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Monday, June 30, 2014
OUSD votes for Bond election
OU$D Bond WATCH 2014
a news service of
Net News
As ghosts from Elections Past
appear at the meeting...
OUSD Board
votes 6-1 to send H.S. Facilities Bond to voters
Orange Unified School Board meeting in a Special Session voted 6-1 to send a
$296 million High School Facilities Bond Measure to Greater Orange voters this
November. The only item for the June
30th Open Session Agenda on the unusual Monday Special Session meeting brought
a sizable crowd including opponents to the Bond measure being placed on the
the numerous community leaders attending were Villa Park Councilwomen Deborah
Pauley; former Orange Mayor Carolyn
Cavecche and former OUSD Trustee Melissa Smith.
The return of Kathy Moran and Michael Fisher
in the audience and addressing the Trustees were two very familiar supporters
of the 2001 recalled Reactionary Jacobson Majority - Kathy Moran and Michael
Fisher. Moran and Fisher were long time fixtures in the OUSD Board room in the 1990's
and early 2000's as they supported the reactionary agenda of the Jacobson
Majority. Moran was often referred to as
the unelected eighth Trustee.
Moran and Fisher had come to oppose the placement of the Bond on the ballot. Moran by her own account told the Trustees
that she had not been back to the OUSD Board room since the defeat of the 2004
OUSD Bond. Moran and Fisher both had
talking points about deferred maintenance monies for the schools. Moran stated that before the Recall that
Board was putting aside 4% for maintenance -double the 2% required by the
state. Moran's point? If the trustees
can't keep 40 schools running with a 2% maintenance budget- they should not of
cut the budget-therefore they are not good money managers. Yes this is the logic of the mind that guided
the Jacobson Majority to their eventual recall in 2001- Moran's Mind.
Moran failed to mention was the doubled deferred maintenance fund was just one
place the Reactionary Board was hiding educational
tax money-racking up hundreds of millions in
reserves while strangling the OUSD public schools. All this as Moran's Trustees
were spending millions upon millions of educational taxes meant for schools on
political lawyers, lawsuits and litigation against everything in public
education. Basically Moran's friends were using educational tax dollars to wage
a reactionary war against the Greater Orange public schools. Moran
was their closest community ally- appointed to numerous high level OUSD administrative committees and even
sitting in on Trustee Closed Sessions.
Later in the meeting it was Trustee Rick Ledesma who took on Moran's fantasy
anti-Bond deferred maintenance. Ledesma-methodically offered a "realistic
picture" of what had happened to
school finances. Ledesma outlined the $50 million yearly budget cuts during the
Great Recession that started in 2008.
Reminding the audience of the choices between programs and maintenance
resulting from up to 25% budget cuts he also outlined budget restraints caused
by mediations, legal rulings, categorical funding reductions- as well as
changes in the make-up of the Board with different philosophies. Ledesma
emphasized that since 2008 the focus of the OUSD Board has primarily been the
Remarks from all sides
John Ortega chastised those who opposed a Bond vote saying he had yet to hear
anyone offer any other solution to upgrading local schools.
Mark Wayland also defended the Board's handling of the budget. Wayland pointed to the OUSD Board selecting
Superintendent Michael Christensen - with a financial background as opposed to
a superintendent with an educational doctorate.
Wayland's remark about having " the best financial manager sitting
to my left" [Christensen] brought applause from the audience.
Kathy Moffat highlighted the Bond's financial manager remarks about OUSD's high
credit ratings as proof of fiscal responsibility. The financial advisor confirmed the strong high
double "A" financial ratings OUSD has that will help with lower
interest rates- Moody's "Aa2" rating
and Standard and Poor's "AA-" rating.
Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche now President and CEO of the OC Tax Association also
spoke. Cavecche reporting that while the OCTA takes no positions on Bonds, the
OUSD Bond and Policies meet all 13 criteria requirements of the OC Tax
highlight of the night had to be the public opposition to the Bond from Villa
Park Councilwomen Deborah Pauley. Pauley went into a soliloquy of indebtedness-referring
to the bond as "worst than a tax-its a debt".
it was not Pauley's " indebtedness" nor
Moran's "deferred maintenance"
logic that resulted in the lone vote against the Bond election from Trustee Dr.
