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Monday, June 23, 2014
SPECIAL REPORT: OUSD Keeps Christensen
OUSD Board keeps Superintendent Christensen and
confirms "bond vote" set for Monday June 30
After nearly two hours of a
Closed Session meeting devoted to the "evaluation" of popular OUSD Superintendent
Michael Christensen, OUSD Board
President John Ortega reported to a small audience of high level OUSD
Administrators and some of Greater Orange's most influential community members that
there were no decisions from Closed Session, but the OUSD Board had a
productive discussion with Mr. Christensen about his evaluation.
The unusual Monday June 23rd Special
Meeting that only dealt with the Superintendent's
evaluation had sparked widespread speculation on the fate of the Superintendent after the OUSD Board met
privately without the Superintendent or other administrators in Closed Session at
the Monday June 16th Special Meeting for an extended period of time-then
scheduled tonight's Special Meeting to continue the evaluation. In the intervening
week wide-spread speculation and a community-wide show of support for Superintendent
Christensen throughout the Greater
Orange Communities erupted.
That support was on
display at the beginning of the meeting with community members addressing the
OUSD Board before their Closed Session commenting on the OUSD Superintendent Michael
Christensen's leadership, stellar reputation and integrity.
Included in President Ortega's end of the meeting announcement was that the
OUSD Board would be voting on whether to place a 2014 Facilities Bond on the
November ballot at another Special Meeting on June 30th.