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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Bilodeau vs. Chapman and Chapman vs Davert

Waterworld show down:
Bilodeau vs Chapman and
Chapman vs Davert
Orange Councilman Denis Bilodeau also serves as a director for the Orange County Water District, Division 2. While Bilodeau’s council term expires in 2014, he will be running for re-election for his position on the board of the Orange County Water District in the November election and facing an opponent. That opponent is 71 year old Tustin resident and East Orange Water District Director Douglas M Chapman. This election contest would not seem out of the ordinary except for the fact that Chapman’s term as director for the East Orange Water District is also up for election and Chapman is also running for re-election for that seat, which he has held for 29 years. A spokesperson for the Orange County Registrar of Voters told Orange Net News that the procedure for running for two seats in different water districts requires the candidate to obtain a written statement from each of the water districts declaring that holding both seats would not create a conflict of interest and file them with the Registrar’s office. Then, the Registrar’s legal team would review the letters and confirm that the positions would not create a conflict of interests.
Chapman however, does have another hurdle to over come. He is being challenged for his East Orange Water District seat by former Tustin councilman Doug Davert. While on the council, Davert also served as the City of Tustin representative and Chairman of the Orange County Sanitation District Board of Directors (Bilodeau is the City of Orange’s alternate to that board).
While Orange Net News found this story on our own, a Google search on Douglas Chapman did reveal that the OC Political blog (not to be confused with OC Politics blog) did break the story first on July 23rd. The OC Political Blog is written by none other than former failed Orange Unified trustee candidates Chris Nguyen and Chris Emami. Emami ran the successful campaigns of Dr. Alexia Deligianni’s and Tim Surridge to be elected to the OUSD Board. Also listed among the numerous bloggers on the Nguyen/Emami site are Surridge, Orange Councilman and mayoral candidate Jon Dumitru and Mark Bucher the former attorney for the recalled Marty Jacobson Reactionary OUSD Board of Trustees. While Dumitru has posted a few items related to his run for mayor, neither Surridge nor Bucher have any posts on the site.
OC Register brings up Mike Alvarez’s citation from last campaign
Today the Orange County Register posted an article about Orange City Council candidate Mike Alvarez’s being cited for a property having college students as illegal occupancy during his 2006 mayoral campaign. Alvarez was cleared of the charge which he called “politically motavated". CLICK ON:
OCR on Alvarez
Orange Mayor
John Dumitru- pulled papers
Teresa Smith- pulled papers
Orange City Council ( 2 full terms open)
Mike Alvarez -pulled papers
Brian Del Vecchio-pulled papers
Robert Douglas-pulled papers
Ray Grangoff-pulled papers
Larry Labrado Sr. -pulled papers
Mark Murphy-pulled papers
Joshua Nothom-pulled papers
Orange City Clerk
Mary Murphy-pulled papers
Orange City Treasurer
Helen Walker-pulled papers and filed
Villa Park City Council (1 full term and 1 part term)
Rick Barnett -pulled papers
Jim Brown-pulled papers-decided not to run at this time
Diana Fascenelli -pulled papers
Greg Mills-pulled papers
Donna Porter-pulled papers-decided not to run at this time
Orange Unified Trustees
Trustee Area 2
John Ortega-pulled papers
Trustee Area 3
Alexia Deligianni-pulled papers
Robert Ausmus-pulled papers and filed
Trustee Area 6
Mark Wayland--pulled papers
Rancho Santiago Community College District
Trustee Area 7
Arianna Barrios-pulled papers
Greta Rice--pulled papers
Friday, July 27, 2012
4 in Villa Park race, and Rocco runs again!
eLECTION Watch 2012
Four Villa Park candidates vie for three seats and…
Steve Rocco runs again!
Four candidates have pulled papers for three seats in the Villa Park City Council Race. Two of the seats are for four year terms, while one is to finish two years of the term of the late Councilman Robert Fauteux.
Councilman Rick Barnett, who was appointed by the Villa Park City Council to the Fauteux seat until the November election, has pulled papers. Also pulling papers for a council seat is pet store owner Diana Fascenelli, beer and ale wholesaler Donna Porter and former Villa Park Rotary President Greg Mills.
When the candidates file their nomination papers, they will be required to select running for the two open 4 year term seats, or for the remaining two years on the late Councilman Fauteux’s term. The top two vote getters running for the four year seats will win, while the top vote getter for the two year seat will win.
Orange candidate list grows
In the Orange City Council races for two seats, the total is now up to seven people with Joshua Nothom the latest to pull papers. Nopom joins: Mike Alvarez; Brian Del Vecchio; Robert Douglas;Ray Grangoff;Larry Labrado Sr.; and Mark Murphy.
Steve Rocco makes another run for Public Office
Even as the sex scandal story on Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante took another twist today with the announcement of the resignation of Orange County CEO Tom Mauk, the story could get even wilder with eccentric former OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco pulling papers to run for Bustamante’s Third Ward Santa Ana seat.
Rocco joins Charles Hart, a Contract Manager for the Orange County Health Care Agency, and Santa Ana Human Relations Commissioner Shane Barrows. All three have pulled and filed all the needed paper work and more potential candidates have stated they too will be jumping into the race. The last office Rocco ran for was Orange County Pubic Administrator. In that 2010 race, Rocco received 39,381 votes or 11.3% of the total.
Four Villa Park candidates vie for three seats and…
Steve Rocco runs again!
Four candidates have pulled papers for three seats in the Villa Park City Council Race. Two of the seats are for four year terms, while one is to finish two years of the term of the late Councilman Robert Fauteux.
Councilman Rick Barnett, who was appointed by the Villa Park City Council to the Fauteux seat until the November election, has pulled papers. Also pulling papers for a council seat is pet store owner Diana Fascenelli, beer and ale wholesaler Donna Porter and former Villa Park Rotary President Greg Mills.
When the candidates file their nomination papers, they will be required to select running for the two open 4 year term seats, or for the remaining two years on the late Councilman Fauteux’s term. The top two vote getters running for the four year seats will win, while the top vote getter for the two year seat will win.
Orange candidate list grows
In the Orange City Council races for two seats, the total is now up to seven people with Joshua Nothom the latest to pull papers. Nopom joins: Mike Alvarez; Brian Del Vecchio; Robert Douglas;Ray Grangoff;Larry Labrado Sr.; and Mark Murphy.
Steve Rocco makes another run for Public Office

