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Thursday, March 29, 2007
eLECTION Watch 2007
a Special News Analysis series by Orange Net News /O/N/N
Villa Park City Attorney Len Hampel sided with Villa Park Mayor Rich Ulmer in silencing Villa Park Citizen’s for Honest Government (VPCHG) at this week’s Villa Park City Council meeting. The VPCHG is spearheading a recall effort against Villa Park Councilwomen Deborah Pauly. The group which has also filed complaints with the Orange County District Attorney’s Office served Pauley with a Notice of Intent to Recall.
The group charges Pauly interfered with voters at polling places in the November 2006 election that ousted Councilmember Robert Fauteux and Mayor and Councilmember Patricia Bortle. Citing the Brown Act, Villa Park city officials have maintained at Villa Park Council Meetings that the recall issue is not within the jurisdiction of the city and could not be addressed at Council meetings. Before
VPCHG member Grace Bjornstad spoke during the Public Comments at the meeting she was warned that she could not speak about the recall. Bjornstad characterized her treatment by Ulmer as “rude and disrespectful”.
eLECTION Watch 2007 is produced by
Orange Net News /O/N/N/
a Special News Analysis series by Orange Net News /O/N/N
Villa Park City Attorney Len Hampel sided with Villa Park Mayor Rich Ulmer in silencing Villa Park Citizen’s for Honest Government (VPCHG) at this week’s Villa Park City Council meeting. The VPCHG is spearheading a recall effort against Villa Park Councilwomen Deborah Pauly. The group which has also filed complaints with the Orange County District Attorney’s Office served Pauley with a Notice of Intent to Recall.
The group charges Pauly interfered with voters at polling places in the November 2006 election that ousted Councilmember Robert Fauteux and Mayor and Councilmember Patricia Bortle. Citing the Brown Act, Villa Park city officials have maintained at Villa Park Council Meetings that the recall issue is not within the jurisdiction of the city and could not be addressed at Council meetings. Before
VPCHG member Grace Bjornstad spoke during the Public Comments at the meeting she was warned that she could not speak about the recall. Bjornstad characterized her treatment by Ulmer as “rude and disrespectful”.
eLECTION Watch 2007 is produced by
Orange Net News /O/N/N/