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Monday, October 20, 2008
This Week's Upcoming Greater Orange Candidates Forums
eLECTION Watch 2008
an Orange Net News
Special News and Analysis Series
This Week's Upcoming Greater Orange Candidates Forums
With the November election two weeks away, Greater Orange voters have a chance to see local candidates up close. On Tuesday October 21st, 2008 the Orange Republican Women Federated will host a local Republican candidates who are running for both partisan and non-partisan local offices in Villa Park, Orange, Orange Unified, Congressional, State Senate and Superior Court. Community members are welcome, but reservations for the $25 per person event are required 714-731-2460. The event will be held at the popular Turnip Rose Restaurant beginning at 10:30 am.
Two candidates not invited to the Republican only event will be OUSD Trustee Area 6 seat candidate Arianna Barrios and Orange City Councilperson Tita Smith. Villa Park Councilperson and Republican Central Committee member Deborah Pauly sent out an email to her Republican supporters complaining about a recent Barrios campaign ad featuring a look-alike Republican logo (see RED COUNTY blog link below). In the email Pauly complains that "Democrats are hijacking the Republican party” and uses the Barrios “logo” and the candidates party affiliation switch from a Democrat to a Decline to State as proof. In her campaign Barrios has garnered key endorsements from both Republicans and Democrats in her non-partisan race. Councilwomen Tita Smith has suffered attacks in her non-partisan race from challenger Stu Campbell who took out a wordy full-page ad in the Foothills Sentry. Campbell devoted half the page against Smith under a banner:
16 Years is Enough! Why you don’t want to Vote for Tita Smith;
TITA SMITH- DEMOCRAT (She knows how to raise your fees/taxes)
Two School Board Candidate Forums will be held for all Orange Unified School Board candidates. The forums are sponsored by the Orange Community Council of PTAs and moderated by the League of Women Voters. The forums will be:
Wednesday October 22- 7:00 pm
OUSD District Office Board Rooms- 1401 Handy Street, Orange
Wednesday October 29- 7:00 pm
Orange High School Library- 525 Shaffer St. , Orange
For more information on the PTA Forums-email
OC BLOG/ Red County OUSD Story:
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight"
an Orange Net News
Special News and Analysis Series
This Week's Upcoming Greater Orange Candidates Forums
With the November election two weeks away, Greater Orange voters have a chance to see local candidates up close. On Tuesday October 21st, 2008 the Orange Republican Women Federated will host a local Republican candidates who are running for both partisan and non-partisan local offices in Villa Park, Orange, Orange Unified, Congressional, State Senate and Superior Court. Community members are welcome, but reservations for the $25 per person event are required 714-731-2460. The event will be held at the popular Turnip Rose Restaurant beginning at 10:30 am.
Two candidates not invited to the Republican only event will be OUSD Trustee Area 6 seat candidate Arianna Barrios and Orange City Councilperson Tita Smith. Villa Park Councilperson and Republican Central Committee member Deborah Pauly sent out an email to her Republican supporters complaining about a recent Barrios campaign ad featuring a look-alike Republican logo (see RED COUNTY blog link below). In the email Pauly complains that "Democrats are hijacking the Republican party” and uses the Barrios “logo” and the candidates party affiliation switch from a Democrat to a Decline to State as proof. In her campaign Barrios has garnered key endorsements from both Republicans and Democrats in her non-partisan race. Councilwomen Tita Smith has suffered attacks in her non-partisan race from challenger Stu Campbell who took out a wordy full-page ad in the Foothills Sentry. Campbell devoted half the page against Smith under a banner:
16 Years is Enough! Why you don’t want to Vote for Tita Smith;
TITA SMITH- DEMOCRAT (She knows how to raise your fees/taxes)
Two School Board Candidate Forums will be held for all Orange Unified School Board candidates. The forums are sponsored by the Orange Community Council of PTAs and moderated by the League of Women Voters. The forums will be:
Wednesday October 22- 7:00 pm
OUSD District Office Board Rooms- 1401 Handy Street, Orange
Wednesday October 29- 7:00 pm
Orange High School Library- 525 Shaffer St. , Orange
For more information on the PTA Forums-email
OC BLOG/ Red County OUSD Story:
eLECTION Watch 2008
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight"