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Saturday, July 28, 2007
Pauly Reportedly Cleared by DA

Pauly Reportedly Cleared by DA
Orange County blogger, education and political activist Mark Bucher posted this report on the OC Blog on July 26th about a July 13th decision by the Orange County District Attorney's Office to clear the electioneering complaints against Villa Park Council Member Deborah Pauly that are the foundation of the current recall campaign against her:
DA clears Deborah Pauley
After Deborah Pauley won election to the Villa Park City Council last November, her opponents leveled a politically motivated charge of campaigning within 100' of a polling location. They filed a complaint against her with the D.A. and then repeatedly used that she was "currently under investigation by the District Attorney for her illegal Election Day actions" as a reason she should be recalled.
On July 13, the DA closed its investigation, finding that "there is no reliable evidence [Pauley] was soliciting votes within 100' of any polling place." The DA's findings simply confirm what most people already know - the recall is nothing more than a misguided effort by a few malcontents to get a "do-over" of an election that did not turn out the way they wanted.
For a direct link to the OC Blog posting CLICK ON:
Friday, July 27, 2007
Orange Hills 241 Toll Road Fire

For a video report from KCBS TV CLICK ON:

A community service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Steve Ambriz Killer Sara Lyn Ward
Sentenced to 10 years
Sara Lynn Ward was sentenced today to the maximum 10 years in prison after pleading guilty May 11th 2007 to gross vehicular manslaughter in the head on collision death of Orange Council Member Steve Ambriz. Ward was given credit for the time she has spent in jail amounting close to two years. Ward will not be eligible for parole for at least three years. The Orange County District Attorney’s office had asked for the maximum 10 year sentence.
On May 26th 2006 Ward’s pick-up truck struck Ambriz’s car head-on while she was swerving and driving erratically on Santiago Canyon Road while under the influence of methamphetamines. Ward also had marijuana in her pick-up.
In the courtroom audience was longtime Ambriz friend Orange Assembly Member Todd Spitzer. Spitzer introduced two bills in response to the tragic circumstances surrounding Ambriz’s death. The first, AB 303 would make gross vehicular manslaughter a violent crime. The second bill known as the Steve Ambriz Act (AB 808) closes a loophole in the law that currently makes it difficult to charge drivers involved in fatal drunk driving cases with murder. The bill would require a declaration be signed by all drivers in the state acknowledging they have been warned about the dangers of driving under the influence and they understand if they are involved in a fatal accident while driving under the influence they can be charged with murder.

KNBC Ambriz Video
Be sure to watch for all the latest local reports on the Greater Orange News Service and local TOPIX News Service links about Anaheim Hills, Orange and Villa Park in the news with links from across the nation with the liks at the TOP of the page.
Is produced by Orange Net News /O/N/N/
“Independent, Local, News and Viewpoints”
Ecast on the
A 21st Century Communications System
For more information on the current issues of defending media freedom in the electronic world visit
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Metro TALK

Metro TALK
A community service of the Greater Orange Communities Organization
Orange Public Library Video Monday Nights at 8:00 p.m.
If you missed the grand-reopening of the Orange Public Library, or if you were lucky enough to have been there on the historic day, now you can see it all again every Monday night for the next few weeks. Time Warner Cable will air the video "Grand Re-opening Ceremony, Orange Public Library, June 21, 2007” every Monday at 8:00 pm. on Channel 6 in the City of Orange. The program will also air in the city of Villa Park on channel 3 (please check the local schedule for times).

Eva Lee of Orange wins 3 Gold Medals in Pan American Games
Eva Lee burst onto the international badminton scene at the Pan American Games currently underway in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A prelude to the Olympics, Lee won three gold medals: Mix Doubles; Women’s singles; and doubles with Garden Grove native Mesinee Mankalakiri.
The Greater Orange News Service has been posting TOPIX stories about Lee throughout the week. To see Greater Orange the way the world read’s about Greater Orange, check out the TOPIX news services on the top of the Greater Orange News Service.
Orange Celebrates National Night Out
Tuesday August 7th
The Orange Police Department is hosting the 24th annual “National Night Out” on Tuesday, August 7 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Orange Target’s parking lot at 2191 N. Tustin Street. National Night Out is America’s evening
against crime party.

National Night Out is an annual national event designed to strengthen our neighborhoods and enhance police-community partnerships. The goal is to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness and build support for local anti-crime programs. This event is the perfect opportunity to get to know your neighbors. In addition, a prize will be given out to the neighborhood with the best attendance.
Encourage your family, friends and neighbors to attend! For flyers to distribute in your neighborhood, please contact Orange Crime Prevention at (714) 744-7327 or (714) 744-7464 by July 23.
For more information on National Night Out CLICK ON:
Information National Night Out
Metro TALK is a community service of the
: Greater Orange Communities Organization:
Orange Communication System /OCS/
and its News family
Ecast on the Internet Community Group i/)))cg
For more information on the current issues of defending media freedom in the electronic world visit:
Thursday, July 19, 2007
GREAT LEADER GODLEY of the Democratic Peoples Republic of OUSD
Local news editorials from the Greater Orange Communities
Democratic Peoples Republic of OUSD
Comrades in Censorship, Kim Jong II and Dr. Godley:
More in Common than meets the eye.
political satire from the:
-The Greater Orange Communities Organization
The views expressed in Metro Views are not necessarily the viewpoints of the networks that ecast it.
Community groups and individuals are welcome to submit editorial viewpoints on LOCAL issues for Metro Views.
Metro Views is a community news service of the
Orange Communication System OCS
: Greater Orange Communities Organization:
Ecast on the
Internet Community Group i/)))cg
A 21st Century Communications System
The views expressed in Metro Views are not necessarily the viewpoints of the networks that ecast it.
For more information on the current issues of defending media freedom in the electronic world visit
Local news editorials from the Greater Orange Communities

Democratic Peoples Republic of OUSD
Comrades in Censorship, Kim Jong II and Dr. Godley:
More in Common than meets the eye.
political satire from the:
-The Greater Orange Communities Organization
The views expressed in Metro Views are not necessarily the viewpoints of the networks that ecast it.
Community groups and individuals are welcome to submit editorial viewpoints on LOCAL issues for Metro Views.
Metro Views is a community news service of the
Orange Communication System OCS
: Greater Orange Communities Organization:
Ecast on the
Internet Community Group i/)))cg
A 21st Century Communications System
The views expressed in Metro Views are not necessarily the viewpoints of the networks that ecast it.
For more information on the current issues of defending media freedom in the electronic world visit
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
What did OUSD Superintendent Godley decided you should not hear?
