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Tuesday, July 21, 2015
!! El Rancho, Peralta, Bond, Deniers and MIA !!
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
OUSD untangles itself from Unity Charter and...
OUSD Trustee Term Limits are
You needed a score card for the
last Orange Unified School Board meeting back on June 4, 2015.
Board Vice President Timothy
Surridge ran the meeting for the ill OUSD Board President John Ortega, who was present-quietly sitting on the far end of the dais- for the first part of the
meeting before leaving. After the
meeting opened and before approval of the minutes, Surridge announced that Item
12 C- the El Rancho construction item and Item 12 H - the Trustee Term Limit
election item had been pulled from the agenda. Surridge said that the El Rancho
item was taken off the agenda by request of the school and the Term Limit item
by request of its sponsor- Trustee John Ortega.
Fast forward to this Thursday
July 23rd, the first meeting since June- and the meeting's agenda shows that
the El Rancho item is back as Item 12 C (page 66), but the Term Limits item has
not reappeared. Yes the Term Limits item is now Missing In Action.
For long time OUSD Board
watchers, the June 23 meeting is one to be remembered. Aside from the unusual arrangement of the Vice
President running the meeting while the ill President was sitting there, you then
had the ill Ortega eventually leave and the airport delayed Trustee Diane
Singer eventual arrive all after Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges who was
present at the beginning first left
early. No there will not be a please keep reading...
![]() |
Common Core Deniers worst fears |
The musical chairs of the
comings-and goings of the Trustees was only overshadowed as amusing by the
beginning three speakers during the Public Comments section from the Common
Core Deniers group of the Orange County
Department of Education School Board- who in relay-race fashion trash talked
Common Core- cherry-picking items from Special Sessions of the OCDE devoted to Common Core as they
praised OCDE Trustee and Villa Park resident Dr. Ken Williams.
Trustee Moffat wanted to rebut the information presented by the Deniers, but Vice President Surridge would not allow it. At the end of the meeting Moffat explained she was at the OCDE meeting and the speakers got it wrong.
Trustee Moffat wanted to rebut the information presented by the Deniers, but Vice President Surridge would not allow it. At the end of the meeting Moffat explained she was at the OCDE meeting and the speakers got it wrong.
Still with us? If can
read the transcripts of either or both
OCDE Common Core Special Meetings and judge for yourself, just click on: Special CC #1 & Special CC #2
Eventually the meeting
got to the second vote on the Unity
Middle College
High School charter
application. Trustee Kathy Moffat-known
for doing her homework- presented a blistering critique of the charter school
and it's backers. Moffat started by
announcing that Oakland
based charter school's Executive Director Dr. Erin Craig (who is actually, according to her Linked-In
profile, Dr. Erin Craig-Choi) is married to Joon Choi of the charter school
'team". Joon Choi is one of three founders of Long Beach based Harbor Associates a Southern
California Real Estate Investment company.
Mr. Choi on both his company website (click on CHOI) and Linked-In site acknowledges his connections to the Middle College
school. However, Moffat in her critique
of the charter application stated that Dr. Craig had not revealed that she and
Mr. Choi were husband and wife- and that was only the beginning. After several
minutes- and listing a dozen or so concerns- Moffat finished as Board Vice
President Timothy Surridge made a weak rebuttal to one of Moffat's concerns dismissed her arguments and
tried to move on.
At this point Trustee Mark Wayland weighed in that he also
had second thoughts about the charter-calling the fact that the OUSD staff had
to help the charter meet the minimum requirements amounted to what Wayland
described as a "sweetheart" deal.
In the end, Wayland and Moffat voted against the charter, Deligianni-Brydgeshad
left and Singer had not arrived, resulting in a 3-2 vote, meaning the school did
not get the required 4 votes. If your
keeping score...exit Ortega now.
Fast-forward to July 2015 and the last posting before this
report on the Unity Middle College School's Facebook is from July 7, 2015 about
a rally for a July 9 Orange County Board of Education July 9th public hearing
and here is the rest of the saga via their Facebook:
"As you already know, the Orange Unified
School District (OUSD)
Board voted to conditionally approve our charter petition on May 7th with five
votes in favor and two votes against. The final approval vote was
scheduled for the June 4th Board meeting. All conditions and preferred OUSD
language requirements were met by Unity MCHS and during the meeting OUSD legal
counsel and staff both recommended final approval to the Board.