Even as the sex scandal story on Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante took another twist today with the announcement of the resignation of Orange County CEO Tom Mauk, the story could get even wilder with eccentric former OUSD Trustee Steve Rocco pulling papers to run for Bustamante’s Third Ward Santa Ana seat.
Rocco joins Charles Hart, a Contract Manager for the Orange County Health Care Agency, and Santa Ana Human Relations Commissioner Shane Barrows. All three have pulled and filed all the needed paper work and more potential candidates have stated they too will be jumping into the race. The last office Rocco ran for was Orange County Pubic Administrator. In that 2010 race, Rocco received 39,381 votes or 11.3% of the total.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
New El Mo H.S. principal to be named
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
New El Mo H.S. principal to be named
The Thursday July 26, 2012 Orange Unified School Board meeting has a full agenda (165 pages) of items to address. In the Closed Session (starting at 5:30), the OUSD Trustees will hire new staff including three principals. Former El Modena Principal John Briquelet left OUSD for Loara High School in the Anaheim Union High School District. Criticized as a micromanager by some, Briquelet had instituted several new policies at El Modena. Implementing some of those policies caused divisiveness among the school staff. One of those policies was using the California Standards test as a way for students to boost grades. While the California Department of Education has tried to stay out of the controversy that has surrounded the practice in a small number of schools that have tried to implement it, the practice has problems associated with it (CLICK ON: GRADES Pt 1 and GRADES Pt 2). As part of the July 26 agenda, the OUSD Board will be revamping Board Policy 5121 (see below) which addresses a uniform grading police for OUSD that could be in conflict with any single school creating its own grading standards.
Another controversial principal that has left the district is Michelle Moore of Panorama Elementary School. Moore was called to task by the Greater Orange Communities Organization every time she publicly attributed her small homogeneous school’s success to OUSD’s expensive and failed consultant program Focus on Results. Criticized for attributing the small private school-like outstanding state testing scores on that program, her school was called “a fairy-tale” school and Moore was dubbed the Queen of Rigor. Moore’s husband, Dr, Rock Moore was also criticized for using the OUSD District School News to write a glowing educational tribute to his wife in the section of the paper that was to be used for good school news. Moore will be jumping from the fry-pan to the fire when she takes the helm of a similar high achieving “fairy-tale” school, Laguna Niguel Elementary School at the epicenter of the politically explosive Capistrano Unified School District.
For "Moore" information CLICK ON:
MOORE Consultants
MOORE Fairytale
More on Mr. MOORE
OUSD to wade through several Broad Policy changes
The July OUSD Board Agenda also has First Readings of proposed revisions to Board Policies. The eighty pages of Board Policy changes (Agenda pages 6-86) are mostly to correct language and comply with changes in federal and state laws
Board Policy 0410 (a) Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities ( Agenda pg 7-8) adds the phrase “or any basis contained in the prohibition of unlawful employment practices as set forth in subdivision (a) of section 12940 of the Government Code.” The list included in that section is not spelled out in the Board Policy. However, the list does appear as new language in OUSD BP 1312.3 (a), Community Relations, Uniform Complaint Procedures (Agenda page 15). That list from the Government Code is as follows:
California Government Code Section 1294012940.
12940. It is an unlawful employment practice, unless based upon a
bona fide occupational qualification, or, except where based upon
applicable security regulations established by the United States or
the State of California:
(a) For an employer, because of the race, religious creed, color,
national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability,
medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender,
gender identity, gender expression, age, or sexual orientation of any
person, to refuse to hire or employ the person or to refuse to
select the person for a training program leading to employment, or to
bar or to discharge the person from employment or from a training
program leading to employment, or to discriminate against the person
in compensation or in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment.
Student grades are addressed in Board Policy 5121 (a) Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement (Agenda page 27-29). The new language is as follows:
“The Superintendent or designee shall establish uniform grading system based on standards that apply to all students in that course and grade level. Principals and teachers shall insure that student grades conform to this system”
The new language establishing a “uniform grading system” applying to “all students in that course and grade level” apparently district-wide appears to undo the El Modena High School lone practice of changing grades based on a student’s standardized test scores.
Other changes include the entire Bylaws of the Board section on Conflict of Interest BB9270 (a). It is being completely re-written (page 79-86).
In addition, six entirely new sections are being added to the Board Policies:
• Temporary/ Substitute Personnel BP 4121(a) (Agenda pgs 11-12)
• Open Enrollment Act Transfers BP 5181 (a) (Agenda pgs 24-26)
• Bullying BP 5132.2 (a) (Agenda pgs 40-42)
• School Heath Service BP 5141.6 (a) (Agenda page 43-45)
• Standardized Testing and Reporting BP 6162.51 (pg 69)
• Animals at School BP 6163.2 (pg 70)
Board to Approve developer for Peralta Site
In Action Item 13 E (Agenda pg.87) the OUSD Trustees will select a developer for the Peralta Site and start the procedure for leasing the land. The three developers in the running are(CLICK ON each for more information): City Ventures ; Fairfield Residential: and Peralta Apartment Partners . City Ventures offers green building technologies. Fairfield is a nation-wide firm, but it has had BANKRUPTCY problems. Peralta Apartment Partners is a local partnership group with various local projects attributed to the partnership members.
OUSD Trustees to receive update on OPED Bond investment
In 2008, just before the financial market meltdown and the beginning of what is now called the Great Recession, the OUSD Board voted to approve a little used financial bond practice called Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB). The basic idea was to sell bonds to cover the liability of OUSD’s retirement costs. While the financial markets have taken a beating, the yearly updates on OUSD OPEB bonds have not always been positive. The key phrase in the synopsis of the July OPEB Bond Agenda Item 14 A (Agenda page 88) is:
“The value of the portfolio continues to move in step with the recovery and overall stock market”
On April 18, 2008, the Dow Jones index closed at 12,620. . On Monday July 23, 2012, BloombergBuisnessweek published its article “Global economy in worst shape since 2009” that was picked up by AP News and published around the world. (CLICK ON:BLOOMBURG)
The next day (yesterday Tuesday July 25, 2012) the Dow Jones dropped 200 points with continued bad news about the European debt crisis to close at 12,615. None of which could be seen in the optimistic days in the Spring of 2008 (see stock market report from Thursday April 17, 2008 below click on ARROW below).
INSIDE Former Superintendent Godley’s Retirement Bonus
Running total (beginning 8/2008)
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula calculated here at $1210 a month since 8/08. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Closed Session: 5:30 pm
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
Independent insight into OUSD
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
a news service of Orange Net News /O/N/N/
Independent insight into OUSD
New El Mo H.S. principal to be named
The Thursday July 26, 2012 Orange Unified School Board meeting has a full agenda (165 pages) of items to address. In the Closed Session (starting at 5:30), the OUSD Trustees will hire new staff including three principals. Former El Modena Principal John Briquelet left OUSD for Loara High School in the Anaheim Union High School District. Criticized as a micromanager by some, Briquelet had instituted several new policies at El Modena. Implementing some of those policies caused divisiveness among the school staff. One of those policies was using the California Standards test as a way for students to boost grades. While the California Department of Education has tried to stay out of the controversy that has surrounded the practice in a small number of schools that have tried to implement it, the practice has problems associated with it (CLICK ON: GRADES Pt 1 and GRADES Pt 2). As part of the July 26 agenda, the OUSD Board will be revamping Board Policy 5121 (see below) which addresses a uniform grading police for OUSD that could be in conflict with any single school creating its own grading standards.
