busby CLICK ON: ).
Busby lost the election to Republican Brian Bilbray.
In a 6/15/05 Letter to the Editor published in the North County Times, Chism writes:
“I have always been one to support boycotts when I felt that they were in line with my values and beliefs. I haven’t shopped at Wal-Mart in quite some time, and recently bought a car which I run on biodiesel…”
Chism goes on to write that while growing up in Alabama for most of his life, he can’t stomach new country music, but he does plan on buying the Dixie Chicks album as a statement against the Dixie Chicks boycott (the boycott was a resulted of the Dixie Chicks’ negative remarks about President Bush and the Iraqi War). Chism wrote about the Dixie Chicks boycotters:
Why would they not support freedom of speech, even if they did not support the message? I don’t know, but I encourage their boycott. I support their right to speak out against the Chicks because I want the same right to boycott Exxon-Mobil. As for me, I’ll be buying my first-ever country album today”.
Chasm’s support of free speech will most likely be welcomed at the OUSD District Office where the Rocco Censure has become a battle of free speech on both sides.
Chism Blog: “My Thoughts, Observations, and Meanderings”
Chasm’s blog, Blake Chism: My Thoughts, Observations, and Meanderings do much to reveal Chasm’s political, ethical and personal leanings and beliefs. Chism lists his blog email as his work email at the Migrant Education office.
In one portion Chism lists his favorite books as:
The Bible and any book that has been burned and/or banned.
In his blog, Chism links to eight websites that include:
• Media Matters Web site description:
Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c) (3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.
Launched in May 2004, Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation — news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda — every day, in real time.
• SALON.COM Wikipedia description of (often just Salon) is the flagship web site of Salon Media Group, Inc., an Internet-based media company established in 1995 by editor-in-chief David Talbot and some colleagues from the San Francisco Examiner….
Salon's magazine covers a variety of topics. American politics is a major focus. It has reviews and articles about music, books, and films. It also has articles about "modern life", including relationships and sex. It covers technology, with a particular focus on the free software/open source movement.
Salon covers all of these issues from a liberal political viewpoint, although the site has also featured regular columns from such conservatives as David Horowitz and Andrew Sullivan.
• Talking Points Memo Wikipedia description:
Talking Points Memo (or TPM) is the name of a popular center-left political blog created and run by Josh Marshall. It debuted on November 12, 2000. It covers a wide range of topics including U.S. foreign policy, domestic politics (especially at the federal level) and domestic policy.
• Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O’Reilly
Web site description:
Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly, International is an organization dedicated to the dissemination of information that exposes Bill O'Reilly for what he is: an ego-driven, biased individual who spreads fear, hate and misunderstanding. While he sees himself as a culture warrior, his views are firmly anchored to the political right. He works tirelessly to enrage Americans and pit them against anything he considers "liberal" or, worse yet, "secular". Mr. O'Reilly uses highly manipulative forms of presentation, phrasing and, yes, "spin". Also, he's completely nuts.
• The Ed Schultz Show
Wikipedia description of the Ed Schultz Show:
The Ed Schultz Show, hosted by Ed Schultz, is broadcast from Fargo, North Dakota on a network of over 100 stations (as of October 2005), including seven of the 10 largest radio markets. He is also on XM and Sirius satellite radio; his show is often carried as part of a lineup that includes one or more Air America Radio shows.
To view Blake Chism’s blog CLICK ON:
About Me
• Media Matters
• Salon
• The BBC
• Talking Points Memo
• Sweet Jesus I hate Bill O'Reilly, Intl. - An Organization of Hope
• Willie Nelson - Biodiesel
• Biodiesel
• The Ed Schultz Show
OU$D BOND Watch 2008
is produced by Orange Net News /O/N/N/
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
a Special News Analysis series by Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Can a Laguna Beach liberal blogger who boycotts Wal-mart and endorses sites like “Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O’Reilly” be a successful community smoozer for OUSD in the conservative
Greater Orange
Who is OUSD’s new Director of Community Development?
A central part of Orange Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley’s Three Year Strategic Plan for OUSD, was the hiring of a Director Community Development. The new administrative position was created as a classified staff management position. In January, Blake Chism left his position as a Migrant Education Reading Volunteer Program Assistant with the San Diego County Office of Education to become OUSD’s first Director of Community Development. The assignment is basically to be a very public face of OUSD in the business and philanthropy community.
A close look at Chism’s very vocal public record reveals a person with strong liberal convictions. Those convictions lead to the question is Chism the right person for the job of smoozing the major conservative players in the Greater Orange Communities business and community foundations? Chism strong convictions led him to share publicly that he boycotts Wal-Mart (a donor to OUSD schools and part of the Greater Orange business community) and also buys music he doesn’t like to protest the boycott against the Dixie Chicks.
Politics and convictions aside, the stated goal of the OUSD Director of Community Development is to work with community foundations to further the district’s goals of increasing community partnerships. The new position falls under the Partnership section of OUSD’s new Three Year Strategic Plan. The Partnerships section has four subgroups devoted to the “educating” and public relations campaign “Ready to Sell”: Public Relations Campaign; Revamp the District’s use of Foundations; Director of Community Development; and Stakeholder Committee. Another of the four sections outlined in the OUSD Three Year Strategic Plan is geared toward passing a 2008 OUSD Bond is called Facilities. Two of the five Facilities subgroups are geared toward passing a 2008 OUSD Bond: Promote passing a facilities bond; and Promote Community Partnerships to adopt schools. Chrism’s new position falls under both sections.
Blake Chism: Blogger and Community Commentator
The first part of OU$D BOND Watch 2008 that reported on the Three Year Strategic Plan was apparently the subject of a tit-for-tat at the February 8th Orange Unified between Trustees Steve Rocco and Melissa Smith. Rocco criticizing the Board majority for pursuing a new third OUSD Bond which he said he read on the “blogs”. OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith then criticized the “blogs” for reporting that the OUSD Board had approved another bond effort, which she stated was in fact not true. The “blog bond” issue appears to stem the OU$D BOND Watch 2008 series. The series January 5th debut appeared on the OCS news blog, the Greater Orange News Service. The story states that the OUSD Board approved the OUSD Administration’s three-year strategic plan that includes a blueprint for a Bond Campaign. Blogs can be so annoying for elected officials.
The new media of citizen journalism can sometimes be challenging for officials and organizations that want to manage the news. Perhaps hiring someone with blogger experience may be helpful. Web based journalism can also sometimes be revealing about people who establish personal blogs-like the new Director of Community Development Blake Chism has done.
Before being hired at OUSD, Blake Chism worked for the San Diego County Department of Education in San Marcos (Northern San Diego County) at the regional Migrant Education Program. He was a Reading Volunteer Program Assistant (CLICK ON
The Migrant Education website states the goal of the program:
The mission of Migrant Education Region IX is to work collaboratively with school districts to meet the needs of migrant children through quality services, effective and efficient use of resources and innovative leadership. (
For more information CLICK ON
From San Marcos, Chism wrote Letters to the Editor on various topics to the San Diego Union Tribune and the North County Times. Some were published, others not. Chism did post them on his blog called: Blake Chism: My Thoughts, Observations, and Meanderings. As of the publishing of this article, the blog is still available on line with the last post dated is June 9, 2006. Chism wrote in two letters (2/20/06 and 3/9/06) to the Tribune about the 50th Congressional special election necessitated by the resignation of Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham after corruption charges. In his Letter to the Editor published 3/9/06, Blake Chism calls for community support of Democrat Francine Busby (for more information on Democrat Francine Busby CLICK ON: ).
Busby lost the election to Republican Brian Bilbray.
In a 6/15/05 Letter to the Editor published in the North County Times, Chism writes:
“I have always been one to support boycotts when I felt that they were in line with my values and beliefs. I haven’t shopped at Wal-Mart in quite some time, and recently bought a car which I run on biodiesel…”
Chism goes on to write that while growing up in Alabama for most of his life, he can’t stomach new country music, but he does plan on buying the Dixie Chicks album as a statement against the Dixie Chicks boycott (the boycott was a resulted of the Dixie Chicks’ negative remarks about President Bush and the Iraqi War). Chism wrote about the Dixie Chicks boycotters:
Why would they not support freedom of speech, even if they did not support the message? I don’t know, but I encourage their boycott. I support their right to speak out against the Chicks because I want the same right to boycott Exxon-Mobil. As for me, I’ll be buying my first-ever country album today”.
Chasm’s support of free speech will most likely be welcomed at the OUSD District Office where the Rocco Censure has become a battle of free speech on both sides.
Chism Blog: “My Thoughts, Observations, and Meanderings”
Chasm’s blog, Blake Chism: My Thoughts, Observations, and Meanderings do much to reveal Chasm’s political, ethical and personal leanings and beliefs. Chism lists his blog email as his work email at the Migrant Education office.
In one portion Chism lists his favorite books as:
The Bible and any book that has been burned and/or banned.
In his blog, Chism links to eight websites that include:
• Media Matters Web site description:
Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c) (3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.
Launched in May 2004, Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation — news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda — every day, in real time.
• SALON.COM Wikipedia description of (often just Salon) is the flagship web site of Salon Media Group, Inc., an Internet-based media company established in 1995 by editor-in-chief David Talbot and some colleagues from the San Francisco Examiner….
Salon's magazine covers a variety of topics. American politics is a major focus. It has reviews and articles about music, books, and films. It also has articles about "modern life", including relationships and sex. It covers technology, with a particular focus on the free software/open source movement.
Salon covers all of these issues from a liberal political viewpoint, although the site has also featured regular columns from such conservatives as David Horowitz and Andrew Sullivan.
• Talking Points Memo Wikipedia description:
Talking Points Memo (or TPM) is the name of a popular center-left political blog created and run by Josh Marshall. It debuted on November 12, 2000. It covers a wide range of topics including U.S. foreign policy, domestic politics (especially at the federal level) and domestic policy.
• Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O’Reilly
Web site description:
Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly, International is an organization dedicated to the dissemination of information that exposes Bill O'Reilly for what he is: an ego-driven, biased individual who spreads fear, hate and misunderstanding. While he sees himself as a culture warrior, his views are firmly anchored to the political right. He works tirelessly to enrage Americans and pit them against anything he considers "liberal" or, worse yet, "secular". Mr. O'Reilly uses highly manipulative forms of presentation, phrasing and, yes, "spin". Also, he's completely nuts.
• The Ed Schultz Show
Wikipedia description of the Ed Schultz Show:
The Ed Schultz Show, hosted by Ed Schultz, is broadcast from Fargo, North Dakota on a network of over 100 stations (as of October 2005), including seven of the 10 largest radio markets. He is also on XM and Sirius satellite radio; his show is often carried as part of a lineup that includes one or more Air America Radio shows.
To view Blake Chism’s blog CLICK ON:
About Me
• Media Matters
• Salon
• The BBC
• Talking Points Memo
• Sweet Jesus I hate Bill O'Reilly, Intl. - An Organization of Hope
• Willie Nelson - Biodiesel
• Biodiesel
• The Ed Schultz Show
OU$D BOND Watch 2008
is produced by Orange Net News /O/N/N/
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
Friday, February 23, 2007
Metro TALK
Friendly Center Expands
2007 Steve Ambriz Legacy Golf Tournament
set for April 23rd
Orange Attorney Represents Brent Bailey
Friendly Center Expands
Orange’s own Friendly Center is a non-profit community resource center that provides emergency services for families in crisis, ongoing support to help community members become self-sustaining, and academic tutoring for children and youth. Originally built on North Cypress Street on land donated by the late J. F. Lewis, the Cornerstone Laying Ceremony was held on April 8, 1924. Since that time the Friendly Center has moved, and expanded programs to include numerous community services that have included: education programs, housing programs, counseling services, senior citizen services; health service; legal services; language services; citizenship classes and much, much more. And now, the Friendly Center is expanding into two centers.
The Friendly Center North will have its grand opening on February 26th, 2007. The new center will be located at 1820 E. Meats, Orange. For more information Contact Cathy Seelig, Executive Director at 714-771-5300 or email her at .
The Friendly Center is funded by individuals, grants, businesses, churches and the Orange County United Way. Friendly Center also depends on fundraising. The Friendly Center’s 9th Annual Charity Golf Tournament will take place at the Alta Vista Country Club in Placentia on Monday, April 30, 2007. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. A no-host cocktail hour begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner, awards presentation and an auction. The entry fee of $175 includes dinner. For those wishing to attend only the evening event, there is a $30 charge for dinner.
Phone: (714) 771-5300
Fax: (714) 771-7627
Information Links (CLICK ON blue links):
Alta Vista Country Club:
Friendly Center:
2007 Steve Ambriz Legacy Golf Tournament
set for April 23rd
Postponed from last year, the Steve Ambriz Golf Tournament has been rescheduled for April 23rd, 2007 at the Alta Vista Country Club in Placentia. The money raised by the golf tournament raised will build the Steve Ambriz Storytime Room in the newly expanded Orange Main Library and History Center, scheduled to open in April 2007.
The Tournament will include numerous ways for people to get involved other than playing golf. The "Library Books for Kids" Helicopter Golf Ball drop will feature numbered purchased golf balls dropped from KIIS-FM's hovering Pepsi Jet Ranger by radio personality Chuck Street. The Golf Ball Drop will take place at approximately 5:00pm the day of the Golf Tournament at the Alta Vista Country Club (see link below). Cash prizes will be awarded for "Hole in One" ($10,000), "Closest to the Pin" ($1,000) and "Furthest from the Pen" ($1,000). Other prizes will be awarded as well. To purchase balls for the ball drop, contact the Orange Public Library Foundation at 714-288-2404. Balls must be purchased prior to the Steve Ambriz Legacy Tournament.
Major tournament sponsors include the R.J. Noble Company, the Orange Library Foundation, Selman Chevrolet, Katella Grill and Angels Baseball Foundation. Selman Chevrolet will donate a car, truck or SUV as a Hole-in-One prize. Katella Grill is donating all the boxed lunches for the golfers, and the Angels Baseball Foundation is providing additional underwriting where it is needed most.
Tournament registration and warm-up begin at 9:00am on April 23rd, 2007 with a shotgun start at 11:00am. The golf package includes green fees, golf cart, range balls, on-course lunch, and chicken and steak BBQ dinner at the Awards Banquet at the end of the day. Golf and dinner packages are $800 per foursome and $200 per individual golfer. The Dinner/Awards Banquet only option is $50 per person.
To register as a golfer, a volunteer, or donate to the event, please contact 714-288-2404 or email To purchase balls for the ball drop, contact the Orange Public Library Foundation at 714-288-2404. The City of Orange Public Library Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization.
Information Links (CLICK ON blue links):
Steve Ambriz Memorial Website:|
Alta Vista Country Club
2007 Steve Ambriz Legacy Golf Tournament Information:
Orange Council Member Jon Dumitru’s Blog Report on 2006 Poker Tournament:
Orange Council Member Jon Dumitru’s Blog Report on Sara Lynn Wards court plea:
Orange Attorney Represents Brent Bailey in Lewd Charge
Orange Attorney Andrew Lloyd is representing former El Modena H.S.Principal Brent Bailey in the alleged lewd conduct charge against him. Lloyd received his law degree from Western State University in 1977 and has served as a Judge Pro Tempore for the Orange County Superior Court since 1989.
Lloyd’s website states:
Andrew Lloyd's emphasis is in sex crimes, juvenile offenses, and domestic violence, and teaches seminars to other attorneys throughout California.
Among his many specialties, Lloyd lists: Sex Crimes Lewd and Lascivious Conduct; Indecent Exposure; Unlawful Sexual Intercourse; Statutory Rape; Molestation; Soliciting Prostitution; Child Pornography; Internet Sex Crimes.
To view Lloyd’s website, CLICK ON:
Metro TALK is a community service of the
: Greater Orange Communities Organization:
2007 Steve Ambriz Legacy Golf Tournament
set for April 23rd
Orange Attorney Represents Brent Bailey
Friendly Center Expands
Orange’s own Friendly Center is a non-profit community resource center that provides emergency services for families in crisis, ongoing support to help community members become self-sustaining, and academic tutoring for children and youth. Originally built on North Cypress Street on land donated by the late J. F. Lewis, the Cornerstone Laying Ceremony was held on April 8, 1924. Since that time the Friendly Center has moved, and expanded programs to include numerous community services that have included: education programs, housing programs, counseling services, senior citizen services; health service; legal services; language services; citizenship classes and much, much more. And now, the Friendly Center is expanding into two centers.
The Friendly Center North will have its grand opening on February 26th, 2007. The new center will be located at 1820 E. Meats, Orange. For more information Contact Cathy Seelig, Executive Director at 714-771-5300 or email her at .
The Friendly Center is funded by individuals, grants, businesses, churches and the Orange County United Way. Friendly Center also depends on fundraising. The Friendly Center’s 9th Annual Charity Golf Tournament will take place at the Alta Vista Country Club in Placentia on Monday, April 30, 2007. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. A no-host cocktail hour begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner, awards presentation and an auction. The entry fee of $175 includes dinner. For those wishing to attend only the evening event, there is a $30 charge for dinner.
Phone: (714) 771-5300
Fax: (714) 771-7627
Information Links (CLICK ON blue links):
Alta Vista Country Club:
Friendly Center:
2007 Steve Ambriz Legacy Golf Tournament
set for April 23rd
Postponed from last year, the Steve Ambriz Golf Tournament has been rescheduled for April 23rd, 2007 at the Alta Vista Country Club in Placentia. The money raised by the golf tournament raised will build the Steve Ambriz Storytime Room in the newly expanded Orange Main Library and History Center, scheduled to open in April 2007.
The Tournament will include numerous ways for people to get involved other than playing golf. The "Library Books for Kids" Helicopter Golf Ball drop will feature numbered purchased golf balls dropped from KIIS-FM's hovering Pepsi Jet Ranger by radio personality Chuck Street. The Golf Ball Drop will take place at approximately 5:00pm the day of the Golf Tournament at the Alta Vista Country Club (see link below). Cash prizes will be awarded for "Hole in One" ($10,000), "Closest to the Pin" ($1,000) and "Furthest from the Pen" ($1,000). Other prizes will be awarded as well. To purchase balls for the ball drop, contact the Orange Public Library Foundation at 714-288-2404. Balls must be purchased prior to the Steve Ambriz Legacy Tournament.
Major tournament sponsors include the R.J. Noble Company, the Orange Library Foundation, Selman Chevrolet, Katella Grill and Angels Baseball Foundation. Selman Chevrolet will donate a car, truck or SUV as a Hole-in-One prize. Katella Grill is donating all the boxed lunches for the golfers, and the Angels Baseball Foundation is providing additional underwriting where it is needed most.
Tournament registration and warm-up begin at 9:00am on April 23rd, 2007 with a shotgun start at 11:00am. The golf package includes green fees, golf cart, range balls, on-course lunch, and chicken and steak BBQ dinner at the Awards Banquet at the end of the day. Golf and dinner packages are $800 per foursome and $200 per individual golfer. The Dinner/Awards Banquet only option is $50 per person.
To register as a golfer, a volunteer, or donate to the event, please contact 714-288-2404 or email To purchase balls for the ball drop, contact the Orange Public Library Foundation at 714-288-2404. The City of Orange Public Library Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization.
Information Links (CLICK ON blue links):
Steve Ambriz Memorial Website:|
Alta Vista Country Club
2007 Steve Ambriz Legacy Golf Tournament Information:
Orange Council Member Jon Dumitru’s Blog Report on 2006 Poker Tournament:
Orange Council Member Jon Dumitru’s Blog Report on Sara Lynn Wards court plea:
Orange Attorney Represents Brent Bailey in Lewd Charge
Orange Attorney Andrew Lloyd is representing former El Modena H.S.Principal Brent Bailey in the alleged lewd conduct charge against him. Lloyd received his law degree from Western State University in 1977 and has served as a Judge Pro Tempore for the Orange County Superior Court since 1989.
Lloyd’s website states:
Andrew Lloyd's emphasis is in sex crimes, juvenile offenses, and domestic violence, and teaches seminars to other attorneys throughout California.
Among his many specialties, Lloyd lists: Sex Crimes Lewd and Lascivious Conduct; Indecent Exposure; Unlawful Sexual Intercourse; Statutory Rape; Molestation; Soliciting Prostitution; Child Pornography; Internet Sex Crimes.
To view Lloyd’s website, CLICK ON:
Metro TALK is a community service of the
: Greater Orange Communities Organization:
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Orange Unified Schools DIGEST

Villa Park H.S. Principal Dr. David Steinle began a medical leave last week just months after being appointed to the principal post in the wake of the upheaval of former principal Ben Rich’s reassignment to Richland H.S. as “Principal on Special Assignment”.
Credible community sources report that Steinle is undergoing treatment for three degenerative disks in his back that were a result of an old high school injury and is expected to be gone for 4-6 weeks. Villa Park H.S. Vice-Principal Ed Howard was assigned as Acting Principal. Howard’s Vice Principal position is being filled by retired Linda Vista Principal Jim Millen as Acting Vice Principal.
By all accounts, Steinle had led the high school back to calm after the disruptive start of the school year. Steinle has proven to be an able and good administrator and the Villa Park H.S. community has wished him well for a speedy recovery as they look forward to his return.
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Bailey Pleads Not Guilty

Orange Unified Schools DIGEST
A news service of Orange Net News
Fullerton booking photograph of Brent Bailey
Former El Modena High School principal Brent Bailey pleaded not guilty to a lewd conduct charge at his arraignment on Tuesday February 20th at the Fullerton’s North Justice Center. Arrested in a police sting operation December 27th, 2006, Bailey was originally scheduled to be arraigned January 30th, 2007 less than a week after he was placed on administrative leave after Orange Unified officials were informed of his arrest on the misdemeanor charge. The original arraignment date was postponed until Tuesday at the request of Bailey’s attorney. March 26th, 2007 is the date set for the pretrial hearing.
Bailey was the only one arrested in the December 27th police sting at restrooms in the Brea Dam Recreation Area. Fullerton police conducted the sting in response to reports that the restrooms were the site of alleged sexual activity. On advice from the Orange County District Attorney’s office, the Fullerton Police notified Orange Unified on January 25th. Orange Unified Superintendent Dr. Godley reported in the February 8th, 2007 OUSD Trustee Meeting that within an hour the OUSD Administration had placed Bailey on administrative leave and had tapped former El Modena H.S. administrator Janet Hayes to replace Bailey. At that same meeting, the OUSD Administrators formally accepted Bailey’s resignation.
Orange Unified Schools DIGEST
is produced by Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Monday, February 19, 2007
Orange Unified Schools DIGEST
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Villa Park Elementary School Restoration Corporation: DEFAULT
The Orange Unified School District Administration under OUSD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley continued their push for drug testing in OUSD, this time for OUSD students. At the February 8th OUSD Board of Trustees Meeting, the OUSD Trustees voted to accept the first reading of the revised Board Policy 5000 series that deals with students. OUSD Board members had many concerns including the revised Board Policy 5131.6.1 dealing with a new student drug testing proposal. In voting to approve the reading, the Board and OUSD Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services and High Schools Dr. Ken Jones agreed that the Trustees would send their concerns and input to Jones for incorporation into a revised document at a future Board meeting.
Trustee John Ortega asked Jones specifically about the proposed student drug testing policy and if the administration had preliminary “parent support”. Jones told Ortega that the policy would be reviewed through a “different process” and that the OUSD Administration would be “talking to a couple of different groups to see where they are prior to making a finial decision” on what the OUSD Administration’s recommendation would be. Ortega jokingly replied to Jones’ response, “Sounds like a true politician”. Jones replied “Thank you I appreciate the compliment”.
Drug testing appears to be a priority of OUSD Superintendent Dr. Godley’s administration. Last year in negotiations with the Orange Unified Education Association, the OUSD Administration pushed hard to add a drug testing provision for teachers in the labor contract between the teachers and the district. Reportedly, the insistence by the district to give principals at each school the authority to suspend teachers and order drug testing was an unacceptable grant of power to the principals (who often have personality conflicts with teachers) the teacher’s association would not accept.
