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Saturday, August 28, 2010
Orange International Street Fair set for Labor Day Weekend

Orange International Street Fair set for Labor Day Weekend
The Orange International Street Fair is the annual end-of–summer Labor Day Weekend bash that celebrates its 38th year since being the centerpiece of the City of Orange centennial celebration in 1972 as a re-creation of a 1910 Orange International Fair. The celebration literally draws the world to the center of Greater Orange as world famous Orange Traffic Circle becomes the center of pedestrian traffic on the numerous international themed food streets.

Like the past 38 years, the fun is all about the food, music, more food, drinks…and don’t forget the FOOD…from around the world. Craftsmen will be selling handmade items around the Plaza and present and past Orange Street Fair commemoratives will be on sale to complete your Orange Street Fair collection.
The Children’s Street family oriented activities will again be offered on Orange Street just off East Chapman Ave. Over 1200 volunteers have been preparing to make the expected half million visitors feel welcome.

The event draws half a million visitors over its three days. Visitors from out-of- town are encouraged to avoid the parking crunch by taking the Metrolink (at reduced weekend rates-see below) to the historic Orange Santa Fe (Metrolink/Amtrak) Depot conveniently located adjacent to the street fair. As always no pets are allowed and wristbands for public alcohol consumption are required. Those wishing to brave the parking drama may try the Chapman University lots.
Dates and hours of the 2010 Orange International Street Fair are:
September 3 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
September 4 & 5 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
Orange International Street Fair
For taking the train CLICK ON

Monday, August 23, 2010
OUSD Board acknowledges Brown Act violations

ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
OUSD Trustees acknowledge Brown Act violation as district’s attorney calls violation an “oversight”
At their July 29, 2010 Board Meeting, the Orange Unified School Board Trustees tried to corrected the Brown Act violations of their June 10, 2010 Board meeting with a quickly added resolution to the already posted agenda. Resolution 14 W was added as a “yellow sheet” item (it did not originally appear on the agenda) to the meeting after OUSD’s high priced attorney Spencer Covert of the law firm Parker and Covert explained the reason for the Brown Act violations as “an oversight”. Resolution 14W was in response to a July 26 posting of Orange Net News’ ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE report on the numerous illegal votes during the June 10, 2010 OUSD Board meeting. During that meeting, Trustee Kim Nichols participated by teleconference from Memphis Tennessee and the OUSD Board voted by illegal voice vote on several major items. The Brown Act, which allows teleconferencing, also specifically denotes the rules under how that teleconferencing is to take place. One of the specific rules spelled out in Section 54952 (2) of the Brown Act is that all votes during teleconferencing be roll call votes. Resolution 06-10-11 of Agenda Item 14 W (page 93) approved by the OUSD Board at the July 29 meeting affirmed the violations of the June 10th meeting and also stated:
“In the future, whenever one of the board members is participating by teleconference, roll call votes will be taken on each action item.”
During the portions of the July 29 meeting, Trustee Melissa Smith participated by teleconference from Lake Forest, Illinois and all the votes during her teleconference were conducted as required by the Brown Act. However, on more than one voting occasion, Board President John Ortega had to be reminded about the need for a roll call. The OUSD Board has a long record of Brown Act violation troubles. Those violations include recent illegal votes during the July 19, 2007 meeting when Trustee Melissa Smith teleconferenced from the Union Club Hotel in West Lafayette, Indiana and illegal votes at the March 13, 2008 Special Board Meeting when Trustee Kathy Moffat teleconferenced from the Hayes Mansion Hotel in San Jose, California. None of the illegal votes at those two meetings have ever been addressed.
INSIDE the July 29 OUSD Board Meeting
OUSD Board splits on vote to join Cal-PERS Health Trust
In a major cost-saving victory for OUSD Superintendent Renae Dreier’s Administration, the Orange Unified School Board voted 5-1-1 to join the Cal-PERS Health Trust and unite its three employee groups under one health plan. The goal was also a priority of the district’s teachers association since its one-time flagship self-funded Health Trust had been eliminated in hard-ball political fight with the Recalled OUSD Board ten years ago. The split vote to join Cal-PERS Health Trust came only after the OUSD Board defeated a motion by Kathy Moffat to delay the vote to join Cal-PERS Health Trust by 1 week to allow employees time to study the new plan on a 6-1 vote (Moffat the lone Yes vote).
In the vote to join the Cal-PERS Health Trust, Board President John Ortega cast the lone opposition vote after voicing concerns over the Cal-PERS Health Trust policy allowing retirees a one time buy-in option with the district contributing a minimal amount ( one dollar per retiree opting in for the first year, with the retiree paying all other fees). The final vote was 5-1-1 with Ortega voting No and Moffat abstaining.
