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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Florice Hoffman to run in Orange Unified for Rocco Seat

A Special News Series of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Florice Hoffman to run for Rocco’s Seat
Orange Labor Attorney Florice Hoffman will be seeking Orange Unified School Board Trustee Steve Rocco’s Area Six Seat if the Rocco Recall petition drive is successful. Hoffman had her first fundraiser on June 21st. True to her strong labor background that fundraiser took place at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Hall in Orange.
In an emailed response to an Orange Net News inquiry into her candidacy, Hoffman stated that she is waiting to see how the petition drive goes. She wrote:
" I am waiting to see how the recall signature effort goes as I am planning on challenging Rocco.
Words cannot express my frustration with his tenure.
From teacher pay to class size reduction to facilities to NCLB, Rocco has missed major opportunities to improve education and our district. When I think about how he wastes time speaking about conspiracies instead of improving education all I can do is roll my eyes and shake my head in frustration. He is a distraction and a detriment to public education.”
-Florice Hoffman 6/21/07 email
Hoffman’s labor activity started with her family, her father had a 45 year career as a labor activist. Hoffman’s labor career includes positions in New York, Pennsylvania, Arizona and New Jersey. Moving to California in 1984, Hoffman opened her own Orange law office in 1999 specializing in employment law and labor law. Her civic activities include serving on the Board of the Orange Senior Center; a member of the Orange Unified School District Legislative Coalition; Legislative Chair of the Orange County Chapter of the Coalition of Union Labor Women; and serves on the Executive Board and the Central Committee of the Orange County Democratic Party. Hoffman has two teenage twins who attended OUSD schools.
In 2006 Hoffman ran against Congressman Ed Royce for the 40th Congressional District seat. Hoffman lost to Royce in the overwhelming Republican district 30.7% to 66.8%. In the race, Hoffman chided Royce for not debating her in the race and painted Royce as a corrupt politician (see link below).
In the 2006 contest, Hoffman issued a Position Paper on Education (see link below) in which she faulted the federal government for the following: not fully funding mandates required in the No Child Left Behind Act; cutting the Pell Grants for college students; and not fully funding federal Special Education mandates.
In the 2006 race Hoffman also signed on to the Voters First Pledge and was part of the Impeach Pac of candidates running for Congress.
Valerie Servin in a June 21st post on the influential blog the Liberal OC, announced the Hoffman fundraiser and wrote:
“Florice is a future leader in our party. We must do our best to ensure that excellent local Democrats like her are elected in school districts throughout the county”
-Liberal OC post 6/21/07
For more information on Florice Hoffman CLICK ON the links below:
Hoffman 2006 Education Paper
Education Paper
Hoffman 2006 Voters First Pledge
Voters First Pledge
Impeach Pac
Hoffman comments on Ed Royce on Register Blog
The Liberal OC Blog announcement of Hoffman Fundraising Event
Liberal OC Hoffman Fundraiser
A Special News Series of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Is an original news production of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
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