For the second time in less than a year, Orange Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley ordered the censorship of an Orange Unified School District Trustee Meeting before it was broadcast to the community. Godley ordered two parts of the June 21st, 2007 Orange Unified School District Trustee Meeting public regular session to be cut from the public showing of the meeting over the OUSD cable station. As of the publication deadline of this report, Dr. Godley and OUSD Board President Kim Nichols did not answer emails requesting a statement from them about the censorship of the broadcast to the Greater Orange Community.
For the complete story and transcripts of what was censored CLICK ON: SPECIAL REPORT
Moffat Supports Parental Notification takes on OUSD Attorney
Arriving almost at the end of the June 21st OUSD Board Meeting due to a delayed airplane flight, Trustee Kathy Moffat quickly caught up on the meeting using her end of the meeting comments to stress among other items her unwavering support of Parental Notification when students are questioned by police at school. Earlier during the Moffat absence community education activist Christina Bayles spoke before the board during adoption of new Board Policies about students (5000 series). Bayles spoke about the policy of notification of parents when a police interrogation of a student at school happens. Addressing the concern, Dr. Godley stated that it was district policy to notify parents after an interview takes place. However, while addressing the legal requirements, it was not clear whether that requirement was always followed as evidence from the concerns and accounts from the community. In addition, later when Moffat addresses the issue and community concerns it was unclear whether she and others wanted a new policy that required parents be notified before a law enforcement interview.
When Moffat brought the issue up when she arrived later, the OUSD Administration turned to OUSD Legal Counsel Spencer Covert. When Covert stated that OUSD had the only possible option under the “current state of the law”, Moffat showed a rare indignity (reserved previously only for controversial Trustee Steve Rocco). Responding to Covert’s assertion, Moffat tersely stated:
“Madame President, I have never done this before and I hesitate to do this now, but I most respectfully disagree with Mr. Covert. And I and am certainly not a lawyer, but I have read several lawyers work….”
Moffat went on to outline that police officers at a school have full access to a child even taking children out of class for non-emergency interrogations that have nothing to do with school. Moffat was particularly focused on elementary age children. Moffat relayed examples of police interrogations at schools she had been told about by parents who had contacted her. Moffat further stated:
“Parent involvement is extremely important and that is what we should be striving for in every situation we can.”
Trustee Wes Poutsma, a former principal, stated that many times the police interrogation is about the parents. Moffat stated that special circumstances and exceptions to protect the child should be included. In the end, Nichols suggested Moffat pass the information she had on to Godley who would decide if further conversations with OUSD legal counsel was needed and whether to return the item to the OUSD Board.
In the censored telecast of the June 21st meeting to the community, this was the last item shown. Censored from the video to the community was Trustee Steve Rocco’s response to Moffat that followed her comments. The transcripts of what Rocco said that was censored can be accessed in the Orange Net News SPECIAL REPORT .
Godley on OUSD Benefits Fund 71
Also in the June 21st Board meeting, in response to a question by Board President Kim Nichols, Superintendent Thomas Godley addressed an email going around the Greater Orange Communities about a letter dated July 24 2003 from the Eppler Company to OUSD. Godley reported that the “misinformation in the community” that the $12.1 million mentioned in the letter was the figure of OUSD’s unfunded health care liability. Godley stated that the July 2003 letter was referring to Fund 71 that “does not pay for retiree health benefits” (a.k.a unfunded liability). Godley stated that the $12 million Fund 71 is a separate “buyout fund” set up to buy back OUSD’s once offered lifetime benefits from any OUSD employees that still have them.
Today Godley stated the Fund 71 Buyout Fund today has over $14 million in it. Godley stated that in 2006 a revised Eppler Company study the unfunded health care liability was placed at over $61 million. Today he said revised health care unfunded liability figures have ballooned to $150 million. He stated that figure reflects current rising health care and projected future costs from the once offered lifetime health benefits predicted until the year 2070.
INSIDE the OUSD Agenda for July 19th Agenda
The next Orange Unified School Board meeting will be Thursday July 19th, 2007.
• The Closed Session agenda includes a Performance Review of OUSD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley.
• In Agenda Item 13 A the 2006/07 Fourth Quarter status report for the OUSD Three-Year Strategic Plan.
• Consent Agenda – Contract Services (Page 102): $60,000 more to OUSD law firm Parker and Covert: “This additional amount is needed to pay for fees incurred in the 2006/2007 school year”.
The July 10th, 2007 issue of the Foothills Sentry is reporting that OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco’s $750 pay per meeting will be garnished to help pay off a $37,000 legal expense award. OUSD was awarded the legal costs after Rocco’s lawsuit against OUSD pertaining to the Resolution of Censure was thrown out of court. The Foothills Sentry reports that 25% of Rocco’s pay will be withheld to satisfy the debt. In addition, the story reports that Rocco was offered to settle his debt for a payment of $18,500. Rocco is currently appealing the decision on the original case.
The Foothills Sentry also reports that the assault on Rocco occurred on 17th Street in Santa Ana (Rocco lives in the OUSD portion of Santa Ana). Quoting a Santa Ana Police spokesman the paper reports that at least one of the suspects is a juvenile and the investigating officer did not indicated that the assault was politically motivated. To view The Foothills Sentry CLICK ON: Foothills Sentry .
Community Donations
For a complete list of Community Donations for the current agenda, see Agenda Page 13. $2,960 North Orange Rotary- Richland HS picnic tables; $2900 Cerro Villa PFSO- Cerro Villa MS Carpet and Tile; $8,200 Anaheim Hills PTA- Anaheim Hills ES- Smart Boards; $132.48 Wells Fargo Foundation- Nohl Canyon ES-supplies; $418.49;Target Corporation- Linda Vista ES supplies; $1000 Villa Park Women’s League- Villa Park ES supplies.
INSIDE the OUSD Budget
“We’re a $220 million dollar business; we’re going to spend the money somewhere.”-OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma 9/22/05
$ 354,090.00 Total
2007 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
4/30/07 Debra Ford Speaker Fee $ 4,090
4/30/07 Danny Brassell Speaker Fee $ 3,500
3/8/07 Dr. Daggett Speaker Fee $ 9,000
Total $ 16,590
2007 Attorney Fee Tally:
1/18/07 Parker & Covert (1/07 to 6/07) $175,000
2/08/07 Miller, Brown, and Dannis $ 7, 500
2/22/07 Parker & Covert $ 45,000
5/10/07 Miller, Brown and Dannis $ 50,000
7/19/07 Parker & Covert $ 60,000
Total $337,500
2007 Administrative Conference/Travel: hidden since 6/8/06*
*JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to APPROVE Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $ 849,717.00*
2006 Consultant Fee Tally: Total $176,400
2006 Attorney Fee Tally: Total Approved $655,000
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $ 978,300.00:
Total 2005 Conference Administrator/Board Fees: $ 7,500.00
2005 Attorney Fee Tally: $730,600.00
Total Watched 2005 OUSD Consultant spending: $ 270,200.00
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday July 19th, 2007. For more information
OUSD CLOSED SESSION STARTS 6:30 PM. Regular Session: 7:30 pm.
