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Sunday, November 04, 2007
Metro TALK: Veterans Day; Volunteer Luncheon; and the Villa Park Boat Parade

The annual City of Orange Veterans Tribute will take place at the Orange Veterans Memorial at Depot Park on November 11, 2007. The program begins at 2 p.m. and this year's keynote speech will be given by Brigadier General David V. Shuter, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired. General Shuter’s decorations include: the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V"; Meritorious Service Medal; Navy Commendation Medal; the Air Medal with Numeral 30; Vietnam Service Medal with 6 stars; the Combat Action Ribbon, and the Presidential Service Badge.
The program will honor past veterans and current military personnel in a tribute consisting of patriotic music, inspirational speeches and light refreshments. The event is open to the general public and all veterans and current military are encouraged to attend.
Depot Park is located at 100 N. Atchison Street, Orange, 92866. In the event of rain, the event will be held in the Orange City Council Chambers located at 300 E. Chapman Ave., Orange 92866.
Biography of Brigadier General Shuter CLICK ON:
MAP to Depot Park CLICK ON:
Mayor Cavecche Keynote Speaker for All Community Service Luncheon
The Orange 2007 All Community Service Luncheon will be held Thursday November 15th from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm at the Grand Street Center, located at 146 N. Grand Street in downtown Orange. Hosted this year by the Kiwanis of Orange, Soroptimists of Orange, the Orange YMCA, and Sunset Rotary of Orange clubs, the event celebrates the hundreds of volunteers who give their time, talents and resources to make the Greater Orange communities a better place to live. Keynote Speaker Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche will talk about the importance of volunteering and give thanks to those who do.
Volunteers involved with Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Moms’ Club, youth sports, churches and synagogues, public and private schools, environmental clean up, Meals on Wheels, medical causes, reading to the blind, Indian Princesses, and any other group that focuses on the quality of life in Orange are all invited to attend.
The cost for the luncheon is $15.00 per person. For more information, email Kiwanis of Orange at or call Kiwanis member Kim Haman at 714-685-9646. To make a reservation, send a check or money order for $15.00 per person to Kiwanis of Orange, PO Box 1551, Orange, CA 92856 by November 10, 2007.
It’s the most wonderful Boat Parade of the year!
Its time for vendors to get ready the annual Villa Park Boat Parade on December 9 at the Villa Park Towne Center. The Event Vendor Form and information from the Villa Park Community Services Foundation is now available on-line.
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