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Thursday, November 10, 2005
The Shades of Orange Photo Collection debuted online November 10th, 2005. The collection is a representation of Orange area communities in the Orange Library's local history photography collection. The website features the Cypress Street Barrio. The Barrio was a dynamic neighborhood for almost a century, and former and current residents helped preserve the neighborhood's history by bringing family albums and personal photograph collections to the library for duplication and incorporation into the collection.
From the Cypress Street Barrio's four-block area, sixty-eight men served in the United States Army, Navy, Air Corps, Marines and Coast Guard during World War II, all of Mexican descent. Thirty served during the Korean War, and seven in the Vietnam War. The website exihibit offers photos of the Barrio's veterans as well as a list of all sixty-eight veterans from the Cypress Street Barrio.
The above portrait photograph of Julian Gonzales in military uniform, Orange, California, 1944 is from the website collection. CLICK ON the following link:
Cypress Street Barrio Veterans
To see The Honor Roll of Cypress Street Barrio Veterans CLICK ON the following link:
Cypress Street Honor Roll