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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Orange Street Fair: Around the World in 3 Days

Metro TALK
The Orange Street Fair:
Around the World in 3 Days
The 36th Annual Orange International Street Fair returns to the world famous Orange Plaza this Labor Day weekend. The largest non-profit fund raiser in the Greater Orange Communities, the all volunteer event has grown over the last three decades into the official end-of-the-summer-bash for Southern California. The theme for this year’s party in the street is Around the World in 3 Days. Like the past 35 years, the fun is all about the food, music, more food, drinks…and don’t forget the FOOD…from around the world. There are 88 non-profit groups participating and the money goes to these Greater Orange programs and groups. Craftsmen will be selling handmade items around the Plaza and present and past Orange Street Fair commemoratives will be on sale to complete your Orange Street Fair collection.
The Children’s Street family oriented activities will again be offered on Orange Street just off East Chapman Ave. Seven stages including the famous Main Stage on the various streets will provide free entertainment. Over 1200 volunteers have been preparing to make the expected half million visitors feel welcome.
The Orange Street Fair is in Orange Old Towne at the Orange Plaza the Traffic Circle intersection of Chapman and Glassell Streets in Orange. The fair runs Friday- Sunday (yes Sunday is the last day…Monday Labor Day is clean-up). Entering the street fair as always is free. Alcohol Sales on the street are over at 9:00 p.m. and a wrist band to purchase and drink at the fair must be purchased for $2.00 per day.
This year’s fair is dedicated to the memories of Norwegian Street’s Paul Carson and Street Captain Dave Crawford.
Friday August 29th: 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Saturday August 30th: 10:00 am – 10:00 pm
Sunday August 30th: 10:00 am – 10:00 pm
FOR INFORMATION CALL: 1-714-532-6260
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Special Education Call to Arms!
Metro VIEWS ______________
A community service of the Greater Orange Communities Organization
Giving voice to the Greater Orange Communities
A Special Education Call to Arms!
By Ron Lackey, EdD
It has come to the attention of the Califonrnia Special Education Reliance Task Force that the California School Board Association formed an Education Legal Alliance (ELA) in 1992, with a Motto of "We fight better when we stand together."
The ELA goals are written as such:
"The Education Legal Alliance of the California School Boards Association initiates and supports legislation on behalf of public schools. This consortium of school districts and county offices of education voluntarily joins together to impact education issues and case law."
The ELA boasts: "...the Alliance continues to be successful in pursuing and defending the broad spectrum of statewide public education interests in the courts and before state agencies."
The ELA process: "Process for submission of cases to the Alliance: When a district/county office is involved in an issue of statewide significance, requests for assistance may be submitted to the Alliance. An Attorney Advisory Committee , consisting of experts in the field of education law, reviews the case and makes a recommendation to the Alliance Steering Committe. The Steering Committee, consisting of board members, superintendents and representatives of education groups, makes the final determination as to whether the Alliance should become involved in the case."
This orgainization should sound familiar to Orange County parents and educators. In Orange County, we have the Orange County Special Education Joint Powers Agreement "Alliance", and the decision-making bodies are the "Review Committee" and the "Executive Committee"
Since we have discovered the origin of the Orange County "Alliance" concept--the California School Boards Association--we feel the necessity to establish & publish a statewide newsletter, with content provided by "parent-friendly" attorneys and advocates, as well as parents themselves, to keep each other posted on current events especially in Special Education, particularly in matters related to due process.
Upon reviewing the content of the Legal Alliance newsletters, with her permission, we quote from Attorney Leejanice Toback, Esq, who writes, "The more I read, the scarier this gets. They are putting in amicus briefs, it seems on every case that goes to the federal Courts. Perhaps I should write an article on our side being more prepared and working as a team too, perhaps creating a "due process filing" bank, brief bank, decision bank, etc; as the only way to combat this."
We need volunteers to review one of the 8 Legal Alliance newsletter, as the content of the Legal Alliance newsletter relates to Special Education, and to provide a commentary for inclusion in our future editions of this statewide online newsletter.
You are being invited now to participate as a member of the California Reliance Newsletter Editorial Board. If you are not able to participate at this time, please nominate one/more replacement(s) by providing, with their permission, their name, category and email address.
Our Reliance Motto is, "We Help Kids Better When We Work Together"
Ron Lackey, EdD,
California Special Education Reliance Task Force Newsletter
Opinions expressed in Metro VIEWS are not necessarily the opinion of the networks that post it.
is a community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
A community service of the Greater Orange Communities Organization
Giving voice to the Greater Orange Communities
A Special Education Call to Arms!
By Ron Lackey, EdD
It has come to the attention of the Califonrnia Special Education Reliance Task Force that the California School Board Association formed an Education Legal Alliance (ELA) in 1992, with a Motto of "We fight better when we stand together."
The ELA goals are written as such:
"The Education Legal Alliance of the California School Boards Association initiates and supports legislation on behalf of public schools. This consortium of school districts and county offices of education voluntarily joins together to impact education issues and case law."
The ELA boasts: "...the Alliance continues to be successful in pursuing and defending the broad spectrum of statewide public education interests in the courts and before state agencies."
The ELA process: "Process for submission of cases to the Alliance: When a district/county office is involved in an issue of statewide significance, requests for assistance may be submitted to the Alliance. An Attorney Advisory Committee , consisting of experts in the field of education law, reviews the case and makes a recommendation to the Alliance Steering Committe. The Steering Committee, consisting of board members, superintendents and representatives of education groups, makes the final determination as to whether the Alliance should become involved in the case."
This orgainization should sound familiar to Orange County parents and educators. In Orange County, we have the Orange County Special Education Joint Powers Agreement "Alliance", and the decision-making bodies are the "Review Committee" and the "Executive Committee"
Since we have discovered the origin of the Orange County "Alliance" concept--the California School Boards Association--we feel the necessity to establish & publish a statewide newsletter, with content provided by "parent-friendly" attorneys and advocates, as well as parents themselves, to keep each other posted on current events especially in Special Education, particularly in matters related to due process.
Upon reviewing the content of the Legal Alliance newsletters, with her permission, we quote from Attorney Leejanice Toback, Esq, who writes, "The more I read, the scarier this gets. They are putting in amicus briefs, it seems on every case that goes to the federal Courts. Perhaps I should write an article on our side being more prepared and working as a team too, perhaps creating a "due process filing" bank, brief bank, decision bank, etc; as the only way to combat this."
We need volunteers to review one of the 8 Legal Alliance newsletter, as the content of the Legal Alliance newsletter relates to Special Education, and to provide a commentary for inclusion in our future editions of this statewide online newsletter.
You are being invited now to participate as a member of the California Reliance Newsletter Editorial Board. If you are not able to participate at this time, please nominate one/more replacement(s) by providing, with their permission, their name, category and email address.
Our Reliance Motto is, "We Help Kids Better When We Work Together"
Ron Lackey, EdD,
California Special Education Reliance Task Force Newsletter
Opinions expressed in Metro VIEWS are not necessarily the opinion of the networks that post it.
is a community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Orange Unified Candidates Forum
eLECTION Watch 2008
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Orange Unified Candidates Forum
On August 27th the Orange Chamber of Commerce will host the first of two Candidate Forums for candidates running for seats on the Orange Unified School Board. Five candidates are running for two seats in OUSD Trustee Area’s 3 and 6. OUSD Trustee John Ortega is running for re-election unopposed in OUSD Trustee Area 2. OUSD Trustees must live in the Trustee Area they are elected from, but are elected by voters in the whole school district.
