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  • Sunday, January 08, 2006


    Metro VIEWS

    The following email letter was sent regarding the second issue of School News Roll Call in the Greater Orange Communities to the publisher Kay Coop.

    Kay Coop
    School News Roll Call

    Dear Ms. Coop,
    We are writing to tell you how disappointed our group is in the second edition of School News published in Orange Unified. In addition, we are deeply disappointed in you. You stood before the Orange Unified School Board and told them your publication is not political and does not publish politically controversial articles. This apparently was not true.

    In the most recent publication on page eight the article on the OUSD Legislative Coalition was clearly very political in nature and not about "good news". While some may argue much of it was marginally political, clearly some was very political. Point #2 clearly deals with Proposition 98 and the election cycle just completed. Point #6 is a political position that is in response to the election of Trustee Steve Rocco an attempt to stop him from running again. While the Greater Orange Communities Organization has not taken a stand on any of these issues, we are deeply troubled that you have so early on broken your pledge not to publish political articles. You should also note that the majority of voters in the Greater Orange Communities voted to support the Governor's propositions that the OUSD Board and Legislative Coalition opposed. Do you intend to let others in the community respond in opposition to this political agenda? We are sure some of the potential advertisers in the Greater Orange Communities that you are trying to attract will do not politically agree with some of the political stands taken in the article.

    In addition, Assistant Superintendent Cheryl Cohen's article on page 36 is clearly a defense of the very controversial consultant program called Focus on Results. While this program is not directly mentioned, Cohen does write "we identified an outside consulting firm". This article is not "good news" about schools, but a very direct intentional response to the controversy and political pressure put on the district and her over the $2 million dollar waste of educational tax funds resulting in cuts to class size reduction and music program cuts. Clearly, this is NOT "good news" . We invite you to check the links to the archives of the articles about Cohen's Focus on Results below.

    When School News was proposed to be part of OUSD, our news arm Orange Net News was emailed to you. You quickly asked to be taken off the email list because your paper was NOT political. We hope you will quickly correct the political nature of the second issue and return to the mission of your paper"good news" before your paper gets a reputation as a political mouth piece.

    While our organization reports on the many political and organizational areas of the district, we welcome your mission to report on "good news". However, if you lied to the Greater Orange Communities and intend to be come a political mouth piece of the Trustees and OUSD Administrators, we will be sadly disappointed. We will continue to monitor your publication and hope to see your commitment to be non-political reflected in future issues.

    Yours in community,
    The Orange Community Group

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