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Monday, July 22, 2019
New VPHS track needs to be replaced
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
Independent insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
Band new Villa Park HS synthetic track will be torn
out and replaced at a cost of $1.57
The Orange Unified School District will vote at their
regular July 25, 2019 meeting to replace the brand new Villa Park High School
synthetic track at a cost of $1.57 million.

The new synthetic areas were damaged by the unusually heavy winter rain
season making the new field a "health and safety" concern.
The July 25th OUSD Agenda Item 7A
tells the story of what happened. As the installation of the Villa Park
synthetic field was almost complete in February of this year " District Staff noted undulations in
the field which presented a health and safety concern for future use. To
determine the source of the issues and remedy, the District requested land
surveying services by Meyer Land Surveying and a geotechnical
investigation by Ninyo and Moore. Ninyo and Moore completed their
services in April 2019 and submitted their April 30, 2019 report
to the District, addressing field undulations and provided a recommended
repair plan"
When the recommended repairs were
started the agenda explains: "KYA
assumed the cost of the recommended repairs; however, during the performance of
the repair work it was reported by Ninyo and Moore that equipment
used to test the field repairs sank on the field and further
exasperation of the undulations was occurring on the field."
The result of more testing found
that the soil was completely saturated and needed to be completely dried out in
order to install a synthetic field. The
agenda explains the repair process as:
" Byrom-Davey was identified as a contractor that has this
experience and have proposed a price of $1,577,391 to tear out the current
field, prepare the subsurface condition pursuant to geotechnical
recommendations and replace the track surfacing as well. The original
contractor, The KYA Group, will perform resurfacing of the synthetic turf at no
cost to the District."
For more information click on
For more information on San Diego
based Byrom-Davey click on
OUSD to increase T-K tuition for
Unified will increase its tuition rate for the T-K Peer Model Program. The new
rates will be approved by the OUSD School Board in Consent Agenda Item 13 MM in
the July 25th OUSD Board Agenda.
new yearly fees will be:
· $1500 Preschool 3 (2 hours)
· $2000 Preschool 4 (3 hour )
· $2700 Full Day (4/6 hours )
agenda justifies the rate increase as:
"The rate change is necessary to
continue covering operating costs of the programs including facility
maintenance, playground equipment and technology upgrades. The proposed rates
are comparable to similar public and private programs in the community."
Superintendent Dr. Hansen receives pay increase
Action Item 7 J on the July 25
meeting has the OUSD Board of Education voting on a pay increase for OUSD Superintendent
Dr. Hansen after receiving a positive
For more information click on:
goes solar
has begun construction on ground mounted and shade canopy arrays at eight
district sites. The 2.1 megawatt project is capable of generating 3.55 million
kilowatts of electricity in its first year. That is equal to reducing 0ver
2,500 metric tons of carbon emissions or the output of 533 passenger cars in
one year.
the OUSD Agenda
Agenda Items on Measure S: Several Measure S Bond items can be found throughout
the agenda. Measure S Contracts: Orange HS- Action Item 7A; Canyon HS-Action
Item 7B; Villa Park HS- Action Item 7C; El Modena HS- Action Item 7D.
OUSD Public Relations costs
In February 2018 OUSD Trustees voted $219,424 for a Public Relations contract (Click on):
Here is what spending $219,424 of educational tax dollars on PR buys (For the latest in OUSD News on the web Click on):
MEETING July 25, 2019
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD
Closed Session
5:00 pm Building B Conference Room
Regular Session: 7:00 pm Board Room
Building H
For more information
call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business
Services at 714-628-4015
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