Unfortunately, with two Board members absent from the meeting during the Unity
MCHS vote, and another Board member changing their vote, the OUSD Board failed
to act within the legal 60 day timeline.
As a result, Unity MCHS appealed our charter petition to the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) on June 17th. This means OCDE will hold another public hearing for Unity MCHS on July 9th and a OCDE Board vote on August 20th."
So, the fate of a close-to-home school for Dr. and Mr. Choi's Unity Middle College Charter is now in the hands of the Common Core Deniers.
OUSD Moves on Peralta Lease and a 2016 Bond Election
The July 23rd OUSD Board Meeting
Agenda includes Action Item 12B (Agenda page 3) to approve one year lease
agreements with 4 tenants on the Peralta property. The agreements presented in the agenda include
the following lease amounts: Olive Crest Academy School- $15,500 a month; Arena
Soccer-$6,834 a month; Drotter
Driving Range
$3,084 per month; Tennis Specialists- $1,800 a month.
Just before the Peralta item, the
OUSD Board will be voting on the recommendations for numerous Bond Consultants
preparing the way for another OUSD Bond attempt believed to be targeted for the
November 2016 election.
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD
Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at
ARCHIVAL Information and direct news can be found
the Greater Orange News Service
Unified Schools INSIDE
and the
Greater Orange News Service
are independent news services of /O/N/N/
Net News
Wednesday, July 01, 2015
3rd & 4th RED, WHITE and BLUE
July 3rd and 4th celebrations in Greater Orange as the City of
Orange kicks off the 4th with annual 3rd of July celebration
Greater Orange kicks off Independence Day early with the City of Orange’s 20th Annual "3rd of July" Celebration. Begun in 1995, the 3rd of July festival has grown into one ofOrange County ’s biggest Independence Day centered events that includes- live music, inflatable activities and that famous Orange hometown festival atmosphere all leading up to the grand finale in Fred Kelly Stadium featuring the Orange Community Master Chorale followed by Greater Orange’s most spectacular fireworks choreographed to music.
The 20th Annual 3rd of July Celebration will take place Friday, July 3, 2015 at 4 p.m. at Orange Unified's Fred Kelly Stadium at El Modena High School, 3920 East Spring Street, Orange, CA 92869.
Fred Kelly Stadium’s artificial turf requires special rules for everyone to enjoy. The following rules when attending the July 3rd activities apply:
• Only blanket seating is allowed on the field.
• Strollers, wheelchairs, wagons, or other wheeled items are only permitted in designated areas.
• Lawn Chairs, food, drinks, seeds, gum, popcorn, hard-soled or high-heeled shoes are prohibited on the field.
Tickets for the "3rd of July" Celebration are $7 for adults and children over two years old. Tickets can be purchased at the Community Services Department,230 East Chapman Avenue (corner of Grand Street ) through 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 2, 2014- The Orange City Hall complex will be closed Friday July 3rd.
Greater Orange kicks off Independence Day early with the City of Orange’s 20th Annual "3rd of July" Celebration. Begun in 1995, the 3rd of July festival has grown into one of
The 20th Annual 3rd of July Celebration will take place Friday, July 3, 2015 at 4 p.m. at Orange Unified's Fred Kelly Stadium at El Modena High School, 3920 East Spring Street, Orange, CA 92869.
Fred Kelly Stadium’s artificial turf requires special rules for everyone to enjoy. The following rules when attending the July 3rd activities apply:
• Only blanket seating is allowed on the field.
• Strollers, wheelchairs, wagons, or other wheeled items are only permitted in designated areas.
• Lawn Chairs, food, drinks, seeds, gum, popcorn, hard-soled or high-heeled shoes are prohibited on the field.
Tickets for the "3rd of July" Celebration are $7 for adults and children over two years old. Tickets can be purchased at the Community Services Department,
Tickets will also be available for purchase at the event after 1:30 p.m. This year credit cards will be taken at the gate.
For more information please call the City of Orange Special Events Hotline at (714) 744 -7278.
Villa Park's hometown July 4th Parade theme is "Stars on Parade" as all tyypes of decorated bikes, trikes, scooters, wagons, strollers and classic cars wheel through the residential streets of Villa Park.
The 1.5 mile parade is led by a vintage fire engine.
The 1.5 mile parade is led by a vintage fire engine.
The fun starts with the line-up at Villa Park High School at 8:30 am on the Fourth of July.
Orange Park Acres 4th of July celebrates
49 years
The 49th Orange Park Acres 4th of July Parade's theme is
in the Acres" .
The fun starts on July 4th at 6:45 am with pre-registration
for the OPA Pre-Parade 5/10K. The 10K starts at 7:45 am and the 5K starts at
8:00 am.
The OPA July 4th Parade will step off at 9:30 am at Frank
and Orange Park Blvd
with Grand Marshall Laurie Marine. The
post-parade awards and annual barbeque will be held on the lawn of the Salem Church .
The lunch tickets are only $5!
For more information CLICK on: OPA 4th
Anaheim Hills 4th of July extravaganza!!
No community does 4th of July quite like Anaheim Hills. The Greater Orange community pulls out all the stops for a day packed with 4th of July events.
The official 27th annual 4th of July Celebration starts with the “Firecracker” 5 /10K Run – 2K Walk with late registration at 5:30 am- opening ceremonies start at 6:55 am followed by the 7:00 am timed race and the 900 am kids races. A prize for the best Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty dress will be awarded. The Start line for all 5K and 10K events is onSanta Ana Canyon Road at the north end of Canyon High School by the athletic field at the Canyon High School track– 220 S Imperial Highway Anaheim Hills.
Beginning at 7:30 am until 9:30 am in the Canyon Hills H.S. cafeteria will be the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club’s famous Pancake Breakfast that includes hotcakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee and a whole lot of visiting with neighbors and friends. This year the Canyon Football Team is partnering to bring the annual food feast to the community.
No community does 4th of July quite like Anaheim Hills. The Greater Orange community pulls out all the stops for a day packed with 4th of July events.
The official 27th annual 4th of July Celebration starts with the “Firecracker” 5 /10K Run – 2K Walk with late registration at 5:30 am- opening ceremonies start at 6:55 am followed by the 7:00 am timed race and the 900 am kids races. A prize for the best Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty dress will be awarded. The Start line for all 5K and 10K events is on
Beginning at 7:30 am until 9:30 am in the Canyon Hills H.S. cafeteria will be the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club’s famous Pancake Breakfast that includes hotcakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee and a whole lot of visiting with neighbors and friends. This year the Canyon Football Team is partnering to bring the annual food feast to the community.
This year the Yankee Doodle Dog Show also returns at 9:30 a.m. to Canyon High School . There are six fabulous dog-gone-good categories: Best Dressed Dog, Cutest Dog (35 lb. and under), Best Trick, Owner/Doggie Look-a-like, Bigger Cutest Dog (36 lb. and over) and Yankee Doodle Dog. There is a $7.00 entry fee per dog for the first category entered and $5.00 for each additional category. Prizes and awards given and the winners get to ride in the Firecracker July 4th Parade.
At 1:00 pm the Patriotic Parade with begin. This year's theme is "It's a Grand Old Flag". (For more info click on PARADE)
The parade begins at Canyon High School and will run down the SOUTH SIDE/EASTBOUND LANES of Santa Ana Canyon Road and head EAST. The parade will end at Quintana and Santa Ana Canyon Road . Parade viewing ONLY on the south side of Santa Ana Canyon Road AND on the CENTER MEDIAN.
No parade viewing on the North Side of Santa Ana Canyon Road.
ThePeralta Park events including food booths will be between 3:00pm – 8:45 pm at Peralta Park . Bring your family, friends and neighbors to enjoy all the fabulous food. he park will also have entertainment from 4:45pm – 8:45pm. For information on the entertainment line up click on: MUSIC .
The evening ends with a spectacular fireworks display with patriotic music for your enjoyment beginning at 9:00 pm atPeralta Park .
For information regarding any of these events click on: AHCC
No parade viewing on the North Side of Santa Ana Canyon Road.
The evening ends with a spectacular fireworks display with patriotic music for your enjoyment beginning at 9:00 pm at
For information regarding any of these events click on: AHCC