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Friday, November 25, 2016
Holiday time!
Greater Orange holiday celebrations:
Plaza Tree lighting, Santa Tour,
Villa Park Dry Land Boat Parade and OPA party
The Christmas holiday season’s official Greater Orange kickoff celebrates 22 years of tree lighting ceremonies in the Historic Old Towne Orange Plaza on Sunday December 4, 2016.
The whole family is invited to this free event to enjoy good cheer, photo opportunities with Santa, and family fun activities.
As always, refreshments will be sold by local non-profit groups for a nominal fee, which goes to support their works in the community.
The traditional local kick-off to the holiday season starts at 3:30 p.m., as Santa Claus comes to the Old Towne Plaza for kids of all ages.
The center piece of the event-the official tree lighting-will take place at 5:15 p.m. with the traditional candle light choir procession.
In case of rain please call the official Orange Special Events Hotline for details: 714-744-7278.
Santa to Tour Villa Park December 10th before heading back to the North Pole
Few people outside Villa Park may know that Santa and Mrs. Claus keep their Southern California vacation residence right here in Greater Orange at the Claus Villa in Villa Park.
Each year before making the final push towards getting ready for that Christmas Eve world tour, the Claus family spends a weekend at their Villa Park get-a-way. Traditionally, Santa has thanked his home-away-from home neighbors with the Annual Villa Park Santa Tour winding his way through Greater Orange's “Hidden Jewel” in a bright red fire truck.
This year’s Santa's annual tour (with some locally famous very large elves) is Saturday December 10, 2016 from 8:00 am- 3:30 pm.
Along with the 28 scheduled stops, Santa has been known to drop by or stop along the route where ever there is a gathering of believers.
For more information contact theVilla Park City Hall at 714-998-1500.
For more information contact the
The Annual Santa Tour is sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation.
For more information CLICK ON: Santa Tour
Being land-locked never bothered many in Greater Orange, especially in Villa Park where the Annual Great Villa Park Inland Boat Parade takes place on Sunday December 11th, 2016.
This year's 19th Annual theme is "Twinkling Twilight".
This year's 19th Annual theme is "Twinkling Twilight".
The flotilla sails through the backwaters of Villa Park, starting at 5:00 pm from Villa Park High School on Sunday December 11th. The mighty Villa Park Fleet will sail to the Villa Park Towne and Community Centre arriving around 6:00 pm. for more hometown festivities including a tree lighting ceremony and entertainment.
The Great Villa Park Inland Boat Parade is sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation.
Orange Park Acres Holiday Party December 11th
On the same night that Villa Park figuratively sets sail, Orange Park Acres will figuratively heading south of the border for its holiday bash- an all-you-can-eat Mexican Buffet.
The tickets ($35 for adults and $20 for kids 12 and under) must be purchased before the event and are online until December 7th. For more information and to purchase tickets click on: OPA CHRISTMAS
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
New Controversial Charter application and Measure S moves forward
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
insight into OUSD
a news service of
Net News
The fringe Gulen Movement, post-truths and a political PAC
The truth about members on the Board for proposed Voyager
Charter School in OUSD
Orange Unified School Board
Agenda Item 12 C (Agenda page 5) for the November 15, 2016 Board Meeting is a public hearing on
the newest charter school application to come before the Orange Unified
Trustees- the Voyager
Charter School, Orange . The Thursday night hearing is to
"consider the level of support"
for the charter from the community, district parents, teachers and
Going to the proposed charter's website, a visitor is
immediately greeted by a photo of four
very young children: one white blue-eyed blond boy; a blond blue-eyed white
girl, and one African-American boy and one African American girl. No
Hispanic/Latino Americans or Asian Americans.
The California Department of
Education breaks down the racial demographics of Orange Unified as: 53.8
Hispanic/Latino; 30.4% White; 9.4% Asian; 1.3% African American.
The all white Voyager Board of Directors is not what makes them unique in the diverse Greater Orange Community, it is what is
missing from the information provided in some of the biographies of the Board
of Directors.
(click on Voyager Board)
Voyage Lead Petitioner has employment links to controversial Turkish Imam Fethullah Gulen
The Voyager Board's Lead Petitioner and Founding Member is former
charter school teacher and administrator Karen Evans. According to Evans' biography
on the Voyager website, "Karen left
full-time education work in 2014 to join her family’s business".