The Orange Chamber solicited questions from the community and will be asking the candidates questions on a variety of educational topics. In addition, the candidates will be “voting” on the various issues presented to them as they elaborate on their “votes”.
The OUSD Candidates Forum will be held Wednesday August 27, 2008 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Orange Unified Board Room at the OUSD District Office and will be broadcast live on Time Warner Cable Channel 3 then rebroadcast over Channel 6.
For more information contact Orange Chamber President Hedi Larkin-Reed
at 1-714-538-3581.
November 2008 Candidates:
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent unopposed)
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3
Alexia Deligianni
Florice Hoffman
Jerry Winant
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Mark Wayland
Barrios announces another major endorsement
In a press release the campaign of OUSD Candidate Arianna Barrios announced another major endorsement for Barrios. California Assemblyman Todd Spitzer has endorsed Barrios. Barrios opponent for OUSD Area 6 is Mark Wayland.
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight"
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Orange Unified Candidates Forum
On August 27th the Orange Chamber of Commerce will host the first of two Candidate Forums for candidates running for seats on the Orange Unified School Board. Five candidates are running for two seats in OUSD Trustee Area’s 3 and 6. OUSD Trustee John Ortega is running for re-election unopposed in OUSD Trustee Area 2. OUSD Trustees must live in the Trustee Area they are elected from, but are elected by voters in the whole school district.
The Orange Chamber solicited questions from the community and will be asking the candidates questions on a variety of educational topics. In addition, the candidates will be “voting” on the various issues presented to them as they elaborate on their “votes”.
The OUSD Candidates Forum will be held Wednesday August 27, 2008 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Orange Unified Board Room at the OUSD District Office and will be broadcast live on Time Warner Cable Channel 3 then rebroadcast over Channel 6.
For more information contact Orange Chamber President Hedi Larkin-Reed
at 1-714-538-3581.
November 2008 Candidates:
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent unopposed)
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3
Alexia Deligianni
Florice Hoffman
Jerry Winant
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Mark Wayland
Barrios announces another major endorsement
In a press release the campaign of OUSD Candidate Arianna Barrios announced another major endorsement for Barrios. California Assemblyman Todd Spitzer has endorsed Barrios. Barrios opponent for OUSD Area 6 is Mark Wayland.
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight"
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Firefighters and Telephone OVERLAY
Metro TALK ______________
A community service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
The Orange City Firefighters Benevolent Association (OCFBA) is proud to host the First Annual Memorial Golf Classic 2008 on Thursday, September 11th at the Tustin Ranch Golf Club. All the proceeds from the Memorial Golf Classic will benefit the families of firefighters killed or severely injured in the line of duty.
The Memorial Golf Classic welcomes golfers of all levels and the field is limited to 144 golfers. Space is still available. The Memorial Golf Classic will feature a shotgun start, putting challenge, lunch provided by El Pollo Loco, gift bags and an evening banquet, auction and raffle.
Tournament registration and warm-up begin at 10:00 am, with a putting challenge at 10:30 and lunch. The shotgun start takes place at 12:30pm. The golf package includes green fees, golf cart, range balls, drinks on the course, and dinner banquet, awards and silent auction. Actor Patrick Warburton (best known as Puddy, Elaine's boyfriend on Seinfeld), and Anaheim Ducks Player Temu Selanne will be presenting at the evening dinner banquet, along with the president of the Orange City Firefighters Benevolent Association Greg Lewin.
The First Annual Memorial Golf Classic has the support of many key members of the Greater Orange Community, as well as many businesses. Gatorade, Miller Lite, El Pollo Loco and Toyota of Orange, along with many other local companies, have supported the event through sponsorships or donations. Planning committee members include Rob Dunwoody, chair, and firefighters Greg Lewin, Jim Lazzara, John Voris, Casey Fieldhouse, Jeff Tiqui, Brian Bingham, and Joe Grant.
Interested golfers or sponsors are encouraged to contact Rob Dunwoody, Golf Classic Chair, at 714-288-2111 or
For more information on Tustin Ranch Golf Club CLICK ON: TUSTIN RANCH
August 23rd Greater Orange gets new 657 OVERLAY telephone dialing
Ready-or-not here comes telephone area code OVERLAY. An OVERLAY is the addition on another area code to an area code area. In the Greater Orange Communities case, the Area Code 714 will be getting a new OVERLAY Area Code of 657. While your existing Area Code 714 will not change, new numbers in the Greater Orange Communities will be assigned the new Area Code 657. This means new dialing procedures beginning August 23rd. After that date if you do not use the new dialing procedure, your call will not be completed and a recording will tell you to hang up and try again!
To complete calls from a land line phone, the new dialing procedure requires callers to dial 1 + area code + telephone number. This means that all calls in the 714 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits will need to be dialed using 1+ area code + telephone number.
To complete calls from a cellular or mobile phone, callers may dial the area code + telephone number or 1 + area code and telephone number whenever placing a call from a phone number with the 714 or 657 area code.
Beginning September 23rd, 2008 new telephone lines and services will begin to receive the 657 area code. A special “test” number for business customers to verify their equipment can complete calls to the new 657 area code has been established. That special number is (657) 222-0222 (it will remain active until 12/22/08). Business are reminded to reprogram all automatic dialing equipment like: Life safety systems; fax machines; internet dial-up numbers; alarm services; speed dialing systems; call forwarding settings; and voicemail and other like services. In addition, advertising, business stationary and cards should all have the area code.
Local calls will remain local calls and rates will not change. Three digit dialing will remain the same (i.e. 911; 211;311;411;511;611;711 and 811). For questions or clarification call 1+(626)+415-1050.
Metro TALK is a community service of
A community service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/

The Orange City Firefighters Benevolent Association (OCFBA) is proud to host the First Annual Memorial Golf Classic 2008 on Thursday, September 11th at the Tustin Ranch Golf Club. All the proceeds from the Memorial Golf Classic will benefit the families of firefighters killed or severely injured in the line of duty.
The Memorial Golf Classic welcomes golfers of all levels and the field is limited to 144 golfers. Space is still available. The Memorial Golf Classic will feature a shotgun start, putting challenge, lunch provided by El Pollo Loco, gift bags and an evening banquet, auction and raffle.
Tournament registration and warm-up begin at 10:00 am, with a putting challenge at 10:30 and lunch. The shotgun start takes place at 12:30pm. The golf package includes green fees, golf cart, range balls, drinks on the course, and dinner banquet, awards and silent auction. Actor Patrick Warburton (best known as Puddy, Elaine's boyfriend on Seinfeld), and Anaheim Ducks Player Temu Selanne will be presenting at the evening dinner banquet, along with the president of the Orange City Firefighters Benevolent Association Greg Lewin.
The First Annual Memorial Golf Classic has the support of many key members of the Greater Orange Community, as well as many businesses. Gatorade, Miller Lite, El Pollo Loco and Toyota of Orange, along with many other local companies, have supported the event through sponsorships or donations. Planning committee members include Rob Dunwoody, chair, and firefighters Greg Lewin, Jim Lazzara, John Voris, Casey Fieldhouse, Jeff Tiqui, Brian Bingham, and Joe Grant.
Interested golfers or sponsors are encouraged to contact Rob Dunwoody, Golf Classic Chair, at 714-288-2111 or
For more information on Tustin Ranch Golf Club CLICK ON: TUSTIN RANCH
August 23rd Greater Orange gets new 657 OVERLAY telephone dialing
Ready-or-not here comes telephone area code OVERLAY. An OVERLAY is the addition on another area code to an area code area. In the Greater Orange Communities case, the Area Code 714 will be getting a new OVERLAY Area Code of 657. While your existing Area Code 714 will not change, new numbers in the Greater Orange Communities will be assigned the new Area Code 657. This means new dialing procedures beginning August 23rd. After that date if you do not use the new dialing procedure, your call will not be completed and a recording will tell you to hang up and try again!
