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Sunday, June 27, 2010
July 3rd Anaheim Hills parade cancelled, but...
Metro TALK ______________
a community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
July 3rd Parade Canceled… but the Anaheim Hills
Freedom Celebration goes on with “Long may she Wave” theme
While the theme of the 2010 22nd Annual Anaheim Hills Freedom Celebration is “Long may she Wave” the long running parade component of the celebration has been canceled this year because of a lack of entries. However other events of the annual celebration sponsored by the Canyon Hills Community Council and the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club will go on as scheduled. The annual July 3rd Firecracker 5/10 K Run and 2K Walk will take place with $100 cash prizes for over all male and female 5K and 10K winners. The event features a Product/ Health Fair and a live rock band to wake everyone up at the 5:30 AM starting time. The event is from 5:30 am to 10: am at Canyon High School. Registration for the race is limited to 1500 runners and is available on line at through June 30th. After that you may register July 1st at the Anaheim Downtown Community Center or July 2nd at the East Anaheim Community Center.
Later in the morning on July 3rd, (if you call 8:00 am later!) the annual Anaheim Hills Rotary Pancake Breakfast takes place at the Canyon High School Cafeteria. Pancakes, sausages, OJ and coffee all for only $4 for adults and $3 for children under 12. Breakfast is served 8 am- 10:30 am.
The 3rd of July morning continues with the ever popular Yankee Doodle Dog Show at 10 a.m. at Canyon High School. The six awards and prize categories include Best Dressed; Cutest Dog (under 35 lbs); Cutest Bigger Dog (over 35 lbs.); Owner-Doggie Look-a-like; Best trick; and the Yankee Doodle Dog prize.
Then it’s on to Peralta Park with entertainment starting at 12 noon. Food and game booths open at 12:30 and the grand fireworks spectacular starts at 9:00 pm sharp.
For more information CLICK on the Canyon Hills Community Council website: CHCC
Orange’s 15th Annual 3rd of July Fireworks Celebration
The 15th Annual City of Orange 3rd of July fireworks spectacular begins at 4:00 pm at Fred Kelly Stadium. Tickets are available at the Community Services Department at the Orange City Hall for $7 per person (children 2 and under are free).
The annual local event includes food booths, interactive kid’s games, entertainment with patriotic music by the world famous Orange Community Master Chorale and the grand fireworks spectacular. The entertainment begins at 4 pm and the main program starts at 8 pm with the Orange Mayor’s welcome then the musical program followed by the ever popular fireworks.
Fred Kelly Stadium is a synthetic grass field, so restrictions apply. Event organizers remind everyone that it is blanket seating only no lawn chairs; food; drinks; gum; seeds (popcorn etc) hard soled or high heels are permitted on the synthetic field. Seating in the stands is first come.
For a complete look at the Orange County Fireworks displays CLICK ON: OCFA
Metro TALK is a community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
a community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
July 3rd Parade Canceled… but the Anaheim Hills
Freedom Celebration goes on with “Long may she Wave” theme
While the theme of the 2010 22nd Annual Anaheim Hills Freedom Celebration is “Long may she Wave” the long running parade component of the celebration has been canceled this year because of a lack of entries. However other events of the annual celebration sponsored by the Canyon Hills Community Council and the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club will go on as scheduled. The annual July 3rd Firecracker 5/10 K Run and 2K Walk will take place with $100 cash prizes for over all male and female 5K and 10K winners. The event features a Product/ Health Fair and a live rock band to wake everyone up at the 5:30 AM starting time. The event is from 5:30 am to 10: am at Canyon High School. Registration for the race is limited to 1500 runners and is available on line at through June 30th. After that you may register July 1st at the Anaheim Downtown Community Center or July 2nd at the East Anaheim Community Center.
Later in the morning on July 3rd, (if you call 8:00 am later!) the annual Anaheim Hills Rotary Pancake Breakfast takes place at the Canyon High School Cafeteria. Pancakes, sausages, OJ and coffee all for only $4 for adults and $3 for children under 12. Breakfast is served 8 am- 10:30 am.
The 3rd of July morning continues with the ever popular Yankee Doodle Dog Show at 10 a.m. at Canyon High School. The six awards and prize categories include Best Dressed; Cutest Dog (under 35 lbs); Cutest Bigger Dog (over 35 lbs.); Owner-Doggie Look-a-like; Best trick; and the Yankee Doodle Dog prize.
Then it’s on to Peralta Park with entertainment starting at 12 noon. Food and game booths open at 12:30 and the grand fireworks spectacular starts at 9:00 pm sharp.