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
Ecast on the
A 21st Century Communications System
Produced by the
Orange Communication System /OCS/
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
What did OUSD Superintendent Godley decided you should not hear?
For the second time in less than a year, Orange Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley ordered the censorship of an Orange Unified School District Trustee Meeting before it was broadcast to the community. Godley ordered two parts of the June 21st, 2007 Orange Unified School District Trustee Meeting public regular session to be cut from the public showing of the meeting over the OUSD cable station. As of the publication deadline of this report, Dr. Godley and OUSD Board President Kim Nichols did not answer emails requesting a statement from them about the censorship of the broadcast to the Greater Orange Community.
For the complete story and transcripts of what was censored CLICK ON: SPECIAL REPORT
Moffat Supports Parental Notification takes on OUSD Attorney
Arriving almost at the end of the June 21st OUSD Board Meeting due to a delayed airplane flight, Trustee Kathy Moffat quickly caught up on the meeting using her end of the meeting comments to stress among other items her unwavering support of Parental Notification when students are questioned by police at school. Earlier during the Moffat absence community education activist Christina Bayles spoke before the board during adoption of new Board Policies about students (5000 series). Bayles spoke about the policy of notification of parents when a police interrogation of a student at school happens. Addressing the concern, Dr. Godley stated that it was district policy to notify parents after an interview takes place. However, while addressing the legal requirements, it was not clear whether that requirement was always followed as evidence from the concerns and accounts from the community. In addition, later when Moffat addresses the issue and community concerns it was unclear whether she and others wanted a new policy that required parents be notified before a law enforcement interview.
When Moffat brought the issue up when she arrived later, the OUSD Administration turned to OUSD Legal Counsel Spencer Covert. When Covert stated that OUSD had the only possible option under the “current state of the law”, Moffat showed a rare indignity (reserved previously only for controversial Trustee Steve Rocco). Responding to Covert’s assertion, Moffat tersely stated:
“Madame President, I have never done this before and I hesitate to do this now, but I most respectfully disagree with Mr. Covert. And I and am certainly not a lawyer, but I have read several lawyers work….”
Moffat went on to outline that police officers at a school have full access to a child even taking children out of class for non-emergency interrogations that have nothing to do with school. Moffat was particularly focused on elementary age children. Moffat relayed examples of police interrogations at schools she had been told about by parents who had contacted her. Moffat further stated:
“Parent involvement is extremely important and that is what we should be striving for in every situation we can.”
Trustee Wes Poutsma, a former principal, stated that many times the police interrogation is about the parents. Moffat stated that special circumstances and exceptions to protect the child should be included. In the end, Nichols suggested Moffat pass the information she had on to Godley who would decide if further conversations with OUSD legal counsel was needed and whether to return the item to the OUSD Board.
In the censored telecast of the June 21st meeting to the community, this was the last item shown. Censored from the video to the community was Trustee Steve Rocco’s response to Moffat that followed her comments. The transcripts of what Rocco said that was censored can be accessed in the Orange Net News SPECIAL REPORT .
Godley on OUSD Benefits Fund 71
Also in the June 21st Board meeting, in response to a question by Board President Kim Nichols, Superintendent Thomas Godley addressed an email going around the Greater Orange Communities about a letter dated July 24 2003 from the Eppler Company to OUSD. Godley reported that the “misinformation in the community” that the $12.1 million mentioned in the letter was the figure of OUSD’s unfunded health care liability. Godley stated that the July 2003 letter was referring to Fund 71 that “does not pay for retiree health benefits” (a.k.a unfunded liability). Godley stated that the $12 million Fund 71 is a separate “buyout fund” set up to buy back OUSD’s once offered lifetime benefits from any OUSD employees that still have them.
Today Godley stated the Fund 71 Buyout Fund today has over $14 million in it. Godley stated that in 2006 a revised Eppler Company study the unfunded health care liability was placed at over $61 million. Today he said revised health care unfunded liability figures have ballooned to $150 million. He stated that figure reflects current rising health care and projected future costs from the once offered lifetime health benefits predicted until the year 2070.
INSIDE the OUSD Agenda for July 19th Agenda
The next Orange Unified School Board meeting will be Thursday July 19th, 2007.
• The Closed Session agenda includes a Performance Review of OUSD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley.
• In Agenda Item 13 A the 2006/07 Fourth Quarter status report for the OUSD Three-Year Strategic Plan.
• Consent Agenda – Contract Services (Page 102): $60,000 more to OUSD law firm Parker and Covert: “This additional amount is needed to pay for fees incurred in the 2006/2007 school year”.
The July 10th, 2007 issue of the Foothills Sentry is reporting that OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco’s $750 pay per meeting will be garnished to help pay off a $37,000 legal expense award. OUSD was awarded the legal costs after Rocco’s lawsuit against OUSD pertaining to the Resolution of Censure was thrown out of court. The Foothills Sentry reports that 25% of Rocco’s pay will be withheld to satisfy the debt. In addition, the story reports that Rocco was offered to settle his debt for a payment of $18,500. Rocco is currently appealing the decision on the original case.
The Foothills Sentry also reports that the assault on Rocco occurred on 17th Street in Santa Ana (Rocco lives in the OUSD portion of Santa Ana). Quoting a Santa Ana Police spokesman the paper reports that at least one of the suspects is a juvenile and the investigating officer did not indicated that the assault was politically motivated. To view The Foothills Sentry CLICK ON: Foothills Sentry .
Community Donations
For a complete list of Community Donations for the current agenda, see Agenda Page 13. $2,960 North Orange Rotary- Richland HS picnic tables; $2900 Cerro Villa PFSO- Cerro Villa MS Carpet and Tile; $8,200 Anaheim Hills PTA- Anaheim Hills ES- Smart Boards; $132.48 Wells Fargo Foundation- Nohl Canyon ES-supplies; $418.49;Target Corporation- Linda Vista ES supplies; $1000 Villa Park Women’s League- Villa Park ES supplies.
INSIDE the OUSD Budget
“We’re a $220 million dollar business; we’re going to spend the money somewhere.”-OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma 9/22/05
$ 354,090.00 Total
2007 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
4/30/07 Debra Ford Speaker Fee $ 4,090
4/30/07 Danny Brassell Speaker Fee $ 3,500
3/8/07 Dr. Daggett Speaker Fee $ 9,000
Total $ 16,590
2007 Attorney Fee Tally:
1/18/07 Parker & Covert (1/07 to 6/07) $175,000
2/08/07 Miller, Brown, and Dannis $ 7, 500
2/22/07 Parker & Covert $ 45,000
5/10/07 Miller, Brown and Dannis $ 50,000
7/19/07 Parker & Covert $ 60,000
Total $337,500
2007 Administrative Conference/Travel: hidden since 6/8/06*
*JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to APPROVE Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $ 849,717.00*
2006 Consultant Fee Tally: Total $176,400
2006 Attorney Fee Tally: Total Approved $655,000
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $ 978,300.00:
Total 2005 Conference Administrator/Board Fees: $ 7,500.00
2005 Attorney Fee Tally: $730,600.00
Total Watched 2005 OUSD Consultant spending: $ 270,200.00
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday July 19th, 2007. For more information
OUSD CLOSED SESSION STARTS 6:30 PM. Regular Session: 7:30 pm.
