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Thursday, June 26, 2008
Poll on Superintendent Renae Dreier

Poll on Superintendent Renae Dreier
The Greeley Tribune is conducting a poll on Superintendent Renae Dreier, the expected new Orange Unified School District who will appointed to the OUSD position on July 22nd. The poll was suggested this week by a Tribune reader in a comment on a story about Dreier on the paper’s website. Similar in format to polls conducted by newspapers across the country (including the Orange County Register), the unscientific poll asks readers their opinion on if Greeley District 6 schools have improved under Dreier. The poll question is:
Do you believe Greeley-Evans School District 6 has improved under Renae Dreier's leadership?
Readers are given four options: No; Yes; Don’t know; Maybe.
On-going poll results can be accessed with the link below. Once the link is CLICKED, it can be REFRESHED for up to date numbers, or re-CLICKED later to get up-to-date- on going numbers. The finished poll results will be available on Friday.
Greeley Tribune Superintendent Renae Dreier POLL RESULTS