Alexia Deligianni. For her the reason to vote against an election was
because the designs of the four architectural firms were "gorgeous" and this Bond would not pay for all the design
features-so an election for a Bond would be "setting up the community for
President John Ortega moving the item and Trustee Diane Singer seconding it,
after the discussion Ortega called for a roll-call vote.
Trustee Timothy Surridge had no comment through out the entire meeting- in the
end he voted Yes. The finale vote was
6-1 ( Deligianni the only no).
audience erupted into applause as Ortega closed the meeting.
Comments heard during the meeting
"Local problems solved with local
- C.A.R.E. co-founder Kris
"Will it be enough when we are all bonded
-Villa Park Councilwomen Debora Pauley
"Were you good fiscal stewards or
were there re-allotments to other needs?"
- Kathy Moran
"El Modena looks the same way it
did in the 80's!"
-OUSD President John Ortega
"If you lived in a house for 50,
60, 70 years, when do you do a major re-model?"
-OUSD Trustee Mark Wayland
"What we do today is for the future."
-OUSD Trustee Kathy Moffat
" I see a mess."
-OUSD Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni
"I'm opposed to raising taxes, but
I vote yes to increase property values!"
-OUSD Trustee Rick Ledesma
"My vote is to give you the opportunity to vote."
-OUSD President John Ortega
-OUSD Trustee Timothy Surridge
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Greater Orange celebrates the 4th
July 3rd and 4th
celebrations in Greater Orange
Orange kicks off the
4th with annual 3rd of July celebration
Greater Orange kicks off Independence Day early with the City of Orange’s 18th Annual "3rd of July" Celebration. Begun in 1996, the 3rd of July festival has grown into one ofOrange County ’s biggest Independence Day
centered events that includes- live music, inflatable activities and that
famous Orange hometown
festival atmosphere all leading up to the grand finale in Fred Kelly Stadium
featuring the Orange Community Master Chorale followed by Greater Orange’s most
spectacular fireworks choreographed to music.
The 18th Annual 3rd of July Celebration will take place Thursday, July 3, 2014 at 4 p.m. at Orange Unified’s Fred Kelly Stadium at 3920 East Spring Street, Orange, CA 92869.
Fred Kelly Stadium’s artificial turf requires special rules for everyone to enjoy. The following rules when attending the July 3rd activities apply:
• Only blanket seating is allowed on the field.
• Strollers, wheelchairs, wagons, or other wheeled items are only permitted in designated areas.
• Lawn Chairs, food, drinks, seeds, gum, popcorn, hard-soled or high-heeled shoes are prohibited on the field.
On-site staff may deem items not currently on this list as harmful to the field. If so informed, please help us by not bringing those items onto the field.
Tickets for the 18th Annual "3rd of July" Celebration are $7 for adults and children over two years old. Tickets can be purchased at the Community Services Department,230 East Chapman Avenue (corner of Grand Street )
through 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 3, 2014. Tickets will also be available for
purchase at the event after 1:30 p.m.
Greater Orange kicks off Independence Day early with the City of Orange’s 18th Annual "3rd of July" Celebration. Begun in 1996, the 3rd of July festival has grown into one of
The 18th Annual 3rd of July Celebration will take place Thursday, July 3, 2014 at 4 p.m. at Orange Unified’s Fred Kelly Stadium at 3920 East Spring Street, Orange, CA 92869.
Fred Kelly Stadium’s artificial turf requires special rules for everyone to enjoy. The following rules when attending the July 3rd activities apply:
• Only blanket seating is allowed on the field.
• Strollers, wheelchairs, wagons, or other wheeled items are only permitted in designated areas.
• Lawn Chairs, food, drinks, seeds, gum, popcorn, hard-soled or high-heeled shoes are prohibited on the field.
On-site staff may deem items not currently on this list as harmful to the field. If so informed, please help us by not bringing those items onto the field.
Tickets for the 18th Annual "3rd of July" Celebration are $7 for adults and children over two years old. Tickets can be purchased at the Community Services Department,
Tickets will be available
for purchase at the event.
For more information please call the City ofOrange Special Events Hotline at (714) 744 -7278.
For more information please call the City of
The first Fourth of
July "Stars on Parade" sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation and
Thomas Real Estate Group will be wheeling through the streets of Villa Park on
the Fourth of July morning.
"Kids of all
ages" are welcome to ride decorated bikes, trikes, scooters and wagons
along the parade route lead by an OCFA engine. Adult "kids" with
classic cars all dolled up in patriotic colors are also invited to attend.
The 1.5 mile long parade
starts lining up at Villa Park
High School at 9:30 am
and will start off at 10 am. with "prizes and surprises" promised
along the way.

The Canyon Community will again play host for its city’s official 4th of July Celebration with a full day of activities including the annual 4th of July Parade. This year the Anaheim Hills Community Council will honor
This year's “Firecracker” 5 /10K Run – 2K Walk begins at 7:00 am and goes until 10:00 am at the
Beginning at 8 am until 10:00 am in the Canyon Hills H.S. cafeteria will be the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club’s famous Pancake Breakfast that includes hotcakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee and a whole lot of visiting with neighbors and friends.
This year the Yankee
Doodle Dog Show also returns at 10 a.m. to Canyon High School .
There are six fabulous dog-gone-good categories: Best Dressed Dog, Cutest Dog
(35 lb. and under), Best Trick, Owner/Doggie Look-a-like, Bigger Cutest Dog (36
lb. and over) and Yankee Doodle Dog. Prizes and awards given and the winners
get to ride in the Firecracker July 4th Parade.
At 5:00 pm it is the annual 4th of July Parade. The parade starts at Canyon High School and makes its way to Peralta
Park at 115
N Pinney Dr., Anaheim Hills by proceeding west on Santa
Ana Canyon Rd ending
at Pinney
Drive. To see the parade route CLICK ON: PARADE
At 5:00 pm it is the annual 4th of July Parade. The parade starts at
Food Booths will be
available between 3:00 pm – 8:45pm at Peralta Park . So forget the
backyard BBQ! Bring your family, friends and neighbors to enjoy all the
fabulous food. The park will also have live music entertainment from 4:00
pm – 8:45 pm
The evening ends with a spectacular fireworks display for your enjoyment beginning at 9:00 pm atPeralta Park .
The evening ends with a spectacular fireworks display for your enjoyment beginning at 9:00 pm at
Saturday, June 28, 2014
OUSD Trustees to vote on Bond election
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
OU$D Bond WATCH 2014
OUSD Bond election vote set for Special Meeting on
Monday June 30th
The Orange Unified School Board
will hold a Special Meeting on Monday June 30, 2014 to vote on whether to place
a $296 million dollar Facilities Bond on the November 2014 Ballot to let OUSD
voters once again decide if the community should invest in OUSD schools.
After a lengthy community process
that included: tours of modernized schools for civic leaders; stakeholder input
from each of the high schools on what their communities modernized high school
facilities could include; and a series of
on-the-road Orange Unified Board of Education meetings to reveal those plans
at each high school- Monday night's vote will require five of the seven
trustees to vote yes to send the Bond to the voters.
The vote will come 39 days ahead
of the August 8th deadline for placing the item on the November ballot . Four of
the trustees voting on the Bond issue will also have an election for their
seats on the same November ballot: Rick Ledesma; Diane Singer: Kathy Moffat and
Timothy Surridge.
The ballot vote comes after a
month of controversy where community members and Bond supporters watched the
OUSD Board have an unprecedented extended review of popular OUSD Superintendent Michael
Christensen who had carefully and
meticulously shepherded the Bond process to up to the final stages. With the
clock ticking down and with an grassroots community organization called C.A.R.E
already in place to proceed with a pro-Bond campaign- community leaders
across OUSD braced for an expected
self-destruction of the OUSD Board that
never materialized as OUSD President John Ortega finally wrapped up the
"evaluation" and moved forward with a June 30th Special Meeting vote.
