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Friday, July 27, 2012
4 in Villa Park race, and Rocco runs again!
eLECTION Watch 2012
Four Villa Park candidates vie for three seats and…
Steve Rocco runs again!
Four candidates have pulled papers for three seats in the Villa Park City Council Race. Two of the seats are for four year terms, while one is to finish two years of the term of the late Councilman Robert Fauteux.
Councilman Rick Barnett, who was appointed by the Villa Park City Council to the Fauteux seat until the November election, has pulled papers. Also pulling papers for a council seat is pet store owner Diana Fascenelli, beer and ale wholesaler Donna Porter and former Villa Park Rotary President Greg Mills.
When the candidates file their nomination papers, they will be required to select running for the two open 4 year term seats, or for the remaining two years on the late Councilman Fauteux’s term. The top two vote getters running for the four year seats will win, while the top vote getter for the two year seat will win.
Orange candidate list grows
In the Orange City Council races for two seats, the total is now up to seven people with Joshua Nothom the latest to pull papers. Nopom joins: Mike Alvarez; Brian Del Vecchio; Robert Douglas;Ray Grangoff;Larry Labrado Sr.; and Mark Murphy.
Steve Rocco makes another run for Public Office
Even as the sex scandal story on Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante took another twist today with the announcement of the resignation of Orange County CEO Tom Mauk, the story could get even wilder with eccentric former OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco pulling papers to run for Bustamante’s Third Ward Santa Ana seat.
Rocco joins Charles Hart, a Contract Manager for the Orange County Health Care Agency, and Santa Ana Human Relations Commissioner Shane Barrows. All three have pulled and filed all the needed paper work and more potential candidates have stated they too will be jumping into the race. The last office Rocco ran for was Orange County Pubic Administrator. In that 2010 race, Rocco received 39,381 votes or 11.3% of the total.
Four Villa Park candidates vie for three seats and…
Steve Rocco runs again!
Four candidates have pulled papers for three seats in the Villa Park City Council Race. Two of the seats are for four year terms, while one is to finish two years of the term of the late Councilman Robert Fauteux.
Councilman Rick Barnett, who was appointed by the Villa Park City Council to the Fauteux seat until the November election, has pulled papers. Also pulling papers for a council seat is pet store owner Diana Fascenelli, beer and ale wholesaler Donna Porter and former Villa Park Rotary President Greg Mills.
When the candidates file their nomination papers, they will be required to select running for the two open 4 year term seats, or for the remaining two years on the late Councilman Fauteux’s term. The top two vote getters running for the four year seats will win, while the top vote getter for the two year seat will win.
Orange candidate list grows
In the Orange City Council races for two seats, the total is now up to seven people with Joshua Nothom the latest to pull papers. Nopom joins: Mike Alvarez; Brian Del Vecchio; Robert Douglas;Ray Grangoff;Larry Labrado Sr.; and Mark Murphy.
Steve Rocco makes another run for Public Office

Even as the sex scandal story on Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante took another twist today with the announcement of the resignation of Orange County CEO Tom Mauk, the story could get even wilder with eccentric former OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco pulling papers to run for Bustamante’s Third Ward Santa Ana seat.
Rocco joins Charles Hart, a Contract Manager for the Orange County Health Care Agency, and Santa Ana Human Relations Commissioner Shane Barrows. All three have pulled and filed all the needed paper work and more potential candidates have stated they too will be jumping into the race. The last office Rocco ran for was Orange County Pubic Administrator. In that 2010 race, Rocco received 39,381 votes or 11.3% of the total.