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Thursday, March 30, 2023
Orange Unified in the news for all the wrong reasons
Orange Unified in the news for all the wrong reasons
Here is a sampling of the latest news about Orange Unified: lawsuits, culture wars and the firing of "one of the best Superintendents in the entire state".
Voice of Orange County
Orange School District Hit With Two Brown Act Lawsuits
Over Superintendent Firing
KCRW Public Radio
Culture war embroils Orange Unified school boardroom
Superintendent fired from Orange Unified finds new job
in nearby district
OC Register
Parents sue Orange Unified alleging
transparency issues after superintendent firing
Link (paywall)
Westminster School
District selects Dr. Gunn Marie Hansen to fill superintendent vacancy
“Now we will also boast one of the best superintendents in the entire state
and she is in alignment with our goals for excellence,” he said. “Welcome home
Dr. Hansen! We are so fortunate to have you take the lead at WSD.”
OC Breeze
Gunn Marie Hansen, Ph.D., chosen as Superintendent of
Westminster School District
“Dr. Hansen is widely considered one of the best superintendents in California as she won over a dozen professional awards over the past decade. Most notably in 2021 she won the Orange County School Board Association Maureen DeMarco Award for Exemplary Superintendents and in 2022 the Orange County 4th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Outstanding Superintendent Award. Dr. Hansen served the Orange Unified School District for thirteen years including nearly six years as Superintendent, with prior administration and teaching experiences in Compton USD, Montebello USD, the LA County Office of Education, and as a professor at California State University in Los Angeles. She has devoted 32 years of public- school service to students, staff and community focusing on the core value of supporting educational excellence and ensuring successful operations of award-winning schools.”