OUSD Superintendent Dr. Godley took the unusual step of publicly announcing an OUSD legal victory during the Superintendent’s Announcement portion of the February 8th Board Agenda. Godley announced that he was in court February 2nd when Orange County Superior Court Judge Clay Smith threw out OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco’s suit over the Rocco Censure and read from the decision. Later in the meeting, Rocco announced that an appeal of Judge Smith’s decision would be filed. For more information CLICK ON:
More from the February 8th Meeting
OUSD Trustee Rick Ledesma continued his perfect record of voting against hiring the law firm of Miller, Dannis and Brown by voting against the agenda’s $7500 for the firm that wrote the infamous Santiago Charter Revocation Report.
Ledesma in addition agreed to sponsor Rocco’s attempt to add an information item to a future OUSD Agenda. Ledesma, who in the past has also been denied adding items to the agenda by the current majority, caused Board members to shake their heads in shock as he said he would support Rocco’s attempt to add an information item in response to OUSD Board President Kim Nichols inquiry of the trustees for support of Rocco. Ledesma has made it clear in the past while he does not agree with Rocco, he feels as an elected official Rocco has the right to be heard as long as he sits on the Board (there have been community calls for a recall of Rocco).
Also, OUSD Trustee Kathy Moffat reminded the community of Orange H.S. 8th Grade parent night on Wednesday February 28th. Moffat also read a newspaper article about Newport- Mesa Unified’s progress in modernizing their ageing schools with money from two voter approved Bonds. Rocco responded by criticizing the Board majority for pursuing a new third OUSD Bond which he said he read on the “blogs”. OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith then criticized the “blogs” for reporting that the OUSD Board had approved another bond effort, which she stated was in fact not true.
The “blog” issue appears to stem from an Orange Communication Service (OCS) special news series OU$D BOND Watch 2008. The series January 5th debut appeared on the OCS news blog, the Greater Orange News Service. The story states that the OUSD Board approved the OUSD Administration’s three-year strategic plan that includes a blueprint for a Bond Campaign. Smith was correct in the fact that each step in the OUSD Administration’s Bond Blueprint would have to be approved by a vote of the OUSD Board; however the story only reported on the OUSD Administration’s Bond Blueprint Timeline. To see the OU$D BOND Watch 2008 story about the OUSD Board approved strategic plan CLICK ON:
Villa Park Elementary School Restoration Corporation: DEFAULT
The February 20th Orange Unified Agenda includes a report (Agenda Item 13 B page 12) that states OUSD sent a Notice of Default to the Villa Park Elementary School Restoration Corporation “indicating the District has neither received the Final Plans nor received any communication from VPESRC as to when or whether Final Plans will be delivered to the district” .
The report includes five benchmarks which were not met from the April 20th Board approved amendment to the original Lease Agreement between OUSD and the VPESRC. The Lease Agreement between OUSD and the VPESRC has a provision that the lease between the two will be terminated 10 days after the Notice of Default is sent. For more information on VPESRC CLICK ON:
Highlights of February 22nd Orange Unified School Board Meeting
Please see the link to the complete Agenda below.
• Agenda Item 12 B 2nd Reading of Legislative Coalition 2007 Platform
• Agenda Item 13A Video Update on modernization at Prospect Elementary
• Consent Item 14J (page 40) $45,000 to Parker Covert Law Firm (see below)
Anticipation of Yorba Middle School’s annual crowning of the Valentine’s Day Dance King and Queen of Hearts grew to a fever pitch because the teacher in charge of the event was gone all Valentine Day at the monthly controversial Focus on Results meeting at the OUSD District Office. Not to worry, the veteran teacher and Focus on Results participant for over 3 years told the 10 nervous King and Queen candidates and the hundreds of students at the after school Valentine Dance that she had counted the King and Queen ballots at her Focus on Results meeting that day. Clearly a victory for the King and Queen, but another blow to the OUSD taxpayers who foot the bill for the consultant program one OUSD administrator described as a “marriage encounter training”.
Computer, monitor and mouse to Fletcher E.S. from Wal-Mart/Orange.
See Agenda Page 15.
“We’re a $220 million dollar business; we’re going to spend the money somewhere.”-OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma 9/22/05
2007 Consultant Fee Tally: none
2007 Attorney Fee Tally:
1/18/07 Parker & Covert (1/07 to 6/07) $175,000
2/08/07 Miller, Brown, and Dannis $ 7, 500
2/22/07 Parker & Covert $ 45,000
Total $227,500
2007 Administrative Conference/Travel: hidden since 6/8/06*
*JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to APPROVE Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $ 849,717.00*
2006 Consultant Fee Tally: Total $176,400
2006 Attorney Fee Tally: Total Approved $655,000
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $ 978,300.00:
Total 2005 Conference Administrator/Board Fees: $ 7,500.00
2005 Attorney Fee Tally: $730,600.00
Total Watched 2005 OUSD Consultant spending: $ 270,200.00
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday February 22, 2007. For more information
OUSD CLOSED SESSION STARTS 6:30 PM on 2/22/07 Regular Session: 7:30 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
Orange Unified Schools Digest is an independent news service of
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
Ecast on the
A 21st Century Communications System
Produced by the
Orange Communication System /OCS/
News family
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Villa Park Elementary School Restoration Corporation: DEFAULT
The Orange Unified School District Administration under OUSD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley continued their push for drug testing in OUSD, this time for OUSD students. At the February 8th OUSD Board of Trustees Meeting, the OUSD Trustees voted to accept the first reading of the revised Board Policy 5000 series that deals with students. OUSD Board members had many concerns including the revised Board Policy 5131.6.1 dealing with a new student drug testing proposal. In voting to approve the reading, the Board and OUSD Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services and High Schools Dr. Ken Jones agreed that the Trustees would send their concerns and input to Jones for incorporation into a revised document at a future Board meeting.
Trustee John Ortega asked Jones specifically about the proposed student drug testing policy and if the administration had preliminary “parent support”. Jones told Ortega that the policy would be reviewed through a “different process” and that the OUSD Administration would be “talking to a couple of different groups to see where they are prior to making a finial decision” on what the OUSD Administration’s recommendation would be. Ortega jokingly replied to Jones’ response, “Sounds like a true politician”. Jones replied “Thank you I appreciate the compliment”.
Drug testing appears to be a priority of OUSD Superintendent Dr. Godley’s administration. Last year in negotiations with the Orange Unified Education Association, the OUSD Administration pushed hard to add a drug testing provision for teachers in the labor contract between the teachers and the district. Reportedly, the insistence by the district to give principals at each school the authority to suspend teachers and order drug testing was an unacceptable grant of power to the principals (who often have personality conflicts with teachers) the teacher’s association would not accept.
OUSD Superintendent Dr. Godley took the unusual step of publicly announcing an OUSD legal victory during the Superintendent’s Announcement portion of the February 8th Board Agenda. Godley announced that he was in court February 2nd when Orange County Superior Court Judge Clay Smith threw out OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco’s suit over the Rocco Censure and read from the decision. Later in the meeting, Rocco announced that an appeal of Judge Smith’s decision would be filed. For more information CLICK ON:
More from the February 8th Meeting
OUSD Trustee Rick Ledesma continued his perfect record of voting against hiring the law firm of Miller, Dannis and Brown by voting against the agenda’s $7500 for the firm that wrote the infamous Santiago Charter Revocation Report.
Ledesma in addition agreed to sponsor Rocco’s attempt to add an information item to a future OUSD Agenda. Ledesma, who in the past has also been denied adding items to the agenda by the current majority, caused Board members to shake their heads in shock as he said he would support Rocco’s attempt to add an information item in response to OUSD Board President Kim Nichols inquiry of the trustees for support of Rocco. Ledesma has made it clear in the past while he does not agree with Rocco, he feels as an elected official Rocco has the right to be heard as long as he sits on the Board (there have been community calls for a recall of Rocco).
Also, OUSD Trustee Kathy Moffat reminded the community of Orange H.S. 8th Grade parent night on Wednesday February 28th. Moffat also read a newspaper article about Newport- Mesa Unified’s progress in modernizing their ageing schools with money from two voter approved Bonds. Rocco responded by criticizing the Board majority for pursuing a new third OUSD Bond which he said he read on the “blogs”. OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith then criticized the “blogs” for reporting that the OUSD Board had approved another bond effort, which she stated was in fact not true.