To complete calls from a land line phone, the new dialing procedure requires callers to dial 1 + area code + telephone number. This means that all calls in the 714 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits will need to be dialed using 1+ area code + telephone number.
To complete calls from a cellular or mobile phone, callers may dial the area code + telephone number or 1 + area code and telephone number whenever placing a call from a phone number with the 714 or 657 area code.
Beginning September 23rd, 2008 new telephone lines and services will begin to receive the 657 area code. A special “test” number for business customers to verify their equipment can complete calls to the new 657 area code has been established. That special number is (657) 222-0222 (it will remain active until 12/22/08). Business are reminded to reprogram all automatic dialing equipment like: Life safety systems; fax machines; internet dial-up numbers; alarm services; speed dialing systems; call forwarding settings; and voicemail and other like services. In addition, advertising, business stationary and cards should all have the area code.
Local calls will remain local calls and rates will not change. Three digit dialing will remain the same (i.e. 911; 211;311;411;511;611;711 and 811). For questions or clarification call 1+(626)+415-1050.
Metro TALK is a community service of
Monday, August 18, 2008
No Bond for Orange Unified
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
The extended deadline to place a school facilities bond on the November 2008 ballot for any school district working on bond ballot language was August 15th. The Orange Unified School District did not move to meet that or any bond ballot deadlines. OUSD had conducted polling for a bond measure and worked with community leaders in Villa Park on the possibility of including funding for the historic Villa Park Elementary buildings in a possible OUSD bond measure. Community sources report that the polling indicated not enough community support for a bond at this time. Other unconfirmed reports cite sources close to Board members that report some OUSD Trustees indicated they would not vote for a bond measure at this time.
Smith vs Rocco at July24th OUSD Board Meeting
At the last meeting on July 24th, 2008, OUSD Trustee and Board Vice Chair Melissa Smith presided over the meeting for an ill Board President Wes Poutsma. It wasn’t long before the usually controversial Rocco and a surprisingly sarcastic Smith were verbally going at it. The first exchange came early after a motion to approve the July 24th Agenda as Rocco questioned “14 missing pages” in the Agenda that he stated were about the polling done for the now cancelled November facilities bond. Waving the OUSD Agenda in the air, Rocco questioned the missing Agenda pages on the abandoned OUSD facilities bond and how it was “all done at the last minute”.
Rocco: “I think we need an explanation why 14 pages are missing cuz I think we need to know what they were.”
(Smith turns to Dr. Godley to answer Rocco.)
Trustee Kim Nichols (smiling to Smith): “There is a motion and a second.”
Smith (ignoring Rocco): “Thank you. Any other discussion?”
Rocco: (angry) “That’s it? That’s the best your going to give the community?”
Smith: (pausing, then smiling and shaking her head sarcastically): “Yea!..So?”
Rocco: (exasperated) “That’s great Vice Prez, your really doing your job!”
Smith (sarcastically laughing): “I am! Isn’t it great! Let’s call for the vote. All those in favor signify by saying Aye, opposed No.”
Smith (acting sarcastically surprised): “Oh look! It carries! 5 yes, 1 No, 1 absent.”
Rocco: (angrily interrupting) “What do you want? Your rubber stamps!”
Smith (shaking in her seat and stating sarcastically) “Oh shutter!”
After that exchange Smith moved on and reminded everyone that it was Dr. Godley’s last meeting as she thanked him for remaining in his position until the new superintendent, Dr. Renae Dreier took over in August. At that point, Rocco yelled out that Godley was the worst superintendent in Orange County then he added:
Rocco: (yelling) “I have three words: rot in hell!”
Smith: (shocked) “Mr. Rocco! Mr. Rocco! That is completely out of line! Excuse me one minute”
(Smith is handed a gavel as she gets up from her seat, then she returns to her seat with the gavel).
Rocco: “Your not going to hit me with that thing are you?”
Smith: “Oh no, I would never give you that satisfaction!”
At the end of the evening as Rocco spoke during Board Member Comments about his Santa Ana City Council bid and his 1st Amendment lawsuit appeal, Dr. Godley interjected that Rocco was campaigning. Smith then interrupting Rocco pounding the gavel and yelled that she was using her prerogative to adjourn the meeting as Rocco continued shouting his points.
Dr. Dreier’s First Official OUSD Board Meeting
August 21st, 2008 will be Dr. Renae Dreier’s first Orange Unified meeting as OUSD Superintendent. In her last day at Greeley District 6 School District the standardized test scores for Colorado were released and showed improvement in most areas of the Greeley scores allowing Dreier to depart on a high note (see link below).
Greeley Tribune on Dreier’s last day and scores CLICK ON: DREIER LEAVES
State Standardized Testing results released
California last week released the latest updates on its STAR standardized tests for the last school year. The state and most Orange County districts showed continued moderate growth in student test scores and a continued “achievement” gap between ethnic groups, as did Orange Unified. Despite the continued growth, the ever rising federal No Child Left Behind statute growth goals may prove beyond students, and therefore schools, ability to achieve and close the racial and economic “achievement” gap.
Last month the OUSD Trustees approved a $10,000 workshop from Orange Department of Education consultant Dr. Parker to teach a program called Strategic Schooling Initiative at Handy Elementary school. The Orange County Department of Education that promotes the Strategic Schooling Initiative states the program will increase the schools API by 30-40 points. Unfortunately for the taxpayers of OUSD, that 30-40 points increase claim is not a money-back guarantee. This year before the $10,000 workshops, Handy had the following standardized test scores for each grade tested (No Child Left Behind requires students be “Proficient and above”):
Language Arts
Proficient and above: 2nd-39%; 3rd -27%; 4th- 41%; 5th-89%: 6th 28%
Below Proficient: 2nd- 61%; 3rd- 73%; 4th-59%; 5th-11%; 6th -72%
Proficient and above: 2nd-53%; 3rd -40%; 4th- 42%; 5th-41%: 6th 15%
Below Proficient: 2nd- 47%; 3rd- 60%; 4th-58%; 5th-59%; 6th-85%
Science (tested in 5th grade only)
Proficient and above: 37%;
Below Proficient: 63%;
Orange Net News will follow the success or failure of the $10,000 consultant fees and the Handy scores.
Information on Dr. Parker and the Orange County Department of Education Strategic Schooling Initiative 30-40 point score guarantee: CLICK ON:
To view school and district California STAR Testing scores CLICK ON:
STAR 2008
INSIDE the OUSD August 21st Agenda
• Agenda Item 12 A (page 2) Student Calendar Adoption
• Resolution 10-08-09: Resolution to pay Wes Poutsma for missing the 7/24/08 meeting. The last time the Board tried to do this was for Trustee John Ortega who missed a meeting because of work (Ortega is a Orange County Deputy Sheriff.) The Board voted against paying Ortega. Poutsma reportedly will also miss the August 21st meeting because of a long planned vacation. The Board can vote to declare a Board seat open after consecutive absences from the elected trustee.
Community Donations
Serrano PFO- 5,869- EXCEL Program and P.E.; Community Recreation Program-$76,555- Coaches Stipends/Summer Sports; Running Springs PTA-$9,600 Smart Boards; Kroger Stores-$80 in supplies to Imperial E.S.
For a complete list of the $92,000 in Community Donations see OUSD Agenda page 17.