OPED Retirement Bond recovers
The OUSD OPED Bond that ate up millions of educational dollars last year as the economy tanked and district budgets were cut, made a modest recovery during the last year according to a report given by the OUSD Deputy Superintendent Michael Christensen. While still performing at less than forecasted, Christensen reported that the OPED Bond issued to manage retiree health care obligations had made up losses due to the financial system collapse and added a small profit. The 3% bond profit was off 50% from the predicted 7 plus returns. Trustees and Christensen stressed that the bond was a long term investment strategy until 2065.
Revised 2010-11 Budget to be approved
The August 26 OUSD Board Meeting will feature adoption of the revised budget for the 2010-2011 school year that reports “The district is solvent and has a balanced budget for 2010-11”.
State law requires the budget to be adopted 45 days after the California Governor signs the state budget. Not surprising, California does not have a budget yet, in fact it is the only state in the union not to currently have adopted a budget for next year. However, OUSD is prepared, per state law, to update its 2010-2011 budget that was adopted on June 10, 2010. Agenda Action Item 12 A (agenda pages 1-19) shows that budget is projected to have an unappropriated balance of $13.4 million plus a state required reserve of $6.8 (3%).
Request to re-name Esplanade Elementary after historic local civil rights leader

Lorenzo Ramirez was one of five fathers to challenge segregation in Orange County in federal court on behalf of 5,000 children of “Mexican Ancestry” in the Westminster, Garden Grove, Santa Ana and El Modena school districts. Ramirez as a child had attended Roosevelt Elementary School in El Modena. Later in life he married and moved to Whittier where he began a family and his three sons began school there. In 1944, Ramirez moved his family back to his childhood neighborhood of El Modena near Orange and tried to enroll his children at Roosevelt School. However, times had changed and he was told that Roosevelt was now for whites only and his English speaking Hispanic children had to go to the all Mexican ancestry Spanish-speaking school next store, Lincoln School. Of course like everything with the failed doctrine of “separate but equal”, the truth is that Lincoln School was far from equal and very separate.
Lorenzo Ramirez not only joined the Mendez v Westminster lawsuit against segregation in Orange County schools, but also bravely testified in the trial in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. Senior Federal District Judge Paul J. McCormick ruled in favor of the families against the school districts ruling for the first time that segregated schools violated the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. A year later, after the school districts appealed, the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court upheld the ruling, but not on 14th Amendment grounds. The Court ruled on the grounds that California law only allowed segregation of "children of Chinese, Japanese or Mongolian parentage" and not those of Mexican ancestry. With that narrow holding, the Appeals Court ruling thus kept in place the “separate but equal" interpretation of the 14th Amendment enshrined in the now infamous 1896 U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson.
Later that year, California Governor Earl Warren signed a law repealing the remaining school segregation statutes in the California Education Code outlawing segregation in California schools for all children. Warren would eventually become the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and seven years later would pen the famous unanimous Brown v Topeka Board of Education ruling which would affirm what Judge McCormick found years earlier in Mendez v Westminster, that "separate but equal” schools were unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.
For more information on the El Modena Families CLICK ON:
Chapman University’s Leatherby Library has a group study room dedicated to the Mendez v Westminster with historical documents. For more information CLICK ON:
CHAPMAN Leatherby Library
INSIDE the August 26 OUSD Agenda
Information Item 13 A- (page 20)- Opening of Schools Report
Information Item 13 B- (page 21)- Update on Year 2 of OUSD Strategic Plan
Information Item 13 D- (page 23)- Presentation on Safe and Drug Free Schools
INSIDE the OUSD Budget
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2010:
$ 385,000
2010 Attorney Fee Tally:
5/27/10 Dannis, Woliver & Kelley $ 30,000
5/27/10 Parker & Covert $ 55,000
5/27/10 Parker & Covert (to 6/11) $300,000
TOTAL $ 385,000
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2009: $1,041,000
2009 Attorney Fee Tally:
11/13/08 Parker & Covert (for 1/09 -6/09) $ 200,000
3/12/09 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya (Sp. Ed) $ 50,000
3/12/09 Parker & Covert (Special Ed) $ 98,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (09-10) $ 400,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (Special Ed) $ 200,000
6/18/09 Parker & Covert (property) $ 55,000
6/18/09 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya (property)$ 35,000
Total $1,038,000
2009 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
01/24/09 Leadership Associates Consultants $ 3,000
2009 TOTAL $1,041,000
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2008: $901,200.00
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2007: $704,090.00*
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $849,717.00*
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $978,300.00
Former Superintendent Godley’s Retirement Bonus running total (beginning 8/2008):
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula calculated here at $1210 a month since 8/08. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
Labels: Mendez v Westminster;Lorenzo Ramirez; Brown Act violations
Monday, August 16, 2010
STAR State Testing results released

STAR State Testing results released
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell today released the results of the 2010 Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program. For eight years the California Standards Tests (CSTs) have been used to track student progress across California in learning state achievement standards.
