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Thursday, July 28, 2016
Baxit-Kennedy files for OUSD seat
a service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Update 7/28/16
Child Care Supervisor pulls
papers for OUSD Trustee Seat
Orange resident Nicole Baitx-Kennedy, who works as a Child
Care Supervisor for Ocean
View School
District has pulled papers for the Orange Unified
School District Trustee Area 6 seat.
Baitx-Kennedy formerly held a similar job at Orange
Unified. Her Facebook friends include Orange Unified Trustee Andrea Yamasaki.
The Trustee Area 6 seat is currently held by Trustee Mark
At the December 10, 2015 Board of Trustees meeting, Wayland
stunned the audience during the Agenda's last item, Other Comments, that he
would be resigning his Trustee position effective December 31st.
However, Wayland did not resign.
The often surprising Wayland did however have an even
bigger December surprise for Greater Orange. He filed a lawsuit against OUSD
Area 1 Candidate Trustee Greg Salas for filing false statements on his Ballot
Candidate Statement. Salas ran for the Trustee position after his removal by
petition caused the Special Election.
Wayland accused Salas of falsely listing Wayland as
endorsing Salas, and more importantly according to Wayland, Salas filed false
and misleading statements for his ballot statement to imply that Salas was an
incumbent (i.e. elected) OUSD Board member.
On January 6th, Wayland won in court when Greg Salas
was ordered by Orange County Superior Court Judge Richard Lissebrink to remove
the false statements from his Candidate Statement.
Wayland during other meetings has alluded to not running
for re-election. If Wayland does not
file for re-election by August 12th, the nominating period for the Trustee Area
6 seat will be extended for five business days.
eLECTION Watch 2016
Orange Mayor's Race
Tita Smith* -Pulled Papers
City Clerk
Mary Murphy* -Pulled/Filed Papers
City Treasurer
Richard Rohm*-Pulled Papers
Orange City Council Seats (2)
Mark Murphy* -Pulled Papers
Mike Alvarez* -Pulled Papers
Vincent Rossini-Pulled Papers
- Trustee Area 2
Daniel Correa - Pulled Papers
John Ortega*-Pulled/Filed Papers
· Trustee Area 3
Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges*- Pulled/Filed Papers
· Trustee Area 6
Nicole Baitx-Kennedy -Pulled Papers
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Nelida Mendoza Yanez* -Pulled Papers
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 7
Arianna Barrios* -Pulled Papers
Rudolph Diaz – Pulled/Filed Papers
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Ortega files for re-election
eLECTION Watch 2016
a service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Update 7/26/16
Orange Unified School District Area 2 Trustee John Ortega pulled and
then filed his papers for re-election today July 26th.
Yesterday, Orange Planning Commissioner Daniel Correa pulled papers to
run against Ortega. Correa has until
August 12th to file his papers.
eLECTION Watch 2016
Orange Mayor's Race
Tita Smith* -Pulled Papers
City Clerk
Mary Murphy* -Pulled/Filed Papers
City Treasurer
Richard Rohm*-Pulled Papers
Orange City Council Seats (2)
Mark Murphy* -Pulled Papers
Mike Alvarez* -Pulled Papers
Vincent Rossini-Pulled Papers
- Trustee Area 2
Daniel Correa - Pulled Papers
John Ortega*-Pulled/Filed Papers
· Trustee Area 3
Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges*-
Pulled/Filed Papers
Trustee Area 6
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Nelida Mendoza Yanez* -Pulled Papers
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Arianna Barrios* -Pulled Papers
Rudolph Diaz – Pulled Papers
Monday, July 25, 2016
Daniel Correa pulls papers for OUSD
a service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Update 7/25/16
City ofOrange
Planning Commissioner Daniel Correa has pulled papers
for Trustee Area 2.