INSIDE the OUSD Budget
$774,500 Total
2008 Attorney Fee Tally:
6/19/08 Parker & Covert $ 60,000
6/05/08 Miller, Brown & Dannis $ 40,000
6/05/08 Parker & Covert $150,000
6/05/08 Parker & Covert $200,000
2/07/08 Parker & Covert $100,000
11/15/07 Parker & Covert (for 1/08 to 6/08) $200,000
2008 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
7/24/08 Dr. Parker 40 pt Consultant $ 10,000
4/17/08 Dr. Kenneth Stichter Speaker Fee $ 6,500
3/7/08 Dr. Kathleen Weigel Speaker Fee $ 8,000
$ 24,500
2008 TOTAL $774,500
Former Superintendent Godley’s “golden handshake”
bonus total (beginning 8/2008): $1210.00*
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2007: $704,090.00
2007 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
4/30/07 Debra Ford Speaker Fee $ 4,090
4/30/07 Danny Brassell Speaker Fee $ 3,500
3/8/07 Dr. Daggett Speaker Fee $ 9,000
9/27/07 Dr.Daggett Speaker Fee $ 35,000
11/15/07 OCDE High Priority Consultants $115,000
Total $166,590
2007 Attorney Fee Tally:
1/18/07 Parker & Covert (1/07 to 6/07) $175,000
(6/07-12/07) $200,000
2/08/07 Miller, Brown, and Dannis $ 7, 500
2/22/07 Parker & Covert $ 45,000
5/10/07 Miller, Brown and Dannis $ 50,000
7/19/07 Parker & Covert $ 60,000
Total $537,500
2007 Administrative Conference/Travel: hidden since 6/8/06**
**JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to APPROVE Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $849,717.00*
2006 Consultant Fee Tally: Total $176,400
2006 Attorney Fee Tally: Total Approved $655,000
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $978,300.00:
Total 2005 Conference Administrator/Board Fees: $ 7,500.00
2005 Attorney Fee Tally: $730,600.00
Total Watched 2005 OUSD Consultant spending: $ 270,200.00
Next OUSD Board Meeting August 21, 2008. For more information
OUSD CLOSED SESSION STARTS 7:00 PM, Regular Session: 7:30 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
Independent insight into OUSD
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
The extended deadline to place a school facilities bond on the November 2008 ballot for any school district working on bond ballot language was August 15th. The Orange Unified School District did not move to meet that or any bond ballot deadlines. OUSD had conducted polling for a bond measure and worked with community leaders in Villa Park on the possibility of including funding for the historic Villa Park Elementary buildings in a possible OUSD bond measure. Community sources report that the polling indicated not enough community support for a bond at this time. Other unconfirmed reports cite sources close to Board members that report some OUSD Trustees indicated they would not vote for a bond measure at this time.
Smith vs Rocco at July24th OUSD Board Meeting
At the last meeting on July 24th, 2008, OUSD Trustee and Board Vice Chair Melissa Smith presided over the meeting for an ill Board President Wes Poutsma. It wasn’t long before the usually controversial Rocco and a surprisingly sarcastic Smith were verbally going at it. The first exchange came early after a motion to approve the July 24th Agenda as Rocco questioned “14 missing pages” in the Agenda that he stated were about the polling done for the now cancelled November facilities bond. Waving the OUSD Agenda in the air, Rocco questioned the missing Agenda pages on the abandoned OUSD facilities bond and how it was “all done at the last minute”.
Rocco: “I think we need an explanation why 14 pages are missing cuz I think we need to know what they were.”
(Smith turns to Dr. Godley to answer Rocco.)
Trustee Kim Nichols (smiling to Smith): “There is a motion and a second.”
Smith (ignoring Rocco): “Thank you. Any other discussion?”
Rocco: (angry) “That’s it? That’s the best your going to give the community?”
Smith: (pausing, then smiling and shaking her head sarcastically): “Yea!..So?”
Rocco: (exasperated) “That’s great Vice Prez, your really doing your job!”
Smith (sarcastically laughing): “I am! Isn’t it great! Let’s call for the vote. All those in favor signify by saying Aye, opposed No.”
Smith (acting sarcastically surprised): “Oh look! It carries! 5 yes, 1 No, 1 absent.”
Rocco: (angrily interrupting) “What do you want? Your rubber stamps!”
Smith (shaking in her seat and stating sarcastically) “Oh shutter!”
After that exchange Smith moved on and reminded everyone that it was Dr. Godley’s last meeting as she thanked him for remaining in his position until the new superintendent, Dr. Renae Dreier took over in August. At that point, Rocco yelled out that Godley was the worst superintendent in Orange County then he added:
Rocco: (yelling) “I have three words: rot in hell!”
Smith: (shocked) “Mr. Rocco! Mr. Rocco! That is completely out of line! Excuse me one minute”
(Smith is handed a gavel as she gets up from her seat, then she returns to her seat with the gavel).
Rocco: “Your not going to hit me with that thing are you?”
Smith: “Oh no, I would never give you that satisfaction!”
At the end of the evening as Rocco spoke during Board Member Comments about his Santa Ana City Council bid and his 1st Amendment lawsuit appeal, Dr. Godley interjected that Rocco was campaigning. Smith then interrupting Rocco pounding the gavel and yelled that she was using her prerogative to adjourn the meeting as Rocco continued shouting his points.
Dr. Dreier’s First Official OUSD Board Meeting
August 21st, 2008 will be Dr. Renae Dreier’s first Orange Unified meeting as OUSD Superintendent. In her last day at Greeley District 6 School District the standardized test scores for Colorado were released and showed improvement in most areas of the Greeley scores allowing Dreier to depart on a high note (see link below).
Greeley Tribune on Dreier’s last day and scores CLICK ON: DREIER LEAVES
State Standardized Testing results released
California last week released the latest updates on its STAR standardized tests for the last school year. The state and most Orange County districts showed continued moderate growth in student test scores and a continued “achievement” gap between ethnic groups, as did Orange Unified. Despite the continued growth, the ever rising federal No Child Left Behind statute growth goals may prove beyond students, and therefore schools, ability to achieve and close the racial and economic “achievement” gap.
Last month the OUSD Trustees approved a $10,000 workshop from Orange Department of Education consultant Dr. Parker to teach a program called Strategic Schooling Initiative at Handy Elementary school. The Orange County Department of Education that promotes the Strategic Schooling Initiative states the program will increase the schools API by 30-40 points. Unfortunately for the taxpayers of OUSD, that 30-40 points increase claim is not a money-back guarantee. This year before the $10,000 workshops, Handy had the following standardized test scores for each grade tested (No Child Left Behind requires students be “Proficient and above”):
Language Arts
Proficient and above: 2nd-39%; 3rd -27%; 4th- 41%; 5th-89%: 6th 28%
Below Proficient: 2nd- 61%; 3rd- 73%; 4th-59%; 5th-11%; 6th -72%
Proficient and above: 2nd-53%; 3rd -40%; 4th- 42%; 5th-41%: 6th 15%
Below Proficient: 2nd- 47%; 3rd- 60%; 4th-58%; 5th-59%; 6th-85%
Science (tested in 5th grade only)
Proficient and above: 37%;
Below Proficient: 63%;
Orange Net News will follow the success or failure of the $10,000 consultant fees and the Handy scores.
Information on Dr. Parker and the Orange County Department of Education Strategic Schooling Initiative 30-40 point score guarantee: CLICK ON:
To view school and district California STAR Testing scores CLICK ON:
STAR 2008
INSIDE the OUSD August 21st Agenda
• Agenda Item 12 A (page 2) Student Calendar Adoption
• Resolution 10-08-09: Resolution to pay Wes Poutsma for missing the 7/24/08 meeting. The last time the Board tried to do this was for Trustee John Ortega who missed a meeting because of work (Ortega is a Orange County Deputy Sheriff.) The Board voted against paying Ortega. Poutsma reportedly will also miss the August 21st meeting because of a long planned vacation. The Board can vote to declare a Board seat open after consecutive absences from the elected trustee.