What is that "family
business" that is not listed on the Voyager website that Karen Evans joined full
time almost three years ago? The Evans
family business is a comic strip. Karen Evans now helps with her father,
cartoonist Greg Evans, with his comic
strip Luann.
(click on SD Tribune )
Before that however, Karen Evans was an administrator for two Gulen Movement affiliated organizations: Irvine
based Accord Education and the Magnolia Foundations' Magnolia Science
Academy charter school
system. Both of these controversial organizations have documented ties to the
Gulen Movement known in Arabic as Hizmet. or "the service". This
fringe movement was started by Turkish Imam ( Muslim cleric) Fethullah Gulen, now in exile in the U.S.
![]() |
Imam Fethullah Gulen |
The Turkish government lists Fethullah Gulen as a terrorist.
Karen Evans was the Director of Accountability for Irvine based and Gulen
affiliated Accord Education partners. Evans also served as a Dean at a Magnolia Science
Academy in La Mesa California just outside of San Diego .
Over a hundred Magnolia charter schools across theU.S.
are operated by Gulen affiliated Magnolia Foundation. Despite the extensive evidence, both
of these organizations (as all Gulen related orgainizations do) maintain in a post-truth style statements they are are not affiliated with each other or the Gulen Movement.
Over a hundred Magnolia charter schools across the
![]() |
Nationwide map of Gulen affiliated charter schools and "educational" orgainizations |
The Magnolia Foundation charter schools were the subject of a controversial financial report from LA Unified Inspector General:
In the audit of Magnolia Science Academy Charter Schools, we found that Magnolia Public Schools were not in full compliance with selected provisions outlined in the Charter Agreements. We found (i) the schools did not maintain all required employment and enrollment documentation, (ii) related party transactions were not disclosed in audited financial statements, and (iii) required fund reserves were not maintained. Magnolia’s Charter School executive management agreed with all 11 recommendations and had taken some corrective actions before the completion of the audit on some recommendations.
One of the many concerns of LAUSD and other districts dealing with the Magnolia Foundation charters and Gulen's other nation-wide charters are the importing of Gulen affiliated Turkish nationals under H1-B visas to fill teaching and staff positions at the schools.
In the audit of Magnolia Science Academy Charter Schools, we found that Magnolia Public Schools were not in full compliance with selected provisions outlined in the Charter Agreements. We found (i) the schools did not maintain all required employment and enrollment documentation, (ii) related party transactions were not disclosed in audited financial statements, and (iii) required fund reserves were not maintained. Magnolia’s Charter School executive management agreed with all 11 recommendations and had taken some corrective actions before the completion of the audit on some recommendations.
One of the many concerns of LAUSD and other districts dealing with the Magnolia Foundation charters and Gulen's other nation-wide charters are the importing of Gulen affiliated Turkish nationals under H1-B visas to fill teaching and staff positions at the schools.
In February of this year, the
Turkish Government using the
international law firm of Amsterdam and Partners filed a formal complaint against
the Magnolia Foundation schools network in California . A similar move by the law firm was started in Texas against the
Harmony Charters affiliated with the Gulen Movement.
The Magnolia Foundation has fought back against detractors with huge demonstrations
at LAUSD Board meetings and at the headquarters of Amsterdam and Partners.
Karen Evans' writings in her master's program digital portfolio shows that all her 12 years of education experience
was always at charter schools-mostly with the Gulen affiliated charters. She writes:
"I started
teaching full time in 2002, right out of college. A small charter school
happened to be down the street and I landed a job there, ignorant of charter
schools but very much open to new ideas in education. I have been working
in the charter system ever since, mainly at Magnolia
Science Academy
which is a STEM-focused middle school in San
Diego "
Click on EVANS Digital
In Evan's master's program digital
portfolio, on March 16, 2010, four years before she quits teaching, she writes
about her educational experience:
"Now, I am teaching
in an essentially traditional charter school. I am doing all the things I never
wanted to do as a teacher; all the things that my high school teachers did that
made me want to become an educator so I could NOT do those things. I just did a
two day training on the 7th grade state writing test and how to drill our kids
to perform better on artificial test questions."
click on Evans 3/16/10
In her 2nd year digital portfolio, Evan's writes about attending an "experimental" under graduate college. In a first year post,
she had mentioned that the college, Prescott
College , had no
grades. In an April 30, 2011 post she further writes this about her "experimental" education:
"I transfered [sic]
schools four times and ultimately
graduated from Prescott
College : 500
students engaged in experiential education. One thing I have found,
coming from a self-directed pbl college, is that my ability and confidence to
learn and problem solve is often much advanced over those who were drilled in
traditional lecture-style classrooms. I take pride in this.