To view the overall Orange Unified Scores CLICK ON:
To view individual school scores CLICK ON the following ling then select the school: OUSD School Scores
Monday, August 09, 2010
Registrar of Voters rescinds OUSD Area 1 filing extenstion
eLECTION Watch 2010
an Orange Net News
Special News and Analysis Series
Ramifications of the Nichols Realignment continue…
OC Registrar of Voters rescinds
OUSD Area 1 Candidate Filing extension
The 2008 realignment of Orange Unified Trustee areas, known as the Nichols Realignment (named for OUSD Trustee Kim Nichols-the driving force behind the idea) continues to have wide-spread ramifications, this time causing confusion at the Orange County Registrar of Voters office. The Nichols Realignment of 2008 realigned the Orange Unified Trustee Areas. In doing so, it moved two OUSD Trustees out of their Trustee Areas, Trustee Steve Rocco and Trustee Melissa Smith. Under Orange Unified rules, Trustees must live in the Trustee Area they represent, but are elected by the whole district. The move prevented Rocco from running when his term expired two years ago. (he is running this November in the new Area he is now in). This year, Smith’s term is up in Area 1 and she cannot run again in that Trustee Area. She is not an “eligible” incumbent because she no longer lives in Area 1. However, according to Orange County Registrar of Voters Steve Neal, that information was not put on the form turned into his office from Orange Unified.
State election law requires the candidate filing period for a contested office be extended if the incumbent does not file during the regular filing period. After the filing period closed on Friday August 6, Smith had not filed because she was ineligible to run again, so Orange Unified’s Trustee Area 1 was included on the list of races with extended filing periods that was posted on the Orange County Registrar of Voters website On Sunday August 8, Orange Net News posted the story that the OUSD Trustee Area 1 filing deadline had been extended. OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith posted the following comment to the story:
“I may be mistaken but I believe that the provision for extending the filing period is when an "eligible incumbent" has not filed. Since I am not eligible due to the location of my home I do not believe the filing period is extended. The same would be true if we had term limits.”
On Monday at 8 am Orange Net News personnel contacted the Orange County Registrar of Voters office and explained the situation. Later in the day, Orange County Registrar Steve Neal confirmed that his office contacted Orange Unified and they confirmed the mistake about Trustee Smith. Neal then stated that they were updating their paperwork to show that the Area 1 race was no longer open.
Candidate Chris Nquyen tries to Rocco-up his ballot description
Three candidates have filed to run in Area 1: Anaheim City Planning Commissioner Harry Persaud; Anaheim City Community Center Commissioner and former OUSD LEGCO President Diane Singer; and California State Senate Legislative Aid Chris Nguyen.
Nguyen has himself listed on the ballot as “Education Policy Advisor”. Graduating from USC in 2007 as a Political Science major, and from Stanford this year with a masters in Public Administration, Nguyen’s resume on Linked In shows five political internships over a period of two years and being a Legislative aide only since January 2009. While his resume is heavy on political experience, nowhere does his resume mention anything related to being an “Education Policy Advisor” as he describes himself on the ballot. When former controversial OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco won without campaigning, much of the credit was given to his ballot designation of “Teacher”. His opponent Phil Martinez was a very involved parent who listed his occupation as a Park Ranger. Those ballot designations are widely credited with Rocco winning, a lesson not lost on politicians.
Nguyen’s fellow Board member on the Orange Villa Park Republican Assembly (OVPRA), Chris Enami tried a similar tactic when he ran in 2006 against Trustee Kim Nichols. Enami a walk-on (after school) girls basketball coach tried to be listed as a “Teacher” on the ballot. Nichols went to court and won an order that forced Enami to remove the misleading moniker.
Obviously, Chris Nguyen did well in his Political Science classes as he tries to Rocco-up his ballot description for votes.