The June 30th Agenda's only Open
Session item is the Bond Measure vote. The resolution on the agenda includes
the ballot language to be put to the Greater Orange voters:
"To repair or replace aging, outdated high school
classrooms/science labs with safe, modern facilities and maintain the quality
of education, upgrade career-training facilities, libraries, and computer systems to keep pace with technology, improve
student safety/campus security, acquire, construct, repair schools,
facilities/equipment to provide students with the education and training needed
to succeed in college/careers, shall Orange Unified School District issue $296
million in bonds at legal rates, with independent citizen oversight, no money
for administrator salaries, and all money staying
The OUSD resolution includes
setting aside monies for a maintenance
"(i) that for as long as bonds are outstanding, the Board annually
will deposit 1% of the
prior fiscal year's General Fund revenues into a facility maintenance
The election resolution also
addresses the legally needed list of proposed projects [ Note:
capitalization emphasis are true to
original text]:
"Therefore, in approving this Project List, the Board of Education
determines that the District must:
(i) Repair or replace old, leaky roofs, old rusty plumbing where needed
and faulty
electrical systems; and
(ii) Provide the facilities and equipment for college, career and
technical education
classes so students are skilled in the use of 21st Century technology
and are
prepared for college and careers, good paying jobs in fields like
science, math,
technology and the skilled trades; and
(iii) Improve student safety and security systems, including security
lighting, fencing,
smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinklers; and
(iv) Update instructional technology in the classroom for improved
student learning
in core subjects such as math, science and technology; and
(v) Modernize schools and classrooms to improve earthquake safety and
access for
students with disabilities; and
(vi) Adhere to specific FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY safeguards such as:
(a) Sacramento
must be prohibited from taking any of the funds raised,
(b) All expenditures must be subject to annual independent financial
(c) An independent citizens' oversight committee must be appointed to
ensure that all funds are spent only as authorized.
The Project List includes the following types of upgrades and
improvements at the District's high schools. WITH RESPECT TO EACH HIGH SCHOOL,
The resolution also makes it
clear that each high school is to receive the same amount of money from the
Bond- approximately $74 million each-and includes details about the list of
renovations. The same categories are included for each high school listed
"School Renovation, Repair
and Upgrade Projects
Goal and Purpose: Since providing the facilities and labs needed for
career and technology education classes
so students are prepared for college and good paying jobs in fields like health science, engineering technology and skilled
trades is critical, local schools will benefit from projects including..."
"Health, Safety
Goal and Purpose: Since good, safe and up-to-date schools are a wise
investment to (i) help protect and improve local property values, (ii) protect
the quality of our schools, (iii) protect the quality of life in our community,
and (iv) reduce maintenance costs, thereby returning more money to the
classroom and protect instruction in core subjects like math, science and
technology, [ Name of school] will benefit from a variety of health and safety
"Energy Efficiency -
Returning Savings to the Classroom"
"Instructional Technology
and Wiring Projects
To Provide a 21st Century Technology Skills
Goal and Purpose: To enable our students to succeed in college and
careers, they must be skilled in the use of 21st Century technologies and have
a solid background in science, math, and
The resolution also includes a
paragraph with a long list of caveats that will impact the scope of the
projects completed. State matching funds
(which currently do not exist) are covered and a potentially controversial
phrase about the explosive issue of OUSD surplus properties is included in the resolution:
"The funding of
improvements at each high school may be affected by the District's receipt
of State matching funds, proceeds from
the sale of surplus District land, and the final costs of each project. In the
absence of State matching funds, which
the District will aggressively pursue to reduce the District's share of the
costs of the projects, the District may not be able to complete some of the
projects listed above."
Also included are these caveats on projected budget costs for
projects are covered:
"The budget for each
project is an estimate and may be affected by factors beyond the District's
"The final cost of each
project will be determined as plans are finalized, construction bids are
awarded and projects are completed.
Based on the final costs of each project, certain of the projects described above may be delayed or may not be
Another area the resolution covers, but not widely addressed in the long
run up to bond planning, is the issue of the possibility of
"joint-use" arrangements:
"Some projects throughout the District, such as gyms, fields and
performing arts facilities, may be
undertaken as joint use projects in cooperation with other local public
or non-profit agencies".