Another controversial principal that has left the district is Michelle Moore of Panorama Elementary School. Moore was called to task by the Greater Orange Communities Organization every time she publicly attributed her small homogeneous school’s success to OUSD’s expensive and failed consultant program Focus on Results. Criticized for attributing the small private school-like outstanding state testing scores on that program, her school was called “a fairy-tale” school and Moore was dubbed the Queen of Rigor. Moore’s husband, Dr, Rock Moore was also criticized for using the OUSD District School News to write a glowing educational tribute to his wife in the section of the paper that was to be used for good school news. Moore will be jumping from the fry-pan to the fire when she takes the helm of a similar high achieving “fairy-tale” school, Laguna Niguel Elementary School at the epicenter of the politically explosive Capistrano Unified School District.
For "Moore" information CLICK ON:
MOORE Consultants
MOORE Fairytale
More on Mr. MOORE
OUSD to wade through several Broad Policy changes
The July OUSD Board Agenda also has First Readings of proposed revisions to Board Policies. The eighty pages of Board Policy changes (Agenda pages 6-86) are mostly to correct language and comply with changes in federal and state laws
Board Policy 0410 (a) Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities ( Agenda pg 7-8) adds the phrase “or any basis contained in the prohibition of unlawful employment practices as set forth in subdivision (a) of section 12940 of the Government Code.” The list included in that section is not spelled out in the Board Policy. However, the list does appear as new language in OUSD BP 1312.3 (a), Community Relations, Uniform Complaint Procedures (Agenda page 15). That list from the Government Code is as follows:
California Government Code Section 1294012940.
12940. It is an unlawful employment practice, unless based upon a
bona fide occupational qualification, or, except where based upon
applicable security regulations established by the United States or
the State of California:
(a) For an employer, because of the race, religious creed, color,
national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability,
medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender,
gender identity, gender expression, age, or sexual orientation of any
person, to refuse to hire or employ the person or to refuse to
select the person for a training program leading to employment, or to
bar or to discharge the person from employment or from a training
program leading to employment, or to discriminate against the person
in compensation or in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment.
Student grades are addressed in Board Policy 5121 (a) Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement (Agenda page 27-29). The new language is as follows:
“The Superintendent or designee shall establish uniform grading system based on standards that apply to all students in that course and grade level. Principals and teachers shall insure that student grades conform to this system”
The new language establishing a “uniform grading system” applying to “all students in that course and grade level” apparently district-wide appears to undo the El Modena High School lone practice of changing grades based on a student’s standardized test scores.
Other changes include the entire Bylaws of the Board section on Conflict of Interest BB9270 (a). It is being completely re-written (page 79-86).
In addition, six entirely new sections are being added to the Board Policies:
• Temporary/ Substitute Personnel BP 4121(a) (Agenda pgs 11-12)
• Open Enrollment Act Transfers BP 5181 (a) (Agenda pgs 24-26)
• Bullying BP 5132.2 (a) (Agenda pgs 40-42)
• School Heath Service BP 5141.6 (a) (Agenda page 43-45)
• Standardized Testing and Reporting BP 6162.51 (pg 69)
• Animals at School BP 6163.2 (pg 70)
Board to Approve developer for Peralta Site
In Action Item 13 E (Agenda pg.87) the OUSD Trustees will select a developer for the Peralta Site and start the procedure for leasing the land. The three developers in the running are(CLICK ON each for more information): City Ventures ; Fairfield Residential: and Peralta Apartment Partners . City Ventures offers green building technologies. Fairfield is a nation-wide firm, but it has had BANKRUPTCY problems. Peralta Apartment Partners is a local partnership group with various local projects attributed to the partnership members.
OUSD Trustees to receive update on OPED Bond investment
In 2008, just before the financial market meltdown and the beginning of what is now called the Great Recession, the OUSD Board voted to approve a little used financial bond practice called Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB). The basic idea was to sell bonds to cover the liability of OUSD’s retirement costs. While the financial markets have taken a beating, the yearly updates on OUSD OPEB bonds have not always been positive. The key phrase in the synopsis of the July OPEB Bond Agenda Item 14 A (Agenda page 88) is:
“The value of the portfolio continues to move in step with the recovery and overall stock market”
On April 18, 2008, the Dow Jones index closed at 12,620. . On Monday July 23, 2012, BloombergBuisnessweek published its article “Global economy in worst shape since 2009” that was picked up by AP News and published around the world. (CLICK ON:BLOOMBURG)
The next day (yesterday Tuesday July 25, 2012) the Dow Jones dropped 200 points with continued bad news about the European debt crisis to close at 12,615. None of which could be seen in the optimistic days in the Spring of 2008 (see stock market report from Thursday April 17, 2008 below click on ARROW below).
INSIDE Former Superintendent Godley’s Retirement Bonus
Running total (beginning 8/2008)
* The Godley Retirement Bonus presented here is an estimate of the amount in “bonus retirement” accrued since the Superintendent’s retirement on 6/30/08 using a 6% lifetime formula calculated here at $1210 a month since 8/08. The actual retirement plan the former OUSD Superintendent opted to take is not public information and the figures presented are only as an estimate of the taxpayer costs after the OUSD trustees voted against an amendment to exclude Godley from the retirement program. The on-going estimated figure is presented as a reminder to the community of the high cost in educational tax dollars the OUSD Board vote to allow the former Superintendent to participate in the 6% retirement incentive cost the OUSD education community in tax dollars. Godley retired from OUSD on June 30, 2008 after he worked for the school district for a little over five years.
Next OUSD Board Meeting Thursday -OUSD BOARD ROOM
OUSD Closed Session: 5:30 pm
OUSD Regular Session: 7:00 pm
For more information call the OUSD Superintendent’s office at 714-628-4040
For budgeting questions call Business Services at 714-628-4015
ORANGE Unified Schools INSIDE
Independent insight into OUSD
is an independent news service of /O/N/N/
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Orange's politically connected make new bids for office
eLECTION Watch 2012
Orange city government up for grabs as politically connected pull papers
While no one has filed their paper work yet, current council people, former council people and the politically connected have so far pulled papers for the 2012 Orange City election races. Regardless of the outcome, political careers will be made and ended with the 2012 election.
The Mayor’s race: a vision of two cities-
Open Space vs. Development
So far, two termed out Orange City council people, Councilman Jon Dumitru and Mayor Pro Tem/Councilwomen Teresa “Tia” Smith
are the only ones as of today to have pulled papers for the Mayor’s race. This is Dumitru’s second run at the Mayor’s office after trying to unseat Mayor Carolyn Cavecche two years ago in a bruising election. CLICK ON:DUMITRU 2012 and SMITH 2012 . Cavecche is termed out this election and has decided not to run for one of the open council seats.
Political watchers see Dumitru as the insider candidate and Smith with the more populist support. That was evident in the recent Orange City Council vote over the 53 acre Ridgeline development that has plans for 39 homes on the open space which may be the biggest issue in the November campaign. While a 4-1 majority of the Orange City Council (including Councilman Dumitru)
voted June 14th to approve the plan (Smith was the lone vote against the development) Orange Park Association President Tom Davidson vowed to fight the vote with a referendum, similar to the Sully Miller development fight over the planned development over gravel pit area adjacent to the Ridgeline area. Ridgeline opponents wanted the developer to keep the once recreational center for the community as open space, or at the very least they wanted the developer to deed the city 7.6 acres of land, without restrictions, that includes the long time community horse arena.
Having lost at the city planning commission, then at a May city council meeting, and then final vote at the June 14th city council meeting (which included a controversial “revision” clause that would allow the arena land to revert back to the developer), a group called Orange Citizens for Parks and Recreation began collecting signatures in what almost amounted to an all out collection war as paid “signature deniers”
and controversial signs sprang up all over Orange.

