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Saturday, February 19, 2011
Orange Unified Administrators win honors

OUSD Director of Communication Larry Hausner issued a press release that ACSA Region 17, the Orange County Region of the Association of California School Administrators, announced that five OUSD Administrators have been selected to be honored as the regions Administrators of the Year. OUSD Superintendent Dr. Renae Dreier was honored as Administrator of the Year-Superintendent and Michael Christensen was the Administrator of the Year- Business Service , Both administrators have also received the GOPY award, the Greater Orange Person of the Year- Dreier in 2009 and Christensen in 2010. Also awarded from OUSD was: Julie McNealy as Central Office Administrator of the Year; Canyon H.S. Principal Dr. Greg Bowden as Secondary Principal of the Year; and El Rancho Principal John Besta as Middle Grades- Administrator of the Year.
OUSD Director of Communication Larry Hausner is President of ACSA Region 17, the Orange County Region of the Association of California School Administrators.