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Wednesday, April 16, 2014
OUSD Extends Admin Contracts
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
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OUSD Administrators contracts
renewed and revamped
the Thursday April 17, 2014 Orange Unified School Board meeting, the OUSD Board of Trustees will vote to
approve extending contracts for top OUSD administrators and
"re-establish" the position of Deputy Superintendent.
item 12 G (page 19) on the April 17th Agenda (online mistakenly dated April
11th on the bottom of each page) "re-establishes" the position of
Deputy Superintendent and extends the two remaining Assistant Superintendent's
contracts for three years.
Deputy Superintendent position was originally re-created (after not being around since the 1970's) by former OUSD
Superintendent Dr. Renae Dreier (herself a former Deputy Superintendent) in her
April 2010 OUSD administrative reorganization. Drier appointed then 12 year
OUSD veteran Assistant Superintendent Michael Christensen as the first OUSD Deputy Superintendent. (Click
on: DREIER).
August 2011, Dreier retired and Christensen became the new OUSD Superintendent. The position of Deputy Superintendent was
then abolished.
week's Agenda Item 12 G states that "re-establishment" of the Deputy Superintendent
position is a result of the combining of the Educational Services and
Informational Technology departments into one department and because of new reporting
requirements necessitated by budgeting compliance (for LCFF and LCAP) now being
shared by the Educational Services and Human Resources departments. The Item further states that current
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Dr. Gunn Marie Hansen will be
the new Deputy Superintendent. In March, Dr. Hansen was named by the
Association of California School Administrators the 2014 California Central Office
Administrator of the Year. (Click on: HANSEN)
It is not clear from the
Agenda Item whether a new Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services will
be hired.
the 2009-2010 school year, Michael Christensen's salary was $170,291. The new Deputy Superintendent salary is listed
in the Agenda as range 198 on the OUSD Leadership Salary Schedule (last column
F ). That translates into $16,474 a
month. At 12 months ( for 248 days) the annual rate is $197,688. The three year
contract runs from July 2014-June 2017. ( Click on CHRISTENSEN)
agenda item also extends the contracts of the Assistant Superintendent of
Business Services and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources to June 2017.
The salary at range 151 on the OUSD Leadership Salary Schedule goes from Column A $10, 356 a month ($124,272 annually) to Column F
$13,032 a month ($156,384 annually). (Click on: SALARY )
contracts include a health benefit package, mileage at the current IRS rate
(.56 per mile) and any future leadership pay hikes. In addition to the salary
and benefit package, Dr. Hansen receives a doctoral stipend.
on the April 17th Agenda is Information Item 13 D ( page 25) a report on
Superintendent Michael Christensen's contract extension. Continuing his open and transparent role as
OUSD President, the item about the automatic renewal of the Superintendent's
contract was placed on the by Trustee John Ortega as an informational
terms of Christensen's contract, his contract was automatically extended for
three years until August 2017 since he was not notified by the OUSD Board six
months before its expiration that his
contract would not be renewed or extended beyond its end date. The Board was
aware of that deadline.
terms of the Superintendent's contract will remain the same, with the OUSD
Board having the right to amend it.
OU$D Bond WATCH 2014
The April 17th Agenda
includes Items 13A and 13B providing more information moving toward a 2014 OUSD
Facilities Board.
Item 13 A has long-time Old
Towne Orange real estate agent Dr. John Aust, owner of John Aust Real Estate Company and an Orange Chamber leader
presenting information on the relationship of passing a school bond on the
value of homes.
Dr. Aust also operates CP
Appraisers from his real estate office and has been hired as an expert witness
for court room real estate appraisals.
(Click on REAL ESTATE)
Item 13 B has information
on Bonds in regards to the changes from the November 2000 Proposition 39 - the
Schools Facilities Local Vote Act of 2000. That constitutional amendment
reduced the required vote to pass a school bond from 66% Yes to a 55% Yes.
Before the passage of Prop 39 60% of school bonds passed in California . After its passage lowering the
vote threshold, 75% of California school bonds pass.
In addition, information on
the duties and activities of the required Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee
will be covered and the do's and don'ts of public monies spending in Bond
The April meeting comes
after four highly successful "on-the road" meetings at the four OUSD
high schools proposed by Board President Ortega.
an out-of-character ill-timed middle of OUSD Spring Break Week release, OUSD Superintendent
Michael Christensen released an OUSD ListServe message (in letter form) to the
community on the progress being made by OUSD on the Bond. The largely missed letter
because of the poor timing states that a May report on the Bond polling and a
tentatively scheduled June vote for a Bond measure (based on that poll) by the
OUSD Board is the timing expected.
INSIDE the April Agenda
Closed Session Item 4
Hiring a new Administrative Director of Student and
Community Services (Click on SCS)
Action Item 12 A
Acceptance of the initial disbursal of $265,000 from the Maxine Huber Trust. Huber was a long time Orange resident.
Action Item 12 B
Acceptance of the highest bid to sell the OUSD Killerfer
Consent Item (Page 36)
Announcement of the retirement on June 27, 2014 of Portola
Middle School Principal Deborah Backstrom.
17, 2014
Next OUSD Board Meeting -
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD
Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at
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