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Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Two Chapman U students arrested in Orange HS farm theft
Two Chapman University athletes arrested in Orange High School animal abuse case
Two Chapman University students on the La Cross team and currently living in Orange were arrested in the stealing and abuse of the Orange High School Farm turkey.
See the stories at the links below:
2 Chapman University Students Arrested After Turkey Abducted From Farm at Orange High
Orange COunty Register:
2 Chapman students arrested on suspicion of taking Tim theturkey from Orange High
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
2016 Bond news and Panorama Heights leaving OUSD?
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
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OUSD 2016 Bond information on Next Board Agenda
Trustees are asked to approve another $20,000 for a second 2016 Bond survey
The Orange Unified School Board will meet on Thursday April 11, 2016 and continue discussing the all but approved next OUSD Facilities Bond targeted for the 2016 November General Election. This weeks Agenda includes three items related to the all-but-approved November 2016 Facilities Bond.
In Agenda Item 13 B ( page 30), Bonnie Moss partner in the OUSD contracted Oakland based political strategy consultant firm of CliffordMoss, will return to the OUSD Board with a report described in the Agenda item as "a further update in the School facilities Assessment and Project Planning process" .
The Agenda description for Item 13B also reviews the prior presentations the OUSD Board has received on the Facilities Bond planning process, including the prior reports from Ms. Moss at the November 5, 2015 meeting and the January 21, 2016 meeting.
Those previous three reports are part of the contract the OUSD Trustees approved at the July 23, 2015 OUSD Board meeting when they voted to pay CliffordMoss up to $78,000 for their consultant services.
Also presenting at the January 21st meeting was Dr. Tim McLarney-President of the Encinitas headquartered True North Research-the polling consultant also hired by OUSD. This week's agenda reminds the OUSD Board that at the January meeting Dr. McLarney presented "methodology, results and conclusion of the polling results survey" for a future Facilities Bond.
McLarney's report on the poll was part of the contract that the OUSD Board also approved at their July 23, 2015 meeting when they voted to pay True North Research up to $50,000 for polling and consulting services.
Now, with that 2016 Bond process all but completed-except for a vote to place it on the November ballot- the OUSD Administration is asking for $20,000 more for True North Research in the April 14th Consent Item.
On page 40 under the Contract Services Report portion of the Consent Agenda ( voted on as a whole without debate or discussion) another $20,000 is asked for True North Research. The Agenda Item states "Additional funds are necessary to conduct and present methodology, results and conclusions of a second survey"
Agenda Item 13 A ( page 29) lists the informational item's topic as: High School Classroom, Laboratory and Facilities needs to Support 21st Century Teaching and Learning in a Safe Environment. The presentation will involve the first time all four of OUSD's comprehensive high school principals will present a facilities report at the same time.
According to the OUSD Agenda, the four principals "will address their specific school site academic priorities and facilities needs..." .
Since the OUSD Board has not voted to place the Bond on the ballot yet, OUSD continues to engage the community on facilities needs. Following the facilities presentations by the four principals this week at the OUSD Board meeting, the OUSD Administration will be hosting four town hall style meetings later this month at each of the high schools. The first meeting will be on Thursday April 21 at Canyon High School , The following week on Monday April 25 a town hall will take place at Villa Park High School followed the next night, Tuesday April 26th at El Modena High School. The final town hall will be on Thursday April 28th at Orange High School .
All town halls will begin at 6:00 pm and will include tours of the current facilities. No tours are scheduled for comparison of the few OUSD schools already remodeled for 21st Century learning with previously available redevelopment and state funds.
For more information on the town halls CLICK ON: OUSD TOWN HALLS
Looking for Republican endorsement-
Trustee Deligianni-Brydges touts opposition to failed OUSD Measure K Bond
Trustee Deligianni-Brydges touts opposition to failed OUSD Measure K Bond
The OC Political blog - run by OUSD Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges' friend and political ally Chris Ngyuen- live blogged the March 19th Orange County California Republican Assembly endorsement meeting.
Deligianni-Brydges is running for the 68th Assembly District seat.
In the live blog, Nguyen describes the Deligianni-Brydges touting herself as an "educator" and a two-term trustee who voted against the OUSD Bond measure and her opposition to Common Core- as well as her political views:
Alexia Deligianni-Brydges speaks of volunteering for Republican causes. She points to her OCYR service, having been CRA State Vice President, and having started the Orange-Villa Park CRA unit. She speaks of her family fleeing from Communism, and citing that as a reason she opposes socialism and liberal ideas. She states she is a real estate businesswoman and educator.
She has served two terms on the school board and was the sole vote on the school board against a bond.
She opposes Common Core. She supports cutting taxes.
A delegate asks about her CRA unit’s growth.
She says she grew it from nothing, as she founded it. She speaks of monthly meetings. She says she since passed its leadership on to others.
A delegate asks about how she plans to lower taxes since she stated it.
She blasts Prop 30 as an anti-business tax.
She expresses concern about jobs fleeing California .
Evidence of Deligianni-Brydges' stalled campaign can easily be seen in her campaign's social media platforms. As of this posting her Twitter account has had only 8 tweets since being set up in December of last year and has no postings to her 5 followers since March 12th. (Click on
After converting her personal Facebook age into her campaign page in December of last year, Deligianni-Brydges has posted eight campaign type posts. Her last on March 17th invited 248 people to a fundraiser- 8 people responded they would attend.
( Click on

(Click on SAC BEE ).
Ultimately the delegates of the Orange County California Republican Assembly endorsed former Villa Park Councilwomen Deborah Paul for the 68th Assembly.
Pauly goes to trial on May 2, 2016 for her September DUI arrest in Anaheim after she his a car in her Porsche.
For the OC Political coverage CLICK ON: OC Political
OUSD neighborhood of Panorama Heights home of Panorama ES petitions to leave for Tustin Unified
Information Item 13 C on Thursday's agenda is a report on the impact to OUSD of a petition for the neighborhood of Panorama Heights to leave OUSD and join Tustin Unified.
On April 7, 2016 the Orange County Registrar of Voters confirmed a petition from the Panorama Heights neighborhood to leave Orange Unified to join Tustin Unified. The California Education Code requires 25% of the registered voters to sign the petition.
Located between OUSD's El Modena High School and TUSD's Foothill High School , the Panorama Heights area is often associated with North Tustin as it sits at the intersection of Orange , Tustin and Santa Ana . The area is home to OUSD's Panorama Elementary School which is located in Santa Ana at 10512 Crawford Canyon Road .
The specific boundaries of the transfer which had to be included in the petition and whether that territory includes OUSD's Panorama Elementary School are expected to be revealed in the OUSD Staff report.
A meeting of the Orange County Committee on School District Organization (OCCSDO) is scheduled to take up the issue on May 17, 2016. The OCCSDO has 120 days after the hearing to approve or deny the petition.
According to the California Education Code, several steps must be taken including:
(a) The county committee [OCCSDO] may add to the petition any of
the appropriate provisions specified in Article 3 (commencing with
Section 35730) which were not included in the petition as filed and
may amend any such provision which was so included.
(b) At least 10 days before the public hearing, or hearings, on
the petition, the county committee shall make available to the public
and to the governing boards affected by the petition a description
of the petition, including all of the following:
(1) The rights of the employees in the affected districts to
continued employment.
(2) The revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for
each affected district and the effect of the petition, if approved,
on such revenue limit.
(3) Whether the districts involved will be governed, in part, by
provisions of a city charter and, if so, in what way.
(4) Whether the governing boards of any proposed new district will
have five or seven members.
(5) A description of the territory or districts in which the
election, if any, will be held.
(6) Where the proposal is to create two or more districts, whether
the proposal will be voted on as a single proposition.
(7) Whether the governing board of any new district will have
trustee areas and, if so, whether the trustees will be elected by
only the voters of that trustee area or by the voters of the entire
(8) A description of how the property, obligations, and bonded
indebtedness of existing districts will be divided.
(9) A description of when the first governing board of any new
district will be elected and how the terms of office for each new
trustee will be determined.
For more information Click on:
To view the Panorama Heights Driving TOUR Click below:
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
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