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Friday, June 27, 2008
Dreier headed to Orange Unified as Greeley, Colorado splits over her performance
The results of a Greeley Tribune readers poll and a Friday June 27th Tribune editorial showed the deep split in the community over Greeley District 6 Superintendent Renae Dreier who by all indications will become the next Orange Unified Superintendent on July 22nd, three days after her 59th birthday.
The Friday editorial titled Dreier has been good for district , acknowledged the controversial tenure from the very beginning:
“There's no question that Renae Dreier has been controversial in her brief tenure as Greeley-Evans School District 6's superintendent. More debatable is the question of whether District 6 is a better school district than when she took over in 2005.”
The editorial praises Dreier for bringing change to District 6 and helping move it off the state “academic watch list” by moving toward a standard based curriculum. These moves of change the Tribune editorial contends helped contribute to Dreier’s critics. The editorial also acknowledges the high degree of Dreier’s unpopularity in the community:
“Does Dreier have the full support of all in the community and, in particular, teachers? Depending on who you talk to, the answer is "not quite" or a resounding ‘no way’.”
The editorial surmises that Dreier’s clear unpopularity in many circles of District 6 comes from her failure to build community consensus:
“Wherever you stand on that issue, it seems fair to say that Dreier hasn't been as effective as she could have been at building a consensus in the district and the community to support the right course of action”.
The split in the Greeley community appears more overwhelming in the reader’s poll the Tribune conducted over Thursday and Friday on its revamped website. Although the new site did experience technical difficulties for part of the day on Thursday, by noon Greeley time on Friday almost 700 people had chimed in on the unscientific poll.
The poll asked:
Do you believe Greeley-Evans School District 6 has improved under Renae Dreier's leadership?
The results of the over 700 votes were overwhelmingly negative. As of noon Friday Greeley time the results were:
• NO: 71.12%
• YES: 14.08%
• Don’t Know: 10.49%
• Maybe: 4.31%
With an OUSD Facilities Bond in the works, several OUSD schools still labeled by the state as “underperforming”, and continuing state budget deficits impacting OUSD’s budget, hopefully Dreier has learned some lessons about the importance of uniting a community.
TRIBUNE EDITORIAL: Dreier has been good for district
TRIBUNE (updated numbers) Drier Poll RESULTS:POLL RESULTS
The Friday editorial titled Dreier has been good for district , acknowledged the controversial tenure from the very beginning:
“There's no question that Renae Dreier has been controversial in her brief tenure as Greeley-Evans School District 6's superintendent. More debatable is the question of whether District 6 is a better school district than when she took over in 2005.”
The editorial praises Dreier for bringing change to District 6 and helping move it off the state “academic watch list” by moving toward a standard based curriculum. These moves of change the Tribune editorial contends helped contribute to Dreier’s critics. The editorial also acknowledges the high degree of Dreier’s unpopularity in the community:
“Does Dreier have the full support of all in the community and, in particular, teachers? Depending on who you talk to, the answer is "not quite" or a resounding ‘no way’.”
The editorial surmises that Dreier’s clear unpopularity in many circles of District 6 comes from her failure to build community consensus:
“Wherever you stand on that issue, it seems fair to say that Dreier hasn't been as effective as she could have been at building a consensus in the district and the community to support the right course of action”.
The split in the Greeley community appears more overwhelming in the reader’s poll the Tribune conducted over Thursday and Friday on its revamped website. Although the new site did experience technical difficulties for part of the day on Thursday, by noon Greeley time on Friday almost 700 people had chimed in on the unscientific poll.
The poll asked:
Do you believe Greeley-Evans School District 6 has improved under Renae Dreier's leadership?
The results of the over 700 votes were overwhelmingly negative. As of noon Friday Greeley time the results were:
• NO: 71.12%
• YES: 14.08%
• Don’t Know: 10.49%
• Maybe: 4.31%
With an OUSD Facilities Bond in the works, several OUSD schools still labeled by the state as “underperforming”, and continuing state budget deficits impacting OUSD’s budget, hopefully Dreier has learned some lessons about the importance of uniting a community.
TRIBUNE EDITORIAL: Dreier has been good for district
TRIBUNE (updated numbers) Drier Poll RESULTS:POLL RESULTS