Also on the Monday June 30 Agenda
is a Closed Session item related to the modernization construction that
occurred at Lampson Elementary.
Significant Exposure to Litigation and Anticipated Litigation Pursuant
to Government Code Sections 54956.9(d)(2): One (1) Item-PW Construction Inc.
Government Code claim. On June 10,2014, Orange
Unified School
District received a Government Code claim from PW
Construction, Inc. for costs owed and additional costs incurred arising out of PW
Construction's work on the Lampson Elementary School Modernization Project.
BOARD MEETING Monday June 30, 2014
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD District Office
OUSD Regular Session: 6:30 pm
For more information call the OUSD
Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at
ARCHIVAL Information and direct news can be found
the Greater Orange News Service
Unified Schools INSIDE
is an independent news service of
Net News
Monday, June 23, 2014
SPECIAL REPORT: OUSD Keeps Christensen
OUSD Board keeps Superintendent Christensen and
confirms "bond vote" set for Monday June 30
After nearly two hours of a
Closed Session meeting devoted to the "evaluation" of popular OUSD Superintendent
Michael Christensen, OUSD Board
President John Ortega reported to a small audience of high level OUSD
Administrators and some of Greater Orange's most influential community members that
there were no decisions from Closed Session, but the OUSD Board had a
productive discussion with Mr. Christensen about his evaluation.
The unusual Monday June 23rd Special
Meeting that only dealt with the Superintendent's
evaluation had sparked widespread speculation on the fate of the Superintendent after the OUSD Board met
privately without the Superintendent or other administrators in Closed Session at
the Monday June 16th Special Meeting for an extended period of time-then
scheduled tonight's Special Meeting to continue the evaluation. In the intervening
week wide-spread speculation and a community-wide show of support for Superintendent
Christensen throughout the Greater
Orange Communities erupted.
That support was on
display at the beginning of the meeting with community members addressing the
OUSD Board before their Closed Session commenting on the OUSD Superintendent Michael
Christensen's leadership, stellar reputation and integrity.
Included in President Ortega's end of the meeting announcement was that the
OUSD Board would be voting on whether to place a 2014 Facilities Bond on the
November ballot at another Special Meeting on June 30th.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Ortega's choice: Leadership or Tragedy?
Viewpoints of Greater Orange
Metro Views
President John Ortega's choice:
or Tragedy?
-Viewpoint of the Greater Orange
Communities Organization

Viviano quickly worked to bring
sweeping changes to OUSD in just one year.
Refusing to "buyout" the handpicked Jacobson Majority
Superintendent, ...Viviano made a standing weekly Friday afternoon appointment
with Superintendent Barbara Van Otterloo to meticulously go over her week's
activities (local legend says that time was purposefully picked by
Viviano because it interfered with a long standing
golf tee time the Superintendent had). Within a year the Superintendent had retired
with no buy-out of her contract at taxpayers expense. Vivano also ditched the political ally
attorney firms of the defeated trustees
and brought sweeping reforms to Board Policies. Those included: a second
"public comment" section being added to the end of the OUSD Board Agenda; for
the first time OUSD Board meetings were broadcast over the local cable stations;
and Vivano's crowning achievement- a rotation system was established for all
OUSD Board Officers so a majority slate could not hold unchecked power. Viviano started the "on-the road" Board Meetings rotating the meetings between the OUSD high schools and middle
schools to connect to the community and build back trust in the OUSD
Board. To re-build employee moral a
yearly pancake breakfast was instituted with Van Otterloo and district
administrators serving the employees.
The leadership and
accomplishments of the OUSD Board under President Robert Viviano has never been
equaled since-until this year.
A young John Ortega first rotated
into the office of the OUSD President under the Recall Reform rules and by most
accounts it was not a successful year. Years later, as the OUSD Board faced the
prospect of Trustee Steve Rocco becoming an officer under the Recall Reforms (after a failed Rocco Recall
attempt) , the Board Majority ditched the rotation of officers.

