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Friday, June 30, 2017
3rd and 4th of July Celebrations in Greater Orange
a news
service of
Greater Orange Community Orgainization
July 3rd and 4th celebrations across Greater Orange
Greater Orange kicks off Independence Day
early with the City of Orange ’s
22nd Annual "3rd of July" Celebration. Begun in 1995, the 3rd of July
festival has grown into one of Orange County ’s
biggest Independence Day centered events that includes- live music, inflatable
activities and that famous Orange hometown
festival atmosphere all leading up to the grand finale in Fred Kelly Stadium
featuring the Orange Community Master Chorale followed by Greater Orange’s most
spectacular fireworks choreographed to music.
The Annual 3rd of July Celebration
is Monday July 3, 2017 with gates opening at 4 p.m. at Orange Unified's Fred Kelly
Stadium at El Modena High School, 3920
East Spring Street , Orange , CA 92869 .
The musical program starts at 8 pm with the fireworks show starting at 8:45 pm.
Fred Kelly Stadium’s artificial turf requires special rules for everyone to enjoy. The following rules when attending the July 3rd activities apply:
• Only blanket seating is allowed on the field.
• Strollers, wheelchairs, wagons, or other wheeled items are only permitted in designated areas-not on the field.
• Lawn Chairs, food, drinks, seeds, gum, popcorn, hard-soled or high-heeled shoes are prohibited on the field.
Tickets for the "3rd of July" Celebration are $7 for adults and children over two years old.
Tickets will also be available for purchase at the event after
1:30 p.m. Credit cards maybe used at the gate.
For more information please call the City
of Orange
Special Events Hotline at
(714) 744 -7278 or click on:
The 51st Annual Orange Park Acres 4th of
July Parade's theme is the fitting "Our Golden Year" .
For 51 years, OPA has shown Greater Orange
what neighborhood patriotism is all about.
The fun starts on July 4th at 6:30 am with
pre-registration for the OPA Pre-Parade 5/10K. The 10K EPIC CHALLANGE race/walk
starts at 7:15 am and the 5K starts at 7:45 am.
The OPA July 4th Parade will step off at
9:30 am at Frank and Orange
Park Blvd .
The post-parade awards and annual barbeque will be held on the
lawn of the Salem Lutheran Church .
The 1.5 mile parade is led by a vintage fire engine.
The fun starts with the line-up at Villa
Park High
School at
8:30 am on the Fourth of July.
Hills 4th of July extravaganza
For shear size, no community does 4th of
July quite like Anaheim Hills. The Greater Orange Community pulls out all the
stops for a day packed with 4th of July events organized by the Anaheim Hills
Community Council.
The official 30th annual 4th of July Celebration starts with the “Firecracker” 5 /10K Run – 2K Walk starts with Opening Ceremonies at 6:55 am and race time at 7:00 am. The start line for all 5K and 10K events is on
This year accurate times are assured with
the use of race timing mats and chips.
The kids 100/200 dash runs will be at 9 am
at the Canyon H.S. Athletic Field.
Beginning at 7:30 am until 9:30 am in the Canyon H.S. cafeteria will be the Pancake Breakfast that includes hotcakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee and a whole lot of visiting with neighbors and friends.
This year the Yankee Doodle Dog Show also
returns at 9:30 a.m. to Canyon High
School .
There are six fabulous dog-gone-good categories: Best Dressed Dog, Cutest Dog
(35 lb. and under), Best Trick, Owner/Doggie Look-a-like, Bigger Cutest Dog (36
lb. and over) and Yankee Doodle Dog. There is a $7.00 entry fee per dog for the
first category entered and $5.00 for each additional category.
At 1:00 pm the Patriotic Parade
begins. See the link below for more information and FAQ.
The Peralta Park events
including food booths will be between 3:00pm – 8:45 pm at Peralta Park .
Bring your family, friends and neighbors to enjoy all the fabulous food. The
park will also have entertainment from 5:00 pm – 8:45pm.