The “blog” issue appears to stem from an Orange Communication Service (OCS) special news series OU$D BOND Watch 2008. The series January 5th debut appeared on the OCS news blog, the Greater Orange News Service. The story states that the OUSD Board approved the OUSD Administration’s three-year strategic plan that includes a blueprint for a Bond Campaign. Smith was correct in the fact that each step in the OUSD Administration’s Bond Blueprint would have to be approved by a vote of the OUSD Board; however the story only reported on the OUSD Administration’s Bond Blueprint Timeline. To see the OU$D BOND Watch 2008 story about the OUSD Board approved strategic plan CLICK ON:
Villa Park Elementary School Restoration Corporation: DEFAULT
The February 20th Orange Unified Agenda includes a report (Agenda Item 13 B page 12) that states OUSD sent a Notice of Default to the Villa Park Elementary School Restoration Corporation “indicating the District has neither received the Final Plans nor received any communication from VPESRC as to when or whether Final Plans will be delivered to the district” .
The report includes five benchmarks which were not met from the April 20th Board approved amendment to the original Lease Agreement between OUSD and the VPESRC. The Lease Agreement between OUSD and the VPESRC has a provision that the lease between the two will be terminated 10 days after the Notice of Default is sent. For more information on VPESRC CLICK ON:
Highlights of February 22nd Orange Unified School Board Meeting
Please see the link to the complete Agenda below.
• Agenda Item 12 B 2nd Reading of Legislative Coalition 2007 Platform
• Agenda Item 13A Video Update on modernization at Prospect Elementary
• Consent Item 14J (page 40) $45,000 to Parker Covert Law Firm (see below)
Anticipation of Yorba Middle School’s annual crowning of the Valentine’s Day Dance King and Queen of Hearts grew to a fever pitch because the teacher in charge of the event was gone all Valentine Day at the monthly controversial Focus on Results meeting at the OUSD District Office. Not to worry, the veteran teacher and Focus on Results participant for over 3 years told the 10 nervous King and Queen candidates and the hundreds of students at the after school Valentine Dance that she had counted the King and Queen ballots at her Focus on Results meeting that day. Clearly a victory for the King and Queen, but another blow to the OUSD taxpayers who foot the bill for the consultant program one OUSD administrator described as a “marriage encounter training”.
Computer, monitor and mouse to Fletcher E.S. from Wal-Mart/Orange.
See Agenda Page 15.
“We’re a $220 million dollar business; we’re going to spend the money somewhere.”-OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma 9/22/05
2007 Consultant Fee Tally: none
2007 Attorney Fee Tally:
1/18/07 Parker & Covert (1/07 to 6/07) $175,000
2/08/07 Miller, Brown, and Dannis $ 7, 500
2/22/07 Parker & Covert $ 45,000
Total $227,500
2007 Administrative Conference/Travel: hidden since 6/8/06*
*JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to APPROVE Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $ 849,717.00*
2006 Consultant Fee Tally: Total $176,400
2006 Attorney Fee Tally: Total Approved $655,000
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $ 978,300.00:
Total 2005 Conference Administrator/Board Fees: $ 7,500.00
2005 Attorney Fee Tally: $730,600.00
Total Watched 2005 OUSD Consultant spending: $ 270,200.00
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday February 22, 2007. For more information
OUSD CLOSED SESSION STARTS 6:30 PM on 2/22/07 Regular Session: 7:30 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
Orange Unified Schools Digest is an independent news service of
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
Ecast on the
A 21st Century Communications System
Produced by the
Orange Communication System /OCS/
News family
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The Orange Communication System /OCS/ is proud to announce improvements to the Greater Orange News Service . Links to local headlines from leading Orange County and statewide media outlets are now just a click away on the TOPIX- Greater Orange Communities link in the left sidebar. In addition,and our local weather forecasts from the San Diego forecast office of the National Weather Service are also just a click away on the LOCAL WEATHER link in the left sidebar. Also up to date local TRAFFIC is now available on the sidebar.
The Orange Communication System is committed to building a 21st Century community news system for the Greater Orange Communities.
/OCS/ and its family of news services
is the communication arm of the
The Orange Communication System is committed to building a 21st Century community news system for the Greater Orange Communities.
/OCS/ and its family of news services
is the communication arm of the
Monday, February 05, 2007
Orange Unified Schools DIGEST
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
In a victory for OUSD Counsel Spencer Covert over Richard McKee’s Californians Aware organization, Orange County Superior Court Judge Clay M. Smith ruled on February 2nd to grant Orange Unified’s motion to dismiss the Rocco Censure Lawsuit. Judge Smith ruled:
“The Court finds that Petitioners have failed to demonstrate a probability of success as to any cause of action. The motion is therefore granted”
This isn’t the first time Covert and McKee have tangled in court. The last time it involved OUSD, Covert was on the losing side of the ruling that ordered OUSD to record the Closed Session meetings of the OUSD Trustees for two years.
For full coverage of the Rocco Censure Lawsuit Court Ruling CLICK ON:
As OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma declared “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I agree with Mr. Rocco!” a seemingly united Orange Unified School Board made it clear to Villa Park City Manager Ken Domer that they had many concerns regarding the proposal to changing state law to allow The City of Villa Park to use Villa Park High School facilities for city sponsored events that served alcohol. At the January 18th Orange Unified Board Meeting the trustees brought up a variety of concerns that included liability issues, grant monies for Drug Free Schools status, and appropriateness of alcohol at school at any time. Trustee Kathy Moffat who represents Villa Park on the OUSD Board characterized the proposal as a “thorny issue”.
Domer made it clear that only under a perfect scenario would Villa Park even pursue the idea. It appeared from the conversations at the meeting that the perfect scenario would not occur. The City of Villa Park does not have any parkland or space for a community center. Community events have routinely used the parking lot of the cities only shopping center to stage events.
The Brent Bailey Affair, which exploded onto the Greater Orange Communities and OUSD just a week ago, will be officially wrapped up as far as Orange Unified’s involvement when the OUSD Trustees vote to approve the February 8th OUSD Board Meeting Consent Agenda which includes Bailey’s resignation (Agenda page 30) dated January 31st. Bailey has been on unpaid leave since the day OUSD found out about his December 27th, 2006 arrest on lewd conduct charges in a Fullerton park undercover police sting.
Bailey is reportedly avoiding the media by staying with his adult son. Bailey’s original arraignment on January 30th, 2007 was postponed at his lawyers request to February 20th, 2007.
For full coverage of the Bailey Affair with a timeline CLICK ON:
Highlights of February 8th Orange Unified School Board Meeting
Please see the link to the complete Agenda below.
• Agenda Item 12 A Approval of the Bylaws of the Legislative Coalition
• Agenda Item 12 B 1st Reading of Legislative Coalition 2007 Platform
• Agenda Item 12 C Revised Board Policies on Students
• Agenda Item 13 B Actuarial Report on Retiree Health Benefits
• Agenda Item 14 D (page 20) $7,500 to locally famous Santiago Revocation Report law firm– Miller, Brown and Dannis
See Agenda Pages 18-19 for a compete list of donations.
Anaheim Hills E.S. PTA- $1473 for supplies; Exxon-Mobil-$500 for supplies to Nohl Canyon E.S.; Carpentier Trust- $4036 Villa Park H.S. scoreboard; California E.S. PTA -$3254 for transportation; El Modena ASB- $3232 for golf carts; McPherson Ed Foundation-$8576-Cisco Writing Program; Imperial PTA- $221 for transportation; Olive E.S. PTC -$450- transportation.
“We’re a $220 million dollar business; we’re going to spend the money somewhere.”
-OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma 9/22/05
2007 Consultant Fee Tally: none
2007 Attorney Fee Tally:
1/18/07 Parker & Covert (1/07 to 6/07) $175,000
2/08/07 Miller, Brown, and Dannis $ 7,500
Total $182,500
2007 Administrative Conference/Travel: hidden since 6/8/06*
*JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to APPROVE Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $ 849,717.00*
2006 Consultant Fee Tally: Total $176,400
2006 Attorney Fee Tally: Total Approved $655,000
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $ 978,300.00:
Total 2005 Conference Administrator/Board Fees: $ 7,500.00
2005 Attorney Fee Tally: $730,600.00
Total Watched 2005 OUSD Consultant spending: $ 270,200.00
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday February 8, 2007. For more information
OUSD CLOSED SESSION STARTS 6:00 PM on 2/8/07 Regular Session: 7:30 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
Orange Unified Schools Digest is an independent news service of
In a victory for OUSD Counsel Spencer Covert over Richard McKee’s Californians Aware organization, Orange County Superior Court Judge Clay M. Smith ruled on February 2nd to grant Orange Unified’s motion to dismiss the Rocco Censure Lawsuit. Judge Smith ruled:
“The Court finds that Petitioners have failed to demonstrate a probability of success as to any cause of action. The motion is therefore granted”
This isn’t the first time Covert and McKee have tangled in court. The last time it involved OUSD, Covert was on the losing side of the ruling that ordered OUSD to record the Closed Session meetings of the OUSD Trustees for two years.
For full coverage of the Rocco Censure Lawsuit Court Ruling CLICK ON:
As OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma declared “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I agree with Mr. Rocco!” a seemingly united Orange Unified School Board made it clear to Villa Park City Manager Ken Domer that they had many concerns regarding the proposal to changing state law to allow The City of Villa Park to use Villa Park High School facilities for city sponsored events that served alcohol. At the January 18th Orange Unified Board Meeting the trustees brought up a variety of concerns that included liability issues, grant monies for Drug Free Schools status, and appropriateness of alcohol at school at any time. Trustee Kathy Moffat who represents Villa Park on the OUSD Board characterized the proposal as a “thorny issue”.
Domer made it clear that only under a perfect scenario would Villa Park even pursue the idea. It appeared from the conversations at the meeting that the perfect scenario would not occur. The City of Villa Park does not have any parkland or space for a community center. Community events have routinely used the parking lot of the cities only shopping center to stage events.
The Brent Bailey Affair, which exploded onto the Greater Orange Communities and OUSD just a week ago, will be officially wrapped up as far as Orange Unified’s involvement when the OUSD Trustees vote to approve the February 8th OUSD Board Meeting Consent Agenda which includes Bailey’s resignation (Agenda page 30) dated January 31st. Bailey has been on unpaid leave since the day OUSD found out about his December 27th, 2006 arrest on lewd conduct charges in a Fullerton park undercover police sting.
Bailey is reportedly avoiding the media by staying with his adult son. Bailey’s original arraignment on January 30th, 2007 was postponed at his lawyers request to February 20th, 2007.
For full coverage of the Bailey Affair with a timeline CLICK ON:
Highlights of February 8th Orange Unified School Board Meeting
Please see the link to the complete Agenda below.
• Agenda Item 12 A Approval of the Bylaws of the Legislative Coalition
• Agenda Item 12 B 1st Reading of Legislative Coalition 2007 Platform
• Agenda Item 12 C Revised Board Policies on Students
• Agenda Item 13 B Actuarial Report on Retiree Health Benefits
• Agenda Item 14 D (page 20) $7,500 to locally famous Santiago Revocation Report law firm– Miller, Brown and Dannis
See Agenda Pages 18-19 for a compete list of donations.
Anaheim Hills E.S. PTA- $1473 for supplies; Exxon-Mobil-$500 for supplies to Nohl Canyon E.S.; Carpentier Trust- $4036 Villa Park H.S. scoreboard; California E.S. PTA -$3254 for transportation; El Modena ASB- $3232 for golf carts; McPherson Ed Foundation-$8576-Cisco Writing Program; Imperial PTA- $221 for transportation; Olive E.S. PTC -$450- transportation.
“We’re a $220 million dollar business; we’re going to spend the money somewhere.”
-OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma 9/22/05
2007 Consultant Fee Tally: none
2007 Attorney Fee Tally:
1/18/07 Parker & Covert (1/07 to 6/07) $175,000
2/08/07 Miller, Brown, and Dannis $ 7,500
Total $182,500
2007 Administrative Conference/Travel: hidden since 6/8/06*
*JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to APPROVE Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $ 849,717.00*
2006 Consultant Fee Tally: Total $176,400
2006 Attorney Fee Tally: Total Approved $655,000
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $ 978,300.00:
Total 2005 Conference Administrator/Board Fees: $ 7,500.00
2005 Attorney Fee Tally: $730,600.00
Total Watched 2005 OUSD Consultant spending: $ 270,200.00
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday February 8, 2007. For more information
OUSD CLOSED SESSION STARTS 6:00 PM on 2/8/07 Regular Session: 7:30 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
Orange Unified Schools Digest is an independent news service of
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Orange Unified Schools DIGEST SPECIAL REPORT
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Rocco Censure / Californians Aware Lawsuit thrown out in Legal Victory for OUSD Attorney Spencer Covert
OUSD Counsel Spencer Covert won a major court victory on Friday February 2, over longtime nemeses Richard McKee and the first amendment watchdog group Californians Aware in the Rocco Censure Lawsuit. The two have tangled in court battles over the years including caes of alleged Orange Unified Brown Act violations.
Orange County Superior Court Judge Clay M. Smith ruled in favor of Orange Unified’s contention that the Rocco Censure was in itself an expression of free speech of the collective Trustees. Smith wrote (full text of finding follows report below):
“ It is interesting that Respondents [ OUSD ] have been hailed into court precisely for exercising the same right which Petitioners purportedly seek to vindicate, the freedom of expression. CCP 425.16 is intended to address just such a situation”
Judge Smith also wrote about the comment Rocco made about transferred principal Ben Rich that was the center of the controversy:
"To be certain, Petitioner Rocco’s public comments regarding a highly sensitive personnel matter can be fairly characterized as misguided, inappropriate, and even boorish. And, as Petitioners point out, Mr. Rocco enjoys a First Amendment right to make such statements. That right has not been infringed nor threatened by Respondents"
At the January 18, 2007 OUSD Board Meeting, Californians Aware attorney Dennis Winston made a quote filled statement making his lawsuits point that the OUSD Censure was a prior restraint on speech. Judge Smith addressed this issue of the Rocco lawsuit stating:
“Petitioners [Rocco and Californians Aware] argue that the Resolution [of Censure] constituted impermissible punishment because of its use of the term “censure.” The mere use of the term, however, cannot be controlling. It is undisputed that Respondents have taken no action to prevent (either in the past or in the future) Mr. Rocco from the exercise of any right. They have not restricted his participation as a member of the board or as a citizen. They have imposed no penalty or constraint whatsoever. The undeniable fact is the Board has done nothing of substance other than express its disapproval of Mr. Rocco’s statements. Under these circumstances, the resolution is not a violation of any protected right of Petitioners.”
In practice since the Censure and the lawsuit, the OUSD Board has been more than tolerant of Rocco’s comments and speech. The change back to ignoring Rocco instead of the more aggressive approach championed by Nichols in an apparent exasperation, seems to have helped more than trying to silence the exocentric trustee.
The lawsuit sought to nullify the Resolution of Censure and have OUSD pay the legal fees of the suit.
Below is the full text of Judge Smith’s ruling in favor of OUSD’s motion to dismiss the Rocco Lawsuit.
(NOTE: Respondents = OUSD / Petitioners = Rocco and Californians Aware):
Respondents’ special motion to strike (SLAPP) the Petition:
As a preliminary matter, Respondents’ evidentiary objections to the Rocco Declaration, Paragraph 1 is overruled and the objections to Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 are sustained. Defendants’ evidentiary objections to the McKee Declaration, Paragraphs 3, 4, and 7 are overruled and the objection to Paragraph 6 is sustained.
As the parties acknowledge, courts apply a two-step analysis in evaluating anti-SLAPP motions pursuant to CCP 425.16. The first step in this process is to determine if the challenged conduct is covered by CCP 425.16. In this case, the Board’s resolution is clearly within the scope of CCP 425.16(e). Holbrook v. City of Santa Monica, 144 Cal. App. 4th 1242, 1247 (2006).
Having made this determination, the burden shifts to Petitioners to demonstrate that they have a probability of prevailing on their claim. They have not done so.
To be certain, Petitioner Rocco’s public comments regarding a highly sensitive personnel matter can be fairly characterized as misguided, inappropriate, and even boorish. And, as Petitioners point out, Mr. Rocco enjoys a First Amendment right to make such statements. That right has not been infringed nor threatened by Respondents.
