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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
News from the Real OC- A Blog Star is Born!

a community service of the
Greater Orange Communities Organization
News from the Real OC-
A Blog Star is Born!
Orange resident, mural artist, and mom-about-town Kim Harman’s blog is our newest favorite local blog. Far removed from the constant deluge of daily reality from Washington or Sacramento, and far removed from the reality world of the many spoiled “Housewives” given their own cable shows, Harman’s blog is remarkably down-to-earth and fun. Called “Notes from the Real OC”, the blogs information mast declares:
“Though you might not know it from TV, OC is more than beaches, blonds and Botox. The Real OC is made of people of all incomes, ethnicities, interests, and political persuasions. The Real OC is a great place to live. Lots of remarkable things happen here and some of them happen to me. That's what this blog is about. Life in the Real OC, from the perspective of a not-quite-young-definitely-not-old mom/wife/friend/writer. Check it out--Notes from the Real OC.”
From running marathons, to parenting and school, houseplants and growing old (gracefully!!!) the Harman’s blog is what it promises “Lots of remarkable things happen here and some of them happen to me”. Move over Julia and Julie, Greater Orange has its own blog star!
Check it out with the link below and the link on the Greater Orange News Service main page. For Harman's Blog-Notes from the Real OC-CLICK ON:
Notes from the Real OC
All Canyons Clean-up September 19, 2009
The All Canyon Clean-up of Silverado, Modjeska, and Williams Canyon will take place in conjunction with the 13th Annual Inter-coastal Watershed Clean-up Day will take place this Saturday September 19, 2009 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Large bins and a chipper will be available for canyon residents at Santiago Canyon Road and Modjeska Canyon Road. Residents are urged to use the day to remove brush to create a defensible fire safe perimeter around homes. No haz-mat or electronic waste will be accepted.
Volunteers are needed to help with the clean-up of the canyons. For more information call Phil at 949-463-4592.
Orange Park Acres Western Fall BBQ and Dance
Orange Park Acres Western Fall BBQ and Dance will be held Saturday September 19, 2009 at the Davidson’s OPA residence, 6122 Santiago Canyon Drive. Live music and dancing, live and silent actions, raffles and of course-Barbeque! The fun starts at 5:30. The $30 per person tickets are available at the Hitch ‘n Post Feed and Tack 4921 E Chapman in Orange. Have a raffle or auction prize? Contact Sandy Forkert at 714-997-9135.
OUSD Technology and budget woes stress-out district

While Orange Unified Superintendent Dr. Renae Dreier made a splash with her first day of school podcast, she maybe remembered more for her cuts to the OUSD Technology Department this year after citing that those jobs cut were basically people who turn computers off and on. Strapped with a nasty virus, the OUSD website had been a mess for the first month of school as frustrated students and teachers find the technology useless for most of the day. The overworked and significantly smaller OUSD Technology Department is outgunned and working on a shoestring. All this while a number of schools have idle technology needed for classes. Reading programs, math programs and computer classes are unable to function. At least one school has no functioning computer lab, while students sit in “computer classes” with nothing to do for a month.
Meanwhile, OUSD principals across the district have told staff that supplies will be running out soon. Scantrons, copying paper, testing pencils and so forth are expected at many school sites to be gone before the Winter Break. While some parent groups in the well-off schools have been tapped for help, students in less affluent areas (i.e. Program Improvement Schools) are more vulnerable. Without access to supplies and school based technology, next-year’s state testing scores at these high profile schools may take a big hit. Dr. Dreier's podcast on next year’s scores should be interesting-if anyone can turn on a computer to view it!
Metro TALK
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