For more information CLICK on the Canyon Hills Community Council website: CHCC
Orange’s 15th Annual 3rd of July Fireworks Celebration
The 15th Annual City of Orange 3rd of July fireworks spectacular begins at 4:00 pm at Fred Kelly Stadium. Tickets are available at the Community Services Department at the Orange City Hall for $7 per person (children 2 and under are free).
The annual local event includes food booths, interactive kid’s games, entertainment with patriotic music by the world famous Orange Community Master Chorale and the grand fireworks spectacular. The entertainment begins at 4 pm and the main program starts at 8 pm with the Orange Mayor’s welcome then the musical program followed by the ever popular fireworks.
Fred Kelly Stadium is a synthetic grass field, so restrictions apply. Event organizers remind everyone that it is blanket seating only no lawn chairs; food; drinks; gum; seeds (popcorn etc) hard soled or high heels are permitted on the synthetic field. Seating in the stands is first come.
For a complete look at the Orange County Fireworks displays CLICK ON: OCFA
Metro TALK is a community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Canyon HS and Villa Park HS make Newsweek Best Schools list again

ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
Orange Unified’s Canyon and Villa Park High Schools were two of numerous of Orange County high schools named to the Newsweek Magazine’s 2010 annual List of America’s Best High Schools. The list includes a total of 1600 high schools from across the nation. Newsweek uses a formula of dividing the number of graduating seniors by the number of Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) or Cambridge (AICE) tests taken at a school. To make the Newsweek list, the schools measured must have an index of at least 1.000 and are in the top 5% of public schools. Villa Park H.S. is number 575 and Canyon H.S. is number 804 on this year’s list. This is the second time on the list for both schools, Villa Park H.S. was on the list in 2006 and Canyon H.S. was on the list in 2008.
The only other OUSD high school to make the list was El Modena also in 2006. The list is considered prestigious for high schools, so much so that Canyon’s web page boasts of its 2008 placement.
For more information CLICK ON : NEWSWEEK
Sunday, June 13, 2010
OUSD Graduation schedules, Villa Park 5K and Pool time!
Metro TALK
A community service of Greater Orange Community Organization
Orange Unified High School Graduations Schedule
June 17th is high school graduation day throughout the Greater Orange Communities. The following is the graduation schedule for the district’s high schools:
June 17, 2010
10:00 am
Richland H.S. Graduation– Richland Quad
1:30 pm
El Modena H.S. Graduation – Fred Kelly Stadium
4:00 pm
Canyon H.S.Graduation – Fred Kelly Stadium
Orange H.S.Graduation - Orange H.S. Outdoor Stage
7:00 pm
Villa Park H.S.Graduation - Fred Kelly Stadium
Hart Park Recreational Swim starts June 14
Just in time for summer, the Hart Park Pool opens for recreational swimming on June 14th through August 22. The pool is open weekdays from 1:30- 2:45 and 3:00- 4:15, plus Wednesday nights from 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm. Weekend hours are
Saturday and Sunday 1:30-2:15 pm; 2:30-3:45 pm ; and 4:00 –5:15 pm. Cost is only $2.50 per session. A Swim Card for 15 sessions can be purchased for $28 at the Community Services Department at the Orange City Hall. For more information call the Hart Park Pool Hotline: 714-744-5518 or CLICK ON: HART POOL
Villa Park 6th Annual 5K- June 26, 2010
The 6th Annual 5K Villa Park Run/Walk will wind its way through Orange County’s Hidden Gem on Saturday June 26 starting at 7:15 am. The annual event is a fund raiser sponsored by the Friends of the Villa Park Library. This year’s event will feature the inaugural Progressive Marathon with participants completing 23 miles before the race day and the last 3 the day of the race. For more information and entry forms CLICK ON: VP5K
15th Annual Orange July 3rd Fireworks Show on sale
Tickets for the 15th Annual July 3rd Celebration and Fireworks show at Fred Kelly Stadium are on sale. The event is on Saturday, July 3, 2010, 4:00-9:00 p.m. Tickets are available at the Community Services Department at the Orange City Hall for $7 per person (children 2 and under are free). For more information CLICK ON: JULY 3
Metro TALK is a community service of
A community service of Greater Orange Community Organization
Orange Unified High School Graduations Schedule
June 17th is high school graduation day throughout the Greater Orange Communities. The following is the graduation schedule for the district’s high schools:
June 17, 2010
10:00 am
Richland H.S. Graduation– Richland Quad
1:30 pm
El Modena H.S. Graduation – Fred Kelly Stadium
4:00 pm
Canyon H.S.Graduation – Fred Kelly Stadium
Orange H.S.Graduation - Orange H.S. Outdoor Stage
7:00 pm
Villa Park H.S.Graduation - Fred Kelly Stadium
Hart Park Recreational Swim starts June 14
Just in time for summer, the Hart Park Pool opens for recreational swimming on June 14th through August 22. The pool is open weekdays from 1:30- 2:45 and 3:00- 4:15, plus Wednesday nights from 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm. Weekend hours are
Saturday and Sunday 1:30-2:15 pm; 2:30-3:45 pm ; and 4:00 –5:15 pm. Cost is only $2.50 per session. A Swim Card for 15 sessions can be purchased for $28 at the Community Services Department at the Orange City Hall. For more information call the Hart Park Pool Hotline: 714-744-5518 or CLICK ON: HART POOL
Villa Park 6th Annual 5K- June 26, 2010

The 6th Annual 5K Villa Park Run/Walk will wind its way through Orange County’s Hidden Gem on Saturday June 26 starting at 7:15 am. The annual event is a fund raiser sponsored by the Friends of the Villa Park Library. This year’s event will feature the inaugural Progressive Marathon with participants completing 23 miles before the race day and the last 3 the day of the race. For more information and entry forms CLICK ON: VP5K
15th Annual Orange July 3rd Fireworks Show on sale
Tickets for the 15th Annual July 3rd Celebration and Fireworks show at Fred Kelly Stadium are on sale. The event is on Saturday, July 3, 2010, 4:00-9:00 p.m. Tickets are available at the Community Services Department at the Orange City Hall for $7 per person (children 2 and under are free). For more information CLICK ON: JULY 3
Metro TALK is a community service of
Monday, June 07, 2010
OUSD Board to try a third time to reduce own stipend
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
OUSD Board to try a third time to reduce own stipend
Will the third time be the charm? The Orange Unified School Board will again try for the third time to reduce their own $750 stipends by 10% ($75.00) to $ 650 per month for an annual savings of $6,300. Board President John Ortega is the latest sponsor of the attempt on the June 10, 2010 OUSD Board Agenda as Action Item 12 D (Agenda page 13).
Two earlier attempts to reduce the OUSD Board stipends had been defeated. The first attempt to limit the stipend was proposed by Trustee Melissa Smith and co-sponsored by Trustees Kim Nichols and Kathy Moffat at the May 28, 2009 Board Meeting. The proposal prompted a sharp exchange of words between then Board President Rick Ledesma and Smith (see link below). After the proposal was defeated in a 3-3 tie when Ledesma, Ortega and Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni voted "NO" (Trustee Mark Wayland was absent), Smith, Nichols and Moffat all began donating 10% of their stipend back to the school district. Then at the August 20, 2009 meeting a 2% reduction of $15 in the OUSD stipend was again proposed, this time by Ledesma ally OUSD Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni. That proposal too was defeated on a 3-3 tie vote this time with Ortega absent and the votes reversed with Moffat, Nichols and Smith voting "NO" after noting that they were already donating 10% back and any Trustee could donate any portion of their stipend. The June 10 vote will again see a Trustee absent, but this time the absent Trustee Kim Nichols will be participating by teleconference from Memphis, Tennessee. Since the two proposed stipend reductions, all OUSD staff have agreed to pay cuts including OUSD Superintendent Dr. Renae Dreier.
On the same June 10, 2010 Agenda as the proposed Trustee cut, will be more OUSD staff pay cuts in the form of more work-day reductions with the school year being cut by 5 days and Leadership staff also reducing their work year by 5 unpaid days for a savings of $5.6 million. Agenda Action Item 12 A (page 5-9) is an agreement between the teacher’s union the Orange Unified Education Association and OUSD to cut the school year (and teacher’s pay) by 5 days (Agenda Item 12 E sets those days as 4 days at the beginning of school and one day after the November 11 holiday). Action Item 12 B cuts five days off of the Leadership calendar for the 2% pervious pay reduction (the last 2% pay cut did not include a reduction in days) and another 5 days for the current matching reduction of the teaching staff for a savings of $318,445. The reductions are scheduled to continue through the 2012-2013 school year.
Once again OUSD Superintendent Dr. Renae Dreier has also volunteered to amend her contract to reflect the 5 day cut in work and pay. In Agenda Item 12 C (page 12) Dreier asks for a Second Amendment of her contract to reflect the same cuts that the district staff is taking. The First Amendment to her contract was also at her request to take the 2% cut when all the other district employees took that initial cut.
