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Friday, November 25, 2016
Holiday time!
Greater Orange holiday celebrations:
Plaza Tree lighting, Santa Tour,
Villa Park Dry Land Boat Parade and OPA party
The Christmas holiday season’s official Greater Orange kickoff celebrates 22 years of tree lighting ceremonies in the Historic Old Towne Orange Plaza on Sunday December 4, 2016.
The whole family is invited to this free event to enjoy good cheer, photo opportunities with Santa, and family fun activities.
As always, refreshments will be sold by local non-profit groups for a nominal fee, which goes to support their works in the community.
The traditional local kick-off to the holiday season starts at 3:30 p.m., as Santa Claus comes to the Old Towne Plaza for kids of all ages.
The center piece of the event-the official tree lighting-will take place at 5:15 p.m. with the traditional candle light choir procession.
In case of rain please call the official Orange Special Events Hotline for details: 714-744-7278.
Santa to Tour Villa Park December 10th before heading back to the North Pole
Few people outside Villa Park may know that Santa and Mrs. Claus keep their Southern California vacation residence right here in Greater Orange at the Claus Villa in Villa Park.
Each year before making the final push towards getting ready for that Christmas Eve world tour, the Claus family spends a weekend at their Villa Park get-a-way. Traditionally, Santa has thanked his home-away-from home neighbors with the Annual Villa Park Santa Tour winding his way through Greater Orange's “Hidden Jewel” in a bright red fire truck.
This year’s Santa's annual tour (with some locally famous very large elves) is Saturday December 10, 2016 from 8:00 am- 3:30 pm.
Along with the 28 scheduled stops, Santa has been known to drop by or stop along the route where ever there is a gathering of believers.
For more information contact theVilla Park City Hall at 714-998-1500.
For more information contact the
The Annual Santa Tour is sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation.
For more information CLICK ON: Santa Tour
Being land-locked never bothered many in Greater Orange, especially in Villa Park where the Annual Great Villa Park Inland Boat Parade takes place on Sunday December 11th, 2016.
This year's 19th Annual theme is "Twinkling Twilight".
This year's 19th Annual theme is "Twinkling Twilight".
The flotilla sails through the backwaters of Villa Park, starting at 5:00 pm from Villa Park High School on Sunday December 11th. The mighty Villa Park Fleet will sail to the Villa Park Towne and Community Centre arriving around 6:00 pm. for more hometown festivities including a tree lighting ceremony and entertainment.
The Great Villa Park Inland Boat Parade is sponsored by the Villa Park Foundation.
Orange Park Acres Holiday Party December 11th
On the same night that Villa Park figuratively sets sail, Orange Park Acres will figuratively heading south of the border for its holiday bash- an all-you-can-eat Mexican Buffet.
The tickets ($35 for adults and $20 for kids 12 and under) must be purchased before the event and are online until December 7th. For more information and to purchase tickets click on: OPA CHRISTMAS