However, I have also found that I am sometimes left standing outside of
some "Scholarly" traditions and rituals: as an English major,
I've not read most "classic" British or American literature; I don't
know Whitman or Frost or Dickinson; I've never written an extensive research
paper or crafted a detailed bibliography; I've not joined an honor society or
attended a lecture hall. Do these things matter? Should they
matter? I have to keep questioning what schools are trying to prepare
students for: reality? ideals? innovations? traditions? certainties? "
click on Evans 4/30/11
Voyager Board member student assessment
taken to task in 2006 state hearing
Also on the Voyager Charter Board
is Newport Beach
psychologist Dr. Perry Passaro. Dr.
Passaro is no stranger to Orange Unified. In 2006, a written assessment of an
OUSD student from Dr. Passaro's (he did not testify) was part of an California State
Administrative Hearing that OUSD prevailed in- allowing the district to conduct
another assessment of the student.
The hearing documents report:
"The District witnesses disagreed with Student’s mother about the
sufficiency of Dr. Passaro’s assessment. Dr. William Gee, who has worked in the
past as a school psychologist and special education teacher, pointed out that
Dr. Passaro did not base his conclusions on any classroom observations of
In Dr. Gee’s opinion, it would be difficult to make a finding of an
attention disorder without comparing a child’s conduct in the classroom with
the child’s conduct in other settings. Bolton
explained that Passaro either did not administer the full Kaufman test and
subtests to Student or failed to report the scores of the full tests. In particular,
Passaro omitted any results for the portion of that test involving reading. In Bolton ’s opinion that was a significant omission in light
of Passaro’s 5 conclusion that Student had a specific learning disability in
the area of reading. Dr. Gee explained that because of the discrepancy between
Dr. Passaro’s assessment and the two prior assessments done by the District,
Dr. Passaro’s assessment alone would not be sufficient to allow the IEP team to
determine Student’s eligibility. Instead, a new assessment by the District was
18.The evidence supports a finding that the District’s request for a new
assessment was reasonable in light of the information the District possessed in
August 2006. In July 2006, the District received, for the first time, an
assessment which concluded that Student might be eligible for special
education. The assessment was contrary to two prior assessments conducted by
the District more than a year before.
The District personnel had concerns about the independent assessor’s
failure to observe Student in the classroom and had questions about the
presentation of some of the results of his testing. Under those circumstances,
a new assessment by the District was warranted to help the IEP team determine
Student’s educational or related services needs."
click on Administrative Hearing documents
Voyager post-truth biography on another Board member "teacher"
Another Voyager Charter Board of
Director member is Erin Keller.
From the Voyager Charter website, Keller's biography
explains Keller's vast experience as a teacher as promotes the post-truth impression
that Keller is still teaching. She is
According to Keller's LinkedIn
page, Keller has been an executive assistant for the Orange County Office of
Chapter 13 (bankruptcy court) since 2014. Before that she was an Executive
Legal Assistant for Lewis Law Group in Santa
Ana from 2013-2014. and held another legal assistant
job for Sherman Oaks' Simon and Renick from 2009-2013. According to her
LinkedIn page, she taught for only five
years 13 years ago.
click on Keller LinkedIn
According to the California
Commission on Teaching Credentialing, the only Erin Keller with a social studies teaching
credential is Erin Shea Keller. The teaching credential for Erin Shea Keller expired in July 2016.
Like Karen Evans, Keller is also
from La Mesa , California .
Voyager President and GenNext: Russia , Islam
and StudentsFirst Michelle Rhee
President of Voyager Charter Board
of Directors is Chris Winn. The
biography on the Voyager website about Winn lists him as "President of Sales and Service Inc. a Villa
Park, California firm specializing in
technical marketing, product development with market implementation and
consulting to the top semiconductor manufacturers in the United States
and abroad". According to the Sales
and Service website, the firm is headquartered on La Palma Ave in Anaheim .