For Chris Nguyen’s resume CLICK ON: The REAL Chris Nguyen
Keep up with all Greater Orange updates at ONN TWITTER
eLECTION Watch 2012
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/ “Independent Local Insight”
an Orange Net News
Special News and Analysis Series
Ramifications of the Nichols Realignment continue…
OC Registrar of Voters rescinds
OUSD Area 1 Candidate Filing extension
The 2008 realignment of Orange Unified Trustee areas, known as the Nichols Realignment (named for OUSD Trustee Kim Nichols-the driving force behind the idea) continues to have wide-spread ramifications, this time causing confusion at the Orange County Registrar of Voters office. The Nichols Realignment of 2008 realigned the Orange Unified Trustee Areas. In doing so, it moved two OUSD Trustees out of their Trustee Areas, Trustee Steve Rocco and Trustee Melissa Smith. Under Orange Unified rules, Trustees must live in the Trustee Area they represent, but are elected by the whole district. The move prevented Rocco from running when his term expired two years ago. (he is running this November in the new Area he is now in). This year, Smith’s term is up in Area 1 and she cannot run again in that Trustee Area. She is not an “eligible” incumbent because she no longer lives in Area 1. However, according to Orange County Registrar of Voters Steve Neal, that information was not put on the form turned into his office from Orange Unified.
State election law requires the candidate filing period for a contested office be extended if the incumbent does not file during the regular filing period. After the filing period closed on Friday August 6, Smith had not filed because she was ineligible to run again, so Orange Unified’s Trustee Area 1 was included on the list of races with extended filing periods that was posted on the Orange County Registrar of Voters website On Sunday August 8, Orange Net News posted the story that the OUSD Trustee Area 1 filing deadline had been extended. OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith posted the following comment to the story:
“I may be mistaken but I believe that the provision for extending the filing period is when an "eligible incumbent" has not filed. Since I am not eligible due to the location of my home I do not believe the filing period is extended. The same would be true if we had term limits.”
On Monday at 8 am Orange Net News personnel contacted the Orange County Registrar of Voters office and explained the situation. Later in the day, Orange County Registrar Steve Neal confirmed that his office contacted Orange Unified and they confirmed the mistake about Trustee Smith. Neal then stated that they were updating their paperwork to show that the Area 1 race was no longer open.

Three candidates have filed to run in Area 1: Anaheim City Planning Commissioner Harry Persaud; Anaheim City Community Center Commissioner and former OUSD LEGCO President Diane Singer; and California State Senate Legislative Aid Chris Nguyen.

Nguyen’s fellow Board member on the Orange Villa Park Republican Assembly (OVPRA), Chris Enami tried a similar tactic when he ran in 2006 against Trustee Kim Nichols. Enami a walk-on (after school) girls basketball coach tried to be listed as a “Teacher” on the ballot. Nichols went to court and won an order that forced Enami to remove the misleading moniker.
Obviously, Chris Nguyen did well in his Political Science classes as he tries to Rocco-up his ballot description for votes.
For Chris Nguyen’s resume CLICK ON: The REAL Chris Nguyen
Keep up with all Greater Orange updates at ONN TWITTER
eLECTION Watch 2012
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/ “Independent Local Insight”
Sunday, August 08, 2010
OUSD Area 1 Trustee candidate filing period extended
eLECTION Watch 2010
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Ramifications of the Nichols Realignment continue…
The 2008 realignment of Orange Unified Trustee areas, known as the Nichols Realignment (named for OUSD Trustee Kim Nichols-the driving force behind the idea) was then called “A gift from heaven” by OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith because it accomplished the goal of removing controversial OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco from running as an incumbent by moving his home into another Trustee Area that was not up for election when his term was over. Smith and Nichols had been the driving force behind an ill connived recall campaign against Rocco that fell way short of needed signatures. After the failure of the recall, the resulting “gift” of the boundary realignment also changed Smith’s home out of Area 1 where she was elected, Smith however remained the Area 1 Trustee until her term expired –this year (although she had pulled papers to run in her realigned Area in 2008, she never filed). Under Orange Unified rules, Trustees must live in the Trustee Area they represent, but are elected by the whole district. This unique election arrangement is a by-product of Orange becoming a unified district. The arrangement guaranteed that the OUSD Trustees would be distributed throughout the areas being unified in the new district and not dominated by Orange, at that time the largest city. The same system gave OUSD an unusually large 7 member trustee board.
State election law requires the candidate filing period be extended if an incumbent does not file during the regular filing period. With Smith no longer living in Area 1, she cannot file, therefore, the filing period has been extended.