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
Ecast on the
A 21st Century Communications System
Produced by the
Orange Communication System /OCS/
Monday, July 16, 2007
Do the Greater Orange Communities trust government censorship?
Metro VIEWS ______________:GoCo:
Local news editorials from the Greater Orange Communities

Do the Greater Orange Communities trust government censorship?
The Greater Orange Communities have employed a serial censor. Yes, none other than public servant Orange Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley. Superintendent Dr. Godley has censored broadcasts of the Orange Unified School Board to the community at least twice in less than a year. The OUSD Superintendent is in effect deciding what the public will see and hear from the public sessions of the OUSD Board of Education meetings.
Yes this is the same Dr. Godley that replaced the trustworthy former two-time OUSD Superintendent Dr. French (who was originally ousted for telling the truth).
Yes, the same Dr. Godley who embraces the private industry Good to Great business model. Part three of that model: Seek the Truth.
Yes, the same Dr. Godley who, claiming budget constraints, tried to end the video broadcasts of the OUSD Board meetings to the public.
Yes, the same Dr. Godley who is pursuing community partnerships with our community while censoring what the community sees and hears about their elected officials.
Lessons from OUSD's Dr. French: Leadership is Trust
Dr. French returned to Orange Unified after the Orange Recall to heal, repair and rebuild trust in the community. Now as evidenced by continued censorship, OUSD appears to have a Superintendent of Schools, and at worst some Trustees, that distrusts the public who elected and pay them. It appears the days of community trust building by Dr. French are now long gone.
The Greater Orange Communities Organization does not trust Dr. Godley to decide what we see and hear in the taxpayer supported broadcasts of our elected officials in public meetings.
The Great Leader-Godley Style
Dr. Godley embraced the private business model of the best selling book Good to Great* working again towards making OUSD great. Well, at least some of the model. The book outlines the qualities of businesses that went from mediocre to great. Part III of the Good to Great business model is Seek the Truth:
“III. Seek the Truth
Good-to-Great companies do not cover up bad news. On the contrary, they seek out the truth about themselves, so that they can learn and improve.”
A Community too must seek-out the truth. History is full of lessons of failed governments and failed leaders that tried to censor what the public should know. The Greater Orange Communities are in the center of Orange County, the most libertarian county in America. One of our communities’ hard fought reforms in the Orange Recall was for our community to be informed about their elected officials and public monies.
The Greater Orange Communities Organization has no tolerance or need for government bureaucrats to decide what is best for the taxpayers to know, see or hear. We can ill afford a “benevolent” North Korean communist style Great Leader who tells us what to know, to protect us from the “unknown”.
Godley attempted to end OUSD Board broadcasts once before
Claiming a budget crisis, Godley proposed ending the broadcasts of the Orange Unified School Board to the community. Alone, OUSD Trustee Rick Ledesma fought hard to restore the broadcasts or find alternative ways to pay to keep the local broadcast of OUSD Board meetings. Finally after the story of Godley’s plan began to spread across the internet and community, weeks later Godley announced that he had found the money (at the time about $8,000 a year) to continue the broadcasts.
The Greater Orange Communities Organization considers this whole episode as a tell tale sign that Dr. Godley opposes an informed local citizenry.
Partnerships based on Censorship?
The current OUSD Trustees know what happens when a community has lost trust in their elected officials. It appears Godley does not. As the Trustees continue to work hard to instill the trust of the community in the school district, it appears their Superintendent is doing the opposite. In small town Orange, neighborly Villa Park, and close knit Anaheim Hills, the American ideals continue to be a way of life… including an informed citizenry that is skeptical of government power.
The Greater Orange Communities Organization calls for Informed Community Partnerships not Partnerships based on Censorship.
Do the Greater Orange Communities Trust Dr. Godley?
On Thursday July 19th in Closed Session the OUSD Trustees will give Dr. Godley his annual review. As Dr. Godley continues to censor public remarks (albeit questionable and unpleasant) about elected officials and elected officials actions and words in public meetings we ask the OUSD Trustees to consider this:
Will the citizens of Orange Unified trust Dr. Godley to decide what they may see and hear and what they may not see and hear from their elected officials and public citizens at a public meeting?
We do not condone or agree with the speakers or the actions that were censored. We do however believe that government officials do not have the right to censor free speech in a public meeting.
Today Dr. Godley is censoring Steve Rocco and friends, but tomorrow it maybe you.
-The Greater Orange Communities Organization
Email the Orange Unified School Board members at
Email OUSD Superintendent Dr.Godley at
The views expressed in Metro Views are not necessarily the viewpoints of the networks that ecast it.
Community groups and individuals are welcome to submit editorial viewpoints on LOCAL issues for Metro Views.
Metro Views is a community news service of the
Orange Communication System /OCS/
Producers of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
: Greater Orange Communities Organization:
Ecast on the
Internet Community Group i/)))cg
A 21st Century Communications System
The views expressed in Metro Views are not necessarily the viewpoints of the networks that ecast it.
For more information on the current issues of defending media freedom in the electronic world visit
Local news editorials from the Greater Orange Communities

Do the Greater Orange Communities trust government censorship?
The Greater Orange Communities have employed a serial censor. Yes, none other than public servant Orange Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley. Superintendent Dr. Godley has censored broadcasts of the Orange Unified School Board to the community at least twice in less than a year. The OUSD Superintendent is in effect deciding what the public will see and hear from the public sessions of the OUSD Board of Education meetings.
Yes this is the same Dr. Godley that replaced the trustworthy former two-time OUSD Superintendent Dr. French (who was originally ousted for telling the truth).
Yes, the same Dr. Godley who embraces the private industry Good to Great business model. Part three of that model: Seek the Truth.
Yes, the same Dr. Godley who, claiming budget constraints, tried to end the video broadcasts of the OUSD Board meetings to the public.
Yes, the same Dr. Godley who is pursuing community partnerships with our community while censoring what the community sees and hears about their elected officials.
Lessons from OUSD's Dr. French: Leadership is Trust
Dr. French returned to Orange Unified after the Orange Recall to heal, repair and rebuild trust in the community. Now as evidenced by continued censorship, OUSD appears to have a Superintendent of Schools, and at worst some Trustees, that distrusts the public who elected and pay them. It appears the days of community trust building by Dr. French are now long gone.