The Voyager Charter website also lists Winn as a founder of
GenNext . It describes GenNext as "Newport
Beach based organization with roles in Philanthropy, a
Federal PAC, with an investment platform (Foundation) for matters important to
our country’s continued success, national security and education".
The GenNext website describes it as "Gen Next is an invitation-only organization
of successful individuals dedicated to learning about and becoming engaged with
the most pressing challenges facing future generations."
The GenNext Twitter
feed is full of both charter school tweets and tweets on fighting the Islamic
State (ISIS).
click on OC Register
click on OC Register
It's last tweet as of 11/15/16 was an October retweet on a
Russian warlords and Ukraine :
At least seven pro-Russian warlords have been assassinated in Eastern Ukraine
On the GenNext
not very active Facebook page, the second posting is from January 2014. That post is about a
GenNext program featuring national charter school guru Michelle Rhee-founder
and CEO of the anti-teacher union political lobbying group: StudentsFirst.
Gen Next added
90 new photos from January 28, 2014 to the album: 1.28.14 —
with Autumn Strier and 10 others at Fig and Olive.
Incredible Gen Next program
in Orange County on Tuesday with Michelle Rhee, Founder &
CEO of StudentsFirst.
On the Voyager Charter
School website, Winn's
biography includes the fact that GenNext
has a federal Political Action Committee. The GenNext Equity PAC has both a Costa Mesa and a Newport
Beach address. Click on GenNext PAC
Of the nine Congressional races
the GenNext PAC supported in 2016, two were incumbents from California : Ed Royce, 40th Congressional
District; and David Valadao, 21st, Congressional District. Both
favor School Voucher Programs, click on:
Also click on
The OUSD Board is scheduled to make a decision on granting a
charter at their December 8, 2016 Board Meeting.
OUSD Board moves toward implementation
after voters overwhelmingly support Measure S
After winning over 60% of the
vote this month for the OUSD Measure S Facilities Bond, two Agenda items will
move forward on the Thursday November 16th OUSD to start implementing the facilities
improvements at OUSD's four high schools.
Action Item 12 A ( Agenda page 3)
will authorize contracts with four architectural firms, one for each high
school, to proceed planning for Phase 1 work under Measure S.
Action Item 12 B (Agenda page 4)
will authorize a contract with Cumming Corporation to be the Measure S Program
Manager to coordinate and implement planning aspects for the facilities
upgrades under Measure S.
Next OUSD Board Meeting -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD
Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at
ARCHIVAL Information and direct news can be found
the Greater Orange News Service
Unified Schools INSIDE
and the
Greater Orange News Service
are independent news services of /O/N/N/
Net News
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Greater Orange approves
Measure S School Bond
Measure S School Bond
four previous attempts to have voters approve a bond measure, the voters of
Greater Orange approved Measure S. The $288 million bond measure will be evenly
split between Orange Unified's four comprehensive high schools.
win for Measure S was another loss in a string of losses for former Villa Park
Councilwomen Deborah Pauly. The Orange
County Republican Party also opposed Measure S.
more organized and well financed, Measure S supporters were also helped by the unusual
colliding over writing the opposition ballot language for Measure S by two fringe anti-Measure S politicians- Pauly and former OUSD
Trustee Steve Rocco. Ultimately the courts ruled against
Following that court victory, Rocco's ballot rebuttal to the Measure S ballot statement was not accepted by the Orange County Registrar of Voters.
Following that court victory, Rocco's ballot rebuttal to the Measure S ballot statement was not accepted by the Orange County Registrar of Voters.
underfinanced and outnumbered anti-Measure A side took to unusual tactics
including spray painting Yes on Measure A signs to turn them into No
signs. In a last ditch effort over the
weekend, an anti-Measure A mass mailing to a few zip codes in Orange clearly
violated state election laws that require
financial committee names and FPPC numbers on political mailers.
the OUSD Trustee races for two seats, Trustee Area 2 incumbent John Ortega
easily won re-election over Orange Planning Commissioner Daniel Correa in his
first contested race since being elected in the 2001 Orange Recall.
OUSD Trustee Area 6, Pastor Brenda Lebsack ran as a slate with Ortega. Lebsack
defeated her two opponents Nicole Baitix-Kennedy and current Trustee Mark
Wayland's son Jeremy Wayland.
the City of Villa Park , the two council seats were won by Vince Rossini and Robert Pitts in a come-from-behind victory over Howard Kirschner.