So far the non-partisan OUSD Area 1 office has drawn fairly involved partisans. Active Republicans Harry Persaud and Chris Nguyen have filed papers. Peraud is an Anaheim City Planning Commissioner and Nguyen is a highly connected Board board officer of the Orange Villa Park Republican Assembly (OVPRA). The OVPRA Board has some highly ambitious members including Board President of the OVPRA and OUSD Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni. Not finished with her first term on the OUSD Board, in June Deligianni made an unsuccessful run for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Also filing for the OUSD Area 1 is Diane Singer. Singer, has impressive educational credentials with a long involvement in education with OUSD including being OUSD LEGCO Chair. President of the non-profit KinderCaminata that introduces low-income children to college, Singer too has had political ambitions. In 2008, Singer ran as a Democrat for the 60th State Assembly seat with a detailed education platform, but lost to Curt Hagman. Currently a commissioner on the Anaheim Community Center Authority, Singer also pulled papers to run for the Anaheim City Council before pulling and filing papers on the last day of the regular filing period for the OUSD Area 1 Seat.
The new filing period ends on August 11th.
Keep up with all Greater Orange updates at ONN TWITER
eLECTION Watch 2012
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/ “Independent Local Insight”
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Ramifications of the Nichols Realignment continue…
The 2008 realignment of Orange Unified Trustee areas, known as the Nichols Realignment (named for OUSD Trustee Kim Nichols-the driving force behind the idea) was then called “A gift from heaven” by OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith because it accomplished the goal of removing controversial OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco from running as an incumbent by moving his home into another Trustee Area that was not up for election when his term was over. Smith and Nichols had been the driving force behind an ill connived recall campaign against Rocco that fell way short of needed signatures. After the failure of the recall, the resulting “gift” of the boundary realignment also changed Smith’s home out of Area 1 where she was elected, Smith however remained the Area 1 Trustee until her term expired –this year (although she had pulled papers to run in her realigned Area in 2008, she never filed). Under Orange Unified rules, Trustees must live in the Trustee Area they represent, but are elected by the whole district. This unique election arrangement is a by-product of Orange becoming a unified district. The arrangement guaranteed that the OUSD Trustees would be distributed throughout the areas being unified in the new district and not dominated by Orange, at that time the largest city. The same system gave OUSD an unusually large 7 member trustee board.
State election law requires the candidate filing period be extended if an incumbent does not file during the regular filing period. With Smith no longer living in Area 1, she cannot file, therefore, the filing period has been extended.
So far the non-partisan OUSD Area 1 office has drawn fairly involved partisans. Active Republicans Harry Persaud and Chris Nguyen have filed papers. Peraud is an Anaheim City Planning Commissioner and Nguyen is a highly connected Board board officer of the Orange Villa Park Republican Assembly (OVPRA). The OVPRA Board has some highly ambitious members including Board President of the OVPRA and OUSD Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni. Not finished with her first term on the OUSD Board, in June Deligianni made an unsuccessful run for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Also filing for the OUSD Area 1 is Diane Singer. Singer, has impressive educational credentials with a long involvement in education with OUSD including being OUSD LEGCO Chair. President of the non-profit KinderCaminata that introduces low-income children to college, Singer too has had political ambitions. In 2008, Singer ran as a Democrat for the 60th State Assembly seat with a detailed education platform, but lost to Curt Hagman. Currently a commissioner on the Anaheim Community Center Authority, Singer also pulled papers to run for the Anaheim City Council before pulling and filing papers on the last day of the regular filing period for the OUSD Area 1 Seat.
The new filing period ends on August 11th.
Keep up with all Greater Orange updates at ONN TWITER
eLECTION Watch 2012
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/ “Independent Local Insight”
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Crowded ballot in Greater Orange races
Crowded ballot in Greater Orange races
Greater Orange voters will have plenty of choices in the November election to fill five city council seats and four OUSD school board seats.
In Orange a huge field of candidates will be vying for just two city council seats. Among the candidates, Councilman Denis Bilodeau will be seeking re-election, Orange voters will also be selecting a Mayor as ambitious Orange Councilman Jon Dumitru tries to unseat popular Mayor Carolyn Cavecche.
In the Villa Park Council race, three seats are open with incumbents Brad Reese, Deborah Pauly and Jim Rheins all seeking re-election, while former appointed Councilman Robert Fauteux is also running trying to make a political come-back
Three Orange Unified incumbents challenged
On the last day of filing, private school teacher Timothy Lee Surridge pulled and filed papers to challenge incumbent Orange Unified Trustee Kim Nichols in Area 5. Surridge teaches at Salem Lutheran School and lists his occupation on the ballot as “Orange County Teacher / Businessman”. In OUSD Area 4, Trustee Kathy Moffat faces LEGCO Chair Larry Cohn and a popular retired OUSD El Modena High School vice-principal Paul Todd. In Area 7, incumbent Rick Ledesma faces the always surprising Steve Rocco.
In Area 1, with Trustee Melissa Smith moved out of her Trustee Area in the Nichols Boundary Change leaving Harry Persaud to face Chris Nguyen ,
treasurer of the Orange Villa Park Republican Assembly (OVPRA)and former LEGCO Chair Diane Singer. Nguyen lists himself as a "Education Policy Advisor" on the ballot. OUSD Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni is President of the Board of the .OVPRA. Chris Emami, who ran against Trustee Kim Nichols and lost, is Memebership Chair of the Board for the OVPRA. .
Singer jumps into OUSD race
Pulling papers and qualifying late on the last day of filing, Diane Singer filed late for OUSD Area 1. Singer who has run for other elected positions including Assembly is president of Kindercaminata, Inc. KinderCaminata ia a non-profit developed to give children, many of them from immigrant, low-income families, an introduction to the "college dream". She has been an Anaheim city commissioner, a member of the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club, president and founder of an Anaheim taxpayer and property rights protection group, a past chair of the Orange Unified School District’s Legislative Coalition and a past vice president for legislation of the Orange Community Council of PTAs.
Keep up with all Greater Orange updates at TWITTER/ONN
UPDATED 8/6/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino Filed 7/13
Chris Horton Filed 8/4
Robert Douglas Filed 8/4
Christian Vaughn Filed 8/5
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez Filed 8/6
Mark Marquez Filed 8\6
Yolanda Alvarez Filed 8\6
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche Filed 7/26
Jon Dumitru Filed 8/5
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud Filed 7/15
Diane Singer
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry Cohn Filed 8/4
Kathy Moffat Filed 8/4
Paul Todd- Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Tim Surridge Filed 8/6
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma Filed 8/6
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins Filed 8/5
Deborah Pauly Filed 8/4
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux Filed 8/4
Richard Barnett Filed 8/6
Brad Reese Filed 8/6
Greater Orange voters will have plenty of choices in the November election to fill five city council seats and four OUSD school board seats.
In Orange a huge field of candidates will be vying for just two city council seats. Among the candidates, Councilman Denis Bilodeau will be seeking re-election, Orange voters will also be selecting a Mayor as ambitious Orange Councilman Jon Dumitru tries to unseat popular Mayor Carolyn Cavecche.
In the Villa Park Council race, three seats are open with incumbents Brad Reese, Deborah Pauly and Jim Rheins all seeking re-election, while former appointed Councilman Robert Fauteux is also running trying to make a political come-back
Three Orange Unified incumbents challenged
On the last day of filing, private school teacher Timothy Lee Surridge pulled and filed papers to challenge incumbent Orange Unified Trustee Kim Nichols in Area 5. Surridge teaches at Salem Lutheran School and lists his occupation on the ballot as “Orange County Teacher / Businessman”. In OUSD Area 4, Trustee Kathy Moffat faces LEGCO Chair Larry Cohn and a popular retired OUSD El Modena High School vice-principal Paul Todd. In Area 7, incumbent Rick Ledesma faces the always surprising Steve Rocco.
In Area 1, with Trustee Melissa Smith moved out of her Trustee Area in the Nichols Boundary Change leaving Harry Persaud to face Chris Nguyen ,

Singer jumps into OUSD race

Pulling papers and qualifying late on the last day of filing, Diane Singer filed late for OUSD Area 1. Singer who has run for other elected positions including Assembly is president of Kindercaminata, Inc. KinderCaminata ia a non-profit developed to give children, many of them from immigrant, low-income families, an introduction to the "college dream". She has been an Anaheim city commissioner, a member of the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club, president and founder of an Anaheim taxpayer and property rights protection group, a past chair of the Orange Unified School District’s Legislative Coalition and a past vice president for legislation of the Orange Community Council of PTAs.
Keep up with all Greater Orange updates at TWITTER/ONN
UPDATED 8/6/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino Filed 7/13
Chris Horton Filed 8/4
Robert Douglas Filed 8/4
Christian Vaughn Filed 8/5
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez Filed 8/6
Mark Marquez Filed 8\6
Yolanda Alvarez Filed 8\6
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche Filed 7/26
Jon Dumitru Filed 8/5
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud Filed 7/15
Diane Singer
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry Cohn Filed 8/4
Kathy Moffat Filed 8/4
Paul Todd- Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Tim Surridge Filed 8/6
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma Filed 8/6
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins Filed 8/5
Deborah Pauly Filed 8/4
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux Filed 8/4
Richard Barnett Filed 8/6
Brad Reese Filed 8/6
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Dumitru files, Reese pulls in Villa park
eLECTION Watch 2010
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Dumitru makes it official and Brad Reese pulls papers for reelection
Orange Councilman Jon Dumitru filed his papers to challenge Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche. In the Orange Council race, Yolanda Alvarez became the 12th person to pull papers for the election for two seats. With Friday August 6th the last day to file, to date six of the candidates have filed. In Villa Park, Councilman Brad Reese pulled papers for his reelection.