The Greater Orange Communities Organization does not trust Dr. Godley to decide what we see and hear in the taxpayer supported broadcasts of our elected officials in public meetings.
The Great Leader-Godley Style
Dr. Godley embraced the private business model of the best selling book Good to Great* working again towards making OUSD great. Well, at least some of the model. The book outlines the qualities of businesses that went from mediocre to great. Part III of the Good to Great business model is Seek the Truth:
“III. Seek the Truth
Good-to-Great companies do not cover up bad news. On the contrary, they seek out the truth about themselves, so that they can learn and improve.”
A Community too must seek-out the truth. History is full of lessons of failed governments and failed leaders that tried to censor what the public should know. The Greater Orange Communities are in the center of Orange County, the most libertarian county in America. One of our communities’ hard fought reforms in the Orange Recall was for our community to be informed about their elected officials and public monies.
The Greater Orange Communities Organization has no tolerance or need for government bureaucrats to decide what is best for the taxpayers to know, see or hear. We can ill afford a “benevolent” North Korean communist style Great Leader who tells us what to know, to protect us from the “unknown”.
Godley attempted to end OUSD Board broadcasts once before
Claiming a budget crisis, Godley proposed ending the broadcasts of the Orange Unified School Board to the community. Alone, OUSD Trustee Rick Ledesma fought hard to restore the broadcasts or find alternative ways to pay to keep the local broadcast of OUSD Board meetings. Finally after the story of Godley’s plan began to spread across the internet and community, weeks later Godley announced that he had found the money (at the time about $8,000 a year) to continue the broadcasts.
The Greater Orange Communities Organization considers this whole episode as a tell tale sign that Dr. Godley opposes an informed local citizenry.
Partnerships based on Censorship?
The current OUSD Trustees know what happens when a community has lost trust in their elected officials. It appears Godley does not. As the Trustees continue to work hard to instill the trust of the community in the school district, it appears their Superintendent is doing the opposite. In small town Orange, neighborly Villa Park, and close knit Anaheim Hills, the American ideals continue to be a way of life… including an informed citizenry that is skeptical of government power.
The Greater Orange Communities Organization calls for Informed Community Partnerships not Partnerships based on Censorship.
Do the Greater Orange Communities Trust Dr. Godley?
On Thursday July 19th in Closed Session the OUSD Trustees will give Dr. Godley his annual review. As Dr. Godley continues to censor public remarks (albeit questionable and unpleasant) about elected officials and elected officials actions and words in public meetings we ask the OUSD Trustees to consider this:
Will the citizens of Orange Unified trust Dr. Godley to decide what they may see and hear and what they may not see and hear from their elected officials and public citizens at a public meeting?
We do not condone or agree with the speakers or the actions that were censored. We do however believe that government officials do not have the right to censor free speech in a public meeting.
Today Dr. Godley is censoring Steve Rocco and friends, but tomorrow it maybe you.
-The Greater Orange Communities Organization
Email the Orange Unified School Board members at
Email OUSD Superintendent Dr.Godley at
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: Greater Orange Communities Organization:
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Friday, July 13, 2007
What did OUSD Superintendent Godley decided you should not hear?
OUSD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley
The “Missing Gap” in Public Comments about
OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma and
The "Missing" Rocco Two Minutes
For the second time in less than a year, Orange Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley ordered the censorship of an Orange Unified School District Trustee Meeting before it was broadcast to the community. Godley ordered two parts of the June 21st, 2007 Orange Unified School District Trustee Meeting public regular session to be cut from the public showing of the meeting over the OUSD cable station. As of the publication deadline of this report, Dr. Godley and OUSD Board President Kim Nichols did not answer emails requesting a statement from them about the censorship of the broadcast to the Greater Orange Community.
In an unprecedented move, the first comments censored were comments from a citizen addressing the Board in the Public Comments section of the OUSD Agenda. Those critical comments took aim at OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma. Godley also ordered the last two minutes of the June 21st, 2007 OUSD Board Meeting censored and not broadcast to the community. Those two censored minutes included: controversial comments from OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco; three trustees leaving the meeting during Rocco’s comments; and also cut was an uncharacteristic snide comment from Board President Kim Nichols towards Rocco at the end of his comments. The transcripts of all the censored comments are provided below by Orange Net News.
This newest controversial Godley censorship episode is similar to the first Godley ordered censorship concerning the September 14th, 2006 OUSD Board Meeting. Later in defending his decision to censor the community broadcast, Godley stated that the September 14th 2006 broadcast was edited because of remarks Rocco had made about transferred Villa Park Principal Ben Rich. Despite the censorship, Rocco’s remarks were widely publicized because his remarks about Ben Rich were the reason given by the OUSD Board in passing a controversial Resolution of Censure. A legal battle over that Resolution of Censure continues today. However, the censored portion of that meeting also included the now famous “face-off” between OUSD Trustee John Ortega and Rocco (see link to photo and story CLICK ON: OUSD CENSORED: ROCCO vs ORTEGA ). The censored “face-off” came about after Rocco brought up the subject of Trustee John Ortega’s deceased brother Daniel Ortega. Rocco alleged that Daniel Ortega’s death (Daniel was an OUSD employee at the time of his death) was due to drug use.
Coincidentally, both censored segments from the latest June 21st, 2007 broadcast to the community also relate to Trustee John Ortega’s deceased brother Daniel. Rocco alleges that OUSD Administrators, including then Assistant Superintendent and now Trustee Wes Poutsma knew about Daniel Ortega’s drug problem (at work) and by doing nothing (presumably because he was related to a Board Member) endangered others and contributed to Daniel Ortega’s death.
Citizen’s Public Speech about Elected Trustee: CENSORED
At the beginning of the June 21st meeting, Rocco (who was wearing a bandage over his nose) was sitting in the audience prepared to speak for three minutes as a citizen in the Public Comments section of the agenda ( Rocco did this at the June 4th, 2007 OUSD Board Meeting) . However at the June 21st meeting, Board Clerk John Ortega did not call Rocco’s name from the filled out speakers cards. Ortega did call another speaker who requested to address the Board, Rocco supporter Evan Harris. Harris, a self-proclaimed private investigator for Rocco had spoken before the OUSD Board on a number of occasions in the past. During his three minutes of comments, Harris implicated Trustee Wes Poutsma (a retired OUSD Assistant Superintendent) in a cover-up of Daniel Ortega’s alleged drug problem while both were employed by OUSD. The part of Harris’ three minute address before the OUSD Board mentioning Trustee Wes Poutsma was ordered censored from the cable broadcast of the OUSD Board meeting to the community by Godley. The transcripts of the Harris’ comments that were censored from public broadcast are below.
After Harris spoke, OUSD Board President Kim Nichols asked if there were anymore speakers, Ortega told her no. At that point Rocco yelled loudly from the audience in protest that he had turned in a card to speak. Board President Kim Nichols responded to Rocco, telling him he was out of order. Shortly thereafter, the bandaged Rocco took his seat on the Board Dais and sat quietly through the meeting.
Towards the end of the meeting, during the agenda section for Board Member Comments, the bandaged Rocco explained that shortly after visiting the OUSD District Office on June 12th that he was the victim of a “politically motivated beating” that occurred at 11:15 a.m. Rocco stated that the police had two suspects in custody. After Rocco spoke, Kathy Moffat (late to the meeting because of an airplane delay) spoke to items she had missed earlier in the meeting including the issue of parental notification of students who had been interrogated by the police on campus.
More Controversy, More Censorship
After a lengthy discussion by Moffat voicing her concerns about police interrogations of students and parental notification, Nichols called on Rocco who was requesting to speak. For two minutes Rocco responded to Moffat’s comments on Parental Rights and then transitioned to speak about Trustee Ortega’s deceased brother Daniel Ortega. Rocco referred to an alleged interview by the police of Daniel Ortega’s son at school concerning his father’s activities. Godley ordered all of Rocco’s comments be censored. The transcripts of Rocco’s two minutes that were censored from public broadcast are below.
The “Missing Gap” Evan Harris’ Censored Comments about Poutsma
The following transcripts are taken from the censored gap in the three minutes of comments by Evan Harris that OUSD Superintendent Thomas Godley ordered not to appear in the public broadcast of the June 21st OUSD Board Meeting to the community. This is what OUSD Superintendent Thomas Godley did not want you to hear:
(Speaking at the public podium addressing the OUSD Board under the agenda’s Public Comments section, Evan Harris):
“…I hear the phone calls, I hear the threats, and I do the investigations. Mr. Poutsma is an ex-union representative, ex-human resources representative, and ex-principal, a nightmare for the district.
Mr. Poutsma when you covered-up the drug induced vehicle destruction of Daniel Ortega you contributed to his death and endangered the safety of employees in the district, especially the students. When Rocco brought up the Ortega matter, again you used district lawyers to stop him. All students, teachers, and employees were at risk by the continual employment of Daniel Ortega. You’re all responsible, especially Wes Poutsma.
The big surprise of 2004 should not have been that Rocco was elected, but that the secret of Poutsma and Ortega has been kept so long.”
The Missing Rocco Two Minutes
The following transcripts are taken from the censored last two minutes of the June 21st OUSD Board Meeting. OUSD Superintendent Thomas Godley ordered the following be censored in the public broadcast of the June 21st OUSD Board Meeting to the community. This is what OUSD Superintendent Thomas Godley did not want you to hear:
(After a lengthy discussion by Moffat voicing her concerns about parental rights in campus police interrogations, Rocco responded for two minutes to Moffat’s comments, initially directing his comments to Moffat):
Board President Kim Nichols: “Mr. Rocco did you have…”
Trustee Steve Rocco:: “I have a couple of comments about that.
First of all I found all those comments very interesting about ...ah… it sounds nice on the surface about what you believe, and philosophically I heard your, ah, six points about drug testing [ referring to Moffat comments from June 7th, 2007 meeting] . It sounds nice but I don’t believe it. Ah, what happens and what’s said are two different things."
[Trustee Wes Poutsma walks out of the meeting. Trustee John Ortega stands, then sits as he starts organizing and gathering items at his place on the dais.]
"You really don’t believe it because you don’t believe in the rights of board members. You proved that as president.
You’re proving that as an unspoken president right now because pretty much you are the president."
[Trustee Lissa Smith walks out of the meeting.]
"Ah, I’m stuck here in the middle of whatever. This is the way I got beat to a pulp, ah, last week. By one person on one side, and another on the other side.
I sit on the Board with Kim Nichols on one side. I sit on the Board with you on the other side. And so, you really don’t believe in rights. Ah, not me as a citizen to speak for three minutes. Ah, not me as a Board member. You do not believe in it. It sounds nice. You know I can honestly say I agree with you. But I know you don’t believe it.
Ah, as far as police coming to campus,"
[Ortega stands and turns to hand the recording secretary papers]
"You know you have to protect children, and ah, you know sometimes police need to interrogate children to get facts and protect them.
Let me give you a good example, an excellent example, and you were here at the time of this. Ah, when Daniel Ortega was crashing automobiles on the Orange Unified School District, the police came on campus and went to his son’s school. And ah, he told them the truth."
[Ortega stands and leans over to whisper to Kim Nichols]
"Nobody did anything about it and he stayed here until he died."
[Ortega leaves the meeting]
"He was a threat to this District and he died. He was never disciplined."
Board President Kim Nichols: "Mr. Ortega, Mr. Rocco…"
Trustee Steve Rocco: "And his son gave the information about that. If the police were not allowed to interrogate him, we would never know, he would of never been arrested. But he did!"
Board President Kim Nichols: "Mr. Rocco."
Trustee Steve Rocco: "I’m finished that’s all I have to say."
Board President Kim Nichols: "Thank God!"
(The following is the last thing broadcasted to the community and the last thing Nichols said:)
Board President Kim Nichols: "Anything else? Meeting adjourned."
The next OUSD Board Meeting is July 19th, 2007. An unedited DVD can be ordered for purchased by the public at the OUSD Superintendent’s Office for $10.00.
Is an original news production of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
“Independent, Local, News and Insights”

What did OUSD Superintendent Godley decided you should not hear?
OUSD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley
The “Missing Gap” in Public Comments about
OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma and
The "Missing" Rocco Two Minutes
For the second time in less than a year, Orange Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Godley ordered the censorship of an Orange Unified School District Trustee Meeting before it was broadcast to the community. Godley ordered two parts of the June 21st, 2007 Orange Unified School District Trustee Meeting public regular session to be cut from the public showing of the meeting over the OUSD cable station. As of the publication deadline of this report, Dr. Godley and OUSD Board President Kim Nichols did not answer emails requesting a statement from them about the censorship of the broadcast to the Greater Orange Community.
In an unprecedented move, the first comments censored were comments from a citizen addressing the Board in the Public Comments section of the OUSD Agenda. Those critical comments took aim at OUSD Trustee Wes Poutsma. Godley also ordered the last two minutes of the June 21st, 2007 OUSD Board Meeting censored and not broadcast to the community. Those two censored minutes included: controversial comments from OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco; three trustees leaving the meeting during Rocco’s comments; and also cut was an uncharacteristic snide comment from Board President Kim Nichols towards Rocco at the end of his comments. The transcripts of all the censored comments are provided below by Orange Net News.
