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Friday, May 22, 2009
Greater Orange celebrates Memorial Day
Metro TALK ______________
A community service of
Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Villa Park Family Picnic and Car Show set for Memorial Day Weekend
This Memorial Day Weekend Orange County’s “Hidden Jewel” hosts the annual Villa Park Picnic and Car Show. Saturday May 23rd the weekend festivities kick off at 9:00 a.m. with a motorcade procession of vintage and classic cars through the streets of Villa Park. Then on Sunday May 24th is the main event Villa Park Picnic and Car Show at Irvine Lake from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Music, games, food, displays and demonstrations from the Orange County Sheriff Department and Orange County Fire Authority will keep picnic participants busy.. Contests include cup cake decorating and pie eating.
In addition nature hikes and fishing are part of Irvine Lake fun. Did we mention the raffle? Yes all this and a Classic Car Show.
Tri-City Memorial Day Service will feature
Orange H.S. Chamber Singers
The Tri-City (Orange, Tustin and Santa Ana) Memorial Day Observance will be held Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2009. The tribute will feature veterans groups, community groups and local dignitaries in the dedication of Eight Civil War Era Monuments at the Santa Ana Cemetery Monument to the Civil War Unknowns, Grand Army of the Republic Plot. City of Orange Mayor Carolyn Ceveech will be just one of the City of Orange participants in the program. Others include: John Whiteriver of the Orange American Legion Post 132- who will give the Invocation and Benediction; Daniel Martinez, Eagle Scout Orange B.P.O. Elks Troop 1475-who will lead the Pledge of Allegiance; Daniel Schroeder-Boy Scouts Orange B.P.O. Elks Troop 1475 – bugler playing of Taps; and VFW District 2 and Orange Post 7452 Color Guard- will be the Honor Firing Squad. In addition, the Orange High School Chamber Singers under the direction of both Dean Anderson and Mike Short will be singing a number of patriotic songs.
Orange County 3rd District Supervisor Bill Campbell will read the poem “Old Glory” and the Memorial Day Address will be given by California Superior Court Judge Daniel McNerney.
The Santa Ana Cemetery is located at 1919 E. Santa Clara in Santa Ana. The program begins at 10:00 a.m.
Metro TALK is
a community service of ORANGE NET NEWS /O/N/N/
Orange Communication System /OCS/
A community service of
Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Villa Park Family Picnic and Car Show set for Memorial Day Weekend
This Memorial Day Weekend Orange County’s “Hidden Jewel” hosts the annual Villa Park Picnic and Car Show. Saturday May 23rd the weekend festivities kick off at 9:00 a.m. with a motorcade procession of vintage and classic cars through the streets of Villa Park. Then on Sunday May 24th is the main event Villa Park Picnic and Car Show at Irvine Lake from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Music, games, food, displays and demonstrations from the Orange County Sheriff Department and Orange County Fire Authority will keep picnic participants busy.. Contests include cup cake decorating and pie eating.
In addition nature hikes and fishing are part of Irvine Lake fun. Did we mention the raffle? Yes all this and a Classic Car Show.
Tri-City Memorial Day Service will feature
Orange H.S. Chamber Singers

Orange County 3rd District Supervisor Bill Campbell will read the poem “Old Glory” and the Memorial Day Address will be given by California Superior Court Judge Daniel McNerney.
The Santa Ana Cemetery is located at 1919 E. Santa Clara in Santa Ana. The program begins at 10:00 a.m.
Metro TALK is
a community service of ORANGE NET NEWS /O/N/N/
Orange Communication System /OCS/