In OUSD Trustee Rick Ledesma has yet to file to face Steve Rocco. If Ledesma does not file, the filing deadline will be extended for a possible candidate to challenge Rocco.
UPDATED 8/4/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino Filed 7/13
Chris Horton Filed 8/4
Robert Douglas Filed 8/4
Christian Vaughn Filed 8/5
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez
Mark Marquez
Yolanda Alvarez
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche Filed 7/28
Jon Dumitru Filed 8/5
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud –Filed 7/15
Christopher NquyenFiled 8/5
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry CohnFiled 8/4
Kathy Moffat Filed 8/4
Paul Todd Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins Filed 8/5
Deborah Pauly Filed 8/4
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux Filed 8/4
Richard Barnett
Thomas P Dodge
Brad Reese
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Dumitru makes it official and Brad Reese pulls papers for reelection
Orange Councilman Jon Dumitru filed his papers to challenge Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche. In the Orange Council race, Yolanda Alvarez became the 12th person to pull papers for the election for two seats. With Friday August 6th the last day to file, to date six of the candidates have filed. In Villa Park, Councilman Brad Reese pulled papers for his reelection.
In OUSD Trustee Rick Ledesma has yet to file to face Steve Rocco. If Ledesma does not file, the filing deadline will be extended for a possible candidate to challenge Rocco.
UPDATED 8/4/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino Filed 7/13
Chris Horton Filed 8/4
Robert Douglas Filed 8/4
Christian Vaughn Filed 8/5
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez
Mark Marquez
Yolanda Alvarez
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche Filed 7/28
Jon Dumitru Filed 8/5
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud –Filed 7/15
Christopher NquyenFiled 8/5
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry CohnFiled 8/4
Kathy Moffat Filed 8/4
Paul Todd Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins Filed 8/5
Deborah Pauly Filed 8/4
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux Filed 8/4
Richard Barnett
Thomas P Dodge
Brad Reese
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Three more candidates move to join local school and city races
eLECTION Watch 2010
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Three more candidates pulled papers, while others made their bids official by filing the paper work. Thomas Dodge pulled papers for the Villa Park City Council and Mark Marquez for the Orange City Council. In Orange Unified, the open seat in Area 1 may now be a contest with Christopher Nquyen pulling papers to challenge Harry Persaud.
UPDATED 8/4/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino Filed 7/13
Chris Horton Filed 8/4
Robert Douglas Filed 8/4
Christian Vaughn
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez
Mark Marquez
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche- Filed 7/28
Jon Dumitru
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud –Filed 7/15
Christopher Nquyen
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry Cohn
Kathy Moffat Filed 8/4
Paul Todd Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins
Deborah Pauly Filed 8/4
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux Filed 8/4
Richard Barnett
Thomas P Dodge
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Three more candidates pulled papers, while others made their bids official by filing the paper work. Thomas Dodge pulled papers for the Villa Park City Council and Mark Marquez for the Orange City Council. In Orange Unified, the open seat in Area 1 may now be a contest with Christopher Nquyen pulling papers to challenge Harry Persaud.
UPDATED 8/4/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino Filed 7/13
Chris Horton Filed 8/4
Robert Douglas Filed 8/4
Christian Vaughn
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez
Mark Marquez
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche- Filed 7/28
Jon Dumitru
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud –Filed 7/15
Christopher Nquyen
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry Cohn
Kathy Moffat Filed 8/4
Paul Todd Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins
Deborah Pauly Filed 8/4
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux Filed 8/4
Richard Barnett
Thomas P Dodge
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Election file deadline approaches
eLECTION Watch 2010
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
The August 6th deadline approaches for most of the Greater Orange election races to file. Most candidates who have pulled papers to run have not yet filed.
UPDATED 8/3/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino- Filed 7/13
Chris Horton
Robert Douglas
Christian Vaughn
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche- Filed 7/28
Jon Dumitru
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud –Filed 7/15
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry Cohn
Kathy Moffat
Paul Todd Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins
Deborah Pauly
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux
Richard Barnett
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
The August 6th deadline approaches for most of the Greater Orange election races to file. Most candidates who have pulled papers to run have not yet filed.
