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Thursday, August 29, 2013
NCLB testing fiasco almost dead
The Emperor has no clothes!!!!

The unrealistic goals of a the federally mandated testing
system under No Child Left Behind continued to die a slow and painful death as
the State of California released the latest numbers of its 2013 Standardized
The API (Academic Performance Index) is a numeric index that ranges from a low of
200 to a high of 1,000. School and student group targets are set at 5 percent
of the difference between the school or student group's Base API score (posted
last May, along with school ranks) and the statewide target of 800, with a
minimum target of 5 points. All numerically significant student groups at a
school must meet their growth targets for a school to meet its API growth
Across California, the overall API declined by 2 points from
last year, from 791 to 789, although a number of student “subgroups” saw some
Like the state,
Orange Unified’s numbers were a mixed bag with wide numerical swings. Overall, 18 OUSD schools (51%) the API grew and API targets
were met. Three schools (9%) the API
grew, but targets were not met. API scores declined in 14 (40%) of OUSD schools. ( see links below)
This year’s results were the last true statewide results. Starting
next school year, California will be on a “two test” system, with its largest and
most struggling districts receiving a federal waiver to be removed from the
California Department of Education system to create one of their own. In
addition, a new standards regiment called “Common Core” will be introduced. The
testing system for Common Core is under development. By all indications, the “Smarter
Balance” testing system that “part” of California will be participating ( yes-
there is no “national” test for the “almost” national Common Core) is far from
developed, or ready to implement with current state facilities.
The federal Adequate
Yearly Progress (AYP) performance targets for 2012-13 identify all Title I
schools for Program Improvement unless nearly 90 percent of students attain
proficiency. When the impossible targets
were made by Educrats and federally mandated in the No Child Left Behind law, top state officials embraced the targets,
while teacher groups across the state called them unrealistic, arbitrary and
Today with the release of the dismal California AYP, Tom
Torlakson, the California State Superintendent of Public Education wrote in a uncharacteristically
harsh Press Release today finally acknowledging what the Emperor’s people had
long seen:
“As expected, the
unrealistic federal proficiency targets set under No Child Left Behind
continued to identify an even larger number of schools, including many at or
above the state's performance target, for Program Improvement (PI).
‘It is unfortunate
that officials in Washington continue to enforce a program they have
acknowledged is deeply flawed, and that paints too many high-achieving schools
with the same broad brush,’ Torlakson
said. ‘As an elected official, I'm obliged to comply with the law. But as a
teacher, I'll continue to urge Congress and the Administration to get to work,
change course, and replace No Child Left Behind with a workable law that
fosters rather than hinders the progress California's schools are making’ “
In this year’s
California API results, only 14 percent out of 9,861 schools met the AYP
benchmarks this year compared to 26 percent last year. Of the more than 6,200
Title I-funded schools, only 10 percent reached federal proficiency (Table 10).
Among the California schools identified for Program Improvement
(PI) , 30 percent have an API of 800 or higher. This year, 741 Title I (federal lower
income identified) schools are new to Program Improvement and the bureaucratic
hoops associated with that identification.