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Tuesday, April 10, 2018
OUSD Athletic fields and new admin positions
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
Independent insight into OUSD
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Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Fred Kelly Stadium and high school athletic fields on OUSD agenda
The Orange Unified School Board's Thursday, April 12, 2018, Agenda Item 12 F (page 28) will be a report on the modernization of Fred Kelly Stadium and information on the condition of the athletic fields at Canyon, El Modena, Orange and Villa Park high schools.
Included in the report at the meeting will be preliminary budget costs for the high school projects as the OUSD staff seeks direction the OUSD Trustees.
Currently, OUSD is seeking design and installation proposals for the high school projects. According to the agenda item, the Fred Kelly Stadium project has plans that are ready to go to bid.
OUSD Administration cuts support positions
and creates new Executive Director positions
and creates new Executive Director positions
Citing the "budget planning process for the 2018-2019 school year" Agenda Item 14 G ( page 54) eliminates four part-time instructional assistant positions for a savings of $105,198.
The April 10th Agenda's Certificated Personal Report (page 38) reports that as of July 1, 2018, Cathleen Corella the Administrative Director of K-12 Curriculum/GATE will have a new title of Executive Director of Curriculum/GATE/Student Support K-12. Also on July 1st, Shoal "Christina" Lin, the Administrative Director of Technology Services will have the new title of Executive Director Technology Services. The current Interim Administrative Director of Elementary Services Elena Rodriquez on July 1st will become the new Executive Director of Accountability/Special Programs/School Support.
Agenda Item 14 H (page 55) reveals that the current state-wide educator shortage is impacting the district's ability to recruit another Executive Director, the position of Executive Director of Special Education/SELPA. Employees at this level from outside of OUSD are able to currently transfer 10 years of qualifying experience to the OUSD pay scale. Item 14 H would allow new employees at the "Executive Director level or higher" to transfer 20 years of qualifying experience to the OUSD pay scale.
In Closed Session Agenda Item 4 B, the OUSD Board will hire a new Assistant Superintendent of Business Services.
Agenda Item 14 I (page 56) is approval of the contract for the new Assistant Superintendent of Business Services contract through June 30, 2020.
OUSD Public Relations costs
In February 2018 OUSD Trustees voted $219,424 for a Public Relations contract (Click on):
OUSD VOTES $219,424 for PR
OUSD VOTES $219,424 for PR
Here is what spending $219,424 of educational tax dollars on PR buys-
OUSD in the NEWS
- news on former OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco
- OUSD teachers not recovering from the Great Recession
- Chapman University supported Charter School in OUSD
OUSD in the NEWS
NEXT OUSD BOARD MEETING Thursday, April 12, 2018
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
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