This newest controversial Godley censorship episode is similar to the first Godley ordered censorship concerning the September 14th, 2006 OUSD Board Meeting. Later in defending his decision to censor the community broadcast, Godley stated that the September 14th 2006 broadcast was edited because of remarks Rocco had made about transferred Villa Park Principal Ben Rich. Despite the censorship, Rocco’s remarks were widely publicized because his remarks about Ben Rich were the reason given by the OUSD Board in passing a controversial Resolution of Censure. A legal battle over that Resolution of Censure continues today. However, the censored portion of that meeting also included the now famous “face-off” between OUSD Trustee John Ortega and Rocco (see link to photo and story CLICK ON: OUSD CENSORED: ROCCO vs ORTEGA ). The censored “face-off” came about after Rocco brought up the subject of Trustee John Ortega’s deceased brother Daniel Ortega. Rocco alleged that Daniel Ortega’s death (Daniel was an OUSD employee at the time of his death) was due to drug use.
Coincidentally, both censored segments from the latest June 21st, 2007 broadcast to the community also relate to Trustee John Ortega’s deceased brother Daniel. Rocco alleges that OUSD Administrators, including then Assistant Superintendent and now Trustee Wes Poutsma knew about Daniel Ortega’s drug problem (at work) and by doing nothing (presumably because he was related to a Board Member) endangered others and contributed to Daniel Ortega’s death.
Citizen’s Public Speech about Elected Trustee: CENSORED
At the beginning of the June 21st meeting, Rocco (who was wearing a bandage over his nose) was sitting in the audience prepared to speak for three minutes as a citizen in the Public Comments section of the agenda ( Rocco did this at the June 4th, 2007 OUSD Board Meeting) . However at the June 21st meeting, Board Clerk John Ortega did not call Rocco’s name from the filled out speakers cards. Ortega did call another speaker who requested to address the Board, Rocco supporter Evan Harris. Harris, a self-proclaimed private investigator for Rocco had spoken before the OUSD Board on a number of occasions in the past. During his three minutes of comments, Harris implicated Trustee Wes Poutsma (a retired OUSD Assistant Superintendent) in a cover-up of Daniel Ortega’s alleged drug problem while both were employed by OUSD. The part of Harris’ three minute address before the OUSD Board mentioning Trustee Wes Poutsma was ordered censored from the cable broadcast of the OUSD Board meeting to the community by Godley. The transcripts of the Harris’ comments that were censored from public broadcast are below.
After Harris spoke, OUSD Board President Kim Nichols asked if there were anymore speakers, Ortega told her no. At that point Rocco yelled loudly from the audience in protest that he had turned in a card to speak. Board President Kim Nichols responded to Rocco, telling him he was out of order. Shortly thereafter, the bandaged Rocco took his seat on the Board Dais and sat quietly through the meeting.
Towards the end of the meeting, during the agenda section for Board Member Comments, the bandaged Rocco explained that shortly after visiting the OUSD District Office on June 12th that he was the victim of a “politically motivated beating” that occurred at 11:15 a.m. Rocco stated that the police had two suspects in custody. After Rocco spoke, Kathy Moffat (late to the meeting because of an airplane delay) spoke to items she had missed earlier in the meeting including the issue of parental notification of students who had been interrogated by the police on campus.
More Controversy, More Censorship
After a lengthy discussion by Moffat voicing her concerns about police interrogations of students and parental notification, Nichols called on Rocco who was requesting to speak. For two minutes Rocco responded to Moffat’s comments on Parental Rights and then transitioned to speak about Trustee Ortega’s deceased brother Daniel Ortega. Rocco referred to an alleged interview by the police of Daniel Ortega’s son at school concerning his father’s activities. Godley ordered all of Rocco’s comments be censored. The transcripts of Rocco’s two minutes that were censored from public broadcast are below.
The “Missing Gap” Evan Harris’ Censored Comments about Poutsma
The following transcripts are taken from the censored gap in the three minutes of comments by Evan Harris that OUSD Superintendent Thomas Godley ordered not to appear in the public broadcast of the June 21st OUSD Board Meeting to the community. This is what OUSD Superintendent Thomas Godley did not want you to hear:
(Speaking at the public podium addressing the OUSD Board under the agenda’s Public Comments section, Evan Harris):
“…I hear the phone calls, I hear the threats, and I do the investigations. Mr. Poutsma is an ex-union representative, ex-human resources representative, and ex-principal, a nightmare for the district.
Mr. Poutsma when you covered-up the drug induced vehicle destruction of Daniel Ortega you contributed to his death and endangered the safety of employees in the district, especially the students. When Rocco brought up the Ortega matter, again you used district lawyers to stop him. All students, teachers, and employees were at risk by the continual employment of Daniel Ortega. You’re all responsible, especially Wes Poutsma.
The big surprise of 2004 should not have been that Rocco was elected, but that the secret of Poutsma and Ortega has been kept so long.”
The Missing Rocco Two Minutes
The following transcripts are taken from the censored last two minutes of the June 21st OUSD Board Meeting. OUSD Superintendent Thomas Godley ordered the following be censored in the public broadcast of the June 21st OUSD Board Meeting to the community. This is what OUSD Superintendent Thomas Godley did not want you to hear:
(After a lengthy discussion by Moffat voicing her concerns about parental rights in campus police interrogations, Rocco responded for two minutes to Moffat’s comments, initially directing his comments to Moffat):
Board President Kim Nichols: “Mr. Rocco did you have…”
Trustee Steve Rocco:: “I have a couple of comments about that.
First of all I found all those comments very interesting about ...ah… it sounds nice on the surface about what you believe, and philosophically I heard your, ah, six points about drug testing [ referring to Moffat comments from June 7th, 2007 meeting] . It sounds nice but I don’t believe it. Ah, what happens and what’s said are two different things."
[Trustee Wes Poutsma walks out of the meeting. Trustee John Ortega stands, then sits as he starts organizing and gathering items at his place on the dais.]
"You really don’t believe it because you don’t believe in the rights of board members. You proved that as president.
You’re proving that as an unspoken president right now because pretty much you are the president."
[Trustee Lissa Smith walks out of the meeting.]
"Ah, I’m stuck here in the middle of whatever. This is the way I got beat to a pulp, ah, last week. By one person on one side, and another on the other side.
I sit on the Board with Kim Nichols on one side. I sit on the Board with you on the other side. And so, you really don’t believe in rights. Ah, not me as a citizen to speak for three minutes. Ah, not me as a Board member. You do not believe in it. It sounds nice. You know I can honestly say I agree with you. But I know you don’t believe it.
Ah, as far as police coming to campus,"
[Ortega stands and turns to hand the recording secretary papers]
"You know you have to protect children, and ah, you know sometimes police need to interrogate children to get facts and protect them.
Let me give you a good example, an excellent example, and you were here at the time of this. Ah, when Daniel Ortega was crashing automobiles on the Orange Unified School District, the police came on campus and went to his son’s school. And ah, he told them the truth."
[Ortega stands and leans over to whisper to Kim Nichols]
"Nobody did anything about it and he stayed here until he died."
[Ortega leaves the meeting]
"He was a threat to this District and he died. He was never disciplined."