Just as Petitioner Rocco is free to express a disagreeable opinion, Respondents also enjoy the right to express their point of view. In essence, Resolution No. 10-06-07 is the Board’s expression of it’s believe that Mr. Rocco’s comments had violated the California constitution, state law, and the Board’s bylaws. Indeed, it seems clear that the Board would have no other means of collective expression other than by the adoption of a resolution.
Petitioners argue that the Resolution constituted impermissible punishment because of its use of the term “censure.” The mere use of the term, however, cannot be controlling. It is undisputed that Respondents have taken no action to prevent (either in the past or in the future) Mr. Rocco from the exercise of any right. They have not restricted his participation as a member of the board or as a citizen. They have imposed no penalty or constraint whatsoever. The undeniable fact is the Board has done nothing of substance other than express its disapproval of Mr. Rocco’s statements. Under these circumstances, the resolution is not a violation of any protected right of Petitioners.
It is interesting that Respondents have been hailed into court precisely for exercising the same right which Petitioners purportedly seek to vindicate, the freedom of expression. CCP 425.16 is intended to address just such a situation.
The Court finds that Petitioners have failed to demonstrate a probability of success as to any cause of action. The motion is therefore granted.
Orange Unified Schools Digest is an independent news service of
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Rocco Censure / Californians Aware Lawsuit thrown out in Legal Victory for OUSD Attorney Spencer Covert
OUSD Counsel Spencer Covert won a major court victory on Friday February 2, over longtime nemeses Richard McKee and the first amendment watchdog group Californians Aware in the Rocco Censure Lawsuit. The two have tangled in court battles over the years including caes of alleged Orange Unified Brown Act violations.
Orange County Superior Court Judge Clay M. Smith ruled in favor of Orange Unified’s contention that the Rocco Censure was in itself an expression of free speech of the collective Trustees. Smith wrote (full text of finding follows report below):
“ It is interesting that Respondents [ OUSD ] have been hailed into court precisely for exercising the same right which Petitioners purportedly seek to vindicate, the freedom of expression. CCP 425.16 is intended to address just such a situation”
Judge Smith also wrote about the comment Rocco made about transferred principal Ben Rich that was the center of the controversy:
"To be certain, Petitioner Rocco’s public comments regarding a highly sensitive personnel matter can be fairly characterized as misguided, inappropriate, and even boorish. And, as Petitioners point out, Mr. Rocco enjoys a First Amendment right to make such statements. That right has not been infringed nor threatened by Respondents"
At the January 18, 2007 OUSD Board Meeting, Californians Aware attorney Dennis Winston made a quote filled statement making his lawsuits point that the OUSD Censure was a prior restraint on speech. Judge Smith addressed this issue of the Rocco lawsuit stating:
“Petitioners [Rocco and Californians Aware] argue that the Resolution [of Censure] constituted impermissible punishment because of its use of the term “censure.” The mere use of the term, however, cannot be controlling. It is undisputed that Respondents have taken no action to prevent (either in the past or in the future) Mr. Rocco from the exercise of any right. They have not restricted his participation as a member of the board or as a citizen. They have imposed no penalty or constraint whatsoever. The undeniable fact is the Board has done nothing of substance other than express its disapproval of Mr. Rocco’s statements. Under these circumstances, the resolution is not a violation of any protected right of Petitioners.”
In practice since the Censure and the lawsuit, the OUSD Board has been more than tolerant of Rocco’s comments and speech. The change back to ignoring Rocco instead of the more aggressive approach championed by Nichols in an apparent exasperation, seems to have helped more than trying to silence the exocentric trustee.
The lawsuit sought to nullify the Resolution of Censure and have OUSD pay the legal fees of the suit.
Below is the full text of Judge Smith’s ruling in favor of OUSD’s motion to dismiss the Rocco Lawsuit.
(NOTE: Respondents = OUSD / Petitioners = Rocco and Californians Aware):
Respondents’ special motion to strike (SLAPP) the Petition:
As a preliminary matter, Respondents’ evidentiary objections to the Rocco Declaration, Paragraph 1 is overruled and the objections to Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 are sustained. Defendants’ evidentiary objections to the McKee Declaration, Paragraphs 3, 4, and 7 are overruled and the objection to Paragraph 6 is sustained.
As the parties acknowledge, courts apply a two-step analysis in evaluating anti-SLAPP motions pursuant to CCP 425.16. The first step in this process is to determine if the challenged conduct is covered by CCP 425.16. In this case, the Board’s resolution is clearly within the scope of CCP 425.16(e). Holbrook v. City of Santa Monica, 144 Cal. App. 4th 1242, 1247 (2006).
Having made this determination, the burden shifts to Petitioners to demonstrate that they have a probability of prevailing on their claim. They have not done so.
To be certain, Petitioner Rocco’s public comments regarding a highly sensitive personnel matter can be fairly characterized as misguided, inappropriate, and even boorish. And, as Petitioners point out, Mr. Rocco enjoys a First Amendment right to make such statements. That right has not been infringed nor threatened by Respondents.
Just as Petitioner Rocco is free to express a disagreeable opinion, Respondents also enjoy the right to express their point of view. In essence, Resolution No. 10-06-07 is the Board’s expression of it’s believe that Mr. Rocco’s comments had violated the California constitution, state law, and the Board’s bylaws. Indeed, it seems clear that the Board would have no other means of collective expression other than by the adoption of a resolution.
Petitioners argue that the Resolution constituted impermissible punishment because of its use of the term “censure.” The mere use of the term, however, cannot be controlling. It is undisputed that Respondents have taken no action to prevent (either in the past or in the future) Mr. Rocco from the exercise of any right. They have not restricted his participation as a member of the board or as a citizen. They have imposed no penalty or constraint whatsoever. The undeniable fact is the Board has done nothing of substance other than express its disapproval of Mr. Rocco’s statements. Under these circumstances, the resolution is not a violation of any protected right of Petitioners.
It is interesting that Respondents have been hailed into court precisely for exercising the same right which Petitioners purportedly seek to vindicate, the freedom of expression. CCP 425.16 is intended to address just such a situation.
The Court finds that Petitioners have failed to demonstrate a probability of success as to any cause of action. The motion is therefore granted.
Orange Unified Schools Digest is an independent news service of
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
Friday, February 02, 2007
Orange Unified Schools DIGEST SPECIAL REPORT
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Brent Bailey Resigns from Orange Unified
Former El Modena Principal Brent Bailey has formally resigned his employment with the Orange Unified School District. Bailey has been on unpaid leave since Thursday January 25th when OUSD was informed of Bailey’s December 27th arrest in Fullerton on an alleged “lewd” conduct charge as part of an undercover police sting operation targeting sexual encounters at the men’s restrooms of a Fullerton park. The Orange Unified School District School Board agenda for the Board’s Thursday February 8th lists Bailey’s resignation as of January 31st. The resignation is part of the Consent Agenda’s Certificated Personnel Report (page 30) and simple states Bailey’s name, his title and under comments “Resignation”. The Consent Item is voted and approved without comment. The OUSD School Board meeting will be the first meeting since the Bailey Affair became public.
The charge is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $5000 fine and six months in jail, but does not carry a required Sex Offender Registration penalty. The misdemeanor status caused a delay in notification of Orange Unified. The Fullerton Police Department did not at first notify Orange Unified because the charge was a misdemeanor. It was only after the Orange County District Attorney’s Office explained to the Fullerton Police of reporting responsibilities required in the California Education Code that the Fullerton Police contacted OUSD. After Orange officials were informed last week about the charge, Bailey was immediately placed on unpaid administrative leave and an Acting Principal was placed at the school. Orange Unified administrative officials have stated the case does not include students or minors.
The Bailey Affair TIME LINE
December 22, 2006
• Winter Break starts for all schools in Orange Unified
December 27, 2006
• El Modena Principal Brent Bailey arrested, cited and released in a Fullerton Police sting operation at the men’s restrooms of Brea Dam Recreation Area. OUSD was not informed of the misdemeanor charge against Bailey.
January 8, 2007
• OUSD Winter Break ends. Bailey returns to his job as El Modena H.S. principal.
January 8- January 24, 2007
• At El Modena H.S. planning continues for Bailey’s pet project, the Character Counts Assembly of teacher and student skits and Character Counts speeches for students.