In the end however, on Tuesday July 12, opponents brought Matilda (the Orange Park Acres community mascot donkey) and dozens of boxes to the Orange City Clerk's office carrying over 12,000 petition signatures (well above the 7,100 needed). After the signature verification, the Orange City Council will have to rescind its approval, or schedule a referendum election, either as special election which would cost thousands of dollars to the cash strapped city budget, or part of the November election, thus creating a whole new dynamic for the race to control Orange City Hall. Either way, the June 14th City Council votes of Smith and Dumitru are bound to play a role in the November election. CLICK ON: OCPR
Six candidates have pulled papers for the two open city council seats
Six candidates, three of them well-connected, have pulled papers, but not yet filed for the two open seats being vacated by Dumitru and Smith. Former Mayor a former City Councilman (elected and appointed) and one time Planning Commissioner Mark Murphy and former city councilman Mike Alvarez
have both pulled papers for another race to return to the Orange City Council. Both men are well-known and have served in numerous community capacities. Alvarez last ran against Cavecche in 2006 for mayor and lost 33.2% to 55.7%. CLICK ON: MURPHY 1998 or ALVAREZ 2006
Also pulling papers is Orange Planning Commissioner Ray Grangoff.
Politically well connected, his campaign website already lists enormous endorsements from Orange County’s political elite. Grangoff serves as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Orange County Supervisor Patricia Bates. CLICK ON: GRANGOFF 2012
Larry Labrado Sr. has also pulled papers for another run for council. Labrado last ran in 2000. CLICK ON LABRADO 2000). Also pulling papers is political newcomer Brian Del Vecchio (Click on:Del Vecchio LINKED In) and perennial Orange council candidate Robert Douglas. CLICK ON DOUGLAS 2012
Incumbent City Clerk and City Treasurer pull papers for re-election
Orange City Clerk Mary Murphy and City Treasurer Helen Walker have both pulled papers for re-election. As of today, no one has pulled papers to challenge them.
Deadline for filing for all offices is August 10, 2012.
Orange city government up for grabs as politically connected pull papers
While no one has filed their paper work yet, current council people, former council people and the politically connected have so far pulled papers for the 2012 Orange City election races. Regardless of the outcome, political careers will be made and ended with the 2012 election.
The Mayor’s race: a vision of two cities-
Open Space vs. Development
So far, two termed out Orange City council people, Councilman Jon Dumitru and Mayor Pro Tem/Councilwomen Teresa “Tia” Smith

