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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
OUSD to honor Employees as economic stress indicators take toll
OUSD to honor Employees as economic stress indicators take toll
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
The Orange Unified School District Board of Education will pass resolutions honoring OUSD School Bus Drivers, School Nurses and Teachers at their April 19, 2012 (the 237th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord). Agenda Item 9 E (Agenda page 3) will designate April 24, 2012 as School Bus Driver’s Day; Agenda Item 9 F (Agenda page 5) will designate May 9, 2012 as School Nurse Day; and Agenda item 9 G will also designate May 9, 2012 as California Day of the Teacher. This is the 31st Anniversary of the California Day of the Teacher.
The value of the district’s employees during the current economic turn down is clearly evident in other items on the April 19, 2012 Agenda. They include the “sun-shinning” (the legal notice) of the district’s positions in upcoming labor negotiations with its two employee unions- the Orange Unified Education Association and the Chapter 67 of the California School Employees Association. In the Agenda Items 12 A and 12 B(Agenda pages 9 and page 11), the district proposes to “extend terms” of previous agreements for continued cuts to instructional days and class size loads for another year.
The extent of the stresses these cuts have placed on the district can be seen in Agenda Item 12 H (Agenda page 116) which asks the OUSD Board for a continuation of the extension of the current OUSD Strategic Plan through 2013-2014. The Agenda Item sites the original extension request was needed because of the “multi-year reductions and increased demands placed on the organization and employees”. Also while the Agenda Item states that the that OUSD has “not stopped working forward with the goals of the Strategic Plan” the item explains that the district “acknowledges that reduced funding, increased class sizes, and reductions in classified and certificated staffing have impacted the pace originally envisioned” for implementation. The real question is of course not the number or how long the extensions of implementation are, but how long all the districts employees can continue working with the stress factors cited in the agenda item. Sources across the district report that the student population and OUSD community are feeling the stress caused by the continued cuts with student suspensions and behavior issues also exhibiting increases.
Other Items:
Closed Session 4 B – Discussion of 4 possible lawsuits
Action Item 12 C (Agenda page 13) – Energy Conservation Contact
Action Item 12 D- G Various Board Policy revisions-mostly necessitated by state law changes
Information Item 13 B- latest update on the ever changing Sacramento story on Transitional Kindergarten
Former Superintendent Godley’s Retirement Bonus
Running total (beginning 8/2008)
$53, 060.00*
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula calculated here at $1210 a month since 8/08. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday April 19 2012 -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
WATCH FOR continuation of Orange Net News newest investigative series:
Orange Unified’s Grade Inflation Out of the Box or Out of Control?
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
The Orange Unified School District Board of Education will pass resolutions honoring OUSD School Bus Drivers, School Nurses and Teachers at their April 19, 2012 (the 237th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord). Agenda Item 9 E (Agenda page 3) will designate April 24, 2012 as School Bus Driver’s Day; Agenda Item 9 F (Agenda page 5) will designate May 9, 2012 as School Nurse Day; and Agenda item 9 G will also designate May 9, 2012 as California Day of the Teacher. This is the 31st Anniversary of the California Day of the Teacher.
The value of the district’s employees during the current economic turn down is clearly evident in other items on the April 19, 2012 Agenda. They include the “sun-shinning” (the legal notice) of the district’s positions in upcoming labor negotiations with its two employee unions- the Orange Unified Education Association and the Chapter 67 of the California School Employees Association. In the Agenda Items 12 A and 12 B(Agenda pages 9 and page 11), the district proposes to “extend terms” of previous agreements for continued cuts to instructional days and class size loads for another year.
The extent of the stresses these cuts have placed on the district can be seen in Agenda Item 12 H (Agenda page 116) which asks the OUSD Board for a continuation of the extension of the current OUSD Strategic Plan through 2013-2014. The Agenda Item sites the original extension request was needed because of the “multi-year reductions and increased demands placed on the organization and employees”. Also while the Agenda Item states that the that OUSD has “not stopped working forward with the goals of the Strategic Plan” the item explains that the district “acknowledges that reduced funding, increased class sizes, and reductions in classified and certificated staffing have impacted the pace originally envisioned” for implementation. The real question is of course not the number or how long the extensions of implementation are, but how long all the districts employees can continue working with the stress factors cited in the agenda item. Sources across the district report that the student population and OUSD community are feeling the stress caused by the continued cuts with student suspensions and behavior issues also exhibiting increases.
Other Items:
Closed Session 4 B – Discussion of 4 possible lawsuits
Action Item 12 C (Agenda page 13) – Energy Conservation Contact
Action Item 12 D- G Various Board Policy revisions-mostly necessitated by state law changes
Information Item 13 B- latest update on the ever changing Sacramento story on Transitional Kindergarten
Former Superintendent Godley’s Retirement Bonus
Running total (beginning 8/2008)
$53, 060.00*
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula calculated here at $1210 a month since 8/08. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday April 19 2012 -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
“Independent Local Insight”
WATCH FOR continuation of Orange Net News newest investigative series:
Orange Unified’s Grade Inflation Out of the Box or Out of Control?