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Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs Press Release on Carona

The AOCDS Board of Directors unanimously believes that it is in the best interest of the community, the Department and our membership for the Sheriff to resign immediately or take a leave of absence until this matter is resolved.
The full text of the November 6th press release follows:
NOVEMBER 6, 2007
Early last week the members of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS) were disturbed to hear the news of the federal indictment of Sheriff Mike Carona.
In defending the rights of its members, the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs has long recognized that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty under the criminal justice system. Sheriff Carona should be afforded the rights and guarantees that our legal system allows all citizens in his situation.
However, Sheriff Carona’s serious legal issues have become a growing distraction to the day to day operation of the Department. His issues have caused an erosion in the public’s confidence in our ability to provide services to the citizens of Orange County.
The AOCDS Board of Directors unanimously believes that it is in the best interest of the community, the Department and our membership for the Sheriff to resign immediately or take a leave of absence until this matter is resolved.
The hard working men and women of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs wish to assure the citizens of Orange County that they will continue to receive the high level of law enforcement service that they deserve and have come to expect.
For information contact the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs General Manager Mark Nichols (714) 285-2800