Political watchers see Dumitru as the insider candidate and Smith with the more populist support. That was evident in the recent Orange City Council vote over the 53 acre Ridgeline development that has plans for 39 homes on the open space which may be the biggest issue in the November campaign. While a 4-1 majority of the Orange City Council (including Councilman Dumitru)

voted June 14th to approve the plan (Smith was the lone vote against the development) Orange Park Association President Tom Davidson vowed to fight the vote with a referendum, similar to the Sully Miller development fight over the planned development over gravel pit area adjacent to the Ridgeline area. Ridgeline opponents wanted the developer to keep the once recreational center for the community as open space, or at the very least they wanted the developer to deed the city 7.6 acres of land, without restrictions, that includes the long time community horse arena.
Having lost at the city planning commission, then at a May city council meeting, and then final vote at the June 14th city council meeting (which included a controversial “revision” clause that would allow the arena land to revert back to the developer), a group called Orange Citizens for Parks and Recreation began collecting signatures in what almost amounted to an all out collection war as paid “signature deniers”

and controversial signs sprang up all over Orange.

In the end however, on Tuesday July 12, opponents brought Matilda (the Orange Park Acres community mascot donkey) and dozens of boxes to the Orange City Clerk's office carrying over 12,000 petition signatures (well above the 7,100 needed). After the signature verification, the Orange City Council will have to rescind its approval, or schedule a referendum election, either as special election which would cost thousands of dollars to the cash strapped city budget, or part of the November election, thus creating a whole new dynamic for the race to control Orange City Hall. Either way, the June 14th City Council votes of Smith and Dumitru are bound to play a role in the November election. CLICK ON: OCPR
Six candidates have pulled papers for the two open city council seats
Six candidates, three of them well-connected, have pulled papers, but not yet filed for the two open seats being vacated by Dumitru and Smith. Former Mayor a former City Councilman (elected and appointed) and one time Planning Commissioner Mark Murphy and former city councilman Mike Alvarez

Also pulling papers is Orange Planning Commissioner Ray Grangoff.

Larry Labrado Sr. has also pulled papers for another run for council. Labrado last ran in 2000. CLICK ON LABRADO 2000). Also pulling papers is political newcomer Brian Del Vecchio (Click on:Del Vecchio LINKED In) and perennial Orange council candidate Robert Douglas. CLICK ON DOUGLAS 2012
Incumbent City Clerk and City Treasurer pull papers for re-election
Orange City Clerk Mary Murphy and City Treasurer Helen Walker have both pulled papers for re-election. As of today, no one has pulled papers to challenge them.
Deadline for filing for all offices is August 10, 2012.
Monday, July 23, 2012
OUSD's John Ortega pulls papers for re-election