Trustee Area 2 is currently held by Trustee John Ortega. Ortega has been on the OUSD Board since first elected in the 2001 Orange Recall as part of the Citizens Board Slate. Ortega has never faced an opponent since being elected to the OUSD Board.
of Orange Planning Commissioner Daniel Correa pulls papers for OUSD Board
City of
Trustee Area 2 is currently held by Trustee John Ortega. Ortega has been on the OUSD Board since first elected in the 2001 Orange Recall as part of the Citizens Board Slate. Ortega has never faced an opponent since being elected to the OUSD Board.
Correa was first appointed to the Orange Planning Commission In May 2013. His Planning
Commission term is scheduled to end June 2017.
Correa is an Assistant Planner for the City of Rancho Cucamonga .
eLECTION Watch 2016
Orange Mayor's Race
Tita Smith* -Pulled Papers
City Clerk
Mary Murphy* -Pulled/Filed Papers
City Treasurer
Richard Rohm*-Pulled Papers
Orange City Council Seats (2)
Mark Murphy* -Pulled Papers
Mike Alvarez* -Pulled Papers
Vincent Rossini-Pulled Papers
- Trustee Area 2
Daniel Correa -Pulled Papers
· Trustee Area 3
Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges*- Pulled/Filed Papers
- Trustee Area 6
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Nelida Mendoza Yanez* -Pulled Papers
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Arianna Barrios* -Pulled Papers
Rudolph Diaz – Pulled Papers
Friday, July 22, 2016
Trustees approve November Bond election
OU$D Bond WATCH 2016
Orange Net News /O/N/N/
It took 7 votes-including a rare parliamentary maneuver to reconsider the final vote - but last night the Orange Unified Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve a $288,000,000 bond measure for the November 2016 ballot.
month's long prelude to the final votes-much like a blockbuster movie trailer-
was nothing compared to two-and-a-half hour unfolding of the main event.
two public hearings, five Action Items, a teleconferencing trustee (Mark
Wayland from Pennsylvania), community members showing up last minute citing live meeting text messages, last minute resolution amendments, an Anaheim City Council member addressing the
Board and a boisterous audience, it was again high political drama-OUSD style.
evening's Agenda included the option of splitting the four high schools into
two School Facilities Improvement Districts (SFID). The two SFID were split
between the major communities that have traditionally voted for the last bonds
and those that helped defeat those bonds.
trustees representing the communities in the proposed SFID 1 (Canyon and Villa
Park H.S. feeder neighborhoods)- Andrea
Yamasaki, Kathy Moffat and Dr. Deilgianni-Brydges - all spoke out for a general
all-district bond and voted against the two SFID. Citing polling data, the trio was supported by
audience members who spoke out against the SFID and for a single General Bond
for the whole district-including long-time Anaheim City Councilwomen Kris Murray.
Rick Ledesma and John Ortega led the arguments for the SFID stating that an
approval of even one SFID would be the beginning of a path toward getting all OUSD
schools updated.
on creating both School Improvement Facilities Districts in two 3-4 votes (Trustees
Rick Ledesma, Mark Wayland, John Ortega and Timothy Surridge all voting
Yes), the split 3-4 vote was enough to
deny adding bonds for the SIFD to the ballot in the later votes that needed a
super-majority of 5 yes votes. That fact
however, did not stop the back-and-forth discussion on the merits of SFID Bonds
compared to a General Bond.
the needed super-majority vote (5 votes), the two Agenda votes to add the two SFID
Bonds to the ballot both failed 4-3.
to the general confusion of the voting process, last minute amendments to each Bond
resolution was included to satisfy the requirements of the Orange County
Taxpayers Association.
last Agenda vote to add a General Bond to the November 2016 ballot passed 6-1
with only John Ortega voting No. Trustee
Dr. Deilgianni-Brydges, who voted against the 2015 Bond (and signed the ballot statement
against it) prefaced her Yes vote for this Bond by stating that the 2016 Bond
did not include cosmetic updates she opposed in 2015, but concentrated on
"curriculum" updates-specifically mentioning science rooms. Deligianni is seeking reelection to her
Trustee seat after loosing a primary bid for the Assembly. Surridge took a
swipe at Deligianni in the earlier SFID votes telling her "Nice to see you
support a bond".
6-1 vote was enough to add the Bond measure to the ballot. However, the votes
were not over as Trustee Kathy Moffat sought a unanimous trustee vote. In rare parliamentary
procedure move, Moffat asked for a vote to reconsider the bond vote-in order to
give Ortega ( who is up for re-election) the opportunity to vote with the
majority and send the message to the community that the OUSD Board was
unanimously behind the Bond.
motion to reconsider the General Bond vote passed, then the second General Bond
vote passed with Ortega (who first explained his original No vote) switching
his vote to Yes making the final bond vote to add a General Bond to the
November ballot 7-0.
OU$D Bond
WATCH 2016
is a production of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Thursday, July 21, 2016
a service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Update 7/21/16
eLECTION Watch 2016
Orange Mayor's Race
Tita Smith -Pulled Papers
City Clerk
Mary Murphy -Pulled/Filed Papers
City Treasurer
Richard Rohm-Pulled Papers
Orange City Council Seats (2)
Mark Murphy -Pulled Papers
Mike Alvarez -Pulled Papers
Vincent Rossini-Pulled Papers
- Trustee Area 2
· Trustee Area 3
Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges- Pulled/Filed Papers
- Trustee Area 6
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Nelida Mendoza Yanez -Pulled Papers
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Arianna Barrios -Pulled Papers
Rudolph Diaz – Pulled Papers
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Greater Orange eLECTION Watch UPDATE
a service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Update 7/20/19
eLECTION Watch 2016
Orange Mayor's Race
Tita Smith -Pulled Papers
City Clerk
Mary Murphy -Pulled Papers
City Treasurer
Richard Rohm-Pulled Papers
Orange City Council Seats (2)
Mark Murphy -Pulled Papers
Mike Alvarez -Pulled Papers
Vincent Rossini-Pulled Papers
- Trustee Area 2
Area 3
Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges- Pulled/Filed Papers
- Trustee Area 6
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Nelida Mendoza Yanez -Pulled Papers
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Arianna Barrios -Pulled Papers
Rudolph Diaz – Pulled Papers
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
OUSD will vote on Bonds Thursday
ORANGE Unified
Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
Follow us on TWITTER
Fourth time the charm????
Board to vote on 3 facility Bond proposals for November ballot this Thursday
an extended community outreach, study and polling period, the Orange
Unified School Board of Trustees at their July 21, 2016 meeting will
be voting on three 2016 Bond proposals to be placed on the November
2016 ballot.
The five Agenda Items dealing with the 2016 Bonds are Action Items A-E, agenda pages 2-56.
proposals include a district-wide bond to cover the four
comprehensive high schools for up to $288,000,000 and two bonds that
break the district up into two School Facility Improvement Districts
( each with two of the four OUSD high schools). The individual
district bonds would each be for half the total of a district-wide
the District-wide Bond is approved then passed by voters, it would
nullify the two School Facility Improvement Districts if they are
approved then passed by voters.
released at the last OUSD Meeting earlier this month showed the
School Facility Improvement Districts would have a harder time
passing than a district-wide bond.
OUSD Administration and community support groups have applied lessons
learned from other Bond defeats toward this fourth try at improving
the aging Orange Unified facilities. Those lessons include extensive
community outreach and engagement leading up to approving a Bond for
the November 2016 Presidential election.
OUSD Bonds carry an assessment of $29 a year per $100,000 of assessed
value- the value on the tax rolls- not “resale” value. If the
house were on the tax rolls for $300,000 the yearly Bond assessment
would be $87 (3 x $29 )- NOT the tax on the resale value of $500,000
(5 x $29).
the July 21 OUSD Agenda
Trustee Mark Wayland will be “teleconferencing” from the lobby of
the Hampton Inn in Lehighton, PA requiring all votes to be by roll
Items 13 A and B (pages 57 and 96) - results of the June 7th
the June 7, 2016 Measure G for Term Limits for Orange Unified School
overwhelmingly passed. The first reading of revising the OUSD
Bylaws of the Board to reflect the new changes will also take place.
new term limits limit OUSD Board members to 3 four year terms. While
the terms do not have to be consecutive, the limit is a lifetime
limit of three total.
Item 14 F page 110-Peralta Property Lease Extensions
item extends the lease for Oliver Crest Academy, Tennis Specialists
and Arena Soccer for an additional year a the former Peralta School
Site. The golfing section under Drotter LLC. Continues as a
month-to-month agreement.
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Open Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ARCHIVAL Information and direct news can be found at:
the Greater Orange News Service
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
and the
Greater Orange News Service
are independent news services of /O/N/N/
Orange Net News
a service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
No changes for 7/19/16
eLECTION Watch 2016
Orange Mayor's Race
City Clerk
Mary Murphy -Pulled Papers
City Treasurer
Richard Rohm-Pulled Papers
Orange City Council Seats (2)
Mark Murphy -Pulled Papers
Mike Alvarez -Pulled Papers
Villa Park City Council Seats (2)
Vincent Rossini-Pulled Papers
Orange Unified School District
- Trustee Area 2
- Trustee Area 3
Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges- Filed Papers
- Trustee Area 6
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Nelida Mendoza Yanez -Pulled Papers
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Rudolph Diaz – Pulled Papers
Monday, July 18, 2016
eLECTION 2016 Incumbents pull papers early
eLECTION Watch 2016
a service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Incumbents pull papers early for November Elections in Greater Orange
Greater Orange incumbents wasted no time in pulling papers on the first possible day for filing for the November 2016 election-Monday July 18th.
In the City of Orange election, Councilman and Mayor Pro tem Mark Murphy, and Mike Alvarez pulled papers for re-election to the City Council. In addition, City Clerk Mary Murphy pulled papers as did Treasurer Richard Rohm.
In Orange Unified, Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges not only pulled papers, but she filed them in her bid for re-election to the Trustee Area 3 seat.
In Villa Park, Vincent Rossini a member of the Villa Park Law Enforcement Committee who announced his run in February on his Vincent Rossini for City Council Facebook also pulled papers on Monday.
In Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3 Nelida Mendoza Yanez also pulled papers for re-election.
eLECTION Watch 2016
Today's summary
Orange Mayor's Race
City Clerk
Mary Murphy -Pulled Papers
City Treasurer
Richard Rohm
Orange City Council Seats (2)
Mark Murphy -Pulled Papers
Mike Alvarez -Pulled Papers
Villa Park City Council Seats (2)
Vincent Rossini-Pulled Papers
Orange Unified School District
- Trustee Area 2
- Trustee Area 3
Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges- Filed Papers
- Trustee Area 6
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Nelida Mendoza Yanez -Pulled Papers
Rancho Santiago College District Seat 3
Rudolph Diaz – Pulled Papers
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Board holds Special Session
ORANGE Unified
Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
OUSD Board to hold Special Meeting on
Thursday for latest Poll Results on 2016 Facilities Bonds
The Orange Unified School Board Trustees will hold a
Special Session meeting this Thursday July 14th to get the latest polling
results on possible 2016 Facilities Bonds. At their June 9th meeting, the OUSD Board authorized new voter polling as the district now looks at a three bond scenario- an all
district general bond and two assessment district bonds each with two high

Under the 3 Bond option, if the General Bond passes the
special assessment districts votes would be nullified.
However, if the General Bond fails, but one or both special assessment districts pass
their bond-then the two high schools in any assessment district that passes the
bond will receive the bond money from
that assessment district.
If only one of the SFID pass a bond, only those two high
schools in that district will be modernized while the other two high schools serving
the population that voted not to support a bond will not be modernized.
The OUSD Special Session July 14 meeting will begin at 6:00
pm. It is an information meeting only with no items acted upon.
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 6:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD
Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at
ARCHIVAL Information and direct news can be found
the Greater Orange News Service
Unified Schools INSIDE
and the
Greater Orange News Service
are independent news services of /O/N/N/
Net News