The evening ends with a spectacular fireworks display with patriotic music for your enjoyment beginning at 9:00 pm at
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
OUSD to appoint Interim Superintendent
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
OUSD Trustees meet to appoint an Interim Superintendent
Orange Unified Superintendent Michael Christensen retiring at the end of the
month and with OUSD Trustees not hiring from the applicants within the district
the OUSD Board of Education Agenda will appoint an Interim Superintendent this
Session Agenda Item 4D for Thursday June 22, 2017 meeting has the
Trustees "Considering the
appointment of an Interim Superintendent" .
not accepting the internal applicants the OUSD Board of Trustees in a Special
Session of OUSD on Saturday June 10th, the OUSD Board will proceed with interviewing
three Executive Search Firms on Thursday night.
Item 13A for the June 22, 2017 meeting has the three firms making 30 minute
presentations each. The three firms are:
Leadership Associates based in Santa
Barbara . According to its website, it is currently
helping to search for a superintendent in both Vallejo City Unified and Fresno
Unified. Click on Leadership Associates
Ray and Associates based in Cedar
Rapids , Iowa
currently has only one open position listed on its website- the Chief
Financial position for Milwaukee Public Schools. Click on Ray and Associates
McPherson & Jacobson based in Omaha , Nebraska .
In November 2015 the California School Board Association "partnered"
with McPherson
& Jacobson. Currently they have
one California position on their website they
are recruiting for, Ventura
Unified School
District .
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD
Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at
ARCHIVAL Information and direct news can be found
the Greater Orange News Service
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
and the
Greater Orange News
are independent news services of /O/N/N/
Sunday, June 11, 2017
SPECIAL REPORT: OUSD Superintendent search
Trustees take search outside
OUSD Trustees called a Special Meeting
on Saturday June 10th for Superintendent search
initially searching within Orange Unified , a split OUSD Board voted 4-3 in a Closed
Session Special Session to hire an outside consulting firm to search for a new superintendent at an
unprecedented Saturday Special Session on June 10, 2017.
Agenda for the June 10th Orange Unified School Board referenced replacing the
retiring OUSD Superintendent Michael Christensen as Consideration of Appointment of Superintendent . Hiring an outside
firm will take time and require a contract vote, thus requiring the appointment
of an Interim Superintendent.
past OUSD superintendent searches, the current search has been very much under
the radar-with many community members unaware that a search was taking
place. After the almost universally appealing
appointment of longtime OUSD
administrator Michael Christensen to Superintendent six years ago, OUSD Trustees
again moved to appoint from within the district ranks alerting administrators late last month of that decision. Reportedly however, the search inside
OUSD had few administrators interested with just one top OUSD district office
administrator and one principal applying. Community sources close to that principal
report that the principal last week withdrew from consideration.
Orange Community members learned of the pending selection of a new OUSD
Superintendent as contacts from applicants looking for community support
required in the application process.
Saturday Special Meeting was the first public confirmation that the process had
advanced to the OUSD Board of Trustees.
California Brown Act requires all meetings, including special meetings to be
noticed 24 hours in advance. Other Brown
Act notifications of Special Meetings include:
· That advanced notice includes the requirement of
written notice to be sent to each trustee (unless waived in writing by a
· Written notice must also be sent to any local newspaper,
radio or television station that has a notification request on file. That
request must be renewed yearly.
· A written notice also must be posted on a public place
accessible to the public. OUSD has
routinely posted those notices outside the OUSD Board Room.
less than 48 hours after the regular Thursday June 8th OUSD Board Meeting, the 9:00 am Closed
Session meeting came after a whirlwind 24 hour period in OUSD one week before the end of a ground-breaking school-year.
the Thursday night OUSD Board Meeting,
the OUSD Board presented the popular out-going OUSD Superintendent
Michael Christensen a resolution of appreciation. The audience in the OUSD Board Room at the
end of the presentation applauded with a standing ovation.
next day on Friday June 9th, an unscheduled bargaining session on stalled talks
between the district and the district's educators reached a tentative agreement
on a two-year salary deal. That
agreement capped a six-month bargaining process which according to the OUEA
website includes a one-time off the pay-schedule 1% bonus ( see link below).