For more information CLICK ON:
OUSD to pass a “Resolution of the Unknowns”
Also at their June 10, 2010 meeting the OUSD Board will vote on passing a Resolution 22-09-10 on the State Budget Crisis theoretically allowing the OUSD Board to reserve its right to make “salary adjustments” by declaring all salary schedules “indefinite”.
This type of resolution is passed by school districts around the state as an all encompassing attempt to inoculate the districts against Proposition 13 era rulings by the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), a quasi-judicial administrative agency charged with administering California’s collective bargaining laws for California’s public employees. Those 1979 rulings (based on federal precedent) reversed attempts to unilaterally rollback contractual wages by school districts after the passage of Proposition 13 tax cuts. The resulting pre-contract date resolutions passed on the advice of legal counsel have not been fully legally tested since the original PERB contractual rulings. (Consent Agenda Item 14 E page 44-46).
Inside the June 10 Agenda
Agenda Item 9 D (Agenda page 3) Celebrating Serrano Elementary School as a 2010 California Distinguished School.
Agenda Item 12 E – Approval of the 2010-2011 calendar- teachers will start Tuesday August 24, 2010 and students will start Wednesday August 25, 2010 and the last day will be Thursday June 16, 2011
Agenda Item 12 F ( Agenda page 16-34) a Public Hearing on how the Estimated Actuals for the 2010-2011 will be calculated
Inside the OUSD Community Donations
Crescent Primary PTA- $7.013 – computer lease; Fletcher PTA- $2,421- computers; Orange H.S. Baseball Boosters-$5,200 –salary stipends; Canyon H.S. Band Boosters-$6,945 – salary stipends; El Modena H.S. Baseball Boosters- $9,400- salary stipends; Villa Park HS ASB-$1,000- salary stipends; Fresh & Easy Company-$1,210- to La Veta E.S. for supplies
For a complete list of the $59,324 in community donations see Agenda pg 38
INSIDE the OUSD Budget
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2010: $ 385,000
2010 Attorney Fee Tally:
5/27/10 Dannis, Woliver & Kelley $ 30,000
5/27/10 Parker & Covert $ 55,000
5/27/10 Parker & Covert (to 6/11) $300,000
TOTAL $ 385,000
2010 TOTAL $ 385,000
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2009: $1,041,000
2009 Attorney Fee Tally:
11/13/08 Parker & Covert (for 1/09 -6/09) $ 200,000
3/12/09 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya (Sp. Ed) $ 50,000
3/12/09 Parker & Covert (Special Ed) $ 98,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (09-10) $ 400,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (Special Ed) $ 200,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (property) $ 55,000
6/18/09 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya (property)$ 35,000
Total $1,038,000
2009 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
01/24/09 Leadership Associates Consultants $ 3,000
2009 TOTAL $1,041,000
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2008: $901,200.00
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2007: $704,090.00*
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $849,717.00*
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $978,300.00
Former Superintendent Godley’s Retirement Bonus running total (beginning 8/2008):
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula calculated here at $1210 a month since 8/08. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
Independent insight into OUSD
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
OUSD Board to try a third time to reduce own stipend
Will the third time be the charm? The Orange Unified School Board will again try for the third time to reduce their own $750 stipends by 10% ($75.00) to $ 650 per month for an annual savings of $6,300. Board President John Ortega is the latest sponsor of the attempt on the June 10, 2010 OUSD Board Agenda as Action Item 12 D (Agenda page 13).
Two earlier attempts to reduce the OUSD Board stipends had been defeated. The first attempt to limit the stipend was proposed by Trustee Melissa Smith and co-sponsored by Trustees Kim Nichols and Kathy Moffat at the May 28, 2009 Board Meeting. The proposal prompted a sharp exchange of words between then Board President Rick Ledesma and Smith (see link below). After the proposal was defeated in a 3-3 tie when Ledesma, Ortega and Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni voted "NO" (Trustee Mark Wayland was absent), Smith, Nichols and Moffat all began donating 10% of their stipend back to the school district. Then at the August 20, 2009 meeting a 2% reduction of $15 in the OUSD stipend was again proposed, this time by Ledesma ally OUSD Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni. That proposal too was defeated on a 3-3 tie vote this time with Ortega absent and the votes reversed with Moffat, Nichols and Smith voting "NO" after noting that they were already donating 10% back and any Trustee could donate any portion of their stipend. The June 10 vote will again see a Trustee absent, but this time the absent Trustee Kim Nichols will be participating by teleconference from Memphis, Tennessee. Since the two proposed stipend reductions, all OUSD staff have agreed to pay cuts including OUSD Superintendent Dr. Renae Dreier.