• The Orange County District Attorney’s office receives the Bailey citation information and contacts the Fullerton Police Department urging them to contact Bailey’s employer, OUSD about Bailey’s citation. The O.C. District Attorney’s office explains the California Education Code reporting duties to the Fullerton Police who rarely deal with that portion of California Law.
January 25, 2007
•Fullerton Police notify Orange Unified of the December 27th arrest of Brent Bailey. Bailey is placed on Administrative Leave.
January 25-28, 2007
• Orange Unified Trustees are informed. OUSD appoints retired OUSD Administrator Janet Hayes as Acting El Modena Principal.
January 29, 2007
• The remaining administrators at El Modena are informed about what has happened. OUSD has had press inquires and chooses to break the story to the staff and students.
• El Modena H.S. teachers are advised that OUSD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley will hold a special lunch time staff meeting at the school. Dr. Godley informs the El Modena staff that Bailey has been placed on administrative leave because he is under a criminal investigation unrelated to OUSD or students. Students are informed by school-loudspeaker that Bailey is no longer their principal.
• The Friday El Modena Character Counts assembly is cancelled.
• Los Angeles Television station KABC breaks the story about Bailey’s arrest on “lewd” conduct charges in a live newscast from outside El Modena H.S. in its 5:00 pm newscast. Orange Net News breaks the story locally at 5:37 pm on the Greater Orange News Service site.
January 30, 2007
• Bailey appears with his lawyer for arraignment on the charges at the North Justice Center in Fullerton. His lawyer asks for and is granted a new arraignment date of February 20th, 2007.
January 31, 2007
• The date of Bailey’s resignation from OUSD.
February 2, 2007
• OUSD releases the School Board Agenda for the OUSD School Board’s February 8, 2008 regularly scheduled Board Meeting. The Board will formally approve of Bailey’s resignation when they approve all the Consent Agenda items with one vote (see page 30 of OUSD Agenda, link below). OUSD Closed Session will begin a half-hour earlier at 6:00 p.m. The public Regular Session will begin at it’s normal time 7:30 p.m.
February 7, 2007
• The first OUSD District-wide meeting of Focus on Results will take place since the Bailey Affair. Brent Bailey was a district leader of the controversial Focus on Results program. He also embraced Dr. Godley’s Good to Great initiative by holding staff meetings to read sections of the book- Good to Great. Bailey’s embracing of those two so-called dog-and-pony-show administrative boondoggles, as well as his infusion of his self-proclaimed conservative Christian beliefs into the working environment at the public school added to the reported El Modena staff’s distance towards him.
February 8, 2007
• The Orange Unified School District Trustees will hold their first meeting since the Bailey Affair became public. The Board will formally approve of Bailey’s resignation.
February 20, 2007
• Bailey’s rescheduled arraignment is scheduled for the North Justice Center in Fullerton.
For more information CLICK ON:
OUSD 2/8/07 Agenda
Information on El Modena H.S.
Other /O/N/N/ stories on Bailey:
Orange Unified Schools Digest is an independent news service of
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
Ecast on the
Internet Community Group i/)))cg
A 21st Century Communications System
For more information on the current issues of defending media freedom in the electronic world visit:
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Brent Bailey Resigns from Orange Unified
Former El Modena Principal Brent Bailey has formally resigned his employment with the Orange Unified School District. Bailey has been on unpaid leave since Thursday January 25th when OUSD was informed of Bailey’s December 27th arrest in Fullerton on an alleged “lewd” conduct charge as part of an undercover police sting operation targeting sexual encounters at the men’s restrooms of a Fullerton park. The Orange Unified School District School Board agenda for the Board’s Thursday February 8th lists Bailey’s resignation as of January 31st. The resignation is part of the Consent Agenda’s Certificated Personnel Report (page 30) and simple states Bailey’s name, his title and under comments “Resignation”. The Consent Item is voted and approved without comment. The OUSD School Board meeting will be the first meeting since the Bailey Affair became public.
The charge is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $5000 fine and six months in jail, but does not carry a required Sex Offender Registration penalty. The misdemeanor status caused a delay in notification of Orange Unified. The Fullerton Police Department did not at first notify Orange Unified because the charge was a misdemeanor. It was only after the Orange County District Attorney’s Office explained to the Fullerton Police of reporting responsibilities required in the California Education Code that the Fullerton Police contacted OUSD. After Orange officials were informed last week about the charge, Bailey was immediately placed on unpaid administrative leave and an Acting Principal was placed at the school. Orange Unified administrative officials have stated the case does not include students or minors.
The Bailey Affair TIME LINE
December 22, 2006
• Winter Break starts for all schools in Orange Unified
December 27, 2006
• El Modena Principal Brent Bailey arrested, cited and released in a Fullerton Police sting operation at the men’s restrooms of Brea Dam Recreation Area. OUSD was not informed of the misdemeanor charge against Bailey.
January 8, 2007
• OUSD Winter Break ends. Bailey returns to his job as El Modena H.S. principal.
January 8- January 24, 2007
• At El Modena H.S. planning continues for Bailey’s pet project, the Character Counts Assembly of teacher and student skits and Character Counts speeches for students.
• The Orange County District Attorney’s office receives the Bailey citation information and contacts the Fullerton Police Department urging them to contact Bailey’s employer, OUSD about Bailey’s citation. The O.C. District Attorney’s office explains the California Education Code reporting duties to the Fullerton Police who rarely deal with that portion of California Law.
January 25, 2007
•Fullerton Police notify Orange Unified of the December 27th arrest of Brent Bailey. Bailey is placed on Administrative Leave.
January 25-28, 2007
• Orange Unified Trustees are informed. OUSD appoints retired OUSD Administrator Janet Hayes as Acting El Modena Principal.
January 29, 2007
• The remaining administrators at El Modena are informed about what has happened. OUSD has had press inquires and chooses to break the story to the staff and students.
• El Modena H.S. teachers are advised that OUSD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley will hold a special lunch time staff meeting at the school. Dr. Godley informs the El Modena staff that Bailey has been placed on administrative leave because he is under a criminal investigation unrelated to OUSD or students. Students are informed by school-loudspeaker that Bailey is no longer their principal.
• The Friday El Modena Character Counts assembly is cancelled.
• Los Angeles Television station KABC breaks the story about Bailey’s arrest on “lewd” conduct charges in a live newscast from outside El Modena H.S. in its 5:00 pm newscast. Orange Net News breaks the story locally at 5:37 pm on the Greater Orange News Service site.
January 30, 2007
• Bailey appears with his lawyer for arraignment on the charges at the North Justice Center in Fullerton. His lawyer asks for and is granted a new arraignment date of February 20th, 2007.
January 31, 2007
• The date of Bailey’s resignation from OUSD.
February 2, 2007
• OUSD releases the School Board Agenda for the OUSD School Board’s February 8, 2008 regularly scheduled Board Meeting. The Board will formally approve of Bailey’s resignation when they approve all the Consent Agenda items with one vote (see page 30 of OUSD Agenda, link below). OUSD Closed Session will begin a half-hour earlier at 6:00 p.m. The public Regular Session will begin at it’s normal time 7:30 p.m.
February 7, 2007
• The first OUSD District-wide meeting of Focus on Results will take place since the Bailey Affair. Brent Bailey was a district leader of the controversial Focus on Results program. He also embraced Dr. Godley’s Good to Great initiative by holding staff meetings to read sections of the book- Good to Great. Bailey’s embracing of those two so-called dog-and-pony-show administrative boondoggles, as well as his infusion of his self-proclaimed conservative Christian beliefs into the working environment at the public school added to the reported El Modena staff’s distance towards him.
February 8, 2007
• The Orange Unified School District Trustees will hold their first meeting since the Bailey Affair became public. The Board will formally approve of Bailey’s resignation.
February 20, 2007
• Bailey’s rescheduled arraignment is scheduled for the North Justice Center in Fullerton.
For more information CLICK ON:
OUSD 2/8/07 Agenda
Information on El Modena H.S.
Other /O/N/N/ stories on Bailey:
Orange Unified Schools Digest is an independent news service of
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
Ecast on the
Internet Community Group i/)))cg
A 21st Century Communications System
For more information on the current issues of defending media freedom in the electronic world visit: