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Friday, November 25, 2011
Tis the Season for Greater Orange Hoilday Traditions
Santa to Tour Villa Park before heading to North Pole
Few people outside Villa Park may know that Santa and Mrs. Claus keep their Southern California vacation residence right here in Greater Orange at the Claus Villa in Villa Park. Each year before making the final push towards getting ready for that Christmas Eve world tour, the Claus family spends a weekend at their Villa Park get-a-way. Traditionally, Santa has thanked his home-away-from home neighbors with the Annual Villa Park Santa Tour winding his way through the Greater Orange “Hidden Jewel” in a bright red fire truck. This year’s tour is Saturday December 3, 2011 starting at 8:00 am.
Santa has been known to drop by or stop along the route where ever there is a gathering of believers. For more information contact the Villa Park City Hall at 714-998-1500. The Annual Santa Tour is sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation.
For a map and times CLICK ON: SANTA TOUR

17th Annual Orange Plaza Tree Lighting and Candlelight Choir Procession
The Christmas holiday season’s official Greater Orange kickoff celebrates 17 years of tree lighting ceremonies in the Orange Plaza. The 350 voice Orange Master Chorale choir led by Orange High’s world famous choir director Michael Short and a 60 piece orchestra in the traditional Choir Procession and Tree Lighting Ceremony.
The festivities start at 3:30 pm on Sunday December 4th with food booths and kids activities including those holiday photo ops with none-other than Santa himself followed by the official choir and tree ceremony starting at 5:15 pm.
In case of rain please call the official Orange Special Events Hotline for details: 714-744-7278.
14th Villa Park Great Dry Land Yacht Parade Kicks off 50th Celebration
Being land-locked never bothered many in Greater Orange, especially in Villa Park where the 14th Annual Great Villa Park Inland Yacht Parade takes place on Sunday December 11th, 2011.
Kicking off Villa Park’s 50th Anniversary of cityhood, the mighty armada sets sail starting at 5:00 pm, to arrive at its home port at the Villa Park Towne and Community Centre at around 6:00 pm. The hometown festivities including a tree lighting ceremony and entertainment and promises of special 50th year surprises. The Great Villa Park Inland Yacht Parade is sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation.
For a Parade Route Map: CLICK ON:BOAT PARADE
Santa to Tour Villa Park before heading to North Pole
Few people outside Villa Park may know that Santa and Mrs. Claus keep their Southern California vacation residence right here in Greater Orange at the Claus Villa in Villa Park. Each year before making the final push towards getting ready for that Christmas Eve world tour, the Claus family spends a weekend at their Villa Park get-a-way. Traditionally, Santa has thanked his home-away-from home neighbors with the Annual Villa Park Santa Tour winding his way through the Greater Orange “Hidden Jewel” in a bright red fire truck. This year’s tour is Saturday December 3, 2011 starting at 8:00 am.
Santa has been known to drop by or stop along the route where ever there is a gathering of believers. For more information contact the Villa Park City Hall at 714-998-1500. The Annual Santa Tour is sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation.
For a map and times CLICK ON: SANTA TOUR

17th Annual Orange Plaza Tree Lighting and Candlelight Choir Procession
The Christmas holiday season’s official Greater Orange kickoff celebrates 17 years of tree lighting ceremonies in the Orange Plaza. The 350 voice Orange Master Chorale choir led by Orange High’s world famous choir director Michael Short and a 60 piece orchestra in the traditional Choir Procession and Tree Lighting Ceremony.
The festivities start at 3:30 pm on Sunday December 4th with food booths and kids activities including those holiday photo ops with none-other than Santa himself followed by the official choir and tree ceremony starting at 5:15 pm.
In case of rain please call the official Orange Special Events Hotline for details: 714-744-7278.
14th Villa Park Great Dry Land Yacht Parade Kicks off 50th Celebration
Being land-locked never bothered many in Greater Orange, especially in Villa Park where the 14th Annual Great Villa Park Inland Yacht Parade takes place on Sunday December 11th, 2011.
Kicking off Villa Park’s 50th Anniversary of cityhood, the mighty armada sets sail starting at 5:00 pm, to arrive at its home port at the Villa Park Towne and Community Centre at around 6:00 pm. The hometown festivities including a tree lighting ceremony and entertainment and promises of special 50th year surprises. The Great Villa Park Inland Yacht Parade is sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation.
For a Parade Route Map: CLICK ON:BOAT PARADE