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  • Saturday, August 13, 2016


    Mark Bucher of Edcational Alliance is CEO of Califorina Policy Center

    eLECTION Watch 2016
      a community service of Orange Communication System /OCS/
    Founder of  the Education Alliance that controlled Recalled OUSD Board 
    Mark Bucher is CEO  of California Policy Center 

    Attorney Mark Bucher has had a long career in Orange County political circles.  Arguably, his greatest political success came when the now defunct Educational Alliance took over the Orange Unified School Board in the late 1990's and hired him to fight legal battles.

    That radical OUSD Board headed by Marty Jacobson used numerous political tactics to wage a radical religious and political war using educational tax dollars making Greater Orange at that time a national joke.

    Fast forward to 2010-nine years after both the 2001 Recall and then the November 2001 election (when the recalled Trustees tried to win there seats back). A new organization called the California Policy Center is formed with familiar Bucher themes: anti-public education and anti-union.

    Not surprisingly, Mark W. Bucher is listed as the Chief Executive Officer of  the Tustin California Policy Center

    Unlike the openly political Educational Alliance that sought political offices for their supporters, the California Policy Center is a "501c3 non-profit charity". That means that they may not be involved in politics. Doing so and they would lose their non-profit status.  

    On August 12th in the Orange County Register Op-Ed pages, Mississippi State college senior Ethan Musser described as a "Journalism Fellow at the California Policy Center"  took on a two very political issues: the 2016 OUSD Bond and the 2001 Orange Recall. 

    While Musser tried to spin the methodically legal OUSD Administration procedures leading up to the unanimous vote of  Trustees for the Bond as leally challenged by surprisingly quoting of all people former Villa Park Councilwomen Deborah Pauly- even more surprising was Musser's trying to redefine the 2001 Orange Recall as  benevolent Trustees under Marty Jacobson trying to save "cash for new buildings and maintence of old buildings" .

    That revisionist history was immediately challenged the same day the Op-Ed appeared (click on MUSSER). Local social media emails included poking fun at the Musser Op-Ed comparing the revisionist history to Trump's "I was being sarcastic" quotes. 

    The website of the California Policy Center describes what contributions to the organization provide:
    Your generous donation to the California Policy Center goes directly towards securing a more prosperous future for all Californians. It's because of our supporters that we are able to conduct research studies and investigative reports, wage aggressive media campaigns, and educate policymakers and voters alike.  We are the only institute in California exclusively focused on showing how government unions are destroying our public schools and bankrupting our cities.

    An example of  those "aggressive media campaigns" they wage can be found on the website. Take for example the recent City of Stanton local tax series. Here is the opening for an article about Stanton by Will Swaim:

    Stanton Officials launch propaganda war on tax-repeal
    April 21, 2016/by Will Swaim
    STANTON, Calif. – It was a Wednesday afternoon in early March, a more innocent time in Stanton, California. Gathered in the community center of the Plaza Pine Estates, we were like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before they ate the apple that gave them a second-grader’s sense of good and evil.

    For more information on the early years of Mark Bucher via the LA Times  click on:

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