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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
OUSD trustees to vote on "publicity stunt"?
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OUSD targets Outlet shoppers |
Local watchdogs call OUSD's 1-day $4000 "lease agreement" with the Outlets at Orange a waste of tax money and a publicity stunt
The Orange Unified School Board will vote at their Regular Board Meeting on Thursday November 14, 2019 on a Consent Item that will approve spending $4,000 for a "lease agreement" with the Outlets of Orange shopping mall for a one day "District-wide Showcase promoting OUSD schools and programs".
Consent Agenda I on the OUSD Agenda states that the "event" will take place on Wednesday December 18th just two days before OUSD Schools close for the three week winter break. The agenda does not state exactly where the "district-wide showcase" will be, but because it is a "lease agreement" the assumption is that the "event" will be at the Outlets of Orange as a pop-up style event.
December 18th is seven days before Christmas. The regional mall, which is heavily advertised to hotel visitors in the close-by Anaheim Disney Resort, is expected to be crowded with holiday shoppers from far beyond the local school district.
In a community-wide email on Tuesday November 12th, the Greater Orange Community Group questioned the wisdom of the OUSD's Administration plans for spending $4,000 of "taxpayer educational dollars" at a busy regional holiday mall to promote OUSD schools just days before school ends. The watchdog group also questioned spending the tax money for promotion when "shoppers at a regional mall will be focused on the holidays and shopping" and "the Outlets will be attracting mostly shoppers from outside the cities that OUSD serves".
The email states "While we understand promoting local schools at events that draw thousands of Greater Orange residents like Treats-in-the-Streets and the 3rd of July, - this ill-thought out expensive middle of the holiday shopping publicity stunt is a new example of wasted Educational Tax dollars and administrative resources ".
The watchdog group's email also points out that the same Agenda has Consent Item U that asks for $3,000 matching funds to fund a lunch and after school enrichment program at Palmyra Elementary School from Strategic Kids. The list of activities the $3,000 gets includes classes in Academic Chess, Lego Engineering, Public Speaking and Origami. The agenda item describes the 2019-2020 program as "engaging students in the subject matter and developing skills related to the 4 C's Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication and Creativity." The email compares the two items to show what a well spent $4,000 in educational tax dollars could provided to students.
The Greater Orange Community Group noted the poorly timed $4,000 educational tax dollars spent on a "one-day publicity event during the holiday rush compared to what $4,000 COULD do for students shows that OUSD appears to be loosing its EDGE when it comes to prudent spending of educational tax dollars for educational purposes".
For more information Click on:
For more information Click on:
- Yelp Reviews show where Outlet's of Orange visitors are from: YELP
OUSD Public Relations costs
In February 2018 OUSD Trustees voted $219,424 for a Public Relations contract (Click on):
Here is what spending $219,424 of educational tax dollars on PR buys (For the latest in OUSD News on the web Click on):
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm Board Room
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
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