OUSD's John Ortega pulls papers for Re-election
Orange Unified Trustee John Ortega pulled papers Monday July 23rd to run for re-election to his OUSD Trustee Area 2 seat.
First elected in 2001 as part of the Citizen’s Board that defeated the Marty Jacobson Reactionary School Board in the Orange Recall, Ortega was elected to the seat when then Maureen Aschoff was recalled (Yes 50.9% to No 48.5%) and Ortega was elected over John Campbell with 67.6% of the vote. He has never faced an opponent since being elected, therefore he has never had to run for re-election since first being elected in 2001.
Since his election in 2001, Ortega has gone through a metamorphosis in his years on the Board. When first elected, Ortega was an Orange County Sheriff. His job requirements often interfered with his Board duties. Ortega’s missed meetings caused tension on the Board as some fellow Trustees opposed his being granted pay for those missed meetings. Ortega also had some now famous run-ins with the eccentric Steve Rocco. In one he hovered over Rocco in a Board meeting after Rocco brought up the death of Ortega’s brother who was an OUSD employee. Currently, Ortega is now allied with the more conservative majority on the OUSD Board.
Last year, Ortega was rumored to be on a short list of possible GOP candidates to take on Congresswomen Loretta Sanchez. That bid never materialized as personal problems related to his employment became public. In March of 2011, Ortega became Mt. San Jacinto College's new police chief. By December of 2011 the press was reporting that Ortega was on paid administrative leave. The college trustees then did not renew Ortega’s contract amid unconfirmed speculation of an alleged sex scandal involving Ortega.
Murrieta Patch story 1/6/12 ORTEGA put on Leave
Liberal OC story 2/3/12 Ortega Sex Scandal
Orange Net News story 2/4/12 Ortega stories break
OC Register story 2/22/12 Ortega contract not renewed
Orange Net News 2/23/12 OUSD's John Ortega's contract not review
Saturday, July 21, 2012
OUSD’s Deligianni to face challenger
eLECTION Watch 2012
OUSD’s Deligianni to face challenger
Orange Unified School District Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni will face a challenger in her bid for re-election to the OUSD Trustee Area 3 seat.
On Friday July 20, 2012 former Orange Unified Child, Welfare and Attendance (CWA) Coordinator Bob Ausmus pulled papers to challenge Deligianni. Ausmus was a retired police officer before joining OUSD. He worked for OUSD for approximately 10 years, but has chosen to have “Retired Police Officer” as his ballot designation.
In 2001, Ausmus co-authored with then OUSD Director of CWA Frank Boehler an article called “The Definites of Student Search and Seizure” that appeared that year in a resource guide by the California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance.
OUSD’s Deligianni to face challenger
Orange Unified School District Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni will face a challenger in her bid for re-election to the OUSD Trustee Area 3 seat.
On Friday July 20, 2012 former Orange Unified Child, Welfare and Attendance (CWA) Coordinator Bob Ausmus pulled papers to challenge Deligianni. Ausmus was a retired police officer before joining OUSD. He worked for OUSD for approximately 10 years, but has chosen to have “Retired Police Officer” as his ballot designation.
In 2001, Ausmus co-authored with then OUSD Director of CWA Frank Boehler an article called “The Definites of Student Search and Seizure” that appeared that year in a resource guide by the California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Cavecche is out- Wayland is in
eLECTION Watch 2012
Termed out Cavecche statement- no to city council run;
OUSD’s Trustee Mark Wayland pulls re-election papers
After six years (three terms) as Orange Mayor and five-and-a-half years as an Orange Councilwomen, one of Orange's most popular mayors, Mayor Carolyn Cavecche, reminds Orange she is not running in November. In an email, the Mayor wrote:
“I will be terming out as Mayor after serving 3 terms (6 years total as Mayor and before that 5 1/2 years as a council member) and have decided not to run for a last term as a city council member. Actually, I will be the first Mayor to leave at the end of their mayoral term in 18 years I believe. Both the Mayors before me ran for council after their term as Mayor ended.”

Two years ago Cavecche easily won re-election after a bruising campaign. In that campaign, one of the nastiest in Orange history, her opponent Councilman Jon Dumitru’s
campaign accused Cavecche of being a “Pension Abuser” and plastered black and day-glow yellow signs all over town “NO CAVECCHE PENSION ABUSER”. Dumitru is again running for Orange Mayor this year.
OUSD’s Trustee Mark Wayland pulls re-election papers
Elected in 2008 to Orange Unified Trustee Area 6, Mark Wayland pulled papers to run for re-election. Often a moderating voice on the OUSD Board, Wayland often times votes with the Ledesma Majority. In 2008, Wayland ran as part of a slate with OUSD Trustee Alexia Deligianni. In 2008 he promised the following:
“Every board member must be an advocate for the students. With any spending measure the first question must be answered, how will this benefit our students?
Orange Unified must expand the Regional Occupation Program and create more Career Technical Education pathways for students. Students must be ready for the real world.
OUSD must learn to live within its means and stop looking to burden the taxpayer.
Complete accountability with taxpayers dollars is a necessity to restoring trust in the community,
More money must be put into the classroom as opposed to wasteful bureaucracy.
I will put an end to the rubber stamping of spending bills. I will ask the tough questions in regards to the necessity of questionable spending.”
The watchdog group, Greater Orange Communities Organization (GOCO) in a community email listed Wayland as “an outstanding patriot and an enthusiastic and acceptable trustee, but one who has lost sight of his early promises to ask tough questions”.
GOCO also noted Wayland’s commitment to the arts, especially music.
Termed out Cavecche statement- no to city council run;
OUSD’s Trustee Mark Wayland pulls re-election papers

After six years (three terms) as Orange Mayor and five-and-a-half years as an Orange Councilwomen, one of Orange's most popular mayors, Mayor Carolyn Cavecche, reminds Orange she is not running in November. In an email, the Mayor wrote:
“I will be terming out as Mayor after serving 3 terms (6 years total as Mayor and before that 5 1/2 years as a council member) and have decided not to run for a last term as a city council member. Actually, I will be the first Mayor to leave at the end of their mayoral term in 18 years I believe. Both the Mayors before me ran for council after their term as Mayor ended.”