Board President Kim Nichols: "Mr. Ortega, Mr. Rocco…"
Trustee Steve Rocco: "And his son gave the information about that. If the police were not allowed to interrogate him, we would never know, he would of never been arrested. But he did!"
Board President Kim Nichols: "Mr. Rocco."
Trustee Steve Rocco: "I’m finished that’s all I have to say."
Board President Kim Nichols: "Thank God!"
(The following is the last thing broadcasted to the community and the last thing Nichols said:)
Board President Kim Nichols: "Anything else? Meeting adjourned."
The next OUSD Board Meeting is July 19th, 2007. An unedited DVD can be ordered for purchased by the public at the OUSD Superintendent’s Office for $10.00.
Is an original news production of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
“Independent, Local, News and Insights”
Monday, July 09, 2007
Metro TALK ______________
A community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
With over 900 people participating in the two day Orange Net News Poll that asked Villa Park residents if they planned on signing the Recall Petition to hold a recall election for Villa Park Council Member Deborah Pauly. The poll asked:
“If you are a Villa Park resident, are you planning to sign the Recall Petion to have a recall election for Council Member Pauly?”
The unscientific poll had 61% answering No- they did not plan on signing and 39%-Yes they would sign the petition.
Software that tracks were the votes came from revealed both sides having ‘multiple voters’ who returned to vote repeatedly. In one four hour period one side increased over 23% points against the other side.
In addition, the email address of the Poll was apparently emailed to each side supporters independently of the ONN list (as evidence by tracking software). At best it shows a sophisticated political battle in the works with the “No” side being better able to deliver “votes” in the first match-up, compliments of the internet, between the two sides. The 23% mark of the Yes side proves that they face an extremely difficult task not only just collecting the signatures, but in winning a possible recall vote.
“On the House Program” Orange waives City Fees
The Orange City Council approved the On the House Program to assist home owners in property improvement by waiving building review and permit fees to help further encourage the enhancements of Orange neighborhoods.
For more information on the program CLICK ON: ON THE HOUSE.
Anaheim Hills, Orange and Villa Park News
From local athletes who move away to college and make news, to businessmen recognized for outstanding achievements in their industry, to local stories in the print and television media, all these local stories can be accessed on the Knight Ridder/Tribune/Garnnet TOPIX News Network. The TOPIX news service scours all internet sources that list our local cities in stories. Not only do you get the local stories, but also stories from across the nation that involve our local cities and people. The local site is updated throughout the day.
The Greater Orange News Service exclusively carries the TOPIX News Feed for the Greater Orange Communities of Anaheim, Orange and Villa Park in the Greater Orange Headlines in the News section . The under-construction Orange Net News site has the TOPIX feed by headline for Orange and Villa Park (CLICK ON Orange Net News).
A community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
With over 900 people participating in the two day Orange Net News Poll that asked Villa Park residents if they planned on signing the Recall Petition to hold a recall election for Villa Park Council Member Deborah Pauly. The poll asked:
“If you are a Villa Park resident, are you planning to sign the Recall Petion to have a recall election for Council Member Pauly?”
The unscientific poll had 61% answering No- they did not plan on signing and 39%-Yes they would sign the petition.
Software that tracks were the votes came from revealed both sides having ‘multiple voters’ who returned to vote repeatedly. In one four hour period one side increased over 23% points against the other side.
In addition, the email address of the Poll was apparently emailed to each side supporters independently of the ONN list (as evidence by tracking software). At best it shows a sophisticated political battle in the works with the “No” side being better able to deliver “votes” in the first match-up, compliments of the internet, between the two sides. The 23% mark of the Yes side proves that they face an extremely difficult task not only just collecting the signatures, but in winning a possible recall vote.
“On the House Program” Orange waives City Fees
The Orange City Council approved the On the House Program to assist home owners in property improvement by waiving building review and permit fees to help further encourage the enhancements of Orange neighborhoods.
For more information on the program CLICK ON: ON THE HOUSE.
Anaheim Hills, Orange and Villa Park News
From local athletes who move away to college and make news, to businessmen recognized for outstanding achievements in their industry, to local stories in the print and television media, all these local stories can be accessed on the Knight Ridder/Tribune/Garnnet TOPIX News Network. The TOPIX news service scours all internet sources that list our local cities in stories. Not only do you get the local stories, but also stories from across the nation that involve our local cities and people. The local site is updated throughout the day.
The Greater Orange News Service exclusively carries the TOPIX News Feed for the Greater Orange Communities of Anaheim, Orange and Villa Park in the Greater Orange Headlines in the News section . The under-construction Orange Net News site has the TOPIX feed by headline for Orange and Villa Park (CLICK ON Orange Net News).
Friday, July 06, 2007
Are you planning to sign the Pauly Recall Petition?
Vote in the Pauly Recall Poll:
Are you planning to sign the Pauly Recall Petition?
Vote in the Pauly Recall Poll:
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Villa Park Recall Petitions Approved

VP Council Member Pauly Recall Petitions Approved
The City of Villa Park officially approved the wording of the Petitions to Recall Villa Park Council Member Deborah Pauly on Thursday July 5th, 2007. Proponents of the Recall will have until September 4th to collect the 1,000 signatures needed to hold a Recall Election.
The recall proponent group, Villa Park Citizens for Honest Government, contends that Pauly intimidated and harassed voters at polling places on Election Day. The group also contends that the Pauly campaign posted political campaign signs on property were the owners did not support Pauly. The group contends these actions helped sway voters in the November 2006 election where Pauly won by 93 votes (1.3% of the vote). The group also filed a complaint with the office of the Orange County District Attorney.
Pauly and her supporters say this is all sour grapes and the Recall Proponents are trying to undo the election that upset the old guard power elite. Pauly’s slim margin (the top three vote getters out of five were elected) led to the ouster of former Mayor and Council Member Patricia Bortle (16.4% with 1129 votes) and appointed Council Member incumbent and Foothill Sentry writer and commentator Robert Fauteux (16.3% with 1122 votes).
With Villa Park part of the Orange Unified School District, the Pauly Recall petitioners will join the Orange Unified School District petitioners who are collecting signatures to oust OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco. This week other groups in Orange County have announced other recall campaign attempts. A group in Capistrano Valley Unified School District has announced plans to recall four of the sprawling district’s trustees, and in Dana Point an effort has been announced to oust Dana Point Council Member Diane Harkley.
The Greater Orange News Service has had a Rocco Recall Countdown Clock in place and has now added a Pauly Recall Countdown Clock. To view the clocks CLICK ON:
Greater Orange News Service
OC Blog Posts Kudos to Orange City Council
The influential OC Blog has given the Orange City Council a big pat on the back for it’s On the House Remodel Fee Waiver program. Read about it here:
Metro TALK is a community service of the
: Greater Orange Communities Organization: