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Thursday, January 23, 2014
Great start for Ortega as President
Metro TALK
viewpoints from across Greater Orange
Finally, Leadership to bring Greater Orange together
-views from the Greater Orange Community
Organization :GoCo:
In his first move as Orange Unified School Board President,
Trustee John Ortgea has proposed bringing the OUSD Board Meetings to the
community to listen and learn about the needs of OUSD's four comprehensive high
Taking a page from his first days as one of the newly
elected Citizen Trustees after the 2001 Orange Recall, Ortega's move is in
sharp contrast to the wasted year under the former OUSD President Tim
Surridge. In January of last year
Surridge laid out a divisive agenda that as the old 2001 recall slogan stated,
"Bad for Taxpayers, Bad for Schools
and Bad for Orange "
However, what a difference a year
While Ortega's relationship with
his fellow Trustees took a rocky turn years ago, his long stance on improving OUSD schools has
never been questioned. A product of OUSD, over the years when Ortega has publicly
spoken about his passion for his childhood schools he was always at his best.
Now as OUSD Board President and with over a decade of service, Ortega now has a chance at becoming a statesmanlike
leader that can heal the deep divisions on the OUSD Board with the same skills
he employed as a former Orange County Sheriff- fairness and integrity.
Ortega is human and has had
personal challenges. Now however, he has this chance to practice his years of
training and experience to be the leader perhaps he was destined to be.
By putting old differences aside,
reaching out across the dais to bring together the OUSD Board , Ortega is
uniquely positioned to do great things and become one of OUSD great Board
Clearly his first initiative to
go out to the community to try and accomplish what all other OUSD Presidents
before him have failed at is the best start of an OUSD President in years.
Our hope is this year Ortega will rise to
the challenge and be :
"Good for Taxpayers, Good for
Schools and Good for Greater Orange "
Metro TALK is a
service of :GoCo: and its communication group Orange Net News