UPDATED 8/3/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino- Filed 7/13
Chris Horton
Robert Douglas
Christian Vaughn
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche- Filed 7/28
Jon Dumitru
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud –Filed 7/15
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry Cohn
Kathy Moffat
Paul Todd Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins
Deborah Pauly
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux
Richard Barnett
Monday, August 02, 2010
Richard Barnett pulls papers for VP race
eLECTION Watch 2010
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Richard Barnett pulls papers for VP race
Richard Barnett, who helped with a code violation problem with the city of Villa Park in 2009 has pulled papers to run for Villa Park City Council. In the Orange City Council race, Fred Whitker made his race official by filing papers today, Only three of the 10 possible candidates have filed the needed paper work.
For more information on Barnetts run in with the city, CLICK ON: BARNETT helps out
UPDATED 8/2/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino- Filed 7/13
Chris Horton
Robert Douglas
Christian Vaughn
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche- Filed 7/28
Jon Dumitru
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud –Filed 7/15
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry Cohn
Kathy Moffat
Paul Todd Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins
Deborah Pauly
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux
Richard Barnett
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Richard Barnett pulls papers for VP race
Richard Barnett, who helped with a code violation problem with the city of Villa Park in 2009 has pulled papers to run for Villa Park City Council. In the Orange City Council race, Fred Whitker made his race official by filing papers today, Only three of the 10 possible candidates have filed the needed paper work.
For more information on Barnetts run in with the city, CLICK ON: BARNETT helps out
UPDATED 8/2/10
Orange City Council Races Two Seats
Pulled Papers:
Denis Bilodeau Filed 7/30
Fred Whitiker Filed 8/2
Michael Merino- Filed 7/13
Chris Horton
Robert Douglas
Christian Vaughn
Kahan Chandrani
Joe Pazmany
Margaret Townsend
Sue Dominquez
Orange City Mayor
Pulled Papers:
Carolyn Cavecche- Filed 7/28
Jon Dumitru
Orange Unified School District Races
Area 1
Pulled Papers
Harry Persaud –Filed 7/15
Area 4
Pulled Papers
Larry Cohn
Kathy Moffat
Paul Todd Filed 7/28
Area 5
Pulled Papers
Kim Nichols Filed 7/30
Area 7
Pulled Papers
Steve Rocco Filed 7/14
Rick Ledesma
Villa Park City Council Races Three Seats
Pulled papers
Jim Rheins
Deborah Pauly
Dr. Murari Gupta
Jonathan Olsen
Robert Fauteux
Richard Barnett
National Night Out AUGUST 3rd in Orange and Screamin Coupons helps local schools

Metro TALK
a community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
National Night Out in Orange on TUESDAY August 3th
The City of Orange and the Orange Police Department will host the local 27th Annual National Night Out on TUESDAY AUGUST 3rd , 2010 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Target Center, 2191 N Tustin Ave in Orange.
National Night Out is the communities chance to get to know their local police department, learn about local crime, and get information on drug and violence prevention in a fun family atmosphere. The thousands of local events generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs. The international event is designed to send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
In addition to free hourly drawings, the Orange event will include: police and fire vehicles on display; children’s fingerprinting;refreshments and entertainment. Guests are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs.
National Night Out, ‘America’s Night Out Against Crime,’ was introduced by the nonprofit crime prevention National Association of Town Watch (NATW) in 1984. The program was the brainchild of NATW Executive Director Matt A. Peskin as an effort to heighten awareness and strengthen participation in local anticrime efforts, Peskin felt that a high-profile, high-impact type of crime prevention event was needed nationally. At that time, he noted that in a typical ‘crime watch community’, only 5 to 7% of the residents were participating actively. Feeling that the percentage of participation was too low, he proposed a national program which would be coordinated by local crime prevention agencies and organizations, but that would involve entire communities at one time. The first National Night Out was introduced early in 1984 - with 400 communities in 23 states participating in National Night Out. Nationwide, 2.5 million Americans took part in 1984. The seed had been planted and participation has grown steadily. The 25th Annual National Night Out last August involved 37 million people in 15,449 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide.
For more information, CLICK ON: NNO

Screamin Coupons helps local schools earn money and has has given over $7000 in Staples School supplies to local schools. In addition schools receive up to 5-10% of proceeds from purchases made through Screamin Coupons. Many of Orange Unified parents have already signed up and the site is recruiting PTA/PSA members of schools in Orange Unified to work with . The site offers parents 50-90% off at local restaurants, museums, classes, spas, and even whale watching. 100% free to the schools, and free for parents to sign up. The company was featured on both CBS 2 news and KCAL 9 news CLICK ON: CBS .
For more information CLICK ON Screamin Coupons: Scremin Coupons
Metro TALK
is a community service of the Greater Orange Communities Organization
Ecast on the
A 21st Century Communications System
Produced by the
Orange Communication System /OCS/
The /OCS/ News family