Ortega not only rose to the
occasion, but in his first six months surpassed expectations and he appeared on
the way to rival the accomplishments of
Robert Viviano. Ortega brought
respect back to the OUSD Board meetings ending derisive and demeaning interrupting
comments from the chair. He gave everyone a chance to fully speak- and
disagreeing or agreeing in a respectful manner after all others have spoken. He
took a page from Viviano and instituted a highly successful "on the
road" meeting series about the
facilities plans at the four comprehensive OUSD high schools that even other
trustees gushed about how successful they were.
He tried to place the Peralta issue outside of the politics of 2014 by
extending the operators lease (this failed when the operator called for
different terms). But above all he
has been about to do what so many
other's have failed to do...lead the Greater Orange Communities into approving
a facilities Bond.
However, like a Shakespeare
tragedy, one issue appears to stand in between
Ortega's legacy and a tragic ending .
The question Ortega faces in the
drawn out process over Superintendent Michael Christensen's on-going evaluation
(and the rumored innuendo's of malfeasance)
appears to be two simple issues: "evidence and politics".
Those two issues appear to stand between Ortega's legacy as great leader or being
just another radical politician.
Unfortunately tragedies become clearly "tragic" only in the finale act-but the foreshadowing of the end
comes well before the curtain falls with the choices the players make.

But, now all eyes are on OUSD
President John Ortgea and the road he takes- the road of great leadership for
the good of his community, or the road that leads to personal and community tragedy.
Metro Views A community news service of the Orange Communication System /OCS/
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the networks that carry, send or reproduce this posting.
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OU$D Bond WATCH 2014
Greater Orange
Friday, June 20, 2014
SPECIAL REPORT: Politics or Misconduct?
Politics or Misconduct?
Orange Unified Superintendent's evaluation continues for June 23 Special Meeting

Just 2 weeks away from approving placing a 2014 Facilities Bond on the November 2014 ballot-a process that has been over a year in the making involving thousands of community members- and the Orange Unified School Board has dramatically turned its attention to continuing the "evaluation" of OUSD Superintendent Michael Christensen for a Special Monday night meeting on June 23, 2014.
The Special Meeting dealing again with the Superintendent's evaluation takes place
amid rampant rumors throughout the Greater Orange Communities over what is
going on in these ongoing Board of Trustee Closed Sessions "evaluations"
of the popular OUSD Superintendent.
![]() |
Trustee Timothy Surridge |
As time tics down to the Bond ballot
placement deadline of August 8th, and with a Special Meeting now scheduled for June 30, 2014 for the OUSD Trustees to
vote to just place a Bond issue on the November ballot for voters to decide,
clearly losing OUSD Superintendent Michael Christensen for any reason this
Monday would be a deathly blow to the Bond efforts.

The major difference between today and 2001 is that while in 2001 stakeholder alliances and community communication networks were built from the ground up, today those community stakeholder alliances and communication networks are already in place across the Greater Orange Communities.

It now appears one historic meeting stands
between progress toward a bright future and total chaos for OUSD: Monday June 23, 2014.
Monday, June 16, 2014
SPECIAL REPORT: Bond in...Christensen out?
OU$D Bond WATCH 2014
a news service of
Net News
As rumors fly about Superintendent
Christensen's job...
OUSD announces Bond vote on June 30th
![]() |
Black Monday crowd makes a statement |
A capacity crowd-all dressed in black as arranged for by the C.A.R.E.
bond support group- showed up to the "Black Monday" June 16th Orange
Unified School District School Board meeting to protest the delay in the OUSD
Bond being placed on the OUSD Agenda.
With only two Agenda items- the Closed Session discussion of OUSD
Superintendent Michael Christensen evaluation and the cancellation of the
current Request for Qualifications/Proposals For Construction Management
Services to reissue the Request and add
"Program Management Services" to the construction services
request,- the meeting seemed long in anticipation and short in action. Except where it counted.
However, it was the Bond and the Superintendent that was the topic of
not only the meeting, but the days leading up to the meeting.
The Closed Session was scheduled from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. At 7:30 pm, the OUSD Administrators who sit
in on the Closed Session returned to the Board room. The Trustees did not. Ten minutes. Fifteen
minutes. Still no Trustees.
With the long delay, the buzz in the Board Room then turned to the
rumors that had been circulating around the Greater Orange
Communities for the last week that a few Trustees were trying to oust popular Superintendent Michael
Christensen. As the delay continued, the
crowd braced for what many in the crowd feared would be a disastrous
announcement. Many of the Bond Supporters attribute Christensen as the driving
force in guiding the highly successful 2014 Bond process momentum to this
At 8:10 pm the Trustees finally returned to the Board room and after
the meeting formalities, OUSD Board
President John Ortega reported that there was no Closed Session decisions to
report. The collective relief of the audience could be felt.
In April Superintendent
Christensen's contract was extended until 2017.
Ousting Christensen would require the OUSD Board to "buy-out"
his contract costing OUSD Taxpayers close to $600,000 in educational tax
dollars- all this before going to voters in November to ask for approval for a
It was in April 2011 that the OUSD Board bucked tradition and appointed
then Deputy Assistant Superintendent Christensen to the Superintendent's post. Since OUSD's groundbreaking decision to make the district's financial leader
the head of the school system, other district's across the state have followed
OUSD's lead.
When the announcement of
Christensen's appointment was made at the April 21, 2011 meeting, the Board
room audience literally erupted in universal cheers and applause. Never in the memory of any long-time Board
watchers has any Board appointment been met with such universal community approval. (CLICK ON: Christensen )
Winner of the 2010 GOPY-Greater Orange Person of the Year
(Click on: GOPY), Christensen is universally admired by community
leaders, parents, teachers and support staff.
That universal admiration however appears to end at the OUSD Board Room
where apparently Christensen's evenhanded approach to all Board members does
not sit well with some Trustees who see themselves as the "chosen ones".
The implications of a Christensen ouster on the moral of the OUSD workforce and Greater Orange Community-as well as the political ramifications
again show how self-centered and out-of-touch the self-described "chosen ones" appear to be. The last time a popular OUSD Superintendent was ousted by radical trustees was Dr. French. That sparked a community civil war
that ended with the 2001 Orange Recall. French's replacement- Barbara Van Otterloo
was never accepted and after the 2001 Recall was forced to retire by the new Citizen's Board that refused to buy her contract out. Otterloo was replaced
triumphantly by her predecessor...the ousted and beloved Dr. French.
As one Bond leader at the Monday night meeting stated "A vote to
oust Christensen will produce an election scorecard for the next three
As community speakers cleverly refused to be shut out from talking
about the Bond because of the rules of the Special Meeting requiring comments on Agenda items only, OUSD President John
Ortega announced that two new Special Meetings would be held on the next two
consecutive Mondays- June 23rd and June 30th.
He further announced that June 30th would be when the OUSD Board would
place the Bond on the Agenda for a vote. August 8th is the deadline for
measures to be placed on the November ballot.
Concerns then quickly shifted to the June 23rd meeting and the
possibility of the continuation of the discussion of the "Superintendent's
evaluation" during Closed Session and the question arose..."Is it possible
that the OUSD Trustees will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?"
OU$D Bond WATCH 2014
A community news service of the
Orange Communication System /OCS/
"Independent Local Insight"
Ecast on the INTERNET COMMUNITY GROUP i/))) cg
A 21st Century Communications System
Produced by the Orange Communication System /OCS/
Saturday, June 14, 2014
OUSD Bond Protest planned
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
OU$D Bond WATCH 2014
With no 2014 Bond placement vote yet and growing concern...
OUSD Bond Supporters plan protest at
Special Session OUSD Board meeting
The 2014 Orange Bond supporters
from C.A.R.E (Community Advancement through Renovation for Education ) are
planning to stage a quiet protest at the Orange Unified Special Meeting on Monday June 16, 2014 (starting time 7:30
pm). The plan to wear black and bring
signs supporting moving forward on a 2014 OUSD Bond measure to the June 16th Special Meeting is to bring attention to
what is perceived as a slow down in the
momentum of the district toward placing a facilities Bond on the 2014
November ballot.
The C.A.R.E. Facebook page June
12 post stated:
CARE is appalled and thoroughly frustrated to discover the school board president has failed to place a vote on calling for a November high school facilities bond measure on Monday night’s agenda. We made numerous requests to have this matter placed on the agenda and, clearly and inexplicably, we have been ignored. No explanation has been provided for the sudden change in direction on pursuing a high school facilities improvement bond. This is unacceptable! Thousands of people have given their time and energy both helping to create the master site plans and appearing in support of a bond at the various school board meetings. The board’s inaction is a slap in the face given the indisputable need to improve our high schools, the swell of community support in favor of improving the high schools through a bond measure, and the thousands of hours dedicated community members have already devoted to this cause. Without the board voting to put the bond on the November ballot, we are unable to begin our campaign to get this bond passed. Our kids need this NOW, not later. We do not have time to wait until it’s politically convenient for the board to act.
We need to make our message loud and clear to the school board that NOW is the time for the board to call for a bond to be placed on the November 2014 ballot. We will not tolerate further delays, last minute objections, and eleventh hour excuses. Tell them to show some leadership and do what is right for our children!
CARE is appalled and thoroughly frustrated to discover the school board president has failed to place a vote on calling for a November high school facilities bond measure on Monday night’s agenda. We made numerous requests to have this matter placed on the agenda and, clearly and inexplicably, we have been ignored. No explanation has been provided for the sudden change in direction on pursuing a high school facilities improvement bond. This is unacceptable! Thousands of people have given their time and energy both helping to create the master site plans and appearing in support of a bond at the various school board meetings. The board’s inaction is a slap in the face given the indisputable need to improve our high schools, the swell of community support in favor of improving the high schools through a bond measure, and the thousands of hours dedicated community members have already devoted to this cause. Without the board voting to put the bond on the November ballot, we are unable to begin our campaign to get this bond passed. Our kids need this NOW, not later. We do not have time to wait until it’s politically convenient for the board to act.
We need to make our message loud and clear to the school board that NOW is the time for the board to call for a bond to be placed on the November 2014 ballot. We will not tolerate further delays, last minute objections, and eleventh hour excuses. Tell them to show some leadership and do what is right for our children!
With an August 8th deadline to
approve a Bond for the 2014 November ballot, sources close to the CARE
leadership report growing frustration at the pace to approve a 2014 Bond
measure tied to concerns that the slow pace may have to do with internal Board
political maneuvering. Insider reports at the lack of communication with the
CARE leadership has also been a cause for concern.
Long time OUSD sources also
reveal that disappointment in the cryptic nature of the June 16th Agenda
Special Meeting dealing with the evaluation of popular OUSD Superintendent
Michael Christiansen and the single Action Item on the agenda to "Cancel
the Current RFQ/P for the Project/Construction Management Services".
At the May 8th OUSD Board meeting
Trustee Kathy Moffat called for board policies in place for Board members and
staff to protect against conflict of interest in regards to a Bond. Moffat at the end of the meeting made a
compelling case for safeguards to assure transparency and above board conduct
as OUSD asks the community to trust the district with tax dollars to upgrade the high schools.
As an example, Moffat revealed
that OUSD Board President John Ortega and Trustee Timothy Surridge attended a
meeting of potential Bond "vendors and bidders". Moffat states:
"I was quite disturbed to hear that
at a large meeting, where many potential vendors and bidders for a contract-two
of our Board members went. Mr. Ortega
and Mr. Surridge, they went to the meeting. There is no role for Board members
at the meeting. They addressed the meeting. There is no reason for that. I think that is part of an improper role for a
Board member to play and we haven't even begun yet."
Moffat stated she was working
with the Superintendent to bring forward new Board Policies ahead of the Bond
election vote.
After Moffat's call to add new
conflict of interest Board Policies, President Ortega-who earlier in the meeting tangled with Moffat
over a Consent Item to pay absent OUSD Board Member Mark Wayland his stipend
for missing the meeting ( the item to pay him failed on a 3-1-3 vote with
Moffat voting no and three Board members absent-Singer, Wayland and
Surridge) closed the meeting stating:
"All I can say is those who a live in
glass house should not throw stones- I adjourn this meeting".
June 16, 2014
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD District Office
OUSD Regular Session: 7:30 pm
For more information call the OUSD
Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at
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