Two years ago Cavecche easily won re-election after a bruising campaign. In that campaign, one of the nastiest in Orange history, her opponent Councilman Jon Dumitru’s

OUSD’s Trustee Mark Wayland pulls re-election papers

Elected in 2008 to Orange Unified Trustee Area 6, Mark Wayland pulled papers to run for re-election. Often a moderating voice on the OUSD Board, Wayland often times votes with the Ledesma Majority. In 2008, Wayland ran as part of a slate with OUSD Trustee Alexia Deligianni. In 2008 he promised the following:
“Every board member must be an advocate for the students. With any spending measure the first question must be answered, how will this benefit our students?
Orange Unified must expand the Regional Occupation Program and create more Career Technical Education pathways for students. Students must be ready for the real world.
OUSD must learn to live within its means and stop looking to burden the taxpayer.
Complete accountability with taxpayers dollars is a necessity to restoring trust in the community,
More money must be put into the classroom as opposed to wasteful bureaucracy.
I will put an end to the rubber stamping of spending bills. I will ask the tough questions in regards to the necessity of questionable spending.”
The watchdog group, Greater Orange Communities Organization (GOCO) in a community email listed Wayland as “an outstanding patriot and an enthusiastic and acceptable trustee, but one who has lost sight of his early promises to ask tough questions”.
GOCO also noted Wayland’s commitment to the arts, especially music.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Deligianni pulls papers for OUSD re-election

eLECTION Watch 2012
OUSD Board Member Dr. Alexia Deligianni pulls papers for re-election
On the first day to file for three seats up for election in November on the Orange Unified School Board, incumbent Dr. Alexia Deligianni pulled papers for re-election to Orange Unified Trustee Area 3. First elected in 2008, Deligianni less than half way through her term ran for the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Office. The “quite one” as she has become known, has said little and done less in her term as an OUSD Trustee. Deligianni rarely speaks at all during entire Board Meetings.
During her term as OUSD Trustee Deligianni she has introduced only one item- a reconsideration to cut OUSD Trustee stipends after it was initially defeated. The only other issue Deligianni has taken a public stand on (aside from voting) was in support of the Silverado parents who tried to keep their small school of less than 75 students open in the wake of massive state budget cut backs. In her campaign for the OUSD Board she had promised to work for term limits for Trustees. In her campaign for election in 2008, Deligianni’s website, titled “Save OUSD” promised:
As your next school board member, I will:
• Make sure money goes directly into our classrooms
• Stand up to the educational bureaucrats
• Make sure the students come first in all of our district's decisions
• Implement a back to basics education
• Create term limits for OUSD Board Members.
Longtime OUSD Board watchers contend that Deligianni has done nothing to “Create term limits for OUSD Board Members”, “Stand up to educational bureaucrats”, “Implemented a back to basics education”, “Make sure money goes directly into our classrooms” nor, “Makes sure the students come first in all of our district’s decisions”. In short, she has failed to “Save OUSD”. Even more incredulous, the website listed on the papers she pulled today, ( lists the same exact information from 2008. To see Deligianni’s 2008 website CLICK ON: (this website is still functioning as of our first posting on July 16, 2012).
The Greater Orange Communities Organization in a June email looking for candidates for the OUSD election described Deligianni as “Someone who has just earned her stipend by basically smiling, nodding and staring into space while running for another office with a larger taxpayer supplied paycheck.”
The two other Trustee Area’s that are also up for election are Trustee Areas 2, represented by Trustee John Ortega and 6, represented by Mark Wayland. Trustee John Ortega, who was first elected in the Orange Recall of 2001, has never faced re-election. Ortega was rumored as a possible congressional candidate until a sex scandal surfaced concerning his employment with Mt San Jacinto College Police Department.
(For more information CLICK ON:SEX SCANDAL).
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Greater Orange 4th of July starts July 3rd

Orange kicks off the 4th with annual 3rd of July celebration
Greater Orange kicks off Independence Day early with the City of Orange’s 17th Annual "3rd of July" Celebration. Begun in 1996, the 3rd of July festival has grown into one of Orange County’s biggest Independence Day centered events that includes- live music, inflatable activities and that famous Orange hometown festival atmosphere all leading up to the grand finale in Fred Kelly Stadium featuring the Orange Community Master Chorale followed by Greater Orange’s most spectacular fireworks choreographed to music.
The 17th Annual 3rd of July Celebration will take place Monday, July 3, 2012 at 4 p.m. at Orange Unified’s Fred Kelly Stadium at 3920 East Spring Street, Orange, CA 92869.
Fred Kelly Stadium’s artificial turf requires special rules for everyone to enjoy. The following rules when attending the July 3rd activities apply:
• Only blanket seating is allowed on the field.
• Strollers, wheelchairs, wagons, or other wheeled items are only permitted in designated areas.
• Lawn Chairs, food, drinks, seeds, gum, popcorn, hard-soled or high-heeled shoes are prohibited on the field.
On-site staff may deem items not currently on this list as harmful to the field. If so informed, please help us by not bringing those items onto the field.
Tickets for the 17th Annual "3rd of July" Celebration are $7 for adults and children over two years old. Tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
For more information please call the City of Orange Special Events Hotline at (714) 744 -7278.
ANAHEIM HILLS says “Thanks to our Troops” this 4th of July
“Thanks To Our Troops” is the theme for this year’s Fourth of July celebration and begins at 5:30 a.m. with a 5/10K run – 2K walk at Canyon High School.
The parade begins at 3:00 p.m. starting at Canyon High School, down Santa Ana Canyon Road and will end at N. Pinney. At Peralta Canyon Park expect fun for the entire family with food and game booths from 12:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m., and entertainment from 3:00 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.
A fireworks display will start at 9:00 p.m. For additional information, go to Canyon Hills Community Council website at
Anaheim Hills to Host City of Anaheim’s Official 4th of July celebration
Anaheim Hills, a Greater Orange community, will play host for its city’s official 4th of July Celebration with a full day of activities including a return of the 4th of July Parade. The day starts at Orange Unified’s Canyon Hills High School with the returning Firecracker 5/10K run 2K Walk beginning at 5:30 am.
Beginning at 8 am until 10:30 am in the Canyon Hills H.S. cafeteria will be the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club’s famous Pancake Breakfast that includes hotcakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee and a whole lot of visiting with neighbors and friends all for only $4.00 for adults and teens and $3.00 for kids under 12 years old, with the proceeds going toward the annual fireworks show.
This year the Yankee Doodle Dog Show also returns at 10 a.m. to Canyon High School. There are six fabulous dog-gone-good categories: Best Dressed Dog, Cutest Dog (35 lb. and under), Best Trick, Owner/Doggie Look-a-like, Bigger Cutest Dog (36 lb. and over) and Yankee Doodle Dog. There is a $7.00 entry fee per dog for the first category entered and $5.00 for each additional category. Prizes and awards given and the winners get to ride in the Firecracker July 4th Parade.
At 3:00 pm the 4th of July Parade starting at Canyon High School and making is way to Peralta Park at 115 N Pinney Dr., Anaheim Hills. The parade starts at Canyon High and proceeds west on Santa Ana Canyon Rd ending at Pinney Drive.
Shuttle busses are planned to run from 5:00 pm until 10:30 pm every 15 minutes from the Anaheim Hills Crossroads Shopping Center to Peralta Park and from the park back to shopping center.
“Firecracker” 5 /10K Run – 2K Walk and Product/Health Fair – 5:30 – 10:00am
At Canyon High School – 220 S Imperial Highway Anaheim Hills. Registration and information is available online Registration and packet pickup June 29th 3pm to 7pm and June 30th , 9am to 7pm at the East Anaheim Community Center, 8201 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd., Anaheim (Cross streets Santa Ana Canyon and Roosevelt). 5K & 10K race starts promptly at 7:00am (Register from 5:30am to 6:30am – warm ups at 6:30am). 5K/2K Walk starts at 7:30am (Register from
6:30am to 7:00am – warm ups at 7:00am). Discount Pancake Breakfast for Run/Walkers only. The run is followed by a healthy lifestyle product and health fair 6:30 – 10:00am.
Pancake Breakfast – 8:00 – 10:30am at the Canyon High School Cafeteria
Bring the family and friends to enjoy pancakes, sausage, orange juice and fresh coffee all cooked up by our Anaheim Hills Rotary Club. Cost is $4.00 for adults and $3.00 for kids under 12. Proceeds benefit our spectacular fireworks display at Peralta Park. Chair Tony Siragusa 714-281-8930.
Yankee Doodle Dog Show – 10:00am at Canyon High School
Six fabulous categories - Best Dressed Dog, Cutest Dog (35lb. & under), Best Trick, Owner Doggie Look-a-like, Bigger Cutest Dog (36lb. & over) and Yankee Doodle Dog. $7.00 entry fee per dog for the first category entered and $5.00 for each additional category.
Prizes and awards given and the winners get to ride in our July 4th Parade. Register onsite the day of the event. Chair Marc Schissler 714-609-4550.
Food Booths – 12:30 – 8:45pm at Peralta Park
Forget the backyard BBQ! Bring your family, friends and neighbors to enjoy all the fabulous food. Chair Bernadette Clay 714-921- 0446.
Fourth of July Parade – Don’t Miss This!!! 3:00pm start at Canyon High.
This parade will remind you of yesteryear! You will thrill as you hear bands, see your neighbors and stand with pride as Old Glory passes by. Tell your friends and neighbors and join the fun. Make sure to mark your spot along the route early! The parade starts at Canyon High and proceeds west on Santa Ana Canyon Rd ending at Pinney. Chair Lucille Kring 714-636-4424 or
Entertainment – 3:00 – 8:50pm at Peralta Park
We will feature fabulous entertainment at the Peralta Park. Come relax and enjoy the holiday. Chair Paul Beckman 714-926-0512.
Fireworks Show – 9:00pm at Peralta Park
Pyro-Spectacular will present a spectacular fireworks display for your enjoyment. Chair Paul Beckman 714-926-0512. Shuttle busses will run from 5:00pm until 10:30pm. Busses will operate every 15 minutes from the Anaheim Hills Crossroads Shopping