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Thursday, January 12, 2023
Senator David Min wants answers from Ledesma over OUSD firings
Senator David Min wants answers from Ledesma over OUSD
Thursday 1/12/23
In a letter dated January 11, 2023, State Senator David Min addresses concerns about the cost to taxpayers, the manner in and potential Brown Act violations in the January 5, 2023 vote to fire OUSD Dr. Hansen and OUSD Assistant Superintendent Corella.
Did you communicate with Trustee Madison Miner, Trustee John Ortega, or Trustee Angie Rumsey prior to the January 6th meeting to discuss the suspensions or terminations of Superintendent Hansen or Assistant Superintendent Corella or both? If so, did you meet together or use a series of communications of any kind, directly or indirectly, to discuss or deliberate whether the board should remove Superintendent Hansen or Assistant Corella or both?
Did you communicate with Trustee Madison Miner, Trustee John Ortega, or
Trustee Angie Rumsey prior to the January 6th meeting to discuss the
appointments of Mr. Velazquez as interim Superintendent or Mr. Abercrombie as
interim Assistant Superintendent or both? If so, did you meet together or use a
series of communications of any kind, directly or indirectly, to discuss or
deliberate whether the board should appoint Mr. Velazquez or Mr. Abercrombie or
When you contacted Mr. Abercrombie prior to the January 6th special
meeting, what was the basis for your apparent statement that he would be
appointed as acting Assistant Superintendent following the January 6th special
Did you contact Mr. Velazquez prior to the January 6th meeting to
inform him that he would be appointed as acting Superintendent?
Did you consult with legal counsel before the January 6th special
meeting on the potential legal issues—especially regarding whether you might be
violating California law and/or exposing the Board or its Trustees to civil and
criminal liability—associated with suspending or terminating Superintendent
Hansen and Assistant Superintendent Corella? If so, who did you consult with
and when?
It is estimated that the termination of Superintendent Hansen and
Assistant Superintendent Corella and securing their replacements will cost OUSD
$1.3 million dollars, not including potential legal fees and other liability.
Prior to the January 6th meeting, did you engage in any type of analysis of the
fiscal impacts of this decision? If so, what were your findings?
The Board acted during the middle of the school year, a few days before
students were set to return to the classroom. Abrupt changes in key leadership
could have significant negative impacts on the education of OUSD students.
Prior to the January 6th meeting, did you engage in any type of analysis of the
impacts on student outcomes and learning because of the suspension or
termination of Superintendent Hansen and Assistant Superintendent Corella? If
so, what were your findings?
Did you or anyone else from the Board contact Superintendent Hansen,
prior to the January 6th meeting, to inform her of your concerns about her
Did you or anyone else from the Board contact Assistant Superintendent
Corella, prior to the January 6th meeting, to inform her of your concerns about
her performance?
Did you consider other candidates besides Mr. Velazquez or Mr.
Abercrombie to serve in the roles of interim Superintendent and assistant
Superintendent? How many other candidates were considered?
OUSD Survey on "communiciation"
Sunday, January 08, 2023
Orange Unified extremist school trustees fire Superintendent Hansen
OUSD's extremist “Thursday night massacre”
Orange Unified extremist school trustees fire Superintendent Hansen
In a move that sent shock-waves throughout Greater Orange, on Thursday January 5, 2023 the new Extremist Majority that took control over the Orange Unified School Distict Board of Education after the November 2022 election fired Superintendent Dr. Gunn Marie Hansen.
The Extremist Majority also took steps to fire Assistant Superintendent Cathleen
Corella. The move is part of a growing statewide QAnon-type political warfare by political extremist aimed at local school boards.
The 4-3 firing came in a surprise but highly coordinated end-of-winter-break Closed Session Special Meeting called with the minimum legally
required notice .
what appears to be Brown Act violations prohibiting "serial meetings" or "serial communication", the four trustees, Rick Ledesma, John
Ortega, Angie Rumsey, and Madison Miner already had replacementsready to take over the positions after the Closed Session
firings. The November 2022 election of Madison
Miner over Trustee Kathy Moffat in Trustee Area 4 by 221 votes
gave the extremist control over the OUSD Board. Trustees Kris
Erickson, Ana Page and Andrea Yamasaki voted against the
extremist plans.
The public explanation of "looking
to make some changes" that OUSD Board President Rick Ledesma stated to
the press that he and the new majority wanted to make
also smacks of Brown Act serial meeting violations.
Orange community leaders quickly dubbed the coordinated attack on the highly
regarded and qualified OUSD Administrators the “Thursday night
During the pandemic, OUSD Board Meetings were besieged by
extremist conspiracy believers. With extremist factions taking
over the California Republican Party from the traditional, now considered moderate
conservatives, the extremists unable to win statewide
elections have turned to local school board races to push extremist political,
social, cultural and conspiracy theories.
The extremist bid to take over school boards across California is called the battle-like name “Parent
Revolt”. The Parent Revolt website is full of conspiracy
rhetorical dog whistle language like:
interest groups decide everything:
- When schools are
- Whether they must be
- What they should
believe about race, sex, and politics.
Instead of listening to parents' concerns, the
education establishment has attacked parents for having the audacity to
question their authority.
In her election campaign, Madison Miner used much
of the same extreme rhetoric disguised as “parent rights”. The OUSD Extremist Majority is promoting that
rhetoric and now is clearly willing to go to extreme measures to implement
the agenda of the extremist political,
social cultural and conspiracy theories .
It was immediately clear at the end of the OUSD Special Meeting that the OUSD Extremist Majority had over-played their hand.
Since the adjouring of the meeting on Thursday January 5th, Greater Orange social media has been on fire with opposition to the extremist move.
Already community leaders are organizing a recall. Since Thursday several serious Recall orgainizing meetings have already met and social media platforms are helping with spreading the alarm and are recruiting volunteers.
Greater Orange community members are being asked to register to help with the recall effort across social media outlets. Orgainizers are urging anyone interested in registering to help in any way can register here: ORANGE RECALL.
Twenty-three years ago an extreme anti-public education group called the Educational Alliance took over a number of school boards including the Orange Unified School District School Board majority. That extremist majority too fired the then popular Superintendent Dr. Robert French. They then hired Barbara Van Otterloo as a “do-as-I-say” superintendent . The Board lead by Trustee Marty Jacobson next set about to dismantle as much of the public school system as they could using educational tax dollars to hire ultra conservative lawyers connected to the Educational Alliance to attack opponents.
That 1999 OUSD Board-known as the Jacobson Board-also arrogantly tried to push their personal extreme political agenda onto what they too thought was a disengaged public. Then, just as now, that public that was finally pushed so far that they saw those trustees for what they were- arrogant anti-public education extremists with a personal non-public educational political agenda- not public servants of the people who elected them to oversee the school district.
Like today, sex too was a wedge issue the extremist Jacobson Majority by exploiting a student led formation of a Gay-Straight Alliance Club at El Modena.
Using millions in OUSD educational tax dollars for litigation the Jacobson Majority tried unsucessfully to end the club. In Colín, et al. v. Orange Unified School District the extremist board and their expensive extremist lawyers lost the case and the decision became a landmark student rights legal precedent. El Modena student Anthony Colin who was the face of the case eventually committed suicide.
In 2001, those arrogant extremists were ultimately recalled by the voters in the famous Orange Recall, but not before spending millions of educational tax dollars on ultra conservative attorneys tied to the extremist anti-public education group, the Education Alliance.
In the election, a slate of replacement reform candidates was presented to voters
with the recall question. The Reform Board that was elected in the winning recall ironically included present Trustees Rick Ledesma and John Ortega as well
as Anaheim Hills leader Melisa Smith and Villa Park PTA leader Kathy Moffat. It
was Moffat who lost her seat in November 2022 to OUSD's newest extremist trustee Madison
After being recalled, the recalled trustees ran again for their lost seats in the next election and were again soundly defeated. Shortly after the second election victory of the Reform Board, Van Otterloo retired and the new Reform Board re-hired Dr. Robert French as Superintendent.
The extremist used the powers of their offices and pillaged the OUSD educational tax dollars to fund their extremist agenda. One famous recall bumper sticker called out the extremist pnly educational agenda as "lawsuits, lawyers and litigation" .
It took years for Orange Unified to come back from that first extremist Jacobson Board. A huge exodus of teachers and administrators resulted from the publcity from the extremist anti-public education policies, cuts to benefits, and the extreme policy to stop negoiating for pay increases.
Nullification of the Surridge Board appointee
Fast forward to 2015- the Orange Unified Board again is taken over by ultra-conservative anti-public education majority led by Trustee Timothy Surridge and supported by both the now former Reform Trustees Rick Ledesma and John Ortega. The breaking point in 2015 was the surprise appointment of Greg Salas (a friend of Surridge) to the Anaheim Hills Trustee Area 1 seat sfter the resignation of Trustee Diane Singer.
Salas was an obviously unqualified person who admitted he recently moved to Anaheim Hills and admitted he knew little about OUSD. His main qualification was his friendship with Trustee Timothy Surridge.
Like the Thursday Night Massacre, it appeared that
California Brown Act violations took place in the 2015 meeting that produced the clearly orchstrated appointment
of an unknown and unqualified candidate and the bungled process that made it possible.
After the
political vote to support the mystery man Greg Salas, the meeting
was quickly called to an end as the extremist trustees and Salas left the
room. Like with the firing of Superintendent Hanson no explanation was
given. Then too the Greater Orange community exploded with
indignation at the arrogance of the obvious pre-planned vote.
A Nullify
Petition was quickly organized and qualified for the ballot. The Salas
appointment was nullified by the voters and Andrea Yamasaki the longtime
Anaheim Hills who had a deep and long history as an OUSD mom was elected.
Editors note: the story was updated on 1/10/22 to include the Voice of OC story links
more information click on the orange hyper links in the article above and these
NBC News: QAnon's new 'plan'? Run for school board
Is QAnon Radicalizing Your School Board?
Did Orange Unified School Officials Improperly Replace Their Superintendent?
Video of the Thursday Night Massacre: