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Monday, February 13, 2017
Canyon HS, VPE and early school start on OUSD Agenda
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
OUSD to contract with Gafcon for Canyon H.S.
Measure S Construction Management services
Measure S Construction Management services
Orange Unified Trustees this Thursday February 15 will vote on a contract with
Gafcon to provide Construction Management services for Canyon High School 's
facility updates. Those facility updates are being made possible by the passage
of Measure S.
Item 12 A (agenda page 3) is a vote to have Gafcon replace Cummings Construction
Company that had the original Canyon HS contract. Since Measure S passed, New York City based Cummings was selected as
the Program Manager for all Measure S OUSD construction projects, thus
requiring a new contract for the Canyon HS construction management. Cummings
local office is located in Aliso Viejo.
other three OUSD high school Construction Managers are already in place.
![]() |
Gafcon's educational technology diagram |
is a multifaceted project and construction firm based in San
Diego . Education based construction projects are one
of Gafcon's specialties .
Gafcon has a portfolio with numerous high profile work including: the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim; the Orange County Great Park; one of the design and construction firms involved in the California High Speed Rail project; and the remodel of the Los Angeles Forum.
CEO, Yehundi "Gaf" Gaffen is part of the Protea Waterfront
Development (aka 1HWY1 ) chosen by the Port
of San Diego to redevelop the 70 acre Seaport Village
and Central Embarcadero waterfront area. The new $1.2 billion dollar mixed-use area called
Seaport San Diego is envisioned as a
new downtown connecting the city with its seaport. The project will include incorporating public
uses with new hotels, restaurants, shops and an aquarium.
OUSD to discuss demolishing historic
school buildings on VP Elementary campus
Item 13 A (agenda page 50-59) on the February 15, 2017 Orange Unified Board of Trustees agenda has
the trustees receiving information on two Villa Park Elementary
School historic buildings.
parents with students attending Villa Park Elementary have been gathering
community support to demolish the fenced off historic buildings at the center
of Villa Park Elementary School .
buildings, long in disrepair, were listed on the National Register of Historic
Places in 2003 and are the oldest buildings in Villa Park .
Villa Park Elementary sits on the site of the original Mountain View School
that began in 1881. Mountain
View was the original name of the area now the City of Villa Park . The current
historic buildings date back to around 1919 and 1924.
For information click on VPE National Historic Application
For information click on VPE National Historic Application
1999, Orange Unified agreed to let a community group called the Villa Park
Elementary School Restoration Corporation pursue fundraising plans to restore
the buildings. The fundraising efforts
2006, OUSD began making plans to demolish the buildings. When completed in 2008,
those plans were met with intense community
resistance. Then Orange County Supervisor Bill Campbell offered county matching
funds of $100,000 towards saving the buildings. The district backed down from
the plans to demolish the buildings and eventually offered to sell the historic
buildings for $1. There were no takers.
estimates in 2008 were $3.5 million.
current parent-led efforts to demolish the two historic buildings come as the
neglected buildings have in the parents view turned into a safety hazard.
For more information click
on OUSD offers to sell VPE buildings
OUSD Trustees to discuss student school
year starting at the beginning of August
Item 13 D on the February 15, 2017 Agenda has the OUSD Trustees discussing the pros
and cons of moving the start of the student calendar.
Andrea Yamasaki has asked that the OUSD Trustees discuss exploring moving the
start of the school year into mid or early August in order to align the OUSD
schools on the semester track having the end of the first semester coincide
with the beginning of winter break.
Inside the February 15, 2017 Agenda
· Closed
Session Item 4 B - discussion on the
price and terms of the Richland HS parking area known as the Killefer Annex
· Closed
Session Item 4 D- Terms and conditions
on the contract of OUSD Superintendent Michael Christensen. Item states no final
action on contract will taken in the
closed session.
15 , 2017
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
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