The negotiated first time OUSD off-schedule pay bonus appears to be a victory
for the district since it would not be an ongoing expense.
tentative agreement (which still must be voted on by both sides) comes on the
departure of not only Superintendent Christensen, but also the Chief Business Officer-Assistant
Superintendent Joe Sorrea who has accepted a position in Dublin Unified.
recent superintendent searches have both looked internally and externally. The last Superintendent hired from within
before Christensen was Dr. Godley. The last Superintendent hired from outside
was Dr. Drier who was recruited from Colorado .
this month, Lynwood Unified and Oakland Unified filled their superintendent
spots from within. In Lynwood , Deputy Superintendent Dr. Gudiel
Crosthwaite took over on June 1st after the former Lynwood Superintendent Paul
Gothold left for the top post of Superintendent of San Diego County Department of Education. In Oakland , an 18 year
district veteran Interim Deputy Superintendent
Kyla Johnson-Tramme will take-over as Oakland Unified Superintendent. The Oakland Unified Trustees
turned to the long-time district employee after wide-spread community criticism
of the "parade" of
superintendents in the district's top post-a total of eight in the last
16 years. Oakland had not been able to fill the most
recent vacancy since the last Oakland Superintendent Antwan Wilson resigned in
November of 2016 to become Chancellor of Washington D.C. Public Schools.
Tuesday, June 06, 2017
OUSD Trustees to meet Thursday
ORANGE Unified
Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
Orange Unified Trustees meet this Thursday June 8th
Orange Unified Board of Trustees will meet in regular session on Thursday June
8, 2017.
Items on the Agenda (pages 4-32) include approval of the new Villa Park High School
Science Center Project. The project will be funded with Measure S Bond money.
OUSD Trustees will also approve required state-mandated budgeting items in Item 12 C (page 7). On page 8 of the Agenda, OUSD's Projected Ending
Balance of $55 million includes $36.3 million in unapproriated funds above the required 3% ($8.5 million) required legal reserve.
Consent item 14 H includes the renewal of the licensing contracts for the businesses at the Peralta Site. The contracts stipulate that either side can terminate the licensing contracts at anytime for any reason.
The OUSD Trustees will also
be honoring twelve students from the four OUSD comprehensive high schools Class
of 2017 for their outstanding scholastic achievement of having their school's
highest academic grade point average (Agenda Item 9 E page 3).
Villa Park Elementary historic building demolition brings about rodent problem
classes moved off campus
Orange Unified released the following statement on Tuesday Jun 6, 2016 regarding a rodent problem that apparently has resulted in staff and students being bitten by mites from rodents:
The District is aware of the rodent issue at Villa Park Elementary School. This issue was first discovered when some staff and students reported bug bites, which through the investigation, were identified to be rodent mites. While rodents live throughout Southern California in bushes and trees, it is likely that these were disturbed with work preparing to demolish the vacant 1920’s buildings on the campus.
We appreciate the support of the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District and will continue to work with them to resolve this issue.
Based on the Vector Control’s advice and in consultation with parents and teachers, it was decided to move two classes to Serrano Elementary School yesterday to allow time to make sure the Villa Park Elementary Multi-purpose Room was free of rodents. That was confirmed by the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District this morning (Tuesday, June 6) and all students will remain on campus today. T
he building with the original complaint remains vacant and will be treated following protocols as laid out by Vector Control.
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD
Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at
ARCHIVAL Information and direct news can be found
the Greater Orange News Service
Unified Schools INSIDE
and the
Greater Orange News Service
are independent news services of /O/N/N/
Net News