Community Donations
Serrano PFO- 5,869- EXCEL Program and P.E.; Community Recreation Program-$76,555- Coaches Stipends/Summer Sports; Running Springs PTA-$9,600 Smart Boards; Kroger Stores-$80 in supplies to Imperial E.S.
For a complete list of the $92,000 in Community Donations see OUSD Agenda page 17.
INSIDE the OUSD Budget
$774,500 Total
2008 Attorney Fee Tally:
6/19/08 Parker & Covert $ 60,000
6/05/08 Miller, Brown & Dannis $ 40,000
6/05/08 Parker & Covert $150,000
6/05/08 Parker & Covert $200,000
2/07/08 Parker & Covert $100,000
11/15/07 Parker & Covert (for 1/08 to 6/08) $200,000
2008 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
7/24/08 Dr. Parker 40 pt Consultant $ 10,000
4/17/08 Dr. Kenneth Stichter Speaker Fee $ 6,500
3/7/08 Dr. Kathleen Weigel Speaker Fee $ 8,000
$ 24,500
2008 TOTAL $774,500
Former Superintendent Godley’s “golden handshake”
bonus total (beginning 8/2008): $1210.00*
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2007: $704,090.00
2007 Consultant/ Speaker Fee Tally:
4/30/07 Debra Ford Speaker Fee $ 4,090
4/30/07 Danny Brassell Speaker Fee $ 3,500
3/8/07 Dr. Daggett Speaker Fee $ 9,000
9/27/07 Dr.Daggett Speaker Fee $ 35,000
11/15/07 OCDE High Priority Consultants $115,000
Total $166,590
2007 Attorney Fee Tally:
1/18/07 Parker & Covert (1/07 to 6/07) $175,000
(6/07-12/07) $200,000
2/08/07 Miller, Brown, and Dannis $ 7, 500
2/22/07 Parker & Covert $ 45,000
5/10/07 Miller, Brown and Dannis $ 50,000
7/19/07 Parker & Covert $ 60,000
Total $537,500
2007 Administrative Conference/Travel: hidden since 6/8/06**
**JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to APPROVE Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2006: $849,717.00*
2006 Consultant Fee Tally: Total $176,400
2006 Attorney Fee Tally: Total Approved $655,000
2006 Administrative Conference/Travel: Total $ 18,317 *
* JUNE 8th, 2006 Trustees VOTE to Give OUSD Superintendent the power to
APPROVE OUSD Travel Requests taking this item OUT of the PUBLIC AGENDA
Total for Watched Tax Dollars approved in 2005: $978,300.00:
Total 2005 Conference Administrator/Board Fees: $ 7,500.00
2005 Attorney Fee Tally: $730,600.00
Total Watched 2005 OUSD Consultant spending: $ 270,200.00
Next OUSD Board Meeting August 21, 2008. For more information
OUSD CLOSED SESSION STARTS 7:00 PM, Regular Session: 7:30 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
Independent insight into OUSD
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Education Alliance Candidate Alexia Deligianni files for OUSD Race

an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
OUSD Trustee Smith stays out of Area 3 race as…
Alexia Deligianni files for OUSD race
Education Alliance candidate and politically well connected Political Organizational Professional Alexia Deligianni pulled and filed papers on the last day possible for Orange Unified School District Area 3 Trustee Seat. Pulling papers but not filing to run for Area 3 was OUSD Area 1 Trustee Melissa Smith and Riverside Community College District Police Chief James Miyashiro.
Deligianni had long been rumored to be entering this year’s race as she had been openly soliciting endorsement from area politicians. Smith’s move to pull papers in the race was seen by some OUSD Board watchers as a move to try and make Deligianni think twice before entering the race. Smith defeated Deligianni when she challenged Smith’s re-election in November 2006 for the Area 1 seat (46.8% to 31.9%). In the Nichols Realignment of OUSD Area Trustee boundaries, both Smith and Deligianni had their houses moved into Area 3. Smith’s Area 1 seat is not up for an election until 2010.
Deligianni changes from Politician to Educator Overnight
Deligianni has billed herself on the November ballot designation as “Educator/Orange County Businesswoman”. However, on her LINKED IN website page, Deligianni listed herself as an“Independent Political Organizational Professional”until this story was ecast on 8/13/08 by Orange Net News,when apparently reacting to the publishing of her LINKED IN page link and the discrepancy between the ballot designation and herPolitical Organizational Professional self-description, she changed her LINKED IN description to match her new ballot designation to "Educator/Businesswoman/Community Volunteer". That same day she also changed her "Industry" listing on the same site from from Political Organization to "Education Management". LINKED IN is a networking tool to find connections to industry experts and establish business connections in the subscribers’ professional area.
In her 2006 candidate statement, Deligianni’s description of herself was: “As a Doctor of Educational Leadership and credentialed teacher…” a record check of the California Teaching Commission website for a current teaching credential for the names of both “Alexia” and “Alexandra” Deligianni has the site reporting “No Records found matching search criteria” (see link below).
The Education Alliance was founded by conservative Tustin Attorney Mark Bucher and at one point the organization’s members had taken over the Orange Unified School District voting majority under former OUSD Trustee Marty Jacobson and his Education Alliance trustee allies. Jacobson and his allies were recalled in the Orange Recall and then defeated again two months later when they ran against the Citizen’s Board members who had successfully recalled them, current OUSD Trustees Melissa Smith, John Ortega, Kim Nichols and Kathy Moffat.
For more information:
Alexia Deligianni listed website (not up yet):
Alexia Deligianni’s Facebook page: Alexia's FACEBOOK
Alixia Deligianni's reworked LINKED IN page: Alexia's LINKED IN
Alexia Deligianni’s 2006 Candidate Statement: Alexia 2006
California Teaching Commission Credential Search Page:
Education Alliance Website: ALLIANCE
Final Extended filing Greater Orange November 2008 Election
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3 (deadline extended to 8/13)
Alexia Deligianni
Pulled papers and filed them
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
James Miyashiro
Pulled papers did not file
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers did not file
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers and filed
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist (2 seats)
(deadline extended to 8/13 on one seat)
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers and filed
Kip Craig
Pulled papers and filed
Brett Peterson (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Marty Weel
Pulled papers and filed
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Miyashiro pulls papers for OUSD Area 3

an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Miyashiro pulls papers for OUSD Area 3
Riverside Community College District Police Department Chief James Miyashiro has taken out papers to run for the Orange Unified School District Area 3 Trustee Seat. Miyashiro was formerly the Chief of the Santa Ana Unified School District Police for eleven years before taking over the RCCD department on July 14th, 2008. In pulling nominating papers, Miyashiro listed his occupation as “Police Chief/ Educator”.
Miyashiro graduated from the Golden West Community College Police Academy in 1984. He has a bachelor's degree in business and management from the University of Phoenix and he has a commercial pilot's license. After graduating from Golden West, Miyashiro worked for municipal police agencies in La Palma, San Jacinto and Desert Hot Springs. He also worked at the UCLA and Cal State Long Beach police departments. Nothing in Miyashiro’s public resume or biography explains the “Educator” moniker he included when he pulled papers.
Will “Educator” label be challenged?
In Orange Unified, ballot occupation monikers have come under intense scrutiny since the election of controversial Orange Unified Trustee Steve Rocco. The fairy-tale out-of-nowhere victory for Rocco after not campaigning over a well-established and better financed candidate who did campaign is widely attributed to Rocco’s ballot occupation moniker of “Teacher” versus the “Park Ranger” occupation listed for his failed opponent. In 2006, during her re-election campaign Orange Unified Trustee Kim Nichols was not about to let the “teacher” ballot designation for her challenger Education Alliance candidate Chris Enami go unchallenged. Enami was a walk-on girl’s basketball coach, not a California Credentialed teacher. In a court challenge initiated by Nichols to have the ballot moniker changed, Enami would be represented by none other than Education Alliance founder conservative Orange County Attorney Mark Bucher. Nichols had gone up against Bucher over ballot language before (and won) during the Orange Recall Election. In this second Battle of Semantics, Bucher again lost to Nichols as Enami was ordered to change his ballot designation to “Coach/ Sports Program Director” description. Enami lost his OUSD race by a wide margin.
If Miyashiro files before the Wednesday August 13 deadline, he will be facing at least two other opponents. One, well financed Florice Hoffman is an attorney and could move to block Miyashiro’s “Educator” self-description. Also filing papers is another Riverside County educator, Jerry Winant. Winant works for the Lake Elsinore Unified School District and is listed on the ballot as “School Teacher/ Administrator”.
OUSD Area 1 Trustee Smith may have advantage in Area 3
Another possible candidate in Area 3 is OUSD Area 1 Trustee Melissa Smith. Smith, who pulled papers, but has not filed yet. Smith can only stand to reap benefits from a four-way race where her ballot designation of Orange Unified Trustee will make it appear that she is the incumbent in the race. However the reality of the situation is that Smith is currently the OUSD Trustee of Area 1 until 2010. A Smith win in Area 3 will create a vacancy in Area 1. The OUSD Board majority will then appoint a new member for Area 1 to finish Smith’s Area 1 term, most likely cementing a solid voting majority for Smith and her OUSD Board allies at one time known as the Godley Majority.
Poutsma planned not to run before illness
The filing deadline for OUSD Area 3 was extended to Wednesday August 13 when incumbent OUSD Area 3 Trustee Wes Poutsma did not file for the election. Poutsma had earlier announced he would not run for another term. Community sources report that over the weekend of August 9th Poutsma disclosed to close associates he recently learned he has a serious illness. Sources close to his family report that the diagnosis came several weeks after Poutsma had already decided not to seek another term and had no bearing on that decision. A spokesperson for Poutsma had issued a statement weeks ago that the decision not to seek re-election was so Poutsma could spend more quality time with his family.
Extended filing Greater Orange November 2008 Election
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3 (deadline extended to 8/13)
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
James Miyashiro
Pulled papers
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers and filed
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist (2 seats)
(deadline extended to 8/13 on one seat)
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers and filed
Kip Craig
Pulled papers and filed
Brett Peterson (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Marty Weel
Pulled papers and filed
Final Filing Greater Orange November 2008 Election
City of Orange Mayor
Carolyn Cavecche
Pulled papers and filed them
City of Orange Council Seat (2 open)
Stuart Campbell
Pulled papers and filed
Robert Douglas
Pulled papers and filed
Jon Dumitru (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Michael Farrel
Pulled papers and filed them
Tita Smith (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Adolfo Perez
Pulled papers
Carol Rudat
Pulled papers
Richard Siebert
Pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary E. Murphy (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Orange City Treasurer
George Small
Pulled papers and filed
Helen Walker (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Pulled papers and filed them
Mark Wayland
Pulled papers and filed them
Villa Park City Council (2 seats)
Patricia Burnes
Pulled papers and filed them
Willard “Bill” Mac Aloney
Pulled papers and filed them
Rich Ulmer (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange County Water District, DIV 2
Denis Bilodeau (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Final Filing Greater Orange November 2008 Election
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
Villa Park last minute candidate entry
The last minute entry into the Villa Park race for two city council seats by community activist Patricia Burnes, will mean the contest goes to the voters in November. Among Burnes’ many local political and community interests, she is the Scholarship Chair of the California Federation of Republican Women. Burnes picked up her papers to run minutes before the close of the day on Thursday August 7th, and filed her papers shortly before the August 8th 5 p.m. deadline. Her entry into the race makes three candidates for the two seats.
Wayland to run in Orange Unified Area 6
Mark Wayland pulled and filed papers for the Orange Unified School Board Trustee Area 6 to challenge Arianna Barrios. Wayland, a City of Orange fire fighter for over 30 years (now retired), took out papers and returned them on the final day of filing. The Wayland family has five generations in Orange and is no stranger to politics or Orange Unified. He has four children, Danny, Jeremy, Casey and Katie. Jeremy ran for Orange City Council in 2006 (2.3% of the vote) and Casey “K.C.” is a Chapman University grad and an independent film maker with his own Orange production company called Wayland Productions. Casey enlisted in the Army after 9/11 postponing and restarting his education when duty called. When Casey graduated from Chapman University, he recieved the Cheverton Award, an award that is given to the most outstanding student in that graduating class.
Final Filing Greater Orange November 2008 Election
Orange Net News would like to thank the outstanding cooperation and community service supplied by the Villa Park City Hall staff, the staff of the City of Orange City Clerk Office and the staff of the Orange County Registrar of Voters to keep all voters informed about the candidates and those interested in running for office.
City of Orange Mayor
Carolyn Cavecche
Pulled papers and filed them
City of Orange Council Seat (2 open)
Stuart Campbell
Pulled papers and filed
Robert Douglas
Pulled papers and filed
Jon Dumitru (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Michael Farrel
Pulled papers and filed them
Tita Smith (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Adolfo Perez
Pulled papers
Carol Rudat
Pulled papers
Richard Siebert
Pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary E. Murphy (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Orange City Treasurer
George Small
Pulled papers and filed
Helen Walker (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3 (deadline extended to 8/13)
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers and filed
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Pulled papers and filed them
Mark Wayland
Pulled papers and filed them
Villa Park City Council (2 seats)
Patricia Burnes
Pulled papers and filed them
Rich Ulmer (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Willard “Bill” Mac Aloney
Pulled papers and filed them
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist
(deadline extended to 8/13)
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers and filed them
Kip Craig
Pulled papers and filed
Brett Peterson (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Marty Weel
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange County Water District, DIV 2
Denis Bilodeau (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
Villa Park last minute candidate entry
The last minute entry into the Villa Park race for two city council seats by community activist Patricia Burnes, will mean the contest goes to the voters in November. Among Burnes’ many local political and community interests, she is the Scholarship Chair of the California Federation of Republican Women. Burnes picked up her papers to run minutes before the close of the day on Thursday August 7th, and filed her papers shortly before the August 8th 5 p.m. deadline. Her entry into the race makes three candidates for the two seats.
Wayland to run in Orange Unified Area 6
Mark Wayland pulled and filed papers for the Orange Unified School Board Trustee Area 6 to challenge Arianna Barrios. Wayland, a City of Orange fire fighter for over 30 years (now retired), took out papers and returned them on the final day of filing. The Wayland family has five generations in Orange and is no stranger to politics or Orange Unified. He has four children, Danny, Jeremy, Casey and Katie. Jeremy ran for Orange City Council in 2006 (2.3% of the vote) and Casey “K.C.” is a Chapman University grad and an independent film maker with his own Orange production company called Wayland Productions. Casey enlisted in the Army after 9/11 postponing and restarting his education when duty called. When Casey graduated from Chapman University, he recieved the Cheverton Award, an award that is given to the most outstanding student in that graduating class.
Final Filing Greater Orange November 2008 Election
Orange Net News would like to thank the outstanding cooperation and community service supplied by the Villa Park City Hall staff, the staff of the City of Orange City Clerk Office and the staff of the Orange County Registrar of Voters to keep all voters informed about the candidates and those interested in running for office.
City of Orange Mayor
Carolyn Cavecche
Pulled papers and filed them
City of Orange Council Seat (2 open)
Stuart Campbell
Pulled papers and filed
Robert Douglas
Pulled papers and filed
Jon Dumitru (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Michael Farrel
Pulled papers and filed them
Tita Smith (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Adolfo Perez
Pulled papers
Carol Rudat
Pulled papers
Richard Siebert
Pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary E. Murphy (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Orange City Treasurer
George Small
Pulled papers and filed
Helen Walker (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3 (deadline extended to 8/13)
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers and filed
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Pulled papers and filed them
Mark Wayland
Pulled papers and filed them
Villa Park City Council (2 seats)
Patricia Burnes
Pulled papers and filed them
Rich Ulmer (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Willard “Bill” Mac Aloney
Pulled papers and filed them
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist
(deadline extended to 8/13)
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers and filed them
Kip Craig
Pulled papers and filed
Brett Peterson (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Marty Weel
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange County Water District, DIV 2
Denis Bilodeau (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Seibert pulls in Orange; Villa Park appoints?; Jerry Winant files in OUSD;Blogger vs Rocco!
eLECTION Watch 2008
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Richard Siebert pulls papers for Orange City Council
One day is left for filing in the Orange City Council race for two seats on the November ballot (August 8th at 5:00 pm is the filing deadline). The two incumbents, Council persons Tita Smith and Jon Dumitru have both filed as have challengers Robert Douglas and Michael Farrel. Four potential candidates who have pulled papers, but not filed them yet are: Stuart Campbell; Adolfo Perez; Carol Rudat; and the most recent Richard Siebert. Siebert, who has ran for Orange City Council before, is the First Vice President of the Orange Park Association and has worked in the Greater Orange Community on numerous community efforts including as the Orange Park Acres 4th of July Parade coordinator.
Villa Park City Council may appoint Council members
With two positions open and only two declared candidates; the Villa Park City Council may hold a Special Meeting next week to appoint the two candidates. As the only candidates for the two seats, the city could forgo the expense of an election by appointing incumbent Villa Park City Council member Rich Ulmer and former City Council member Bill Mac Aloney to the two open seats.
Jerry Winant files in OUSD
Jerry Winant has withdrawn from the Rancho Santiago Trustee Seat 3 race and filed for the OUSD Area 3 race. In a July 31st email explaining why he took papers out for both Orange Unified and Rancho Santiago, Winant wrote:
"I had the opportunity to attend a couple of political functions this past weekend; one sponsored by Republicans and one sponsored by Democrats. I found both to be interesting and informative. Both groups have legitimate concerns and thoughts about our educational system in CA. As you know, the elections for school board are non-partisan.... as they should be! One's political party should have no bearing on who is the best qualified to support and further the educational process for all students. At both functions, I had people talk to me about possibly running for the Rancho Santiago Community College Board, since I have such a strong background in the field of education. I also had the opportunity to speak with a couple of prospective candidates for the open Board seat on the OUSD Board of Education.
I discovered that one of these candidates, Florice Hoffman, shares many of the same philosophies, strengths, and concerns that I do. I was quite impressed by how much time she has spent during the past year in preparing for this election and a seat on the OUSD Board of Education. I believe she could be a tremendous asset to that Board. Likewise, I also feel I would be a tremendous asset for Orange Unified but there is only one seat available. Since I believe I also have the background and qualities to be a strong contributing Board member on the Rancho Santiago Community College Board, I have chosen to switch to this race. I support Florice in her efforts to be elected to the OUSD Board of Education."
Winant (who filed to run, but did not file a candidate statement) will now face Florice Hoffman in the OUSD Area Three race.
Blogger vs Rocco in Santa Ana Council Ward 3 Race
Orange Juice Blogger Art Pedroza announced today he will be a candidate for the Santa Ana City Council Ward 3 seat. Orange Unified School Trustee Steve Rocco has also pulled papers for the seat now held by besieged Council member Carlos Bustamante. Pedroza has been an outspoken and frequent critic of Bustamante in his Orange Juice Blog.
For more information:
Pedroza announcement on Orange Juice Blog CLICK ON:
Liberal OC Blog posting of Pedroza Press Release CLICK ON:
Greater Orange November 2008 Election Filing Update
City of Orange Mayor
Carolyn Cavecche
Pulled papers and filed them
City of Orange Council Seat (2 open)
Stuart Campbell
Pulled papers
Robert Douglas
Pulled papers and filed
Jon Dumitru (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Michael Farrel
Pulled papers and filed them
Tita Smith (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Adolfo Perez
Pulled papers
Carol Rudat
Pulled papers
Richard Siebert
Pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary E. Murphy (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange City Treasurer
George Small
Pulled papers
Helen Walker (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Pulled papers and filed them
Villa Park City Council (2 seats)
Rich Ulmer (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Willard “Bill” Mac Aloney
Pulled papers and filed them
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers
Kip Craig
Pulled papers
Orange County Water District, DIV 2
Denis Bilodeau (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Richard Siebert pulls papers for Orange City Council
One day is left for filing in the Orange City Council race for two seats on the November ballot (August 8th at 5:00 pm is the filing deadline). The two incumbents, Council persons Tita Smith and Jon Dumitru have both filed as have challengers Robert Douglas and Michael Farrel. Four potential candidates who have pulled papers, but not filed them yet are: Stuart Campbell; Adolfo Perez; Carol Rudat; and the most recent Richard Siebert. Siebert, who has ran for Orange City Council before, is the First Vice President of the Orange Park Association and has worked in the Greater Orange Community on numerous community efforts including as the Orange Park Acres 4th of July Parade coordinator.
Villa Park City Council may appoint Council members
With two positions open and only two declared candidates; the Villa Park City Council may hold a Special Meeting next week to appoint the two candidates. As the only candidates for the two seats, the city could forgo the expense of an election by appointing incumbent Villa Park City Council member Rich Ulmer and former City Council member Bill Mac Aloney to the two open seats.
Jerry Winant files in OUSD
Jerry Winant has withdrawn from the Rancho Santiago Trustee Seat 3 race and filed for the OUSD Area 3 race. In a July 31st email explaining why he took papers out for both Orange Unified and Rancho Santiago, Winant wrote:
"I had the opportunity to attend a couple of political functions this past weekend; one sponsored by Republicans and one sponsored by Democrats. I found both to be interesting and informative. Both groups have legitimate concerns and thoughts about our educational system in CA. As you know, the elections for school board are non-partisan.... as they should be! One's political party should have no bearing on who is the best qualified to support and further the educational process for all students. At both functions, I had people talk to me about possibly running for the Rancho Santiago Community College Board, since I have such a strong background in the field of education. I also had the opportunity to speak with a couple of prospective candidates for the open Board seat on the OUSD Board of Education.
I discovered that one of these candidates, Florice Hoffman, shares many of the same philosophies, strengths, and concerns that I do. I was quite impressed by how much time she has spent during the past year in preparing for this election and a seat on the OUSD Board of Education. I believe she could be a tremendous asset to that Board. Likewise, I also feel I would be a tremendous asset for Orange Unified but there is only one seat available. Since I believe I also have the background and qualities to be a strong contributing Board member on the Rancho Santiago Community College Board, I have chosen to switch to this race. I support Florice in her efforts to be elected to the OUSD Board of Education."
Winant (who filed to run, but did not file a candidate statement) will now face Florice Hoffman in the OUSD Area Three race.
Blogger vs Rocco in Santa Ana Council Ward 3 Race
Orange Juice Blogger Art Pedroza announced today he will be a candidate for the Santa Ana City Council Ward 3 seat. Orange Unified School Trustee Steve Rocco has also pulled papers for the seat now held by besieged Council member Carlos Bustamante. Pedroza has been an outspoken and frequent critic of Bustamante in his Orange Juice Blog.
For more information:
Pedroza announcement on Orange Juice Blog CLICK ON:
Liberal OC Blog posting of Pedroza Press Release CLICK ON:
Greater Orange November 2008 Election Filing Update
City of Orange Mayor
Carolyn Cavecche
Pulled papers and filed them
City of Orange Council Seat (2 open)
Stuart Campbell
Pulled papers
Robert Douglas
Pulled papers and filed
Jon Dumitru (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Michael Farrel
Pulled papers and filed them
Tita Smith (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Adolfo Perez
Pulled papers
Carol Rudat
Pulled papers
Richard Siebert
Pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary E. Murphy (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange City Treasurer
George Small
Pulled papers
Helen Walker (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Pulled papers and filed them
Villa Park City Council (2 seats)
Rich Ulmer (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Willard “Bill” Mac Aloney
Pulled papers and filed them
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers
Kip Craig
Pulled papers
Orange County Water District, DIV 2
Denis Bilodeau (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
Barrios sweeps endorsements/ Small to challenge Walker
eLECTION Watch 2008
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Barrios sweeps Orange City Council endorsements
In a news release, the campaign of Arianna Barrios announced that in addition to the previous announcements of endorsements from Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche, Mayor Pro Tem Jon Dumitru and Councilmember Tita Smith, the remaining Orange Councilmembers, Councilman Mark Murphy and Denis Bilodeau have also endorsed Barrios. The candidate becomes the first Orange Unified Trustee candidate in recent history to gather the endorsement of the entire City of Orange City Council. Her campaign also announced that in her first fundraiser last month Barrios received $11,000 in campaign donations. Barrios is currently the only declared candidate for the OUSD Trustee Area 6 seat.
Orange Treasurer Helen Walker
may face opponent George Small
Orange resident George Small has taken out papers to challenge Orange City Treasurer Helen Walker. Walker has been Orange City Treasurer for 14 years. .
Walker a lifelong Orange resident and a banker for over thirty years has provided a lifetime of service to the Greater Orange Communities. Among the honors for that service Walker received the Rotary Club Recognition Award from the Orange Rotary and she was named the City of Orange's 1990 Citizen of the Year. She has been an officer or served on the boards of numerous community groups including Girl Scouts, PTA, Orange Women's Club and the Orange Centennial Committee.
Greater Orange November 2008 Election Filing Update
City of Orange Mayor
Carolyn Cavecche
Pulled papers and filed them
City of Orange Council Seat (2 open)
Stuart Campbell
Pulled papers
Robert Douglas
Pulled papers and filed
Jon Dumitru (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Michael Farrel
Pulled papers and filed them
Tita Smith (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Adolfo Perez
Pulled papers
Carol Rudat
Pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary E. Murphy (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange City Treasurer
George Small
Pulled papers
Helen Walker (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Pulled papers and filed them
Villa Park City Council (2 seats)
Rich Ulmer (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Willard “Bill” Mac Aloney
Pulled papers and filed them
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers
Orange County Water District, DIV 2
Denis Bilodeau (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
an Orange Net News Special News and Analysis Series
Barrios sweeps Orange City Council endorsements
In a news release, the campaign of Arianna Barrios announced that in addition to the previous announcements of endorsements from Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche, Mayor Pro Tem Jon Dumitru and Councilmember Tita Smith, the remaining Orange Councilmembers, Councilman Mark Murphy and Denis Bilodeau have also endorsed Barrios. The candidate becomes the first Orange Unified Trustee candidate in recent history to gather the endorsement of the entire City of Orange City Council. Her campaign also announced that in her first fundraiser last month Barrios received $11,000 in campaign donations. Barrios is currently the only declared candidate for the OUSD Trustee Area 6 seat.

may face opponent George Small
Orange resident George Small has taken out papers to challenge Orange City Treasurer Helen Walker. Walker has been Orange City Treasurer for 14 years. .
Walker a lifelong Orange resident and a banker for over thirty years has provided a lifetime of service to the Greater Orange Communities. Among the honors for that service Walker received the Rotary Club Recognition Award from the Orange Rotary and she was named the City of Orange's 1990 Citizen of the Year. She has been an officer or served on the boards of numerous community groups including Girl Scouts, PTA, Orange Women's Club and the Orange Centennial Committee.
Greater Orange November 2008 Election Filing Update
City of Orange Mayor
Carolyn Cavecche
Pulled papers and filed them
City of Orange Council Seat (2 open)
Stuart Campbell
Pulled papers
Robert Douglas
Pulled papers and filed
Jon Dumitru (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed
Michael Farrel
Pulled papers and filed them
Tita Smith (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Adolfo Perez
Pulled papers
Carol Rudat
Pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary E. Murphy (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange City Treasurer
George Small
Pulled papers
Helen Walker (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Pulled papers and filed them
Villa Park City Council (2 seats)
Rich Ulmer (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Willard “Bill” Mac Aloney
Pulled papers and filed them
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers
Orange County Water District, DIV 2
Denis Bilodeau (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
Monday, August 04, 2008

eLECTION Watch 2008
an Orange Net News
Special News and Analysis Series
Former Newport Beach Realtor Carol Rudat, wife of former Orange and Los Alamitos City Manager Dave Rudat, has pulled papers for the Orange City Council race. Carol Rudat was a controversial figure in the last election in 2006 when her City of Orange residency came under question in a court case and her family members were linked to a negative illegal sign campaign against Denis Bilodeau.
Since her loss in that election, Rudat has been very active in the Greater Orange Communities trying to shed her earned image as an outside carpetbagger. Rudat appears to be interested in becoming a political force in the Greater Orange Communities.
RUDAT's Huband caught on tape.. You Tube Video from OC BLOG (Red Country)
LINK TO OC BLOG (now RED COUNTRY) video of Dave Rudat putting up illegal campaign signs: RUDAT on YOU TUBE
Greater Orange November 2008 Election Filing Update
City of Orange Mayor
Carolyn Cavecche
Pulled papers and filed them
City of Orange Council Seat (2 open)
Stuart Campbell
Pulled papers
Robert Douglas
Pulled papers
Jon Dumitru (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Michael Farrel
Pulled papers and filed them
Tita Smith (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Adolfo Perez
Pulled papers
Carol Rudat
Pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary E. Murphy (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange City Treasurer
Helen Walker (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Orange Unified Trustee Area 2
John Ortega (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
Orange Unified Trustee Area 3
Florice Hoffman
Pulled papers and filed them
Melissa “Lissa” Smith (Incumbent Trustee Area 1 until 2010)
Pulled papers
Jerry Winant
Pulled papers
Orange Unified Trustee Area 6
Arianna Barrios
Pulled papers and filed them
Villa Park City Council (2 seats)
Rich Ulmer (Incumbent)
Pulled papers and filed them
Willard “Bill” Mac Aloney
Pulled papers
Silverado-Modjeska, Recreation and Park Dist
Mike Colgan
Pulled papers
Orange County Water District, DIV 2
Denis Bilodeau (Incumbent)
Pulled papers
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”