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Wednesday, October 16, 2019
OUSD Brown Act violation and Charter School controversy
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
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The Agenda of the Orange Unified School District's October 17, 2019 meeting includes information about the plans for OUSD Board President Dr. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges teleconferencing from the "John and Judy Gay Public Library 6861 Eldorado Parkway, McKinney, Texas."
However, the library
administration knows nothing about the planned teleconferencing. To make matters
worst the library closes at 9:00 pm and because of the two hour time difference
( the library is in Central Daylight Time), when the OUSD 7:00 pm regular meeting
starts the Texas library will be closed.
All of this information was
confirmed by the watchdog Orange Community Group (OCG). The OCG contacted the
administration of the John and Judy Gay Library and confirmed with them that the library personal and administration knows nothing
about a teleconferencing and have not posted any agenda related to anything
having to do with Dr. Alexia
Deligianni-Brydges or Orange Unified School District. John and Judy Gay Library Supervisor Ed Veal stated in a telephone call on Wednesday October 10th :
have confirmed with the Library Director that we have nothing scheduled or
posted regarding any public meetings. We
could not possibly since we are currently under construction and will be closed at that time".
This of course is not just a logistics
problem, but also a legal problem. The Orange Community Group has given the
information to Brown Act watchdogs CAL AWARE who will have a monitor at the
OUSD Meeting Thursday night.
The Brown Act requires that
teleconferencing meetings are allowed if the following requirements have been fulfilled:
- Each location must be accessible to the public.
- Each teleconference location must be identified in the notice and agenda of the meeting. ·
- Agendas must be posted at each teleconference location. ·
- The agenda must provide the opportunity for the public to address the legislative body directly at each teleconference location. ·
- All votes must be by rollcall.
The John and Judy Gay Public Library teleconference appears to be bogus and fails to meet all the Brown Act legal requirements. If
the October 17, 2019 Board Meeting is found to be in violation of the Brown Act-
ALL VOTES that occur at the Board Meeting will be null. Any Public Hearings conducted
during the meeting will be void.
OUSD has had a past history of
Brown Act violations including having to revote on items that were voted on at
a meeting that did not comply with the Brown Act.
Dr. Deligianni-Brydges has close political ties to allies of Mark Bucher who is the proponent of the Orange County
Classical Academy that is on the October 17, 2019 agenda (see below).
For more information:
- John and Judy Gay Public Library
- Brown Act Teleconferencing CA Cities .org
Third time the charm?
OUSD Board to take up new Orange County
Classical Academy Charter School petition
After withdrawing the first
petition for the Orange County Classical Academy the Mark Bucher led team
withdrew its first petition, then submitted a second petition. That second
petition will be on the Thursday October 17, 2019 Orange School Board Agenda.
Action items 7E and 7F will bring
back the proposed charter. Along with
the cast of characters already reported on for the first petition, there are
additional team members for the Orange County Classical Academy that deserve
For more information
For more information
Listed on the Board of Directors
of the Orange County Classical Academy is former far-right Los Alamitos Unified
School Board member Jeff Barke-who among other things is a climate change
"Board member Jeffrey Barke, a doctor, led the charge,
saying he thought climate change was a crock and didn't want
"liberal" teachers indoctrinating young minds."
Los Alamitos School Board orders global warming class to teach the controversy, push disinformation
Giving Mark Bucher a run for
"most controversial" of the Orange
County Classical Academy team is the "Headmaster" Roni Ellis. In her career, Ellis has a track record of being involved in some of Orange County's wackist educational controversies:
School Officials in Sex Rumor Suit
A Huntington Beach principal alleges that a
school board member falsely gossiped that she'd been intimate with the superintendent
By Jeff Gottlieb, Los Angeles Times, May 23,
A Huntington Beach elementary school
principal and her husband have sued a school board member, saying the trustee
spread false rumors accusing her of having sex with the district
The suit by Roni Ellis, principal of Harbour
View Elementary School, and her husband, David, the Long Beach fire chief, is
the latest controversy to embroil the Ocean View School District.
In addition to suing board member Barbara
Boskovich, the Ellises named the board of trustees and Supt. James Tarwater,
saying he did not do enough to put an end to the rumors. The lawsuit charges
sexual harassment, slander and invasion of privacy...
NEXT OUSD BOARD MEETING Thursday October 17, 2019
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
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