On the same June 10, 2010 Agenda as the proposed Trustee cut, will be more OUSD staff pay cuts in the form of more work-day reductions with the school year being cut by 5 days and Leadership staff also reducing their work year by 5 unpaid days for a savings of $5.6 million. Agenda Action Item 12 A (page 5-9) is an agreement between the teacher’s union the Orange Unified Education Association and OUSD to cut the school year (and teacher’s pay) by 5 days (Agenda Item 12 E sets those days as 4 days at the beginning of school and one day after the November 11 holiday). Action Item 12 B cuts five days off of the Leadership calendar for the 2% pervious pay reduction (the last 2% pay cut did not include a reduction in days) and another 5 days for the current matching reduction of the teaching staff for a savings of $318,445. The reductions are scheduled to continue through the 2012-2013 school year.
Once again OUSD Superintendent Dr. Renae Dreier has also volunteered to amend her contract to reflect the 5 day cut in work and pay. In Agenda Item 12 C (page 12) Dreier asks for a Second Amendment of her contract to reflect the same cuts that the district staff is taking. The First Amendment to her contract was also at her request to take the 2% cut when all the other district employees took that initial cut.
For more information CLICK ON:
OUSD to pass a “Resolution of the Unknowns”
Also at their June 10, 2010 meeting the OUSD Board will vote on passing a Resolution 22-09-10 on the State Budget Crisis theoretically allowing the OUSD Board to reserve its right to make “salary adjustments” by declaring all salary schedules “indefinite”.
This type of resolution is passed by school districts around the state as an all encompassing attempt to inoculate the districts against Proposition 13 era rulings by the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), a quasi-judicial administrative agency charged with administering California’s collective bargaining laws for California’s public employees. Those 1979 rulings (based on federal precedent) reversed attempts to unilaterally rollback contractual wages by school districts after the passage of Proposition 13 tax cuts. The resulting pre-contract date resolutions passed on the advice of legal counsel have not been fully legally tested since the original PERB contractual rulings. (Consent Agenda Item 14 E page 44-46).
Inside the June 10 Agenda
Agenda Item 9 D (Agenda page 3) Celebrating Serrano Elementary School as a 2010 California Distinguished School.
Agenda Item 12 E – Approval of the 2010-2011 calendar- teachers will start Tuesday August 24, 2010 and students will start Wednesday August 25, 2010 and the last day will be Thursday June 16, 2011
Agenda Item 12 F ( Agenda page 16-34) a Public Hearing on how the Estimated Actuals for the 2010-2011 will be calculated
Inside the OUSD Community Donations
Crescent Primary PTA- $7.013 – computer lease; Fletcher PTA- $2,421- computers; Orange H.S. Baseball Boosters-$5,200 –salary stipends; Canyon H.S. Band Boosters-$6,945 – salary stipends; El Modena H.S. Baseball Boosters- $9,400- salary stipends; Villa Park HS ASB-$1,000- salary stipends; Fresh & Easy Company-$1,210- to La Veta E.S. for supplies
For a complete list of the $59,324 in community donations see Agenda pg 38
INSIDE the OUSD Budget
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2010: $ 385,000
2010 Attorney Fee Tally:
5/27/10 Dannis, Woliver & Kelley $ 30,000
5/27/10 Parker & Covert $ 55,000
5/27/10 Parker & Covert (to 6/11) $300,000
TOTAL $ 385,000
2010 TOTAL $ 385,000
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2009: $1,041,000
2009 Attorney Fee Tally:
11/13/08 Parker & Covert (for 1/09 -6/09) $ 200,000
3/12/09 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya (Sp. Ed) $ 50,000
3/12/09 Parker & Covert (Special Ed) $ 98,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (09-10) $ 400,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (Special Ed) $ 200,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (property) $ 55,000
6/18/09 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya (property)$ 35,000
Total $1,038,000
2009 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
01/24/09 Leadership Associates Consultants $ 3,000
2009 TOTAL $1,041,000
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2008: $901,200.00
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2007: $704,090.00*
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $849,717.00*
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $978,300.00
Former Superintendent Godley’s Retirement Bonus running total (beginning 8/2008):
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula calculated here at $1210 a month since 8/08. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
Independent insight into OUSD
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/